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Hello Guys Welcome back to Mikrotik Indonesia Youtube channel that will provide Tips and Tricks about Mikrotik this time I will give Tips and Tricks about Mikrotik this time is different because I'm not alone because there is already Mr. Valens Riyadi beside me How are you sir? healthy.. but it looks like you are healthier not much different sir now yes this time we will both discuss basic configuration problems initial configuration must be done before we configure firewall, simple queue and so on but before we continue Don't forget Subsribe and press the bell button so that you get the latest video updates from us we'll just try about the basic configuration of expert experts core of the core who else doesn't know Pak Valens Riyadi in the case of Mikrotik the first step we have to do before further configuration why do we have to make basic configuration? maybe a lot of people asked before when buying a Mikrotik device when taken home and used apparently unable to connect next question maybe when you can enter Winbox confused about what to configure when entering into Winbox faced with a lot of menus so much we don't know which one to configure first like that of all videos on the Indonesian Mikrotik Channel the best-selling video is about basic configuration and this time we make the video again because maybe the previous video it's not up to date maybe the menu on Winbox is already newer there are newer features therefore we make a video about the basic configuration okay to do basic configuration what steps should be taken first before we configure all routers we must first determine the IP Address allocation Yes, true usually if we subscribe to the internet we get an IP address from the provider or ISP but IP on our local network we determine ourselves yes we must determine the IP address allocation on all devices on our network for wireless, cable, hotspot and other connections the first like that we can choose from several IP address ranges for the Private IP range huh? There are three Private IP ranges that we can use we choose one for subnets we can also choose not to / 8 can use / 24 only for small networks so it can be adjusted to your needs the number of devices on the local network ikita but for beginner networks or small networks usually we use subnet / 24 because it's enough for the 200an client 254 allocation of sufficient IP addresses if you are still confused to choose a subnet we just install / 24 because it's the easiest choice in terms of determining this Private IP into the network design right we designed the network so there is a public network and there is a local network so we make the topology mean sir? right we made the network topology first so if we have made a network topology we must determine the internet source what port is entered can use fiber optic, ethernet cable or wireless depending on the provider so if we want to connect to the internet there must be a source there must be an internet source can be via an ethernet cable can be via fiber optic can via wireless connection too because now there are many providers that use wireless for their internet distribution the last one we can also use GSM / LTE or in other words you can use cellular networks because we can also use routers that have interfaces for cellular connections the same as the others so there are many internet sources that we can discuss in more detail how to do it some use static IP there is a DHCP there are also other services later we will discuss in more detail but the first thing we have to do is design or make a network topology first besides topology what else do we need to prepare sir? if our application requires Winbox can be downloaded via because it includes weapons from Mikrotik technicians or if you are forced to not be able to download Winbox we can also use a web browser or the term we call webfig so all Mikrotik Routers can be configured using webfig for example for this Router which has 10 interfaces if we connect to ports 2-10 we will be able to connect use DHCP and will immediately get a Private IP for those of you who have never seen this router this is Mikrotik RB4011iGS + 5HacQ2HnD-IN here can be seen in front of him has 10 ethernet ports and 1 SFP port then have Wireless too and what is impressive is that this router uses quad chain technology term for 4 antennas so later we can use an ethernet port we can also use wireless which we can use for office networks or maybe campus according to our needs from the topology we have made then the application using Winbox is available what's next, sir? then we try to connect it first Oh like that we try to connect to the laptop and for the record of new routers do not connect via port 1 why is that sir? because it was protected from the start by Mikrotik There is already a meaningful default configuration so for other routers the hAP series or the one with 5 ports do not connect via port 1 first for the first time we connect via port 2 etc such initial appeal sometimes someone asks to connect via winbox but the cable to ether1 can't and the Router that will be on the remote is not detected so for the first time we connect via a port other than port 1 on the router in front of this can be seen there are 2 cables connected cable on ether 1 is simulated as an internet source because on port 1 we usually use it to connect to an ISP or internet provider while this port 2 that we use to connect to a laptop / PC so on port 2 connected to the laptop for us to configure the network