Dynamic Data *Images* with Revit and Power BI (Synoptic Panel)

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so hey everyone jeff here also known as the rebit kid thank you for joining me today so before we jump into the live stream today i wanted to apologize if you hear that noise i kind of i turned down the microphone and i'm going to talk really close so that hopefully doesn't catch up as much background noise but um i actually have the roof being redone on my house and um i wasn't planning on it happening today but it's happening and they happen to be right above this room so that's not gunfire or a firefight going on outside that's just them smashing those staplers or whatever those things are on the roof so hopefully they'll take a lunch break or finish this area of the roof soon so i apologize if it's super obnoxious just let me know in the in the chat but i'm going to what i did is i turned down the microphone a little bit and i'm going to talk closer to it like this so hey everyone welcome welcome to another episode of bim after dark live i want to uh thank you for joining me today we've got some cool stuff we're talking about power bi again today it's been a little while since we talked about power bi um and actually we're going to sort of set up next week's episode with this week's episode so for those of you who missed my previous episode on power bi i'll link it in the description after the live but um i did it i think it was episode 18. this is episode 48 i think now which is pretty wild to think about and uh i basically introduced power bi and how the revit connection works today we're going to be going through that process but just showing you how to create dynamic images from your model that you can use in in power bi and sort of have that graphical connection and then just to tease up next week i'll be having um someone coming on who some of you may be familiar with who developed a an application for power bi that allows you to view spin orbit your model so it's kind of like this is going to be this is the way we've been doing it and then next week is going to be um this is the way we can do it thanks to a great a great uh invention by our guest so um thank you for joining me if if you're new to this channel um this is a weekly uh live stream where we talk about revit bim and anything really associated with it and uh sometimes i have a guest sometimes it's me um but yeah if you if you have not subscribed yet um make sure you subscribe to the channel here on youtube i hit the notification bell as well we're at like i think 38 000 and 200 or 300 so let's try and push this thing to 40 000 subscribers that'd be so so cool you'll also get notifications when i go live um as well as when i release new content i've got four or five uh tutorials in the in the in the can that have been edited and just just the final edits and stuff are getting together so you'll see some pre-recorded quick tips as well coming up soon so before we jump into it um we want to take a minute to uh to to talk a little bit about the sponsor of this show the official sponsor of bim after dark live so let me run the clip and then we'll talk a little bit about bim box usa [Music] alrighty so for those of you that don't know bimbox is a computer manufacturer so to speak who develops and builds desktops and laptops for revit and for you right because you're private users you're here today so these are desktops and laptops that have been built designed and optimized for the use of revit which is freaking awesome they are great machines they come with a three year warranty they're delivered in 10 to 14 days and their sales crew and support crew is freaking awesome just a quick story about bim box as well um uh uh they're they're releasing a couple new laptops soon i believe they've already announced some of the some of the specs and one of the specs that you'll be excited about for any computer geeks out there is that um where they're thin 17-inch laptops with um nvidia 3000 graphics cards in them not max qs but the actual graphics cards which is freaking awesome so take a look at those um head on over to bimbox dot bim after dark uh dot com and uh and check it out or email them at sales at bimboxusa.com just make sure you let them know that uh you heard about them here on the channel uh whether it's for me jeff the revit kid or bim after dark and they'll take care of you i promise you so thanks bimbox response in this episode now let's jump into the content um looks like we got a few folks hey hey we got some returners eric's back what's up eric um acad gatsu's back hello hello um you guys have been tuning in for almost every episode the last 40 some odd uh weeks so thank you for that so much we've also got um okay s lifter just asked is this at the same time or date every week um it's always thursdays um we usually fluctuate between either 12 30 pm eastern time like today or 7 30 p.m eastern time which would be tonight and um it depends on the guests and sort of what's going on in in in my world and i like to fluctuate because also we have um folks overseas i know we've got plenty of people from from europe and beyond um and i know uh the 7 30 at night one is a little late for you guys so so hopefully that helps everyone clay how's it going man um tom just said the 17 inches of beast awesome all right so let's let's jump into some content here this is this is gonna be fun i promise you so um as i mentioned um uh you know next week we're gonna be talking about power bi and i thought this was a great way to tee it up so what i'm gonna do