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Hi Guys welcome back at Mikrotik Tutorial and in this tutorial I will discuss about Dynamic QoS maybe many of you are still wondering what is Dynamic QoS? because on previous videos we made QoS manually on Mikrotik we can make Dynamic QoS that is to make the QoS rule automatically we can make on several features such as VPN DHCP and Hotspot what is the way to make it? don't forget to Subscribe and click the bell button so that you get notifications when we upload the latest videos this video will discuss Dynamic QoS so from several previous QoS videos many questions that have been entered how to make QoS for users who have IP addresses that change frequently example there are several users connected via DHCP, Hotspot or VPN previously we have learned to make HTB we can make a hierarchy we can configure the limit at, max limit and also priority on the client but what if the user that we have uses IP dynamic? on the Mikrotik there is already a feature we can create dynamic QoS and can be used on DHCP, VPN or hotspots so if we do dynamic QoS once there is a user connected through DHCP, VPN or hotspot it will automatically be made one new simple queue rule dynamically then if the user logs out the automatic rule will also be lost so we can do HTB there can use priority, limit at, max limit and others and it is done automatically How to? first we will try the VPN feature first so on VPN we can do dynamic QoS on VPN has settings on the PPP menu and here there are already two VPN profiles I've made before we will try to look at the first profile here there are general tabs, protocols and limits on the tab limits we will do dynamic QoS we will try to make the simplest for example, we will provide a limit of 10M for uploading and downloading if it has been deviated then we apply we will look at the queue menu it looks like there hasn't been a queue made now we will try if there is one connected VPN user we see in the Active Connections tab there is no connected user if someone is connected then it will a dynamic simple queue is formed or formed automatically and it appears there are settings for Max Limit for 10M for Upload and Download we will try to do more variations we will make modifications For max limits uploading and downloading may not be the same for example to upload 5M and download for 10M the parameters for the limit rate are RX and TX this parameter is seen from the Router side but if we look at it from the user side then the writing from the front is uploaded and after that is downloaded the method of writing is the same with those in simple queue first number to upload the right number to download if my configuration applies then we look at the queue menu on the PPP menu we delete the VPN user first if connected again VPN user we see the user is connected again there is a new queue with max upload limit of 5M and download 10M because we changed it earlier for Burst and others settings are still empty because later we can use the configuration in a more advanced way so for the rate-limit we can also make arrangements in advance we can do burst, priority, parent and others how? we will look at the following picture if we look at the following picture writing like this that we must input into Rate-Limit the first line for Max Limit, then burst and others we see the first line for the first number is upload so we already made 5M and 10M first number to upload and after that to download this arrangement applies to all numbers first to upload and afterwards to download in the picture there are many other parameters we'll check starting from the front so the first for max limit settings we already did the max limit then afterwards to Burst limit and after that is a Burst Threshold and hereinafter is the arrangement for Burst Time so the first for the max limit and 3 afterwards are settings for Burst Burst Limit, Burst Threshold and Burst Time then the next number for setting priority and the last digit for the Limit At setting the numbers for the settings are complete like when we make full QoS starting from max limit, burst then there is priority and there is also a limit at This number configuration can be entered into the Rate Limit so if we enter this number into the Limit Rate we can enter all of them simultaneously starting from the max limit then burst, priority and limit at here I apply then there is one more thing if we want to use the HTB system then we have to make a Parent queue so in the Queue parameter we can specify the Parent Queue that we will use here we don't have a parent queue yet so we have to make it first how to do the queue as usual and I gave the name Parent-VPN for the target I will fill in all the IPs on the target IP pool used for the VPN here I will use for the target we can fill max limit with total Bandwidth we have for example 100M to upload and 100M to download then I apply here we already have a static Parent Queue then on the queue menu in the PPP Profile we will enter Parent Queue we created Parent-VPN then for the selection of queue types we can use anything according to our needs this time we use default-small then we