Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche shamatha/Дзонгсар Кхьенце Ринпоче шаматха.

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we begin with a meditation Shimada I believe we can sort of I believe there's two kinds of shaman meditation you well not really it's not really written the classic Buddhist checks or anything like that but I'm just categorizing this for the sake of communication one is I think the the purpose of categorizing this into two is because of the interest I guess interest of different kinds of people interest or motivation so therefore I will call this like gam let's say the first shaman meditation is like a worldly kind of oriented worldly oriented schemata meditation and then beyond the worldly oriented schemata meditation and when I say worldly I'm talking about a servicing interest what you are trying to pursue what you what is your aim for most of us worldly beings our aim is very simple I guess temporal just to be happy and profitable if it's possible and therefore I believe that we cherish concepts such as some relaxation able to concentrate the ability to concentrate and then all kinds of other things like ability to communicate with friends and family and the world and we constantly want to improve this we need to we want to improve the way we communicate we want to improve how we relax you know stuff like that is important isn't it like to be free from stress all kinds of things so those are categorized into one and which I call I call this worldly schemata meditation worldly oriented and that's easy actually I mean there's nothing much to talk about it basically what we must try to do is we must try to gain more control over our mind and as long as you can do that because if you are follower of worldly oriented schemata then you are not you don't want to control your mind 100% you don't want that otherwise most of many of the so-called fun and intrigue and all of this you inmates so we are think we are talking about like maybe 10 to 20 percent control over our mind and the left should go wild in that and because that way you become a perfect samsaric successful successful person we we know that when we are out of control hundred percent you know out of control then we suffer this we know so then we ask ourselves what makes our what what makes ourselves sort of out of control what is it that we become obsessed addicted or an all out of control worked up basically what makes us worked up with all kinds of things we then will I guess we will know that basically it's because we our mind gets overly distracted that's why so we know that certain amount of distraction is not good because if you get distracted too much then you lose I don't know sort of the inborn dignity of our mind and that's something that we don't want to do don't want to so in order to achieve that what then we can do is choose one object to get distracted basically instead of lots and lots of objects we choose one particular object to get distracted and that's yes that's that's Yamato meditation Khan trying to continuously get distracted only to this sort of chosen designated object and that actually has lots of benefit it does if you are looking at a sunset and trying to really enjoy the gradual sort of setting of the Sun and really try to enjoy it minute by minute second-by-second yes you will remember the Carty that you have recently lost and stuff like doesn't that proves that actually trying to distract your mind on a chosen object does calm your mind so now this should tell you when we say calm calm mind the definition of calm is various because come many times come can look veget very agitated and vivid and all of that which if you had time dude get back later but anyway so why not we do this worldly bit where did it come at her worldly oriented yarmulke because I'm sure some of you you don't want to really get into this Buddhism and you know and beyond worldly stuff I mean there's no reason to and this alone will give you enough I really think so I eat it it will give you strength it will improve your communication skill it will be it will help you free from stress all the things that you know self-help methods can be put into nutshell and actually you can do that and yeah a lot of benefit really a lot of benefit so why don't we begin doing that for a few minutes so choose your object whatever doesn't matter it but only that it could be your there you are you are sort of breathing in and out just concentrate on that or it could be the constant sort of humming of the air condition or somebody's neck in front of you whatever or or you are feeling if you have a constant feeling somewhere so just just choose that and to watch that nothing else so let's let's begin if your mind is distracted go back to the object if your mind is distracted or other distraction objects bring it back to the one that you chose if you are frustrated because you can't concentrate forget the frustration just go back to the object don't get worked up with a frustration just go back if you think that you are concentrating well forget that just go back to the concentration if you think it's not special then forget that just go back to the object similarly if you think it's very special forget that and go back to the object if your mind is constantly checking whether you are concentrating or not forget all that just go back to the object okay that's it that's the common schemata worldly oriented because your motivation is just to have stress stress-free experience you want to be happy you want to have some kind of relaxation this alone will do a lot of wonderful things you don't you know you are not practicing Buddhism this is nothing that God it's not ready religious thing it's it's a simple technique this will really make you sober same as you can I mean it obvious very obvious you are letting the mind be you are not changing after all kinds of you know objects which which makes you busy tired stressed so few minutes of this meditation every day I think will bring lot of good health mentally physically spiritually when you meditate these you will have all kinds of sensations and all of that and don't even begin to think that these are