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yo what's going on guys it's your boy Jamaican Pablo AKA Pablo and today I'm gonna be showing you guys the optimized settings for your PC for EFC 24 I know the street for a lot of people are going to be switching over to EC because the game is now cross play and you know you might have had a PhD or you think playing on PC is better that's what I'm doing I'm playing on PC and I know a lot of people are going to experience the issues that come with playing on PC because the game isn't really fully optimized this year EA has done a lot or more to help uh PC players you know experience a more do a gameplay but for previous three plus it has always been an issue when playing FIFA there's something going on and today I'm gonna be showing you guys my setting this is specific to Nvidia so if you don't have an Nvidia GPU you might have to watch another video or maybe these settings are similar I've never owned the Nvidia uh AMD but we're gonna start off by going into the Nvidia control panel um so you're gonna come on this is Windows 10 you're going to right click and hit Nvidia control panel that's how I open it or you could come down here and search for so once you open it um you're gonna first be on adjust image settings with preview you're going to select use my preference preference emphasizing and then go to Performance and then hit apply I've already done that and then the next step you're going to go to manage 3D setting you're gonna I'm gonna scroll up because I was down there and you're gonna follow every single settings I have here um I've not experienced any issue with these settings but uh if there's any comments from you guys that anything I need to change just let me know in the comments these settings has worked for me like for a period of time for a long time so you guys could just use settings let me scaling off of off most of these are off on demo correction people have this on I'll just leave it on not sure what it does but I have no issues so might as well leave it on all cool the gpus make sure you select this and then select your GPU off off for the next couple ones and then it's important prefer performance make sure you have your GPU selected here for maximum performance is available leave this on default um on a low high performance you could slow this down if I'm going too quick I just don't want to take a long while on this because I'm gonna be going into the game on auto and vertical sync you could put it on use 3D settings here but I'll leave it off in global settings once you're done with all this make sure you hit apply down here and then go to program setting once you're in here you select your gear it's not popping up hit add browse and um it automatically puts me here but you usually you find where you install the game make sure it's not the beta tool because I had that selected before then you select this version right here FC that's all you do and then you hit add selected program once all that is done let me scroll up here all of this are gonna be defaulted to use Global setting it's going to use the settings in here uh but what I want is for you specifically to find low latency mode and turn that turn that on but it's a game now you could leave it on here but I feel like this is like every application it might mess with a couple applications like obsc pay streaming and stuff so I tend to just turn it down for the for the game on or whichever game you can do the screening but low Legends mode on now I'm gonna put on screen um when you should use the other version of low latency but for most I think most people do okay with it on or off not Ultra I think Ultra like doesn't benefit me at all or most people and then down here all right so if you guys play the game on PC I know you get sometimes when you talk about the game it gives you a black screen and then it um becomes smaller the game the window so to avoid that um there's nothing that has to do with this but make sure you have the 144 pyramid selected here because that's the highest the game could go but to avoid that uh black screen your monitor has to be 144hz exactly 144hz if it's over I don't know if it's lower it but if it's over 144 it will give you that black which is kind of annoying it's not that big of a deal but if you want to avoid it change your monitor refresh rate to 144. all right now the reason why I changed this to 144 Hertz as I said is because the game only gives only goes up to 144 so over doesn't make sense but once you're when you're monitor when the game is specific to one Hertz or it can't go over Hertz you don't want to make it exact you put it like either one or two below for example since the game is 144 Hertz I think you should put the maximum FPS at 142 143 up to you and I messed up badly all right so you click on your hover over it and you just type the number 143. make sure you have low latency on 143 everything here is going to come from the global and then vertical sync you use the 3D application setting make sure that is Chained the three things I change in here was low latency Max frame rate and use the 3D application fitting once that is done you hit apply now some things you could do is come in here and figure surround and change your select your GPU interesting people do that actually helps and going back to what I said before if you want to avoid the black screen um if your monitor supports over 144 you could come here and make sure you can select 144. drop it down to 144. you have two monitor make sure you select the one you're playing FIFA on drop it down to 144 that's up to you I don't mind it so I'll leave it at 165. and that is yeah for the Nvidia control panel setting that is all you need to know now we're gonna go into the game alright guys so on to the second part we are going to start up EFC 24. and we are going to go to settings top left it's a little icon up here I'm gonna go to it I'm gonna go to settings game settings once you're in game settings we're gonna go over to display configuration all right so in display configuration the first thing you're going to make sure is that your resolution is Right correct so if you're in a 2K monitor it should look like this you're gonna 1080 it should say 1920 times thinning next thing is full screen uh you don't want to play on Windows or uh windowed borderless because most people say it in there's your FPS instead of focusing on the game with focuses on the background I'm not sure what exactly what it does but full screen for me has worked and that's what I'm using the frame rate you're going to leave it on no limit on FPS um looking back I know people are gonna say you could limit the frame rate in game but it only makes you uh limited to 120 instead of 144. the best thing you do here is leave it on no limit so you could get that extra 24 23 FPS from limited limiting limiting it from the Nvidia control panel vertical sync you're gonna have it off here because you turned it on in the Nvidia control so it's going to use it from that Dynamic skill resolution turn it off you don't need it this is important right here let's see in quality so what this does is let's say you scored a goal that cutscene you get the the celebration from scoring ago it limits the FPS so instead of the GPU using uh its full 99 you know extra heat that's generated from that it helps you in game by limiting limiting the FPS making sure your GPU is overworking on those cutscenes all right so unto strand based here so from this down the card quality it depends on the graphics card you have and also maybe your CPU but I wouldn't recommend trying this all on high yet I would say use all these on low and then go to medium and then try if you notice any stutter lug at any of these like low medium high settings then just go back down and see if that works but if you have extremely good GPU this should be fine I have a 48 so it handles all of this these settings and maybe the rendering isn't as bad as last feedback because yeah last people used up a lot of the resource that so maybe is it isn't as bad as last people but this this is just preferent just try and see what works for you but all these settings work for me have it ultra high high on and the game looks fantastic with these settings and then playing on 2K as well but yeah these are my settings for EFC um let me know in the comments If you experience any issues if you need any help and peace
Channel: Pablo
Views: 11,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _-uI0ajzaBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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