Creo Parametric - Revolve Feature - Part Modeling Basics

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the revolve command adds or removes material about an axis of revolution and the revolve command can use either an internal or an external sketch I already have a sketch in my model so I can select it and from the mini toolbar I can choose revolve and I don't get any preview of geometry because I need to specify what I want to use as my axis of revolution and I can pick an actual datum axis in my model and there you can see what I get or I could choose geometry from the sketch itself and depending on what I choose you can see that I'm getting vastly different results I'm going to cancel out of here to show you some changes I can make to the sketch so I can click on the sketch and then use edit definition from the mini toolbar first off I can create a geometry centerline in my sketch and use it as the default axis of revolution so I can click on the centerline command and then locate it in my model and one thing I want to point out is that there are actually two centreline commands in the ribbon there's one that creates a sketch centerline yeah I don't want either one actually creates a geometry centerline and it's the geometry centerline that you can then select right mouse click and hold and designate as the axis of revolution the other thing I want to point out is the dimensioning scheme for my sketch so right now this six dimension and the weak dimensions for 2.5 and 4.5 those would correspond to radius dimensions for the geometry that would be created and actually I want diameter dimensions because that's what I probably would want to have on a drawing and what I'd want to inspect because I can use calipers to measure a diameter to create the diameter dimension you're going to go to the dimension command and that's going to be three alternating left mouse clicks starting either on the center line or the geometry and then middle mouse button and I'm going to use a value of three let's do that again over here left left left middle mouse button and I'm going to enter in a value of five and one more time left left left and then middle mouse button and this time it says hey there's a conflict you're not allowed to over dimension or over constrain your sketch I can't have a radius dimension in idaite hey I am etre dimension simultaneously I could change the sixth dimension to a reference dimension or just get rid of it entirely I'm going to accept the value of twelve now to get out of sketch mode I can right click and hold and from the pop-up menu click the check mark and with my sketch so still selected I'll click on the revolve command and there you see how it's using the internal center line as the axis of revolution let's complete the feature I can hit the check mark or middle mouse button and I've got my first revolve in the model and this adds material let's create another revolve and this time I'm going to do an internal sketch going to start the revolve command and then you can pick the flat planar surface or datum plane that you want to sketch on I'm gonna sketch on the datum plane called front and that takes me into sketch mode let me turn off my datum plane display and change to no hidden lines make it easier to see and also the sketch view alright I want to create a sketch over here and I want it to lock into the geometry in my model so if I right mouse click and hold I can choose references and I can pick this flat surface over here but I also want it to lock into this cylindrical surface I can actually pick it that's what's called a silhouette edge so now that I've got my sketch references let's right-click to get to our sketch tools I'm going to sketch a couple of lines and let's change this dimension to a value of four just like before I want a diameter dimension and I'm also going to define my axis of revolution when I put in the tan line hey look it automatically gave me a diameter dimension let's change that to a value of two and just make sure that this is oh yeah since I'm in an internal sketch let's go back to a shaded mode since I'm in an internal sketch it was automatically going to use that internal centerline okay let's right click and hold and I'm going to have this remove material I'm gonna have it be a cutting right now it's going about 360 degrees from the options tab I want to show you that you could change the value there on the screen or in the dashboard here and right now I have a side one depth of 20 degrees instead of a variable depth I could right click on here and choose symmetric this will put 10 degrees on one side of the sketch plane 10 degrees on the other side of the sketch plane and let's also take a look at changing that to 2 selected and 4 to selected I have a couple datum planes in here let's go ahead and show them and for my feature right now I have my material being removed let's go and change that I actually didn't want DTM to for my two selected depth let's turn on my datum plane display I actually want this datum plane there you can see that I have the side one depth to have the datum plane drive the depth on the other side I can right mouse click and choose side 2 and right now I have a variable depth a little trick if you're dragging the angle and then hold down the ship key they allow you to quickly switch to two selected and lock into whatever you selected when you're dragging and holding down the shift-key so that's good for my cut let's hit the check mark and turn off my datum plane display then I can do things with this revolve each are like pattern it and instead of doing a dimension pattern from the drop-down list I can create an access pattern and right now it's giving me four instances ninety degrees apart by clicking this button I'll get four over 360 degrees or maybe I want to have a total of let's say twelve over 360 degrees hit the checkmark and there I have my revolve being patterned so that is the revolve feature I hope you like this video for more information please visit
Channel: Creo Parametric
Views: 12,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ptc creo, creo ptc, creo parametric, crei parametric tutorial, creo parametric basics, creo parametric 4.0 tutorial, creo parametric 5.0 tutorial, creo parametric revolve, creo parametric basic design, creo parametric 4.0, creo parametric 5.0, creo parametric 6.0, creo parametric basic modeling tutorial, ptc creo student, creo 7, creo 8, creo parametric 7.0, creo parametric 6.0 tutorial, creo parametric 8.0, revolve in creo
Id: nps3XO3eYAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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