something special not thing it's not special at all it's just for the first time you are using your mind that's all that's why that's why you begin you think it's special it's nothing special don't think of write a book about it okay but this this common schemata or what I call the worldly oriented schemata there's one witness about it quite a big weakness it's it is a high-maintenance kind of you know it needs to be maintained you have to meditate basically until you die and if you forget to do this meditation maybe I don't know like ten days the eleventh day you are back to the square one it's bit like that so that's the unfortunate part so basically it's like you have to do it all the time it's like going to the gym it's not like you go to the gym and work out for like six month and then you can relax for another six months because you lose everything I don't bit in two days you do right two or three days you lose all your shape that's the really the sad part so but if you want to be sober and saying this is very definitely it works and economical and very handy you can just travel with it now the uncommon shemitah now if those who doesn't want to hear you can leave now this is different it's different because you have a different motivation you have a different value you have a different you are looking for something else so the earlier common schemata meditation when they say calm relaxing concentrating not getting distracted of course we use the same word in the second one also but it means totally different unison that's important to know yeah different value you see the first common what I call it common schemata your view is you want to be successful you want to be happy and you want to be healthy you want to be sober that's your view in the second one at the shantideva said what is healthy physically healthy mentally sober mentally sane even but worldly sane but worldly same that's not really sane according to the second one so the way your approach is different your value is different so the definition of meditation is different of course generally speaking meditation in the Tibetan word gum Samadhi or Jung has a connotation of getting accustomed to something getting used to something that's why you are trying to do the meditation but what are you trying to get yeah so that there's something that you are trying to get used to and that something is what we call the view so see the second kind of schemata has a much different view than the first one view is important the view the view will deter determine the path you know if you want to be a model then you should not eat you know if if you want to be a sort of skinny slim model then you should not eat rice slim skinny is beautiful that is a view in order to get used to that view and actually manage to attain that view or the goal goal and the view in this case is similar what do you do what do you do you meditate upon you read wholly sort of sutras such as South Beach diet is it meditate upon them and actually diligently sacrifice lots of delicious things really renounce hamburger renounce you know lots of active renounce session you have to practice that now if you are a sumo wrestler then you have to defect because if you bigger the better more elegant very majestic you can look at your opponent with your you know blazing eyes with your amazing incredible round face and round body that is the view in this case and in order to achieve that view achieved that goal you have to eat lots of rice and avoid as many as possible sprouts because so those are the things you see so the view makes it it makes everything different so there's a schemata right we talked about mata the earlier the view is personal worldly happiness relaxation whatever actually that that kind of view and meditation in action I think there's a quite a lot I don't think we have it I have to teach here so much here in this case the view is different so now let's let's um let's go to since we are supposed to do I mean I'm supposed to tell you the schemata meditation and the introduction to Buddhism and I feel strength is like really some old Amma bombs here I don't think they need any introduction but anyway maybe there's a one or two new new souls who are about to become I don't know so you have to be careful here now if you use your own rational mind as much as possible anyway so now what I'm going to do is introduce Buddhism because now we are talking about uncommon shemitah an uncommon shemitah is uncommon because of the view okay inda of course the purpose of the uncommon schemata it's also happiness soberness Sanergy relaxation all of that same thing same word but this time what do we mean by sober different what do we mean by same different and I will tell you why see of course all sentient beings wishes to be happy non one no one wants to suffer and when Buddha taught in a Buddha what's the one of the most practical person his teaching is actually very practical very pragmatic I would say I think the challenge is the definition of happiness this is where things becomes different the worldly people's definition of happiness and worldly people are so-called happiness is what something Buddha formed as a suffering pain impermanent essence las' futile yeah so the view now we are talking about the view the view of Buddhism for that reapply the schemata based on that view of course the Buddhist view is very complicated very complex it's something it's not that easy you know it cannot be told within one hour but I have also realized I can't really just tell you you know the boot in treatment as as I'm introducing Buddhism to you is introduction of Buddhism for the beginners is the biggest challenge for me all this is the biggest sob it really is the most difficult subject to teach I much prefer to teach
Channel: Михаил Глоба
Views: 27,143
Rating: 4.9338841 out of 5
Keywords: Samatha (Religious Practice), Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche (Religious Leader), Lama (Profession), Dzongsar Monastery (Location), Religion (TV Genre), Дзонгсар Кхьенце Ринпоче, Шаматха., Медитация.
Id: BzkuD9-l3ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2015
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