correctly here we try to connect using the Winbox application correctly using Winbox and connected via cable and we open the Winbox application, it looks like there is one router seen using IP address if you want to access using the web browseer you can go through that IP Address it is the default IP for Mikrotik devices but this time we try to use the Winbox application with MAC Address the difference is we have to click on the MAC Address not on the IP Address if we click on the IP Address we will connect through the IP Address because we will connect using MAC Address then use Login: admin no password blank but don't type "blank" later if it is written blank it can't even log in and now we connect we are now connected to the router and a display appears for the default config description this configuration is what makes us first unable to connect through port 1 makes us unable to connect winbox via port 1 then the IP Address used was also from this configuration for some things we delete this default configuration why should you delete it sir? because we will learn to set from 0 Oh like that therefore we just delete this default configuration but for those of you who want to use the default configuration, it still works but in this video tutorial we will try to delete all existing configurations and later we will make the configuration from the beginning because it is feared that the settings we make will experience conflicts with the default configuration not synchronized with the default configuration so we click Remove Configuration and the Router will delete all the default configurations on this router which resulted in this router becoming fresh empty without configuration we press Remove Configuration after that the router will restart okay we wait a while after being removed because the router is removing configuration then the router will be on again we just wait This means that the default configuration has been lost if we want to connect through any ether there is no problem no problem because the ether 1 pad has no firewall blocking so true but usually indeed ether 1 is only used for connection to internet sources we scenario like that we are connected again we see there is no IP Address installed and no other settings There is no firewall okay and we will start configuring for the first time my advice is change password because for security too because if our Public IP is installed immediately there are many who attack usually we can anticipate first before we connect to the internet we must replace the Router Password first because we might receive a Public IP from an ISP the risk if we receive a Public IP from an ISP we can get a lot of attacks from outside if the password on the router has not been filled or is still default because everyone now knows that the default login to the Mikrotik device is User: admin Password: "empty" we change it on the System-Users menu if I usually prefer to create a new user why is that sir? so that the Admin user is not affected by bruteforce suppose we create a user yes or it can be by any name don't forget to make a full group does not mean "i love you full" then don't forget the password must be filled don't let it not be filled then we enter again then we apply ok the next step is we disable Admin users the goal is that no one tries to log in use admin for bruteforce and make sure our username and password must be memorized right do not forget otherwise it will be chaotic must memorize then don't forget to use full Group marked with a red icon then we disable the admin user after we disable it then we will try to log in again we will try to log in again this time will login using a new username already entered meaning I have not forgotten in many cases like this many forget Mikrotik is so safe who really knows the Password is only the input so if we forget the only step that can be done is to reset the device must be uninstalled the device missing all data so the username and password must be remembered new user already then the next suggestion is changing the name of the device The settings are located on the system-identity menu can be filled with anything this time I will name it "Router-Rumah" click OK and the name change will be seen in the above title here so later when we do the remote we can be sure that the device we are aiming for not wrong Router because when you first open Winbox you will see all connected devices ok the first two steps already to prevent other people from entering and also we ourselves entered the router incorrectly Next is the interface configuration who headed to the Internet Okay before we have simulated it internet source goes through ether1 you can see the cable connected here then for LAN or connection that leads to the local network here we use ether2 which means we are setting up this one first? if I prefer to set up the internet source first which in the direction of the ISP used to mean and this time there are tips sometimes someone likes to use Bridge what's that for sir? to anticipate there are problems with the port that we use for example if tomorrow is damaged we can move using ether4 because if we configure everything based on the port rules that have been made will be replaced by all so true we have made configurations, firewalls and others will be replaced all because of some of these things so I'll give an example using Bridge for example like this we make the bridge first go directly to the Bridge menu we name it as we wish this time I made Bridge for WAN already made bridge-WAN now we