Ear Protection 101

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hey guys welcome to TGS today we're gonna be talking about ear protection and we've got some varieties in front of us although we're not going to cover every single bass we're gonna make some nice general sweeping statements as we love to do first we talk about the positive and negatives of over EA maps I got two times in front of me here I've got standard passives and electronic so the positives of earmuffs well the posters iam us is that they are so easy to fit it really takes nothing and any idiot can pop them on their head seal them down and get adequate fit that's really good they were so great in the cold however also worth mentioning either in the coat if you wear them over clothings if you're wearing these over hat or over a jacket that can reduce their sound protection immensely immensely so actually it's a recommend you wear under clothing and then wear clothing over the top they're also a one size fits all so you don't have to worry too much you're gonna pick up pretty much any pair of ear muffs pokémon and they're gonna fit you pretty well very much guaranteed there was no much more hygienic than plugs although it is recommended that only one person use these without clean them between goes something that not many people do although we do they are available for all ear defenders easy replacing the hygiene kit we're missing the foam and replacing the ear because they can get dirty over time and always take a pack of wipes because after doing some research this video these things can harbor some pretty nasty stuff you take them off for someone else so that's just to give a quick wipe off with an antibacterial wipe the negatives of these but they're really bad in heat if you're going to shoot at a hot bay or using them on a hot day you do overheat really easily they also offer less protection these because you get no inner ear canal blockage again worth mentioning that the real answer is to have a pair of these and a paries a buck if you really want to be maximum protection although that's kind of thick belt and braces the headband does expand and you're like that tension will decrease and as such that protection will decrease also as also mentioned these hygiene kits will collapse the actual ear muff foam will collapse and provide less protection in the as well so they do require some maintenance although that could also be said for plugs the real downside with these it comes that actually if you're wearing them with glasses you can get I think up to four despots sound annoyed reproduction if you're wearing them with a hat or clothing underneath as I said you can really want completely obliterate them almost making pointless importance but really reduce the efficacy that these can have so you need to be wearing them right and if you're gonna wear glasses you don't want anything with two bigger rim that's going to intrude or block or allow more noise yeah the difference between passives and electronics is is fairly vast in terms of actual protection the passive will provide you the better option anyone which ones you go for there'll be all sorts of different sizes and shapes and the bigger though don't either back to the protection you will get however the ability to hear what's going on around and I think with these they have Bluetooth compatibility so if it's to sit in a hide and listen to music or to answer your phone talk to someone on your phone whilst wearing them he's quite handy in the modern day and age and we can all agree personally however I would not invest in cheap electronic hear phones because it sounds a little bit like white noise and can really detract and distract from your shooting and you might as well just be wearing a pair of these lifts the year to talk to someone whilst no shooting is going on obviously realistically you're gonna be in that sort of seventy pound mark to get electronic ones that are worth owning and above a hundred for electronic ones that are truly good whereas you can pick a pair of these up for like $7.99 I think slightly nicer constructed ones with slight nice components a $17.99 so for 20 quid you can go out and buy one of these they reckon around forever although buying a hiding kit would be recommended there you go the other downside to these is that if you mount your gun slightly funny all have a different shape thanks to some mounting a gun can be a little bit notchy although it shouldn't intrude on your shooting search you stars are certain bodies they shaped ear shapes ear Heights jaw sizes they will intrude upon gun and actually that can be equally as annoying if there's just a small margin there and you do over mount and knock it drop a pair it's a pair drop don't know you I lose enough pairs as it is without losing anymore hence my personal preference for a long time although I'll use electronic over earmuffs for a long time now is to go for plugs they're smaller and more compact and that suits me a little bit better chuckling the pocket they're less intrusive although I always have two pairs of these in the car at all times because you never know who's with you be when they can come in handy and see when they might be in the wrong pair of trousers overall shooting jacket but yeah that's just me moving on to plugs let's have a look at the positives and negatives so the positives of ear plugs be that custom made or foam switchable or the little banded ones that you just push in isn't the offer better protection it's because they actually go into the ear and then they'll for a better fit and more consistent fit if you fit them right they are smaller more compact easier to carry around you can carry a whole box of a hundred of these in your car door