is actually walk you through the process of setting up a dashboard that has this graphical connection to your data so it's going to be a little bit of this is how you bring this is how you use power bi with revit but then also a little bit of this is how you use this specific tool in in power bi which is called synoptic panel so before we uh before we actually go through the the show and tell um what i wanted to oh i also wanted to mention remember this is a live stream right now so if you're here live uh feel free to ask questions and chat with me in the chat i will be paying attention to it as much as humanly possible and uh and that's the great part about having this live is i get to interact with you guys so what i want to do is just sort of click through a few dashboards that we've created um um i'm not going to take full credit for these i've created some of them but i didn't create all of them um dan a colleague of mine created a bunch of these as well as some some other colleagues so um this is just within our group these are some of the ones we created most of these are for production tracking um but um the goal today is to just show you um how you can set these type of dashboards up and then how you use them completely up to you but i just want to show you give you the tools to be able to do this so this this dashboard right here i'm actually just going to show my screen so you don't see me um this is actually showing mep installation um so on on a 11 story building you could see by floor you can actually click and so the middle here these are the graphics that we're going to be making today so notice that it's an overall axon of the building if i zoom in this is this is an image from revit but it's dynamic uh this is level five this is level six and so if i wanna only look at data from level five i can i can actually click it and it isolates data from level five right if i want to look at where one of these subcontractors is i can click it and it's going to highlight what percentage complete what percentage not complete they are on those levels so another example here uh this is actually not a dynamic image this was a snip from assemble so we'll we'll move on from that one um this example here is actually steel uh construction install and on the right hand side you'll notice there's a graphic and this graphic is just an exploded axon of the of the model structurally and if i want to dig into the data per floor i can actually click it and then it actually filters all of the data by that floor so now not only do you have this data being extracted from revit or assemble or whatever environment you're pulling it from but you also can create these images that you can interact with in order to slice and dice and analyze your data or give you that feedback you need this one isn't the best example because as you can see they're done so 90 some odd percent so all these are really dark if this was partially down the way actually if i go to crane 1 if i only look at what did what was crane 1 you can see what percentage of the floor or isolated by crane you would see you would actually see uh you know darker or lighter colors so let's go to one where they're in progress so here's one with exterior walls and again notice these images on the right hand side these are actually just still images but i can click them and i can interact with them and the data changes so if i want to see where this facade is instead of the rest of it i can click that and it slices the data these are actually images right so if i zoom in see this i'm actually just zooming into an image this is an image of the model with some some smart stuff happening i'm gonna go quick through those because there were some email addresses that i forgot to hide um here's another example here this is interior drywall tracking and here we're using some room data to track interior drywall and their statuses and so again i can click i can zoom in i can click and it slices and dices the information and so as you can imagine the visual connection and then the the the ability to to modify these things dynamically is huge right but what you'll see as we go through the process today is that these aren't necessarily the easiest things to to create um they're they're they're you'll see they're they're smart but they're also um quite a manual process so um this is really teeing up hey here's how you can do this and you can do this right now um but hey here's the future of what we what we're going to be able to do with this next week so kind of a cool little almost part one part two and so here's another example here you can see these axons on the top i can actually click the east facade south facade north facade etc and we can look at um precast exterior wall and what percentage complete they are and so on and so forth so i'm just showing you a bunch of examples of what we're going to learn today in action uh here's another one on the top you can see if i zoom into that this one's actually really cool let me share my screen again um this is this is showing um uh an axon of a floor plan and it's actually a a punch list almost um so this is a renovation so it's more like a a um it's more like a a work to complete list or a punch list than anything else but i want you to look on the right hand side here you'll notice that there is um there's an axon that has rooms and those rooms are highlighted based on how many items there are and if they're complete or not and this date is actually being pulled from from procore um the model um and i believe in um an excel sheet but mostly pro