Each STUNT You Win You UPGRADE Your Truck in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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So today we're back in BNG drive with spy cakes and we're gonna be doing the Ultimate Upgrade challenge so every round that you win you get to upgrade one part in your vehicle and folks stay tuned until the end because the results are gonna surprise you hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in all right Spire you ready for the ultimate competition yeah oh yeah I bet you mine's gonna look amazing by the end of this video no mine is gonna have Flames mine's gonna have nitrous you're gonna get yeah okay so we have our competition here remember you get to upgrade one part if you win okay so I guess the first person across the line uh down at the bottom of the hill is gonna be the winner you can reset so you ready to go ready to go all right three two one goat oh yeah uh these trucks are kind of pooping yeah they are they are kind of poo right now um I hope we make it over the first jump um we should we should I mean these are these are these are pretty fast for being base model trucks a base model this is below baseball oh my goodness I think it broke my steering oh me too hold on oh this ain't good we might have to slow down uh man I'm not slowing down we gotta have the speed here oh I see you coming up behind me oh okay oh this is bouncy turning is yours broken yeah my steering is the suspension on these things are terrible it like bounces and you're gonna hear it but almost like bottoming out oh oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no yes I recovered it no I'm good I'm gonna get the upgrade apart I think hold on I better not speak too soon here just gotta get down to the line watch one of your wheels just flies off oh buddy all right where okay where are you at oh you're gone sorry spy no so um I get to upgrade are we gonna do this again yes I guess I mean I think I have to go with the engine right I would say yes but but the only problem is if I upgrade the engine and the parts around it don't support it that could be a bit of an issue yeah we're already steaming there's also something called the Cobra Jet engine in here wait what wait there's also a V10 oh I don't know if you want to go too crazy yeah I think I'm gonna just go with the VA let's go with the 4.8 or 4.7 liter V8 let's go with that okay I am upgrading my part oh no okay it should be wait wait give me rep I'm trying to pop oh I gotta pop open my hood real quick I want to make sure it's in there uh where's my hood latch do I not even have that oh there it is okay hood release not maybe I didn't even have that part okay boom oh oh why do you see my engine I do why does it look like it's missing stuff on the top of it like I don't know but it looks big it looks big but I don't look like I have like an intake or anything I don't know if this is gonna run all right well I don't think you have an air filter or anything this might explode immediately uh yeah because now I've got smoke coming up the side of my engine oh that sounds good yeah okay I'm gonna go with this this is my upgraded part you ready um yep all right one more round of this three two one go oh oh no dude okay there it is okay I do have power I'm slightly faster but oh that might be your downfall yeah I don't oh man maybe I should have did the suspension or something or new tires these tires are kind of flat oh oh dude it broke it broke no no no the the suspension broke oh I think mine broke too but it's fine I could control this oh yes flip over flip over nope nope I'm saving this oh my goodness I don't know the front's just so broken right now okay here it goes I'm tired you can't drive like that can you uh I don't think I'm gonna survive the jump down here I definitely have more speed now but I don't think that's a good thing for me [Laughter] I'm back on all fours oh I'm coming for you spot no how are you on all fours you don't have four oh did I not have four on your pure wait so I think it's desynced I think I I still have four somehow they're not very like straight looking they're definitely sideways and wobbly come on I'm not getting the upgrade this round yes so here's a question what do you upgrade well you upgraded your engine I'm thinking maybe something like tires or suspension yeah definitely the engine gave me more power but my suspension is poopy on this and I think we're gonna need it from the next round boom when yeah my left tire is popped yeah I'm disappointed right now that uh they didn't work out as well as I thought it was for me you didn't no no don't hit me don't don't you do it don't you do it affiliate business I feel like just taking out my anger here it kind of was wasn't it yeah okay let me do some upgrades okay well remember upgrade upgrade grade singular uh Komodo yes we were riding on like one PSI of air on our tires we were in the lowest configuration um that was literally flat let me put mine up to 35.5 so it's a new tires your upgrade is gonna be tires you're not going with uh Power okay that's a thing I found the perfect tires okay I think again see I'm upgrading oh my goodness those actually look pretty good so you're probably gonna need it for the next round really yeah because we're gonna be doing the uh the next Hill down which has a lot of speed bumps I think it's whoever makes it the furthest down is the winner so uh yeah good luck okay yeah this truck is looking like it's driving good now nice all right so roll for example first person to make or actually just make it down the furthest uh so I would say you can reset if you want to take