enter the port that will be entered into the WAN we enter the port used to connect to the internet source correctly and for this example we use ether1 we enter the port on the Ports tab we add here ether1 uses brige-WAN for example, later ether1 is damaged or you want to change to another port or SFP Port it's not possible to use the same port yes we only need to enter the port on the Bridge So the SFP port is entered into the WAN bridge and physically we can immediately replace it according to our needs so making the bridge works for minimize rule reset correctly so suppose the current assumption is the simplest we use a DHCP client The DHCP client is located at IP-DHCP Client menu we simulate that from our ISP we get a DHCP IP or get an IP address automatically we only need to add the interface here we can choose which interface and we are not choosing ether1 but bridge-WAN because Ether1 was already a member from bridge-WAN therefore we choose bridge-WAN here Add Default Route, we select yes then we click OK if successful then the status will be written "bound" bound means we have got an IP address ok now we see in the IP-Addresses menu here I have seen getting an automatic IP from an internet provider and you can see the IP interface on the WAN bridge according to our configuration we check the steps first already connected to Gateway or not to check the gateway we can see in the IP-Routes menu here there is a gateway so it looks at the example this time there is a gateway with IP to the internet we try to test using Terminal we do Ping to and it looks okay already we have checked DHCP then we also check DNS but before we first check this router can connect to the internet or not we ping Google IP or to Public IP and it looks like Ping to is OK means that this Router is connected to the Internet if there is no DHCP server we must specify the IP address statically how about that, sir? because each ISP will have different services there are automatic ones and there are static ones this time we are trying to have a DHCP Server because the ISP that we use provides automatic IP what if the service we use does not provide an IP address automatically? let's try by turning off the DHCP client that we have created first we enter the IP-DHCP client menu we disable it first we check on the IP-Address menu, it should have lost all of the IP addresses then we make the IP address manually we will make IP don't forget to add the subnet prefix because it's often forgotten then the choice of interface is not on ether1 but we use bridge-WAN we apply we have made one step then we check first we ping the gateway can so for communication to the gateway can walk then after adding the IP address this time we add the default gateway because if we subscribe to the internet at the ISP we must get information the first is the IP address allocation we get or maybe get a Public IP and the second is information about the gateway then we will set the gateway located in the IP-Routes menu on the menu we will enter the gateway we click the + button to add Gateway for Etc. We leave the address do not change here errors often occur because the gateway is still closed because at the beginning of making the first open one is Dst. Address and thought that what should be edited is Etc. Address so we have to edit the Gateway parameters then we can fill in We get the IP from each provider that we use so this IP Gateway may not be arbitrary must be asked directly to the respective provider then we apply after we add the gateway the next step we do is test to connect to the internet because before we have done a test to the gateway it can then now we do Ping to the Internet so now we do a test to Ping to if Ping to already means that we can connect to the internet right Are we able to browse the internet? for example accessing Facebook or Goggle? some are not actually configured we try to ping definitely can't there is an error sir there is an error because the DNS Server has not been set How do you set up DNS, sir? we enter the IP-DNS menu then we enter the DNS server here Information for this DNS Server is also obtained from the Internet Provider that we use or we can also use Public DNS such as or we can also use open DNS in this experiment we used DNS from the ISP if we need multiple DNS servers ISPs usually have more than 1 DNS server can be added here and can be more than one if it's already added tabs and doesn't add, don't forget to close it again because we use this router to service our local network don't forget to activate Allow Remote Requests on our DNS Server what's that for sir? because this Router will act as a DNS server to serve our local network later on the client laptop DNS settings can be directed to this router IP so it doesn't need to be in the public DNS settings we click OK we do the Ping test back to well now it can so the problem was because I could not resolve the destination domain name because we have not yet set it up there the next step after we connect to the internet next time we set our LAN LAN configuration is almost the same as before my advice we also make Bridge for interfaces to the client why is that? because on the router we have many ports right if I set LAN on ether6 and later on I want to add a LAN to ether7 then it can't because this device is a Router not a Switch device each port is configured individually I was already setup for WAN already set up now the settings for LAN let's make the internet accessible from the laptop client under this router so we will make one bridge again