core in the model for that which is which is super cool so when you make an item in procore um for a punch list it shows up on there as a needs to be completed and then you also have the data you can see the room the whole the whole building and see where where the most open items are for example which is pretty awesome okay hopefully uh audio's okay guys i'm there's a lot of banging going on around me so um bethan uh joined us today hey beth anne how you doing um we've got um john's here hey john uh amel's here hey amo all the folks are here what's up what's up john just asked how the progress is going on a house edition well we got roof going on which is good so uh we're making we're making moves now the the the weather's starting to uh come come together uh there's a lot of miscellaneous stuff but um we're making moves maybe i'll do another update in a couple weeks on the on the edition okay so let's do this now let's talk about the process to create this and how how it's how it actually i'm going to use the home edition as my as my testing because it is just such a good size uh project to sort of test things out so we're gonna talk a little bit about um connecting uh not just connecting data and power bi and from revit but also how we create that image and how we utilize it okay so awesome christian said the audio is fine great um it sounds like they slow down a little bit maybe they're taking lunch we'll see okay so so i have here is the house this is this is my house right we've if you've been following along you've seen this you've seen this this project quite a bit but there's a few things that i did to this uh to to use in power bi so if you're the key with creating an image that you're gonna link to data is having some sort of um element that ties everything together okay so i think room names or or room numbers or levels right some sort of property that exists within your model elements so when you extract a schedule you can put that there right so if i want to do room names for example i have room names on my schedule and then i have all the information i have the room number sorry then i have the names i have the areas i have parameters i have all that stuff but in that column right i have my room number okay because then when we create our image that we're going to use for that axon all we're doing is making sure that that image contains layers that correspond with the room name or whatever identifier you're using so in practice what that looks like is if i look at this model um it looks like a regular model right if i go to let me go to my 3d view i created a project parameter and you know depending on what your end goal is there's lots of different ways to do this right i'm just doing this as uh as a project parameter because here we go as new only okay just for the sake of today's tutorial not with really any end goal from the data other than to show you the process so this is just all the new items in this project and they're colored using a parameter that i created if i select the wall you'll see there's a parameter right here called tracking area okay so probably not the best term because we're going to be comparing it with area as in like square footage but uh basically what i what i want to do here is um as i'm tracking objects maybe as i'm estimating a project maybe as i'm uh looking at my uh my design data like a room schedule or something like that maybe i want to slice and dice this building into areas like deck first floor basement kitchen whatever but i'm grouping all these elements based on those again this is just an example that i'm making up but this is how i did it so that now i can tie this information to my image so basically what i did here is i went into for those of you not familiar with how to create a project parameter i went to manage i said project parameters i said add and i made one called tracking area and i selected all the elements that i wanted to be part of that okay and the way that i'm coloring the way that i'm coloring this is if i go under filters i just have one for each of those areas first floor basement existing roof new roof foundation deck yes i know that there's plenty of other ways to isolate objects by those factors but what i want to show you is that we're creating a unique identifier that we're going to link to our image okay so first things first we need to make the image actually you know what before we finish let me let me just show you this is kind of the final dashboard we're going to make right now so you can see there's a schedule over here that shows material name area and then the the areas in square footage and then the tracking area that it's in and here's the here's the iso that we're going to do so if we want to isolate and look at different areas we can actually click it and it's going to isolate the deck i click here isolates existing roof i click here it isolates the main roof okay so that's what we're going to create so the first thing we need obviously is going to be an image so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go oops i'm going to open up a image that i already had baked here somewhere all right well let me just open my 3d view that's fine i definitely uh all right so here i just went into this view i set up as a crop region i thought i had it saved but apparently i must not have said save as i'm going to click export and i'm going to go over to image and export an image okay so here i might crop region maybe do fit to view whatever i do about four to five thousand pixels depending on the size for vertical and i just do jpeg