apply after we apply I will delete the user on the VPN first if it's connected again it will be visible VPN user enters again here it appears that the VPN user has become Child Queue from the Parent Queue that we created earlier this is Parent Queue and this is Child Queue and if we look here the simple queue has a limit at 2M to upload and 5M to download priority has also been filled then queue types are filled Parent Queue is also filled then the configuration for Burst has also been filled max limit filled and the automatic target is pptp-user1 so this simple queue configuration binds to the interface not only binding to IP addresses but with the interface too the simple queue rule works for the VPN user rule so we can make Max Limit, Burst, Limit At and Priority then too selection of queue types and parent queues for VPN users then we look at the hotspot configuration we already made a configuration for the VPN user for hotspot configurations it's not much different our first step will be to create a new queue to become the parent queue hotspot for the target we fill with the IP pool that is used for hotspots then the max limit must be filled here we already have a static parent queue for hotspots we enter the IP menu then hotspot go to the user profiles tab here I already have a user profile I've made before how to make it is not much different from VPN there is a rate limit on the General tab we enter the arrangement of numbers as before in the VPN and we can change these numbers according to our needs then on the queue tab we choose the parent that we made earlier here is a Parent-Hotspot then we can choose queue types here for this time I chose hotspot-default we apply then if we look at the hotspot menu so if there is a login hotspot we can see there will be additions new simple queue for hotspot users here it looks like there is already a hotspot - user1 is already connected via a hotspot which uses IP address then the max limit, burst limit has been filled according to the parameters we have filled at this rate limit on the Advanced tab we see LImit At and Parent Queue already exist Queue Types have also been filled with Dynamic QoS configuration like this we can do HTB we can use Parent Queue and many other things in accordance with the QoS material we have learned in previous videos starting from Queue Types, Parent, HTB and others for this Dynamic Queue configuration function like when doing HTB manually so we can configure many things if you are still confused about HTB can be seen in the previous video about HTB then we made the queue types the tutorial video too please see the video series on QoS before so this is the example of Dynamic Queue on VPN and Hotspot then for Hotspots suppose there is another user connected can the settings be the same as the first user? we can give different settings for each user connected from the Hotspot we will look at the second hospot profile user here I make Parent-Queue the same Parent-Hotspot then the Queue Types are the same here we will try to change the Limit Rate we will make a Limit Rate equal to 2M to download and 2M to upload here I am not writing as complete as before because we can use Max Limit for HTB configuration as long as Parent-Queue exists and has been configured I apply here we will try to see if there is a new user connected we are waiting for the hotspot users to connect again here, there is already a hotspot2 user connected here we see Connected users make simple queues again with different parameters so there will be a different max limit let's try opening it looks Burst configuration does not exist because we didn't make it before but because the Limit At is not set then Limit At copies data from Max Limit The Limit At parameter uses a number setting that is equal to Max Limit At limit of 2M and at Max Limit also 2M The conclusion is we can provide different speed settings for each connected hotspot user we can apply this kind of thing to the VPN Queue settings so if there are different users connected using a different Limit Rate if the user is connected it will make a different simple queue too so we can set different speed and priority settings for each user connected to the Hotspot or to VPN like that explanation with Hotspot and VPN there is one more feature that we can use Dynamic QoS the feature is DHCP and this feature is probably the most and often used because it is the easiest network configuration so we don't need to use any security if we are connected via a Switch, Router or Wireless it will get an IP address from the DHCP Server we will try to make it first we will make Parent-Queue for DHCP Server we will create Parent Queue for the DHCP server then we adjust the Target with the IP Pool used on the DHCP server for Max Limit I will use 100M to upload and download we apply and already seen that I already have Parent-Queue for DHCP Server then we will enter the Rate Limit parameter in the DHCP settings first we will enter the DHCP Server settings located on the IP menu then DHCP Server we go to the Leases tab if we previously did it on Profiles for DHCP the settings are on the Leases tab First we find the connected user using