another run at it but whenever you're satisfied just leave your vehicle there okay all right ready ready three two one go oh yeah okay let's see how these wheels fare I got the motor I don't think it's all about motor on this one I think this one's more of a suspension test oh look at this it drives straight dude you're faster than me now and I have a V8 motor you got flat tires not as much grip yeah oh I just passed right over it I hope your tires are over inflated and they explode to the back PSI oh okay so that's definitely over inflated wait I'm going 165. oh there's bumps I'm trying to pick up speed here come on wait a second wait the middle looks like a where you want to be that looks yeah oh I ended in the middle I didn't hit the middle I popped the tire I think I think I popped one too okay I don't know my rear drive shaft is broken come on come on oh okay come on don't don't break it so even if you're a little damn if you stop your car yeah oh no I just flipped I feel like I need to reset I'm gonna take my reset I broke my drive shaft oh okay you know what I'm gonna stay here I think this is a good spot are you satisfied okay so I'm not gonna reset anymore this is my one attempt to pass you okay oh no he's gonna pass me okay drive shaft's not broken on this one oh those are some friends yo my rear drive shaft's broken again no you've got to be kidding me it yeah yeah um all right well you get the next upgrade uh yeah that sucks okay I am upgrading my engine uh-huh to a 4.7 liter V8 look at this nice fresh truck compared to this little poopy one hey hush you know what it looks like um it looks like your front tires are aired up your back ones aren't oh is that a separate thing so I'm allowed to tune like I can tear up the tires that's fair all right I think so yeah okay yeah I see that well oh yeah definitely it's off so I'm gonna go 34-5 all right let's apply and then I'm gonna sync this up all right so we have the same motor you just have better tires but we're here at the bridge jump so oh you got to make it like I think that's the way you win you have to jump across and land it yeah no falling off oh okay all right I guess we'll start at this distance I don't know if this is far enough back but you ready yep all right three two one go you know yours are more off-roading tires I don't wonder if this is gonna give me a little bit of it cheer oh yeah yeah because that more of a street set here I don't know we look pretty even as far as speed I might be a hair faster okay truck you could do this oh my goodness I don't know oh yeah I think it got better Road grip than me hey so maybe not having that upgrade is gonna actually work out to my advantage I could only go like 90 in this thing yeah I'm at 87. I was not aimed I was not aimed we're not making this oh no oh can we get the exact same spot okay I think the I think you need to back up I think I'm gonna go ahead and just set my car all the way at the back and just try to get the biggest running start I don't know if I was topped out on speed we might have to give ourselves um complimentary upgrade maybe an actual like intake or something because I feel like this motor is just not getting it we do have both pretty much the same Vehicles other than the tires yeah this is true you going I'm going yeah because I don't know I'm gonna see really what the true top speed is here there's a chance that we cannot make this I'm starting to gain some speed now Matt 97 98. oh you might be able to make it 100 101 okay with gear 90. dude it's just really like I need to you know maybe I'll just do if I get an upgrade I might just do a complete engine swap again test one of the bigger ones but I feel like that could be a bad thing too if it doesn't work all right I'm gonna hit the drop it oh no I'm only hitting it at 100. okay come on I'm at 105. wait you're at 105. you might make it I slow down I slow down oh wait for it come on here we go do a sweet jump oh I got the Cinematic cam I didn't even get to see your thing wait stop right there no did you oh my goodness I just fell down on the bottom of the cliff I almost hanged on ah yeah we're not fast enough spot we gotta figure out we gotta do something for the in the name of competition maybe if we take the same upgrade to get us across to see who can stay on what do you say yep okay so what are we upgrading together here so let's look at our engine so yeah there's no Nitrous system on here we got like a stock intake I I think maybe we stick on a supercharger uh you got stage one through three what do you want to do what's fair I don't know let's go maybe middle of the road we'll put on a stage two okay okay I hope this is what's gonna give us speed stage two supercharger oh yeah that's definitely gonna give a speed okay I finally think that we can make it all right oh yeah I got a lot of wheel slip yeah I think you're gonna have a lot with those tires those are off-road boys you ready yep all right three two one go oh okay this is a complimentary upgrade for the challenge yeah because we both couldn't complete the challenge dude I think I'm getting way more grip than you're getting right now oh you definitely are uh-oh uh oh hold on okay this has definitely got more speed I don't know about the top speed though uh oh yeah no we're faster yeah we're gonna make it oh but it's a matter of staying on and actually Landing because if you fly off that's a problem my truck is starting to wiggle I should have I should have took some air out of the tires oh you got him over inflated over inflated got some bouncy boys back there all right here we go it's fine it might help me land yeah that is