namely LAN bridge Okay for our local network area we make a LAN bridge here add a new bridge not a bridge port but we make a new interface with the name bridge-LAN after it's finished then we just have to choose the port that will be used according to our needs this is a coincidence we will use Ether2 for LAN for now the client laptop is connected use ether2 we select the interface on ether2 and select the LAN bridge then we apply usually the connection will be interrupted briefly because we are connected to the LAN bridge so from the physical port connection it is made to bridge but this is normal we just need to reconnect again then we can also add other interfaces that we want to use for example, we want to enter the WLAN into the LAN bridge okay because on a local network it definitely needs wireless as an access point for internet distribution to the client so that later it will be easier in the configuration process then this wireless interface is also included in the LAN bridge so true we add to the bridge port menu WLAN1 enters bridge-LAN we can also copy in the bridge port configuration because we will enter the WLAN2 interface too we can also copy bridge ports for other interfaces we try to put ether6 too ether6 we put it into the LAN-bridge for example like this a bridge can contain many ports can be many ports and this applies to bridge-WAN too because in the previous example the WAN bridge has only one port yes we can also add multiple ports for example we get several Public IPs from internet providers and we want to have one server connected using the Public IP to this router so the server is created under this router use your own Public IP use a Public IP from an ISP how is that sir? the way we can by entering a new port because there was already an ether1 on the WAN bridge we can add a new port to the WAN bridge suppose we add ether3 here on the WAN bridge so this WAN-bridge is used to connect directly from the Server to the ISP so now connected directly to the ISP is ether1 and ether3 okay we can try by changing the cable connected to ether1 to the ether3 so this cable is changed we also try the test by pinging check the connection to the internet using Ping that lives continuously should if our configuration is correct I moved to Ether3 let's try to see the Ping it will stay connected so in this configuration ether1 and ether3 have the same function virtually because both ports are entered into the WAN bridge you can try this method on each network for example in ether1 there is a problem can occur due to hardware problems or anything which requires us to move to another physical port making this bridge can be a solution or become a trick so that we have made another rule like a firewall and others no need to reset because we have made some of these configurations in bridge so the trick is we use the bridge function and we have created a WAN-bridge and LAN-bridge and now the router status is connected to the internet we also have allocated ports for LANs Next, we enter the configuration for the IP address for distribution to LAN we can enter in the IP-Address menu here there is an IP address for the WAN we will make it again must be different from the IP address of the ISP for example we are here using Classic IP The most frequently used IP address we choose the interface on the LAN bridge so the configuration is almost the same as before The IP interface is not installed directly into the port but it is installed on the LAN bridge already created a new IP address here and we now adjust the IP address on our laptop or we can set up a DHCP Server create a DHCP Server on this router we enter into the IP-DHCP Server menu The DHCP server functions to provide an IP address automatically to the client and the configuration on the Mikrotik device is not difficult because there is already a wizard the most important thing is the interface selection previously we have created a LAN that is physically connected to ether2 means in selecting ports we don't choose directly to ether2 pass on the bridge because ether2 has entered into a virtual interface named LAN bridge okay the selection of the interface here should not be reversed we just need to click next to finish because IP is appropriate The gateway is also set our IP address range just use it DNS server settings will also automatically use the gateway router we can also change so that the DNS server uses this router so this is a DNS setting that will be used by the client computer we can change it to or using a Gateway from an ISP we are next we click next again it's easy to configure the DHCP Server we click DHCP Setup then click next until it's finished we can check the network configuration on the laptop already seen that we get an IP address that is already installed on the laptop according to the IP address range that we have created earlier we click OK here we can also test using Ping we try to ping from this laptop to the router we try test per segment so suppose we just connect the laptop to the router yes router connection to the internet is possible and then test the laptop connection to the internet we Ping to the connection from the laptop to the router is connected able to then we do the next test if we do a test from a laptop to the internet it is not connected how come it's like that sir? there is one more thing that needs attention is NAT (Network Address Translation) we configure source NAT on the router we must select NAT action source as a masquerade the way we enter the IP-Firewall menu then enter the NAT