the DHCP Server first to make it easier then there is one user here which I will change using the Limit Rate we will first click Make Static not Dynamic Leases because the first condition must be Static Leases then we open the connected user settings it will show the IP Address and MAC Address for the IP Address we will return it to the IP pool settings we change it to dhcp_pool0 this is the setting that I use for IP Address DHCP Pool then here is the Limit Rate this is where we enter the setting parameters for Dynamic Queue we enter the same settings with the earlier one in which there are Max Limit settings, Burst then Priority and Limit At we enter in the parameter Rate Limit then we Apply then a Dynamic Queue will appear but here it does not enter into the Queue Parent still standing alone why is this queue still standing alone? because before we had not determined on Parent where we will enter this DHCP here on RouterOS v6.44 there is a new feature where we can choose Parent-Queue for DHCP there is no previous version but this feature can only run on the Command Line so it's not already on the menu in Winbox we will open the Command Line we type the command dhcp-server ip the command must go to the DHCP server menu first we can see any DHCP server which has existed I have two DHCP Servers we will use the DHCP Server on the LAN because the other one is a DHCP Server for Hotspots we will set it by typing the command dhcp-LAN set here if we see there are many parameters which we can specify One of which is Parent-Queue we can choose to use Which Parent-Queue we press the Tab key to see options we already have Parent Queue for DHCP I press Enter then here we disable it for DHCP leases first then we activate it again if the user is reconnected using a DHCP Server then we will get one Simple Queue which has been entered into the Parent here a queue appears into Parent-DHCP if before the queue for DHCP users stand-alone then this time the queue for the DHCP client has entered as Child Queue in the DHCP Queue Parent this is the Parent-DHCP Queue and this is Child Queue if we look at the Child Queue configuration The target IP address is in accordance with the IP address shared by the DHCP Server if this IP Address changes Simple Queue configuration on DHCP Users will still merit according to the Rate Limit that we enter then Max Limit and Burst Limit also exist also on the Advanced LImit Tab then Priority and others and most importantly, Parent-Queue Parent-DHCP has also been entered here so we have successfully created Dynamic Queue for this DHCP Server there was a little clue earlier we can do using the Command Line (for now) maybe in the next version already in the menu on Winbox so that we are easier to do through Winbox so there's no need to type in the Command Line so it's just the problem for create Dynamic Queue on the current DHCP Server and I'm sure the next version will definitely be updated to add a menu to Winbox to enter Parent Queue on the DHCP Server there are several other things if we were in the VPN Queue Dynamic settings we enter in Profile and for Hotspots we also enter in the Profile if for DHCP Server we do one by one on each connected user if we choose a specific MAC Address then we must determine one by one we have not been able to automatically enter any IP into Dynamic QoS so we have to do one by one on each client or MAC Address because indeed this Dynamic QoS is intended for high priority users and not for all clients so if we want to do it for all clients actually no need to use Dynamic QoS because we can do it with PCQ then all clients or computers will get the same Speed only use one rule we do Simple Queue with PCQ then all clients or computers will get the same Rule for certain computers or clients the limit you want to give is faster we can do Dynamic QoS and don't forget to put the top of the previous Rule so that This rule priority will run first than Rule for PCQ so that for certain clients or computers will get more speed than specified on PCQ for other clients like that instructions then for those of you who want to try or there are certain experiences about Dynamic QoS can write in the comments column so the kit can be discussion and help to implement then Share this video so that more people will know about this Dynamic QoS video material do not forget to Subscribe and also click the bell so you get notifications if we upload the latest video see you on the next video
Channel: Mikrotik Indonesia (Citraweb)
Views: 51,369
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Keywords: Dynamic Queue Mikrotik, Mikrotik, QoS, Mikrotik Tutorial, Mikrotik Indonesia, Mikrotik Router, Mikrotik Configuration, RouterOS, Setting Mikrotik, Citraweb Solusi Teknologi, Citraweb, CST, Mikrotik Hotspot, Routerboard, Belajar Mikrotik, Dynamic Queue, Dynamic IP Address, Simple Queue, Dynamic Hotspot, Queue Tree, Mangle, Wireless QoS, Network Engineer, Multi Protocol Label Switching, Traffic Network Engineer, Quality Of Service, Dynamic Routing, QoS Mikrotik, QoS Networking
Id: BosPkqQUaas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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