true come on we're gonna make it we're gonna make it oh no front end over wait stay home oh my gosh stay on no you did not land me yes wait hold on hold on I'm still going still going I can still drive it wait you can still drive I can still drive no my drive shaft's broke it mine's damaged you've got to be kidding I thought I had that one all right well I guess you get to take the next upgrade okay wow I for sure thought I had that one I'm the master of upgrades okay so I think I'm gonna go with a new bumper oh new Barbra see you got some new paint on it too I went ahead and did my paint uh to make it look a little bit different I don't have any extra upgrades though right now it looks pretty nice it's kind of a nice paint job you know what I noticed my exhaust is not hooked up it is my Mufflers are touching the ground yours are too yeah we don't have proper exhaust yeah maybe that's what you should have upgraded oh it's too late I got this nice big Ram bumper to yeah that is a nice bumper you gotta realize you're gonna be heavier though that's my strategy well uh hopefully it works out in the next challenge which is uh obviously right in front of us here with these stairs so I think the first person to reach the bottom of the stairs is the one okay you sound fair I hope your bumper falls off I hope your truck falls off uh it's already done that a couple times all right you ready ready three two one go what's the Strat here do you go fast you go slow you go slow or you go over oh okay brakes oh yes yes gas breaks oh our brakes probably aren't good either are they no this is definitely oh yeah I forgot the Cinematic camera my hood uh your bumper just blew off okay wait what out of my hand not on your end y'all am I in your big bumper is gone now oh I'm right behind you I can't even tell where I am yeah that cinematic camera I'm getting the Cinematic camera when I go down are you getting that yep oh wait I'm too far to the left oh oh go go go go go this is where we go fast I don't know if I want to go fast oh oh that's not good you don't have acceleration by drive shaft two just broke you've got to be kidding me come on wait my tires they're unaligned no I hate everything about this oh and do I have to reset or can I roll oh oh this is where I am oh oh oh okay I'm resetting oh oh I'm still rolling wait can I do this backwards huh how did my drive shaft already get broken oh I am officially rolling backwards there is a chance that I might be able to do this you can't do it backwards nope spy I'm on the last set of stairs here going backwards or winsteady wins the race truck here we go I have made it to the bottom no I hope you did wow that didn't actually worked I had like no engine yeah you made it you could upgrade some parts now oh this question of what do I upgrade do I go for just more speed hmm I see you rolling down here yeah I'm still going I want to see how clean you make it oh never mind I wasn't going down clean I think I gotta go with the nitrous uh there's an indestructible nitrous oxide I don't know what that means but I am putting it in the car uh I don't know if this is gonna work I'm gonna look oh I can adjust the power levels on this nitrous spy you got nitrous oh my God I don't know if my vehicle is going to be able to handle where did the bottle go the bottle is uh secretive nope it's a sleeper it might be tucked off in the maybe it's under the hood or something I don't know I've got a bottle of nitrous though now so let me make sure it's actually active uh it is looking pretty clean too yeah I got I got nitrous now where all right you ready for the next challenge yeah all right spy you ready for the next upgrade I probably like the nitrous I put on is not gonna help me a whole lot on this because this is a not this is definitely a janky looking course it is a complete circuit so all you got to do is make it around to this I went to that giant grilled lobster that's gonna be scary there's a grilled lobster wait what oh was it oh yeah this thing Lobster dude I think well they were screwed on this one but all right I would say you can reset first person to make it back uh past the jump behind us is the winner you ready yep all right three two one go oh look at that wheel spin I got the off-road tires here too so that might help me yeah I think oh maybe that's what I should have upgraded to I don't know if this is helping me or not okay go over the grilled lobster oh we got cameras Oh no we got cinematic cameras oh spy this thing is not oh actually you're in my way in my camera uh oh got it uh oh there is a chance I cannot do this one uh on let's go really I had to restart my tires I had no grip over the lobster wait what I run right over that you do have big like nice tires oh here we go okay yep I'm gonna make it over this time I think I'm gonna busted my drive shaft paying attention oh job don't oh it is huge it's huge I didn't jump hard enough The Cinematic cameras on this map kind of weird okay good I didn't jump hard enough I'm just gonna say that uh wait so you're telling me I need to hit the gas really hard over this next section probably [Applause] [Music] yeah I mean if the camera didn't go into cinematic mode where I could actually aim over the jumps that would be great I don't even see overhead wait did you reset back at the the start I had to reset a couple times oh I figured you can just reset in place oh oh okay you know what I will wait for you to get back to this spot reset whenever you need it okay look at this oh I'm rolling oh God okay I gotta hit this jump move lightly I hit that one I flew over the top of it okay okay oh these cameras suck yay the