The essentials of a buckaroo

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all right so some people wanted to know that the gear you need to to be a buckaroo so I thought I'd just start out with you know what the first thing you're gonna need obviously slick fork saddle now this is a Wade tree but you can also get you you know other Wade tree exam or other slick Forks excuse me slick fork saddles would be like a 3b you get you may be into that a slick they look pretty nice and I slick fork I mean we ain't got no big ol bear trap out here no it's slick and I got bucket rolls on here now some hands they don't write a buck and rolls but that's fine sometimes I get on some pretty brontë horses I like to have been bucking rolls on there and they look good too that's important everything you got to have a really high cantle on your saddle now I don't care you could have a shine roll sticking out here that's fine this one doesn't have it I kind of like them but another important thing is a lot of dish in your seat by that I mean it's a real deep seat because when you roped on to the 1200 pound cow you're gonna really want to be down in there it's important another thing about these saddles it's your stirrups now you ride with Bell stirrups these are three or four inches something like that and if you really want to get into it then you're going to put a set of taps on there or tap add arrows if you don't know what tap add arrows are start over on your cowboy education because I don't have time to explain it and then also it you got to have you got to have heel blocks yeah see that piece of lawn mower belt there that's a heel block you're gonna really like that when you start you and your horse starts crow hopping in the morning cold back sword jawed son of a gun and they start hopping around you're gonna really appreciate not losing a stir other things really important we will get back to kind of the tree here I forgot is the horn you gotta have a big horn like this if not bigger you know the cap on that thing is probably four or four and a half inches the post is maybe three three and a half I don't know I don't have to take measures but you got to have a horn like this and we don't put rubber on it either we burn tracks I wonder if I can maybe see there you burn the tracks in to your horn onto them that's mule hide that's so you can slide rope he's on a ranch we're not going for who can rope the calf in the fastest time we're going for who can rope the biggest cow and get it done with least amount of stress for a horse and cow we don't care about the cowboy that stress on him that nobody cares about that but now to do that you're gonna have to be pack in a 60-foot rope now this one this is just this is nylon I like nylon some guys like paulie's and if you're down like in like the desert and Nevada and stuff like that well then you can run then you can use the Reata and once again if you don't know what Reata is start over on your cowboy education but this is a 60-foot mile on I like a metal hon do we can get into ropes later other things you need on your saddle a back cinch pretty important now the horses we ride nowadays are not the a delusions and stuff that they rode in you know 1830s California well yeah there's a delusions around and if you got one that's great but quarter horses don't have much for withers so that's why I've arrived with 7/8 position on the front cinch with a back cinch if you're doing a lot of rope um that's important another thing you're gonna need some kind of rest collar of some kind ofa's will stay there you got to have a breast collar or some kind it works real good if you hang it up I like to hang it there on the floor and I'm not using it by the way another thing you gotta have you gotta have a nice solid saddle stand in the entryway of your house because if you're doing a lot of serious buckle ruin and you did a ride for other people you're gonna have your saddle all the time you might as well and you don't want to leave it on the back of your pickup so you bring it in the house put it in your entryway something else that you really should have on your saddle is this this is called a night latch all that is is a dog collar yeah I picked it up running over five bucks maybe and just stuck it through the gullet around the front of the with this there and what that's for if you're on a real Brockie horse it's it's it's like a handle you could hold on to that and everything everything that helps from here on real rocky horse this is called Oregon crossover rope strap if you're gonna be buckaroo and you got to have one of these you don't have we don't have that little thing and we don't use we don't use rubber inner tubes and that junk no we use a nice leather strap like this now you can see it's screwed on to the fork of the saddle right here you go around your rope much times go around horn back to your buckle there now in that case you've got a pretty secure handle there and if you got a night last if you're riding something that's kind of rocky you're in you're in good shape now you wonder why I got all this stuff to hold on well because most ranch horses are kind of rocky that's just the way it is well and if you're going to be buck arun that's that's the kind of saddle you're gonna need something basically like that doesn't have to look exactly like it but that's what you need be sure to hit that like button below thank you
Channel: Peter Refshaw
Views: 21,683
Rating: 4.6885643 out of 5
Id: 97vFDVGawu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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