Ospho disaster!!!!.........watch before using!!!

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welcome back Alphas welcome to for if you're new here uh yeah I just wanted to give a little update on the teardrop camper as you can see it's uh well it's not there yet it's it's getting there little little rust on the fenders but is'll be all right any who uh yeah so I wanted to give an update on this o product that I used um everybody on the YouTube said this stuff was awesome and it is spoiler alert it is uh but this is what happens if you don't follow the directions so the direction say you were supposed to you can see where I I did not I'm going to remove this piece of metal but you can see where I didn't hit that portion compared to where I did and um if you don't follow the directions apparently you get this white white stuff everywhere uh I'm not sure entirely what this stuff is it's like a fine powder if anybody knows what the heck this stuff is but yeah so I I applied this stuff and it said let dry for 24 hours well I didn't check the weather like a dum dum and we got snow and we got rain and we got more snow and more rain and uh I think it was about a week maybe maybe two by now that the weather has just been awful in every way but uh yeah you know I did an axle and that's already painted but I did an axle and the one of the brakes no both sides of the brakes uh and it it almost makes this like when you follow the directions of course it almost makes this like hard glass like uh epoxy like shell on the metal it's really strange um how that does but it uh it really is amazing but I don't know if there was some sort of chemical and the uh well of course there are but in the uh snow and the rain like maybe I thought no Osos is an acid it's a uh I forget what phosphoric acid um so acid rain wouldn't really affect it but uh yeah I don't know if you have any guesses yeah throw them down down down in the comments this is really strange but yeah so if you're uh going to use oo which is an awesome product you see how that just kind of wipes off it's like a white powder it's weird so if you're going to use this oo um yeah it's awesome but um yeah apparently you got to really uh follow the directions but uh I'm going to ASO up my car a little bit too there's a little bit of rust underneath and a little bit of rust under the uh H uh some rust on the rotors here I haven't Jed in a bit I got parts coming in for that hey I'll keep you along for that Journey too only so many ways I can screw that up but uh yeah so if you know let me know yeah it's just a quick video to show everybody like hey this is what happens if if you leave your your metal parts or midal bits um out in the rain after you use oo pardon me but yes so I have a this is just a short video I I wanted to do an update on non-existent teardrop camper it's invisible you see I'm a magician um I wanted to do an update on this so this way if anybody goes out there to buy that stuff cuz I have not seen anybody talk about this on YouTube I I looked up pretty pretty extensively on that Oso product and I didn't see anything like this everybody said the same it was great and when it when I followed the directions it was great but uh I guess don't let it sit out in the weather otherwise you'll have this trouble but uh I might even go back and and reapply in some some places I doubt it very much I'm going to undercoat this and I don't really see a whole lot of there there might be a little bit of life left in this trailer after all but we'll see I I don't really plan on going ham but uh I already did more than I wanted to but all right thanks guys have a wonderful and gals have a wonderful day
Channel: 4of
Views: 844
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Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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