campers are a little oh no there's another one up here at the Rock I mean the logs oh these are wood logs see I'm Canadian I can do this I think my something broke on my car again I just got back up no I'm stuck hold on do I have yes oh I have yes fine I go go there's a chance there's a chance it just might be too powerful oh my goodness did you crash into the Rocks dude I hit a rock like I hit it so hard that it just it blew up it completely blew out the front end of the car okay I gotta lift my vehicle and move it oh here we go you're gonna kill me in this section slow and steady oh I helped you yeah that actually pushed me out thanks buddy oh this ain't good though the tires are not made for this I should have upgraded tires oh my goodness I'm out of here and only thing damage is my bumper uh my ego is damaged right now [Music] too crazy oh okay made it over the next one there's an even bumpier spot here I feel like I gotta hit this at full speed here we go definitely don't do that you're gonna hit me yep I blew out everything though oh no I'm still I'm gonna try that see you later no no no come on man okay my Bumper's gone trash can maybe there's a better side to hit yeah I think there is no better sides it's just go I think I underestimated the upgrade the tires thing because yeah I think upgrading the tires would have made this a lot easier for me like put Big old tires on here yeah okay I'm having a like node grab my vehicle to move it up this thing oh my gosh oh my God bye they got I think I hit the end here for me I don't think I unless I just so are we allowed to go all around you know what oh loud if you want to go around I'll hit a few of them I'll hit a few I mean at least attempt it like I like just at least attempt it I've done that with all uh oh my goodness I gotta reset the thing again this is a long course this is like the ultimate challenge for our upgrades here yeah and I feel like I have chose the wrong upgrades for this video um I focused too much on the power yeah I can't do this I'm gonna bow out spy I'm gonna give you the win here I think yours definitely is capable of finishing that is uh that's embarrassing so I would say that you you've won with the upgrades here I've won with this truck yep you have the ultimate yep I got too excited you have the ultimate upgraded truck so um I get a prize yeah you get a prize uh you get one I'm gonna sell this truck you get you sell the truck happy and you're gonna get the Ultimate Upgrade uh we gotta go to the final challenge you ready yep okay spy you might have won the battle and you get the ultimate upgraded truck but there's still a war here so we have one final challenge I don't get any more upgrades I get to stick with what I got it's totally fine and then yes you get your uh massively upgraded truck oh yeah yeah first person to make it to the end of this road which I believe ends in uh like a little like Boulevard thing uh touch that you win you can reset you ready to go ready to go I hope this NOS finally pays off all right here we go three two one go oh look at that oh my goodness I have too much like power on my knots I'm getting will spit to break a tire oh did you break a tire well are you telling me that I have a chance in my poopy non well I mean couple upgraded truck oh my goodness okay I followed up just put ourselves back on come on come on come on come on I'm technically just gonna restart back here because I didn't have a good jump oh oh there we go oh oh I'm worried to see you behind me no this truck doesn't drive good with jumps oh for this you're telling me your truck which should be the Ultimate Upgrade is not like upgraded enough I jump like five feet and the tire misaligns dude this is actually handling this much better than I expected what in the heck I gotta jump at an angle are we learning some sort of like moral to the story here moral of the story is don't change what's good I mean technically this isn't very good just needed to pump the tires out oh my goodness okay there are Parts falling flying everywhere reset in place yeah you can reset in place okay what's going on the trucks tires keep misaligning oh no that's bad yeah I think I see you dude these jumps are so I like parts are just flying off of my vehicle oh I gotta reset because uh wait uh I'm looking back I I don't I don't see spy oh what am I that far ahead of you you're that far ahead oh my goodness reset in place how are you beating a multi hundred thousand dollar truck I that is a good question uh you had the Ultimate Upgrade that you really didn't upgrade the truck that good if the tires do this spy yeah I might be at the Finish no holy I have like four more jumps dude my vehicle's in such bad shape oh I don't have brakes anymore I I hit the brakes and they just did not work um so yeah that was a kind of an unexpected result that's the twist could be the winner and still lose you know what we're both
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 1,215,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camodo gaming, beamng drive, beamng, beamng drive gameplay, beamng police crashes, beamng drive car crashes, beamng police chase, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng biggest crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, police chase, police chases, beamng drive police chase, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng police chase crashes, beamng crashes, spycakes, beamng biggest car, beamng drive upgrade, beamng drive upgrading cars, beamng smallest cars
Id: tjY4Pg87TYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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