lossless okay so jpeg lossless jpeg lossless and then i click ok all right so that's how you export an image in revit super simple right i wouldn't suggest snipping because you don't get high resolution but that's what we need so first we need to do that the second thing we need to do is we need to export the data okay because we're going to need something to go in power bi i'm sorry guys i just i just saw a couple of chats in there so let me just take a look here uh reggie what's up reggie how you doing um is this something that can work with a one-man shop yep i mean i created it i'm just a one-man shop sitting here but uh yes you 100 can use this uh use power bi i use it all the time for all kinds of stuff so what you use it for completely up to you guys um eric just asked this power bi still free yes the the basic version for anything that you'd be needing is free um the biggest difference with with the pro version is the ability to share dashboards publicly or with other people as far as i know i don't think there's any other difference so power you can download power bi desktop right now completely free and use a majority of the features that you would actually need which is awesome um okay creative things just said come on jeff get that project browser organized i can tell you right now that project browser was organized um you know three or four months ago before the project started and and i went bananas um creating sketches and images and figuring out what the hell was happening out there so all right and plus all these 3d views were made a lot of these 3d views were actually made live here on the channel that i never went back and cleaned up either okay so we have an image exported so now let's use a schedule so the schedule i'm actually going to use today is a is a multi-category material takeoff the reason being um and i mentioned this in my power bi session episode 18 is there's not a lot of ways to to export multiple categories in revit right and so i just wanted something where i can combine data from multiple categories and so i said all right well maybe we'll just look at a an area schedule or a material takeoff and then be able to link it to it so that was kind of my thoughts here so this is what it is um so this is um if i go under fields i'll just show you a breakdown of what this is it has family and type um so it lets you know what family this was pulled from which is always good then it has the material name the material area the material volume the comments and then right here the tracking area so that's the that's the property i made right so if i scroll through this you'll see it says basement deck floor etc etc etc okay notice it's also formatted specifically for um export to power bi um if you watch episode 18 you'll see what i mean by that but basically um under appearance you get rid of the the hit the the blank lines between everything um uh and you want to uh you wanna you wanna make sure that there is no title just headers and so what happens there is when you bring it into power bi it comes in um exactly the way you need it so here's the schedule and again you could do this with rooms you could do this with anything really i'm just using this example today as sort of like a overall material takeoff dashboard or something like that okay so as you can see we have um all these parameters this schedule is ready to roll so let's export it so i'm going to go to file export reports schedule and you can see i have one here that i was doing for testing i'll just make it underscore new and click save and then it's going to ask me how do you want to export it leave all this stuff exactly where it is and press ok so now we have an image and in a schedule so let's take a look at what this image looks like so here's our image simple little hidden line view with my 70 50 20 rule if you don't know what that is then you got to dig through my website and find it i don't remember what episode it was i apologize but i'll put a link to it in the description there but these are just my my 70 50 20 um shading rules so that's kind of our background image and then if i open up our schedule you know this is what it looks like here it's just text for now we're going to bring that into power bi okay so what we need to do now we could jump into power bi but what i want to do first is make that image that is clickable and so the way you have to make that image clickable is we're going to use a tool in power bi called synoptic panel but before we do that you need to create an image file that has nameable layers and so i'm going to use adobe illustrator to do it um there are other ways you can do it synoptic panel itself the program that we're going to use in power bi which is a free a free a visual and power bi they do have a a creator on their website that's completely web-based which is which is pretty good um and then i mean honestly there's a bunch of programs that uh that i believe you can make layered dot svg files i think there's a free version of like an illustrator but i'm going to use illustrator for today at the end of the day this is basically what we're going to get so let's start this from scratch so if i do file new and actually i'll just go to open so i'm just going to open this file in illustrator or double click it by accident okay open this file in illustrator anyone who doesn't know illustrator this is not going to be in illustrator class i don't know illustrator either i just literally use it for basically this and a couple other things the one thing that you do have to do is make the artboard the