tab we do additions we need to set Out. Interface we choose Out. This interface is a connection to an internet source or ISP and here we choose bridge-WAN because you have to choose the interface that is used to get out of our network yes because we have entered our physical interface into the bridge means for the selection of this interface we choose bridge-WAN then on the Action tab we choose masquerade we apply if NAT masquerade has been configured then it can be connected yes we check the connection using Ping can connect to the Internet okay for basic configuration already completed because the client can connect to the internet just a few things left that can be applied what kind of example, sir? we can implement QoS we can apply bandwidth limitation easiest we can use simple queue Our target is to enter the IP that will be limited The IP address of the laptop or client that will be imposed limitation If you can set it you want to be given access bandwidth for example upload 10MB and Download 10MB if you want to further study QoS there is already a video series that discusses details regarding Microtic QoS if you already have larger network or with other more complex conditions can see some tutorials on this channel too can be seen in the Mikrotik QoS playlist on this Channel How many parts yesterday did you sir? oh there are many parts from simple to advanced configurations and a more detailed discussion is in the video QoS first addition for the second addition security issues yes at the beginning of the tutorial you have changed your username and password yes but sometimes there are still people who make brute force attacks or bugs so that we have to check the IP-Services menu then the Service will appear that is active on the Router that we are using now open service port on this Mikrotik router which can be accessed from any interface including from WAN or the internet we have to deactivate unnecessary ones as a suggestion if the API service port is not used, it must be turned off FTP if not needed must also be disabled TELNET also as a suggestion is better off because the service is not safe either remaining www or web service port winbox and also ssh but like sir like this can still be accessed via the internet but suppose that for the internet we still need a Telnet port service can it be custom made? for example for the SSH service you want to be able to still be accessed from only certain IP addresses Yes like that we can enter a certain IP there is an exception parameter suppose the home router can still be accessed from the office we can enter the IP address that we want to still be able to access or can use the IP range so that it can still be accessed from certain IP addresses This device can be accessed using SSH but don't forget Local IP is included too Oh yes if we want to enter an IP address from outside our local network don't forget to add our local IP because we open the "Available From" parameter, which means that it limits the IP that can access but if we leave everything blank, it can be accessed from anywhere so on Mikrotik if the "Available From" parameter is emptied all means it can be accessed from anywhere so it must be empty until it's dark because if we click the down arrow like this become brightly colored then the settings will change so if you want to add a certain Public IP don't forget our private IP is also included to add another IP address this is one way to protect our Router so that not just anyone can access via the internet the other services are the same okay or we can change the port for example replaced with 8080 so if we access the Router via Webfig using a web browser we have to type along with the port example this is one of the protections so don't configure this section too quickly so that nothing is missed don't let us not connect to the Router itself therefore as a suggestion for the first step is to enter the private IP that we use so we still have access can remote to Router so it's like that some protection steps then go into Network development connection via cable already then for wireless connection? oh yeah until forgotten because many networks today use mobile devices laptop or gadget these settings are in the Wireless menu suppose we want to activate wireless 5GHz we can set it as an access point for selection of frequencies you must also be careful must comply with applicable regulations some devices that have been registered in Indonesia sometimes the allowed frequency range is narrow which resulted in being unable to connect outside the specified frequency if for Mikrotik devices can be used at frequencies 5.1-5.8 can all if for a laptop or mobile device using what frequency? the most widely used on frequencies 5725 and 5825 means it's still in the upper 5GHz range for example at frequency 5785 this still can we specify for SSID because we already created a DHCP Server so it's easy to connect don't forget we made a password for our wireless connection so don't leave it open so before we activate this access point we will make security enter the Security Profiles tab then add profile there we can determine the password to enter through the wireless interface that we want to use we can create passwords as we wish then we apply then we go back to the Access Point settings which we were going to make we can choose for security profiles we open the advanced mode and we can choose security profiles so if we want to connect via wlan1 must enter the password that we created earlier This configuration for wireless 5GHz don't forget