E36 M3 - Dinan Throttle Body, Intake and Euro Headlight Install

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all right i'm going to take the intake off just going to clean up some area i'm going to take the uh the vent for the alternator off all right so just moving those over to the side you got the evap plug down here and uh yeah this is for the uh chopstick control ac asc look at that this feels so new we don't know he may have replaced some of the stuff in the engine bay it's rubber it's not like stiff all right so what these the hoses on here on the top body are really on there and stuck so what i've got is a little uh pick here and i'm going to do is just give it a little wd-40 and bring it straight down and that one got it off all right back to the throttle body all right if you look the hose are technically just enough for it to go in there so there is no adjustment in it if it is it's just minut here's the uh the new throttle body you can see the nice little dining in there ah did i mention i love new bits i love new parts the dining is that entire body is in now i'm just tightening it down securing it by hand okay closed is good open is what um all right for it that looks really damn good right there okay so we just did the adjustment on the uh on the throttle body so uh you know you have the adjuster screw on the back on the throttle cable and we had to floor it and we had to make sure that the uh butterfly was at a 90 degree to the bore of the throttle body and i got a second opinion and we were on so she has set we do have a little bit of slack like we're supposed to when the throttle body is technically closed so now we're just uh finishing up the whole starter body assembly so we're adding the traction control butterfly and i guess we're going to be installing a different intake than an oem one okay so we're going to uh get going with the intake now so what we're going to do is remove the horn which is this one right here so if you look you of course you have to this one the one that's closer to the the structure here the bumper is uh this is the one that's got to be removed so i already have um the items disconnected so this one is going to get relocated towards the bumper so we'll just take it off for now and uh and that's where my intake is gonna go so i'll grab the pieces real quick okay so this is what we've got this is the bracket that technically will go right here and then they uh supplied a dine in some rivets to go in here so we could screw this down but what makes it even better is this piece right here let's see what else this one just has to be located that way so i'll grab my tool all right so i will i heard that we might have to cut this off so we have to cut that off to get the filter in there because it's going to lean right on the actual rail itself so we'll get that cut okay so what i'm doing instead of cutting the bracket off i'm going to drill out the the spot welds without physically drilling through it so i'm going to start with this size bit and do this side and then the next one and we should be able to pop it off in case down the road we ever want to put it back on damn just to let you know this is only about 36 000 miles on this bracket we need to mount it on the wall as a memorabilia all right so now i can just clean those up how deep are those headlights yeah this one does go deep since we're kind of we can let some paint dry guys so what we're doing is kind of a fitment so we have the new headlights uh which the back housing is a little bit bigger and we are trying to still install this uh the bracket that go that comes with the diamond intake and when we first tried it's actually hitting here it won't let it go so what we're trying to do is we installed it now and just to see if if i could which right now the headlight assembly is pushed all the way up now you have to be mindful when you're doing that you still have the lower trim on the bottom that you have to massage it and make sure you got it right and right now with it all the way up i'm still hitting as you can see it it moves as i do it so um we may as i try to push it in into its spot you can see the headlight moves so so we are going to sit around the round table and uh see what we could come up with to still try to utilize this and still keep the headlight in place and still have the movement that we need so uh we will get back to you here shortly we're going to end up putting the uh the regular maf back in so here's the bracket that comes with the dinan and it goes on the driver's side and it just kind of slides right in there all right so what i've already done is already loosened these so this is where it goes uh um we will have to replace that at one point but two of them is better than than one um so i loosened these nuts here uh just so i could loosen these right here so now they're in ready to be installed so here is the the vacuum for the intake boot we will be eventually removing this section but at this point she will go back in to make it look oem for now so there she is that's pretty all right so that's in place so technically i could go ahead and tighten these down here which i'm going to do now so i'm just holding the one that's torn a little bit so that way there's less pressure on it when i tighten it and now for the actual 10 millimeter nuts so i'm using my other wrench just to keep it from spinning otherwise you rip it off not that that's what i did it was already ripped when i started all right so now it feels good [Applause] ah yes and just for fitment purposes all right so uh we don't need no stinking air filter so if we just did technically that's how she would go the only thing that we are up in the air with is this piece because due to the headlight i tried to get matt just to put