size of the image because it's wild so i'm just going to quickly do that i'm going to select my image go to artboard oops try that again i just messed up my artboard let me well while i'm doing that let me just check um no questions there awesome i just i just made like a thousand artboards that was really obnoxious okay i was trying to hit the settings button there's a little button next to artboard where you can do settings and all i'm doing is making the artboard fit the selected art click ok so now it's just fitting my my 5000 pixels not an important part again this isn't going to be an illustrated tutorial i'm just showing you um how you can get to that point okay inkscape there you go that's the one i forgot the name of inkscape is just like it's just like illustrator same thing okay so really the key here is you're just drawing polygons or shapes um and you have to name the shape slash the layer the same name of the object you're trying to link to in power bi so if you were to trace over rooms for example then you might want to use the room number as your layer name so for me i'm using this this tracking area so i'm going to make a new layer and i'm on the right hand side of the screen i'm going to rename this layer um deck right so i had a layer called deck i'm going to make uh uh make it a little transparent it's fine oops that was the wrong layer so basically what i'm going to want is i'm going to want a layer for every for every property that i'm trying to link my visual to so x was it existing roof was another one so i have deck existing roof i would have first floor second floor basement and then all you do is you select that layer so you want to be active on that layer use the lovely pen tool and what is this one deck and then i'm just going to draw a quick shape okay i'm going to zoom in a little so you guys can see it again i am no illustrator and i'm not going to make this uh very pretty right now but i just want to show you what's happening okay so after all we do only have an hour here okay so uh so you can see i made this shape here and it's under my deck layer and i'm actually gonna give it i'm gonna give it a color so that we can so that we can at least oops or give it a fill try again so you can see it so there's the color and a little bit of transparency okay there we go okay so so i just made this shape that's all it is is just a shape overlaying on an image and it's named in the layers in the layers of of illustrator okay that's it you're just drawing a shape using the pen tool giving it a transparency if you want you can change it in power bi and then overlaying it so then when you're done you get something that looks like this i just took the turkey out of the oven you see that so then you get something like this so if i zoom into these i don't think i can zoom into this but um what i have here is i actually have i have layers of shapes one says existing roof the other one says basement first floor new roof and deck those names those titles of those layers correlate directly with the property from revit that i'm trying to to link up right so again if it was rooms maybe it's room night room numbers um if it's levels maybe it's level one level two level three level four um but that's it right so so we're making an svg file that has layers that are named correlating with your revit data um alan just asked can you do this photoshop cs you may be able to um i i don't i don't actually i actually haven't tried saving as svg from layers from names for some reason we just went to right to illustrator plus we we get all of them with our photoshop cs thing and we never use illustrator so now i can use it um you could also get fancy and tie the vector graphics um with svg from dynamo yes so jacob made a good point there um and we have tested this a little bit um if you if you export let's say like a floor plan or maybe an axon view and you have outlines and you want to try and bring in the the the let's say you export it to cad you bring it in as as a line type file in in illustrator and use that that's helpful the only time we've ever even tried that is when we had to do every individual room because as you can see this is a manual process so right now right if you wanted to do a floor plan and show all of the rooms guess what you have to trace every single room and give them a layer and a number so every every single room in your project that's showing in that view would actually have to have a layer corresponding with it so for that you may want to use some automation or you'll tune in next week and find out the easier way to do it or i should say the 3d way to do it but there's you know there's some nice there's some nice um uh it's kind of nice to have some of this freedom a little bit too graphically as you saw from our dashboards before okay so now we take this thing and we say file we say save as or save a copy or export and we save it as a dot svg file that svg files are just a image file type that gives you layers and all this crazy information and then that's it so now we have our data exported from power bi we have our image exported and then created an sdvg from it with our our information and now we're ready to jump into power excuse me it's a power bi scour just said sometimes i'm too lazy as illustrator so i use revit and use filled region to give out transparency yeah you could do that too um so i guess if you export it correctly you could do so now that svg has been exported so now what we're gonna do is we're actually just gonna start from scratch i'm gonna i'm gonna fire up power bi and we're