to enable it this way it is ready to become an access point yes so this is the configuration of the wireless access point at the 5GHz frequency we use the frequency of 5785 with a specified password okay and for setting up wireless access points at 2.4GHz the frequency is almost the same for frequencies at 2.4GHz there is no problem there are many frequencies that we can choose from no problems almost all wireless devices can access using this 2.4GHz frequency to connect yes we can activate Advanced mode to use security profiles maybe we can make different SSID we make different from wireless 5GHz SSID what is the purpose for? so we can know which Access Point we connect so for wireless devices that can use both frequencies, you can freely choose you can choose because most wireless devices that only use 2.4GHz frequency already full so we can choose which access points can still be connected I changed the SSID to Mikrotik2 we can apply enable ok it's all ready for how to use IP address on wlan? devices that are connected via wireless will get an IP address from the DHCP server because the wlan interface has entered the bridge-LAN so because the interface is wired and also wireless has entered into the virtual bridge-LAN interface then DHCP Server can run to all of these interfaces so we don't need to change the IP address or other settings then there are more problems if we are connected using an ISP that uses the PPPoE protocol oh yes that's how sir? because like when I first said There are several ways for ISPs to provide access to customers some use static IP some are DHCP which is now widely used is PPPoE protocol How do I set the Mikrotik device as a PPPoE Client? so we can set PPPoE Client on bridge-WAN yes let's make it enter the interface menu then we add the PPPoE Client so it must be added manually because in the initial settings registered devices are only physical interfaces so we have to add a new interface for PPPoE Client so you have to add the PPPoE Client we can choose the interface that we use this interface we can choose bridge-WAN to the internet depending on the provider then on the Dial Out tab we fill the parameters with the client or in more detail we can ask the Provider where we subscribe to the Internet don't enter usernames and passwords that don't match if wrong later can not even connect so it must be asked to internet service providers for PPPoE Client username and password information in this simulation we use client1 username with a test123 password in this setting there is also an option to use a DNS server usually we use the DNS Server from the provider we apply already seen directly connected let's look back to the settings earlier sir here you can see the password containing **** so you can know the contents of **** how is it sir? so that we can see the contents of **** hide password settings on the winbox toolbar we turn off usually we are afraid of entering a password incorrectly yes so that's the way to display **** in the characters we input so we can be sure that the characters we input are correct if we click OK here already seen the status of R which means it's Running then we try to look at the IP-Address menu we have got a new IP with the PPPoE Out interface because we already get an IP address from PPPoE we no longer need to use a static IP from the ISP because usually ISP only gives one type of distribution of IP addresses if you already use static IP usually do not use PPPoE if there is PPPoE no longer use static IP or DHCP so for connection to WAN we now only use PPPoE Out so here PPPoE Out has been formed we will try a test using Ping okay we check the connection again if tested from the router to the ISP there should be no problem already got an IP address and also got a gateway from the ISP yes now we try from a laptop there is this problem why timeout instead because there was a PPPoE virtual interface and NAT must also be configured in PPPoE so it relates to our previous NAT masquerade configuration right means we have to edit again as a suggestion we can make another new NAT configuration for Out Interface we choose PPPoE Out action we choose masquerade then we apply oh yeah right so when we use the PPPoE connection to point to the ISP Our NAT configuration must be adjusted as well for out interface instead of using physical ports but using PPPoE virtual interface right This configuration might look rather complicated because it uses bridges and all kinds but this method is very efficient when you have other services like hotspots because we just cited the service just for DHCP Server if we want to add a service hotspot so that all who want to use internet services must go through the login page the method is the same as before besides bridge-LAN we have to create new services for example bridge-HOTSPOT we choose which port will distribute this service suppose we choose port 10 we choose ether10 interface then we choose bridge-HOTSPOT so our bridge configuration is ready then we only need to set up the Hotspot service we enter the IP-Hotspot menu and later we don't choose ether10 however we choose bridge-HOTSPOT we just need to set the hotspot as usual we add the user whatever is up to us finished if we connect ether10 to an additional Access point can certainly run a hotspot service sometimes people think that the hotspot must use wireless must use an access point but we can choose the service for example on ether10 here so we can add an external access point or it could be a scenario like this because in this trial router we have 