5 Biggest Myths Of Knife Sharpening

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hey the guys welcome back Ricky here so I want to take a few minutes and talk about the 5 because myths I have come by on my channel myth number one you have to use fancy equipment to sharpen a knife properly oh this is this drives me crazy look I have fancy you come in here because I've invested a lot in my channel and a lot in my just my equipment that I use if you guys watch many of my videos you'll see I use a brick quite often to actually elevate my Whetstone's and that's really all you need and to catch water you don't really need a whole lot you can buy a food tray like a plastic food tray for three to four dollars I use a silicon mat because the silicon mat is really nice and portable and then all you need is some sort of rubber lining or a towel between your brick and your whetstone that is it that is all you need in terms of a sharpening base and certainly look there's nothing wrong with going out and buying a $25 bin plus $100 bridge or a you know a $200 sharpening pond from shopton plus another $20 rubber base there's absolutely nothing wrong with that if you have the finances to go and do that please do so there's it's all good so the myth of fancy equipment no busted you don't need fancy equipment to sharpen your knives with myth number two is a funny one because I've gotten a comment recently that says pros sharpen on wet stones and non pros sharpen on electric sharpener it's almost like saying unless you are a chef you shouldn't cook and if you're not a chef you should have TV dinners or frozen dinners I mean it just doesn't make any sense to me there are many comments on my channel saying that knife sharpening is 90% technique and 10% you know accessories or goods I want to take that even a little bit deeper and say that knife sharpening it's all about willingness to try right if you are willing to try and to experiment you will be able to sharpen your knife so I'm not downplaying technique at all please understand that but what I am saying that in my personal opinion what's even more important and what's even deeper than technique is your willingness I will leave that there you can extrapolate whatever you want from that little comment but I will leave it there myth number three is you have to thin a knife at every sharpening oh this drives me crazy oh the whole topic of thinning a knife I think it's one of the most over debated argument from knife enthusiasts and there are circumstances that you need to thin your knife but for ninety nine percent of the people who are sharpening knives who are watching my videos who are cooks in the kitchen knife thinning is not something you have to worry about for a very very long time if you guys have seen my channel in the last you know six months or so you have seen me restore a number of knives and two of the occasions I've restored tutions they actually had about three to three-and-a-half millimeter gouges on them and so even you know me shaving down three millimeters of edge I still didn't feel like those edges need to be thinned so think about this for a second how many years do you think it would take for an average knife user to actually grind down three to four millimeters of their knife's edge I mean that takes like a decade if not longer I have spoken to many chefs who have been using the same gustave for 20-plus years and they've never thin their knives as a matter of fact they've never sharpen their knives listen to the chef who actually makes a living using knives you don't need to thin your knife out it adds a whole layer of complication a number of these chefs tell me that all they do is hone their knives every three to four meals and that's all they do and they've been doing it for decades when I asked him how do they thin their knives they look at me and just laugh or they kind of just look at me in myth number four this one also drives me crazy is that you have to flatten your stones before or after every sharpening if I get a nickel well maybe not a nickel I want to make it very clear I'm not trying to say that this is not important if you are a sushi chef and you are sharpening your Naga bars for a living to make a living from it this doesn't apply to you you don't need to flatten your stone every single time now look there are certain cases that you need to do that such as sharpening at your nagoba or des Beaux or single bevel life where that is kind of important but for those of us we just sharpening knives in the kitchen chef's knives Western chefs knives or even Japanese chefs knives you don't have to worry about flattening your stone and just last week I sharpen a masa moto K yes that was been dull on the brick on the trasero 3000 and I stopped it and I was able to get a score on edge-on up PT fifty a according to edge on UPS sharpness level sheet anything under 200 is considered razor sharp so I was able to get a knife razor sharp using one stone that has not been flattened in over 60 sharpening s and a strop if you are just a hobbyist or a home cook you really do not have to worry about getting a stone super flat because it doesn't make a difference so myth number five is kind of a big one it's this one it's people saying that you have to sharpen a knife a certain way or it won't get sharp or it won't get sharpened properly oh oh the point of my video is the point of what I do here is I am experimenting with different techniques with different processes and I simply report what works for me this is how my channel started 3 or 4 years ago I was researching knives and sharpening techniques and so I went to the forums like most people did I googled knife sharpening techniques and I'm going to YouTube and I watched the number of videos and I read a bunch of forum threads and they're all really saying the same thing there are three or four authorities out there that are kind of preaching this these you know processes that you have to follow you have to find your stone you have to sharpen at 12 degrees you have to thin your knife and when I went and bought certain stones I went to buy certain knives and I tried different things none of what I was finding out on my own time was actually matching up with what people were saying so what does the take home from all of this well then really I want to just press the point is knife sharpening is not that difficult I'm being completely honest if you can get over the fear of cutting yourself and scratching your knife and I know the emotion of fear is very strong and I don't want to downplay that my only suggestion to you is start very slow and take your time don't rush it don't try anything crazy and over time you will get over that fear of cutting yourself physically it is different for most of us we don't have anything we do in normal life where we hold a knife in a certain manner and we push and pull so this movement may not be very natural for a lot of people if you are able to text on your phone if you're able to do a word search on YouTube you can sharpen a knife it's that easy if there's one thing I want you to take from this video is that it doesn't take a special person to learn how to sharpen a knife anyone can learn to sharpen a knife if you are willing to try here is a question for you do you feel strongly for or against any of the arguments I have brought up in this video if you do please leave a comment you guys know that I read all my comments I know that this videos gonna get a lot of heat but that's the truth of it all all right guys well thank you so much for being here I'll catch you in the next video my most recent batch of carbon fiber plates are done yes these actually we're done a little over a week ago and I told a bunch of you guys I would email you or post a video about it the regular size is ten by two and a half and a lot of folks have been asking for larger plates these are 12 by 3 inches so very large gives you a really nice large stropping surface and these are super stiff these are as straight as stiff as you can get with any sort of a plate out there a lot of folks were asking for them because they are I don't I guess it's a novel item to have not many people make straps out of carbon fiber plates because they cost a lot of money alright so good luck again I'll post a link in the video description to where you can get these and have fun
Channel: Burrfection
Views: 714,512
Rating: 4.8512053 out of 5
Keywords: myths of sharpening, 5 myths of knife sharpening, lies about knife sharpening, lies about knives
Id: qB4anJ-Qm6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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