going to start from scratch bringing in the data and tying it to the image so cross our fingers also it sounds like the the banging stopped which is kind of nice it's been since like 7 30 this morning so it's kind of nice to get a little bit of quiet going here and hopefully uh now you guys the second i said that i'm they're gonna start banging the craze okay so here's power bi boom ready to go again power bi desktop is free install it work with it do your thing so let's first install the data or bring in the data so we're going to do is we're going to say get data i don't for some reason i never ever ever click these even though i could just click i guess i could just click get another data source but i don't know maybe it's because i'm using i've used power bi file so i'm going to click get data on the top and find out where it opened there it is and i'm going to use text csv because remember we just exported that report as a as a text file in csv format i'm going to click connect now i'm going to select my my take off or my schedule i guess you could say click open okay and now here we go you could see because of the way it was formatted it automatically took the the headings and put them as headers and then it automatically puts um the data down here the one thing i didn't mention which i did in episode 18 is that i removed sf and cy so the the suffixes to to the area and the cubic yards so that power bi recognized them as numbers if it said 113 space sf then you'd have to remove them and all its craziness so that's the one thing i did so now i can click load because i don't even need to train for transform this data and it's going to load my data in oh john said he's not here good well there is because they haven't done in a while i'm just i was warning everyone that maybe they will bang i also have my microphone extremely close to my mouth and i have it turned down a little bit so we'll see how the condenser mic actually works okay so we have our data in here if you don't believe me i'm going to go over my data grid and you can see there's there's our schedule right and again if you don't believe me i can quickly throw in a a uh a visual uh which is just a graph here a grid and i'll throw in let's say uh my family and name my material material name and maybe i'll do my uh here we go material name and my tracking volume so i'm just throwing data now into power bi and you can see here it is there actually i'm going to get rid of family and type for now because that's just way too busy so now you can see i have my material area my material name my material area and then my material volume in a graph here so the data is there i can slice and dice it i can do whatever i want i can make graphs if i quickly throw in a graph here and i want to say okay i want total square footage of total square footage by by material name i can say my material name and my material area is my value look at that wild graph there or i can go access instead and you can see where's the most material oh look at that it's lumber go figure all right so so the data's in there i can start analyzing this data all i want which is pretty cool but what i really want to do is i want to put that image in and be able to slice and dice it by that image so what i'm going to do is on the right hand side where i have visuals i'm going to add a custom visual so i'm going to go to get more visuals and i'm going to type in synoptic uh s-y-n-o-p-t-i-c synoptic panel and i'm going to click add okay it's a free it's a free plugin that uses those svg files and whatever data you want so now i'm going to add this so i'm going to click synoptic panel you can see here it is i just added this visual and now this is one of those weird things about synoptic panel there's a lot of weird things about this pro this visual that you'll find if you if you dig into it is that you need to put data in it before you can load the image i don't know i mean i guess it kind of makes sense and i'm sure on the back end it makes sense but like to me the first step i would do is add the image and then add the data but whatever so we need to put data in it first then add the image so what we're going to do is we're going to do our category for our for our um for our image is going to be what it's going to be our tracking area right that was the deck first floor existing roof new roof all that cool stuff so tracking area is going to be our category and then let's just use our material area right now as our as our measure so that's what's going to be our sort of uh what we're going to see visually so now that i put two pieces of data notice on synoptic panel these two little buttons popped up i can actually now i can actually load an image for whatever reason i need to add the data before i can load an image so if i go to local maps it's really simple we made the svg file it's good to go it has all the data in it so now i'm just going to load my svg file i don't remember which one is the right one to use now uh let's try this one there it is now we have our svg file and notice if i hover over these areas i let go of my mouse for a second or not there we go it says deck it says existing roof it says new roof right so these pieces of data guess what they they know right they know that this because it was the same name from the svg file they're connected how do i know they're connected check this out if i click my existing roof look at the graph on the left boom my material isolates by my selection if i click my new roof boom if i click my deck there we go right so now i'm clicking around this image