2 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless interfaces for example, on wireless 5GHz still use DHCP while 2.4GHz wireless use the hotspot service How do you do that, sir? we just need to change the port here we configured it for 2.4GHz wireless on wlan2 we change wlan2 no longer using bridge-LAN however, using bridge-HOTSPOT by using a bridge like this it is very easy to change the physical interface determine the physical interface used or suppose you want to add another access point on port9 on port9 we add it to the hotspot service we just need to enter port9 into bridge-HOTSPOT so by making a bridge like this we can easily configure the port that we use here it looks for service hotpots on wlan2, ether10 and ether9 for LANs there are ether2, ether6 and wlan1 for WANs there are ether1 and ether3 so by using a bridge method like this we become more flexible to choose the interface that we use yes so we also have to be careful in setting because it is already in the bridge for setting IP, hotspot or DHCP Server we no longer lead to physical Ether no longer leads to a physical port but we only need to choose the bridge because the physical port has entered the bridge okay and one more tip is for hotspot services why was the configuration so fast we also provide a complete video tutorial about hotspots very legendary video series so indeed all of these Indonesian Mikrotik channels are complete there is a video series about the queue to several parts there is also the DUDE and Hotspot there is wireless and so on but for basic config this is also very important before we go inside queue or hotspot configuration this is what needs to be done first if you want to know more about Mikrotik hotspots look for videos about hotspots on this channel yes will definitely meet later that explains mas Yoga yes until there is another step? there is more for you who often experience disconnected so often experience a connection break when remover using Winbox problems with Winbox not an internet connection problem as we have seen in this experiment we login using the MAC address we can also log into the Router using the IP Address so don't use MAC Address so when we will log into the Router we don't click on the MAC address so we click the IP Address section if we have entered a username and password then we login so if we enter the router using the IP Address will be much more stable than we login using the MAC Address so the problem when we login using the MAC address will often be lost because the MAC address pad connection to Winbox uses UDP yes so if there are some lost packages it will be disconnected so for winbox connections using IP addresses we use TCP connection oriented the connections will be better maintained especially direct connect like this must be very stable We have all set the router security too already if you want to know more details about Mikrotik security can be found in our article about Firewalls and had also been exemplified for basic security so that outsiders cannot carelessly enter our Router so the initial security so that our router is not configured by unwanted people although later actually you can add another Firewall then there are IP Service settings that we can combine or maybe there is one more tip to anticipate bugs how to update to the latest routerOS we enter the system menu then choose Packages and here will be seen we are using RouterOS version 6.44.2 the way we can do it with click Check For Updates after we click Check For Updates then the router will download automatically so after restarting it will run The most recent RouterOS so that's how to upgrade as well as security because of the Mikrotik there is a gap closing for bugs that might happen and the Router is now ready to use means it configuration steps like this before We have already tested various connections some services from WAN there is a static IP, DHCP Client, PPPoE all discussed basic security already exists then how to distribute internet to the local network also been there before coupled with tips on using a bridge which can really help us there are tips on using bridges and also IP protection security there are a few tips about QoS hot spot so a little spoilers for the QoS video we have made okay so this basic config discussion is over router can already be used after doing this basic config and can walk can only do other management like Firewall and QoS correctly thank you, Mr. Valens for your knowledge You're welcome, sir friends can share this video so that this video can be even more useful so others can also get information if you have questions you can ask in the comments column below if there are problems or sharing experiences when doing basic config can write comments below don't forget to Subscribe then click the bell button so you can get the latest video updates from us Thank you for watching see you on the other videos
Channel: Mikrotik Indonesia (Citraweb)
Views: 1,069,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Konfigurasi Dasar Mikrotik, Konfig Dasar Mikrotik, Penggunaan Awal Mikrotik, Mikrotik Pemula, Setting Mikrotik Pertama, Mikrotik, Mikrotik Tutorial, Mikrotik Indonesia, Mikrotik Configuration, RouterOS, Setting Mikrotik, Router Mikrotik, Citraweb Solusi Teknologi, Citraweb, CST, Routerboard, RT RW NET, Wireless Mikrotik, Hotspot Mikrotik, Firewall Mikrotik, Materi Dasar Mikrotik Lengkap, Router, Configurasi awal Mikrotik, Computer Network, cara setting mikrotik, belajar mikrotik
Id: HgejDSlTyBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.