pocket and they will not impede you however and there's a real downside here actually before one last positive is they're better with hats and glasses you can get we were putting these on putting anything on your head for cold or warm or sun shades or in the light and it will not impede that Bible to protection all the comfort of wearing either glasses all the defenders and that counts for a huge amount however there is a downside not so much with these but with these the budget plugs which most people use and that is this but when they did a study of people who just got these and put them in there a so it provided absolutely zero protection and they found over sixty percent of people actually were wearing these wrong because you need to squeeze them squidge them squish them and actually insert them down into the ear canal and then you actually get the protector so here is the downside of these is that you need to wear them correctly and if you do look wavin quickly you will not get the protection there's also a downside in hygiene obviously these little foam ones are single you so don't plenty of people will use in multiple times or at least over the course of day if not the course of multiple days or anything like me because I don't just seems wasteful to use these little plastic things and throw them away until someone can create one out a vegetable starch in which case I'll be all over it like a rash and even then something more permanent is better you need to get these down into the ear canal and I cannot repeat that enough or you are not giving yourself any protection whatsoever it is just superficial so if you using the foam ones squeegee if you use the other ones make sure they get in your ears they need cleaning if you don't clean your hands before you put them in the stuff you're putting your ears is bad so wash your hands then insert them into your ears and then if you have if they are covered in wax or dirt grime don't put menu is because infections are no fun as we all know so increasing your chance of that we will agree that this is just a little bit reckless silly looking on your apart from these and then you get sort of the middle grade ones the flange to silicon type I can recommend extremely highly these these are custom fit guards although other brands are available I really rate these so negatives and positives of custom-made ear protection the first negative is they fill your ear it's also a positive they fill your here perfectly which is probably one of the strangest feelings you ever have built like going ten meters underwater because it feels like you've got air pressure another thing not only with these custom figures but with the others is it's not easy to put them on and off having these lying around it is going alright I'm about to go shoot a stand you're ready to go actually significantly easier then getting that correct fit moving your door about just getting them to sit right a little bit and actually you don't have to deal with these once they're bedded in or whether your ear bits into them how quite decided yet but you do need to get them in right because if they're not in right it's exactly the same as these phone plugs that they're providing less protection these phone ones and the norm phone ones and the Civic ones to suffer with age these even do suffer with age in which case see it compressions slot the aging and the valve system and regards what you've gotten them will degrade slightly none of these things last forever I suppose thing not without any maintenance at least I break these I you to me I wouldn't actually want a pet I suppose there's a thing to actually want to pay because I was so happy we're just using these little disposable things however using them now having the valve having that custom fit it does provide better protection when you're going out and putting a large amount of ammunition through your gun or even there's other people around you put in large amounts family through gun tinnitus is no fun believe me me and a lot of friends shop now at defenders for years like reckless retails and before before thirty were all paying the price which is no fun at all the downside to these custom-made ear plugs is the cost these a couple of pence each each 20 quid these hundred and fifty quid these starter that sent to pal mark isn't bad by the time you buy a nice valve set with some Gucci stuff you're a hundred twenty quid which isn't a huge amount of money until you lose them however buy them in an obnoxious color but no one else would want and then I wanted must take them up Paxton you'll be able to find these very easily and I've almost lost them a couple of times but have redeemed myself which is always good and the beauty of someone like CFG is they keep your ear impressions for something like five ten years so you know just phone mum says I need a left ear and they'll get it to you which is really good and that is ear protection 101 guys thank you much for watching take care if you've got any questions Chuck on below it's been brilliant as always check out zfg's website try and avoid these because it's just a huge amount of plastic waste although I must have tested them being really convenient if you've got these look after them clean them and make sure you're not wearing them over clothing and again if you're using earplugs when show that you in your goddamn is take care goodbye look after your ears see you next time
Channel: TGS Outdoors
Views: 25,421
Rating: 4.8810067 out of 5
Keywords: the gun shop, gun, guns, shotgun, shotguns, rifle, rifles, shooting, shoot, botley, botley gun shop, ammo, ammunition, tgs
Id: oMiXCkmxRqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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