Creo 5.0 - Tips and Tricks You Didn't Know About the Creo Sketcher and Patterning

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hello everyone my name is jose garcia and in this video i'm going to give you a couple of tips and tricks that you probably didn't know about creo i'm going to give you one for the sketcher and i'm going to give you another one for the pattern feature let's start with the sketcher okay now one common thing that i hear about folks who use creo is that when they use creo and they create a sketch the thing is massive right so we kind of want to work around that we want to make sure everything scales nicely even the best creo users do not know about this technique i'm about to show you right now well i shouldn't say most of them right but you know a couple of them that i've talked to don't know a lot about this one so i'm going to come up here into the sketch command and i'm just going to go ahead and say okay on that and we'll go ahead and choose the front plane there and then say sketch okay now from here i'm just going to draw two circles one right there and another one over here i'm going to use coincidence to tie both of these to the horizontal like so and i'm going to connect them with a line tangent like so and i'll put a point at the center here and use coincidence and tie this to the vertical okay if you notice this thing is pretty big 108 inches 36 inches i don't know about you but that's not really what i want to work with the problem is that if i change this 100 right now to something more for my situation like let's say 10 inches it doesn't want to do it see down here it says modification failed try alternate so what we're going to do is we're going to scale the whole thing so i'm going to highlight all of these dimensions just make a box around all of them and say modify now here we can go ahead and say lock the scale once you do that if you edit this 108 which you have to go hunting for but luckily for us it's right here when you change that to 10 everything else goes with it okay so there's our 10 there's our other dimensions here so let's go ahead and change this to 5 and we have one more dimension from here to here middle mouse button let's say that that's going to be 30. okay now we need to trim off these interior curves like so and we're gonna say okay now i don't know why this glitch happens but sometimes it just kind of zooms you far away but right now this is what we have so that's tip number one how do you scale things in the sketcher i think i just showed it to you so definitely use that one very useful the other thing that i want to show you let's go ahead and extrude this let's say that this is going to be 0.125 okay maybe that's a little too thin let's go with 0.5 inches so here is the scenario i want to put a hole right on this face at the center of this arc now as the hole is patterned i want it to increase okay i want it to increase in diameter i want it to follow a certain line and as it follows that line the diameter must increase that is actually a very complex problem especially when you're working with curved surfaces but with this little tip i think it'll really help you if you sort of visualize and understand what we're doing i use this technique a lot in situations where i have curved and weird surfaces that i need to do really weird and irregular patterns on so let's take a look at how we can do that i'm going to go ahead and activate the sketcher and i'm going to sketch on this top face here i'm going to shoot a line from this center if it'll allow me to select it to the center over here like that and i'm going to say ok now i know it looks crazy but trust me there is a method to my madness now that we have this line let's put a point on this line but do not snap it to the end points okay just plop it anywhere on this line and i'm going to say that i want to start it at the beginning at zero okay so if i look at my datum points there it is right there now what i'm going to do is i'm going to activate the hole command so i'm going to say hole select the point hold the control key select the face and let's say that this diameter is going to be 0.3 okay maybe that's a little bit too small let's go with one inch and we're going to say drill up to next surface if you've taken a class with me you probably know that that's something i encourage you to do a lot okay so now we're going to group the hole and the point together and we're going to go ahead and then pattern it now once we have the pattern let's go ahead and leave it on dimension and if you expand dimensions here you can go ahead and select the one inch diameter and the 0.00 position that we used to place this point now i think you're starting to see why we use this sort of funny setup so now it's up to us to determine what we want to do here so let's say that we want this to increment by you know 0.25 inches i don't think that's too much of a big number and this thing needs to be spaced accordingly so if we want five instances we have to type in 0.2 because of course 100 divided by 5 20 20 right and then over here we need to type in the instances now you might be tempted to type in five but we actually need to type in six because the parent counts as one instance so go ahead and choose six and now if i hit the green check mark you can see that as this thing moves it increases in diameter now this is a straight line so that's fine but if you had a curved line if you know anything about creo you can't do that on a curved line right you can't increment a pattern as it moves along a curved line well with this technique that is doable i hope you learned something new if you have any questions please leave a comment or reach out to us we'll be happy to answer your questions thank you very much
Channel: Design Visionaries
Views: 407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mId61Dgvem8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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