228cc Stroker Build 23HP Tillotson

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what's up everybody welcome to the video today we are building a 228 CC stroker motor from go power sports.com it's Tillotson block we're using and it's gonna make at or more than 20 horsepower and it should make a ton of torque as well I built some new doors for the shop they're not done yet but they already seal way better than what was already here but we don't even have a table to build this engine on so we're gonna make a quick and dirty engine building table real quick ready yeah man do it [Music] on this table we should have all the parts we need to put together one bad small-block stroker Tillotson you can buy all these parts and go power sports.com if you have any questions about the specs call them up and tell them that you want the 228 that was on cars and cameras so here we have a 28 millimeter flat slide carburetor that thing is going to flow and make a lot of power flat top piston a 2.20 five stroke crankshaft that's forty thousands longer stroke than a 212 or standard 225 we have a B 265 fire camshaft I love the hot 265 and I'm very excited to use the fire 265 the billet side cover which is an awesome trick piece we have a billet connecting rod by go power sports and 1.3 ratio rockers can't forget the bare Tillotson block as well so we should all be here let's get to building so this is a bare block we haven't done a bare block before first things first we're gonna install some bearings seals crankshaft rod piston camshaft etc etc but we're probably gonna have to do some clearancing for the camshaft and ride for that that data cam that's right buddy so let's get to installing man so I'm betting that this other bearing goes in a regular side cover rather than the billet it's only one of these it's gonna fit in here so here's your Carson cameras moment enjoy it guys we are in a new location and we don't have all our tools set up we really need a race installation tool for installing this bearing but we don't have it so just your Carson cameras moment here we have a busted brass water valve and it's just the perfect diameter for this bearing and I'm gonna wail on it and send this bearing home so [Music] now I would like to note bud that I installed this bearing and I just got to thinking some of y'all might not know how to do it let me show you you really want the hammer on this surface right here evenly the whole way around never hammer on this Center surface right here you will damage the bearing just a tech tip from Isaac so now I'm going to install the rings on the piston you got to be very careful and you have to put them in the correct order I'm gonna say the first things first is the waffle ring then you have these two little dark flat rings and then you have the first compression ring and then the second compression ring make sure everything's in order guys so that flat one goes in the same channel as the waffle same channel as the waffle ring that is good to know yeah and is it a sandwich one on top one on bottom yes one on top one on bottom just like an ice-cream sandwich I'm gonna go get an ice cream sandwich real quick do you have some Oh got the rings installed bud all right ride next rod next with a lot of assembly Lube and a lot of cleaning I now have the piston rod in the block and I'm putting in the final bearing cap and we're gonna torque it down install the cam and check for clearance or lack of clearance so I put some red paint on the rod I rotated it around until it hit the camshaft and I'm about to grind out a spot in this area for some clearance [Music] that's what it looked like on this side and here's where it was hitting it Mike still I don't know it passed it so you can just barely make out back there you see the very nice shiny billet rod and then where I kiss just ground on the camshaft there that's where it was hitting but it looks like it passed the test I think the only real way to tell this to both the side cover on it so you know that camshaft and crankshaft er fixed we have point come here take a look right here the gap between the red paint and the cans oh that's not bad yeah yep plenty of room there I've never had to do clearance on both sides of the camshaft but uh sure enough this one I got to some more clearancing so not only did I have two clearance on the camshaft I also had a clearance on the crankshaft right here on the end of the crankshaft and to try to keep balance of things also removing some material on this side trying to keep it you know somewhat balanced so we also had to trim out for the camshaft lobe right there on the rod it was touching and had to just take it out that much more didn't want a knocking sound when we were running it it would most likely self cleared but again I don't want to hear no knocking so let's install the lifters the camshaft and gosh what's after that man flywheel we're also installing this billet side cover which is gonna be a whole lot stronger than the regular cast side cover which you really need to take into consideration when you start making some serious power with these things and it came with shims and so we're just finding that sweet spot so that we don't have any slop we're supposed to have a tiny yeah very very minimal slop in and out with crankshaft so basically just putting a couple bolts on the side cover tightening them down and check in the crankshaft to play all right dude I'm installing the seal on this cover it's a big ol ring and you have to be careful installing it you don't want to damage it and it needs to be all the way down in the groove because if it's poking out and you go to tighten it up you could pinch off that seal get it in between here cause it not to close up is nice and then all that measuring we did for the shims