the uh the stock ones back in but i think he just walked away i take that as a no not an option so technically that one would just go right there okay so trying to put it on trying to take it off put it on put it off trying to make everything fit nice and snug so what we end up doing is we trimmed the boot down thinking it's nice and thin and uh she is straight trust me she is straight it is a straight cut um it it looks good so once we get it in i'm able to bring it in more and uh get it to fit much better in here and i have more room all the way around because we were having an issue if the filter would hit this little section right here so with it in that way i'm able to clean it up a tad bit and get that filter in so now i was going to start clamping these down and do the final screwing down and uh we've decided to not install the bracket well not really we decided it's just with the bracket there and these headlights it's um it won't fit so we had to uh delete it so no problem okay so we were back and forth and uh got some advice and we were trying to keep everything without cutting it but what we found out is this is just a an adjuster rod and what we'll have to do is just cut this section off here to here and that's going to give us the extra clearance on the filter itself because we're fighting this section right here with the filter going down and being right there in that area so what we're going to do is uh we're going to trim it and put it in its place because we can't leave it open because you'll get condensation and water inside so we're going to go ahead and break out my trusty tool or matt's trusty tool and go cutting [Music] switch gears on different tools you there is and that was the whole uh reasoning and key of um doing it while it was on there because you know now it's locked in it's in its locking tab so i don't have to worry about trying to get by scrapes or pliers and trying to jam it in there but she's in there so sweet let's see how much clearance we get now okay so one of the things that we're having to do is the air piece for the brake duct we had to trim that to get the filter to go in place um so we have to trim it a little bit more if we do not trim it the way the filter fits in here is going to push the fender back and can't have that so got to trim it a little bit here i already did one cut and now all we do the second cut moment of truth moment of truth she is in and i have clearance yes all right um there we go so and then that is raised all the way up so that's in the center portions and you can see i can still move it and the intake is not moving at all so it's not rubbing it and uh sweet we uh we got her took a little bit of finesse and uh she's in there so like uh like i stated earlier what we're gonna end up doing is we're not going to install that bracket right here um it will not it will not clear this whole section then we don't mind cutting this piece off but we don't want to be cutting any of this stuff well technically we can't it's the housing so um sorry fender lining sorry um but it was for the greater of good and so you could probably get a different filter yes um now there's so many different options um we could have got a smaller filter skinnier filter it could have been a cone you know wider up top and narrow down towards the bottom but unfortunately we really want to finish the car today so this is one of the little things that we already knew going into it there was going to be a little bit of a cutting a little bit of trimming so we were hoping it would be less but unfortunately it was the opposite it was a lot more than we anticipated uh but we finally got it um so now it's just a matter of technically just tightening the hose clamps in place and this is done and um we can start installing the uh the front bumper and getting all these plugs and sensors intact so all right so uh we're gonna get to the headlight and finish installing that uh here is a pigtail that we got from m sport parts so no labeling but you know it's kind of very easy to do you try it one time and you figure out if it's going to be high beam or low beam we had to remove on the driver's side the gray with the purple tracer or the violet sorry not purple remove that and then the pin just goes in there and i just put electrical tape around it so it's completely covered and then the same thing with the one on the passenger side is going to be grey with a yellow tracer and you do the same thing so all you have to end up doing is got it there's a clip back here in the back and let me see if i could just kind of pop it off with my fingernail without breaking it probably not there we go so this clips right there and it just kind of put a little pick in here or a little flathead screwdriver and it pops out and then you're able to pull the pin out now this one on the driver's side was easy to get off the one on the passenger side the one on the passenger side was a little bit more tougher but we still were able to get it out so um and that's what you do so now you just have your that one wire going to the um side marker and that's where it plugs into and then now uh it just push it in and twist and lock and um she should be good to go so this uh horn stays where it's at this is the second one and then the the other one which technically went right here where the filter is located that's going to go down here bolted on towards the lower section of the the bumper so we'll you probably won't get to see that part but that's where [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Obsessed Garage
Views: 17,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt moreman, obsessed garage
Id: XUP7HM5hrpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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