EARL'S DAY OFF - Bass Fishing N64-Inspired Horror Game From the Creator of FAITH

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hey everyone this is manly badass you and welcome to Carl's day off a retro-style fishing horror game this is part of a fishing game jam and this is from the creator of fave and they never create elaborate new name Topol duke and this is also a demo so this is going to eventually be a full project I barely remember last night but I guess I lost my wedding ring in the lake why says don't come back until you find it probably in some fishes gut by now well at least I got an excuse to do some fishing elbow way to spend my day off c est controls Mouse in cast charge cast cast lure was just testicle quick know it's kind like a golfing game oh man I see some good bass right there hold up I'm gonna catch a spaz over here I'm not sure how the detection ranges on this but come get her bass come get it do this nice lure I take it out to directly 11 huh nothing let's get a little closer catch his pass up here right there you go we got ya I'm dragging it in and I'm holding I'm holding the right mouse button that's a good fish car right there mmm awesome good old fishing good old mouse click in there don't think this is uh close enough to detection range is pretty close [Applause] let me back around up right there go for bass you want it you want you want that law take the bite take the bike come on there we go we got it just a well okay see something over here I think we can't catch these fish needs a decoration fish so let's make that distinction decoration fish can't catch him let's see we hope this is going close enough I'm fishing like an amateur up in here mm-hmm better than fishing you know you want to bite it go for it not a bad catch I wrap this up before it gets too dark I'll be glad without have fishing having them being home and watching anime I'm playing without pokemon cards this is much more efficient use of our time I don't see much for aspect by the way you know it's kind of relaxing I'm having simple peace fully modeled fish not the biggest fish I ain't complaining it was a big one over there perhaps the real horror of this game is the realization one with fishing and we've wasted our life and we haven't really acknowledged that have done anything unique that we just see here fishing and watch an anime mainly the anime part maybe the [ __ ] is the time we sit up till now realizing that we only got one shot at making leaving a mark in this world and not wasting it boys there's just bass fishing and watching anime I don't like to think about them Fink's the poor thing is I cut myself a nice damn bass valve is some good eating I eat bigmouth bass but a splash nearby you like something heavy just fill into the lake I mean you can't eat him but heavily more of a sport oh my god we're gonna catch ourselves a key fish a keyhole fish here that's right take the bike key like this Lord [Applause] gotta like hang a little bit better drive out here Suzanne damn IKEA ain't taking the bait chilly use live bait flour on the subject to anime and fishing say whenever an anime about mermaids I think was on the early 2000s that's a man involved fishing kind of I think the one mermaid like pink hair and everyone was like blonde it was like a father-in-law that had like there's like a tough knocks of looking dude [Music] [Music] that's about Houdini I won't pee anyway what's wrong with this fish maybe it's sick I'll write bass get my boat damn bye but it come on you don't want to buy it let this tasty bait it's a perfectly fine troll that's right a troll and lure oh yeah that's right that's what I'm bass tell you what [Applause] was that like a rock there's some NSYNC I see healthy now you go and buy that lower Bay it's violet come on boat we're gonna talk about some anime I'm a very lonely person nope no ringing ABBA [Applause] so mr. bass what do you think about anti called monotone okay it's fairly good horror one it too had a fish so that fish like did really weird things to stuff dang this bastards Triana ignore me [Applause] this is not just like a random rock this is an actual object a large wait what things pretty heavy don't let night Luis sink even deeper I think now I can get the key cuz it will just always just float over the thing like you couldn't get it yeah okay that's much easier you caught a key a giant chemical key now how to key the gate you must belt this along with the ring goes when I left that gate open excuse me bast you have my ring yeah you want to buy that right you want to buy it and come talk and they're with me good anime up here some Mononoke maybe some Shiki good [ __ ] enemy just bite of it come discuss it another lonely sea no.1 [ __ ] a male listen don't don't pull it away no pull well you are one stubborn bass despite already there you go still no a ring I must have gone further in the lake well there's a there's a key over there then we just were just dropping keys everywhere aren't we today oh wow we just we just graze the key it's an exact hitbox what does meat help us with listen meat help our lure seems better anyways yeah what's the drop this one too navigate that always here gotta be good fishing up in here called Lake is huge ring brother sancto diva spots there's a lot of good bass out here there's the ring way off and aiming right here I think we're still off but then again the Lord does not take a little off center when it casts we're kind of like over the key right now I think yeah if we could could get it just needs to sink properly and that's too deep even for this lure have any more meat let's get some bass lot of bass bought it but it so I can get some more meat to touch my lord it's not make it heavier lump of flesh as it sits the fish cow was away from me it seen something in the lake would you BES come on fight you're tempted to buy that I know there you go this fish it's crying what kind of fish off ease you catch this one does that one too deep crying bass and relations plays singing bass come on come on come on but it [Music] well you were warned to terminate the fight bass there goes my mouth pass them off is too large I feel like I'm being watched don't see anything just keep on best fishing that's all that matters right we're good see no nothing to see in thanks that's right we're just seeing things we can talk about an anime GG's a very good vampire [ __ ] animate you should watch it has a very Croesus soundtrack why don't you come on this boat those hands are still there bash just bite the damn lure bite the temple already bass this one didn't eat the ring a long time I don't see the hands anymore we're fine [Applause] you catch this bass over here it got lined up just right there we go I'll see no monster we just saw things this place is making a sound like it's purring or growling [Music] something's message is really stomach you just don't want to bite God bit me let's just has a mouthful of teeth right splash no violence and they have you just fill in the water yeah we have to keep fishing till we spotted something there's more meat there's something weird over here right there is it seem to give an idea what my aiming is going it's a little more to the right [Applause] still may be off but it might sink to where needs to go and still grab it so let's see we're gonna get yeah we got she caught a large lump of flesh he's pretty heavy so I might Laura sink even deeper where are we putting the flesh that's what that's what doesn't make sense to me see what you sent to we're way off I don't see it [Applause] this might kind of deadshot it right here I gotta go a little further it almost got it almost [Applause] aim a little longer it kind of sink into it all right now that key okay we got you caught a key he lost laughs gave a lake why would I have gone back there you should I set up gates in this lake didn't we now here we go nowhere left to go but down I think I see something our talk is just so deep there's a hand here just barely off Wow [Applause] the full-length straighter back well when you reel it in and kind of mad like that see we got it so these come in handy it's just my wife saying I need to get back to the house now you know I just realized as a very cinematic shot and I kind of worries me oh that fingers under my boat so that was interesting I'm curious how you expand that to a full-length game that's her plan apparently but it was it was interesting it was a little awkward but it was interesting and I for a game jam game it I well it's got it's from the Korea faith and I think I'm not sure whose friend is because I I look toward the muffin ad I make any of her games but they do have a kind of knowledge of make things a little eerie but also slightly comical a little bit and as I could see it on this so fooling fishing horror game would be interesting to see done I look forward to it aside from that yeah I think you all for watching you play Earl stay off I'll see you guys later and take it easy
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 407,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Earl's Day Off, Faith, Airdorf, Retro, Earl's Day Off Let's Play, Earl's Day Off Gameplay, Gameplay, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Full Playthrough, Demo, Bass Fishing, Fishing, Horror Game, Video Game, n64
Id: VcgrZA4XOIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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