for the crankshaft probably won't even matter anymore and so this uses a seal and not a gasket at all all right this uses just an o-ring so we're setting our coil gap to 30 thousandths minimum I believe once we get the flywheel on yep we're ready to install the head on this 2:28 Tillotson and we thought we'd take a second to compare it this race head from go power sports with a stock this happens to be a ninety-six head so for one you can see the one on your left is stock the one on your right is the race head the race head has been shaved it actually has bigger valves in it and it has dual valve springs whereas the stock head only has single double Springs I'm not entirely sure the weight of these again if you have any questions give go power sports a call anyway I can compress the factory valve springs with one thumb pretty easily when it comes to these dual valve springs it's like I can barely get them to move so yeah stiff valve springs lifts well plug less valve fluid higher rpm all that good stuff so I think we're pretty much ready put this head on put this head on how's that compression it's got some compression dude so we're using 1.3 ratio rockers they're going in right now as we speak then I'm gonna have to adjust them just the valve lash and man were just that much closer to running this thing we are ready to fire up this 228 CC Tillotson for the first time with the 2.20 five stroke crank in it the 28 millimeter flat slide carburetor the fire 265 cam not sure the valve spring specs but it does have the good power sports race head and some other goodies as well so it should be a real thumper you ready dude yeah all right [Applause] and hold seriously yeah everything was sounding good looking good and then developed a small oil leak so we got a little splatter up there near the head not sure where it's coming from so gonna have to take things apart but this is a first for us honestly I never had a problem building engines before and this is a first so not sure what's what happened but we're gonna find out yeah and we'll let you know put on your Sherlock Holmes hat man okay well it's not gonna be the crankshaft I think it might be so it turns out the valve cover gasket was not seated right so we had a leak and it was getting the fan was churning it all up and it'll be fine right yeah man just pretty easy fix let's put it back together and yep we'll be fine yeah so we got the cam broken in got to hear it here's some revs I dusted the shelves all the way over there this thing sounds bad in a good way so with this going on man what bike is this going on oh do we are we tell him I think we should ok sneak peek rather going on a stinking monster moto so go power sport sent us this monster moto 2 and we are building the ultimate flat tracker stiff chassis mini bike thing is gonna weigh like 250 pounds with the rider it's gonna be an absolute rocket ship death machine but it's gonna be cool I don't like the way you're talking it's gonna be a beautiful machine a fast machine it may end up on the monster truck but I just I have to know what it'll do on that little bike tear it up out there man probably but uh yeah I this I mean so far it sounds like an awesome setup I mean and it really wasn't that much more involved than a regular engine build other than the extra steps you know when you have to put the seal in your billet side cover and clearancing the cam and that was the worst that was the worst part of it clearancing the camshaft the crankshaft the rod but it's really not that bad you just need a little bit of confidence taylor ago power sports was saying he'd like to see 23 to 24 horsepower out of this thing on the dyno and you know what's gonna make gobs of torque too so I mean yeah I mean if you think about it the CC per power the the cubic centimeters the engine size to power output ratio is getting pretty close to like a high-end four-stroke dirtbike I mean if you think about it this is about half the size of Honda 450 dirt bike engine just for an example and it makes just under half the power so I mean I feel like these are getting very efficient is what I'm trying to say but do you think we're getting close to the top of the efficiency of these engines before you have to start doing really really crazy modifications and infrequent engine rebuilds I don't know I would love to see reliable 30 horsepower out of one of these one day that would be so cool but I guess we'll find out and if it happens you'll probably see it here on a future episode of cars and cameras so thank you for watching this video guys leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed subscribe to Carson cameras to see our flat tracker build to see our trophy card build and our other projects help support our channel in our future builds by picking up a t-shirt or a sticker or a hat at cars - cameras comm and if you're looking for any performance parts for a go-cart minibike or other power sport call it go power source comm tell me you want what you sent cars and cameras in whatever video may have been that you saw anyway yeah thanks again guys and I'll let you take it away do you have any final thoughts you think we're gonna get 30 horsepower out of one of these one day all I'm saying is we're putting that on that little minibike yep don't do what we do just watch us on that part but that's it y'all check me out Isaac it'll be fine and y'all be safe out there
Channel: CarsandCameras
Views: 229,508
Rating: 4.9302731 out of 5
Keywords: small engine build, stroker small engine build, stroker honda clone, Tillotson 228cc build, Tillotson 228, Tillotson racing engine, how to build a small engine, small engine performance mods
Id: uoj9cV7xe9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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