and i'm slicing my data by that information yeah that's right nah and so so now we have an image that's interactive right and and now we can interact with our data using that so if i quickly put a filter in let's say and i want to filter by maybe i want to filter by the material name all right so here's all my material name i want to see everything that has aluminum on it um you can see there's just one thing so that's probably not a good one let's i guess i didn't use that material anywhere let's use siding new exciting new so i didn't set up any of this um yet but once this is set up you know only only whatever is highlighted will will show right so for siding knew these two would have darkened and this one didn't because that's part of that's part of and it's hard for you to see but they're actually doing it a little bit um i just haven't set up all the settings in that okay uh i see a bunch of a bunch of questions there so let me just take a look real quick what bing you know he's not hearing sorry i'm late what did i miss john gray yes you're late sorry um so john garfield carrie what's up man again asked how do you add cost data while in power bi so a couple different ways um you know you can front load your model with the cost data so if you if you watched my other episode on on power bi which again was episode 18 i'll post that in there um this model itself actually has cost data front loaded so if i select this column for example i have a unit price and a takeoff unit um of course i didn't put one in that let's see this one here nope i know there's got to be a piece that has a takeoff unit in here come on where are you here let's grab a piece of lumber okay so this is a two by eight um you can see i have one a dollar 58 per linear foot so i have this front loaded so then you have that already in power bi which is pretty cool but the other thing you could do is you could make um you could make custom um columns if you wanted in the power bi side so um you know once once i have uh this in here i can make a column and call it pricing or what's even better is you could do like a lookup table and and bring in let's say you have an excel sheet of of prices and it says you know all lumbers this price all this is this price you can do a lookup table and actually connect that data so there's a lot that you can do there so depending on what your end goals are you can definitely do that i'm not going to i'm not going to go go through that live without without some set up there because i'll definitely break some stuff um alan just asked um this looks nice can you export it and send it to the investor um okay so uh yes and this is the difference between power bi desktop and power bi pro so if you noticed my my examples that i was scrolling through originally these ones here these are all in chrome right these are all links that all i have to do is send to people so this goes all the way down to um microsoft and what accounts you have and stuff but once you have power bi premium you can publish it to a workspace that you can share with others so yes what we do is we create them and our job sites use them and they also share them with their owners uh architects whatever it is depending on the purpose of the dashboard so 100 cf2 but not nearly as fun right um hello from swiss david gengarzev what's up what's up um okay awesome so let me just jump back into this here so there you have it so that is that is the lesson i thought that was going to take a lot longer which is awesome so that's okay i don't see any more any more questions coming in which is fine so to recap sort of the process of doing this in your in your revit file you want to either create a parameter or have a parameter that you can define and connect to your image so if it's exterior wall what you notice is i use like east-west and north and south but in order for that to work right you'll need to have the east-west north and south data plugged into your model so you might need to select the whole side of the building and apply a parameter called you know elevation or something like that and call it west so you need to make sure that there's data in your model um that you can connect to your image the next piece is to export an image from revit so export image or images from revit then open up illustrator or any type of program like that that you can create a layered svg file from make your your shapes your images whatever prettiness you want and um and make sure those layered names coincide with the parameter of property you're trying to link to in your data and i keep saying revit but the reality is you can do this just with excel if you have an excel sheet and then you have an image of your model um you can use that those two piece information to connect the data right so make sure your image the layers from your image correspond with the names of your uh of the data that you want to use or your identifier okay then in power bi you bring in your data no matter where it comes from bring it in the power bi way um and then you uh import and uh add the synoptic panel tool or visual tool and then you place it import your svg file and boom you got yourself a a interactive dynamic image to slice through your data which is really sweet okay um i see a couple questions in i'll i'll finish uh reading through some of these questions and then we'll wrap it up for today um is there any free custom visual for power bi to visualize vcf format directly i don't know what vcs format vcf format is so i'm sorry ali raziers i i don't know the answer to that maybe someone in the chat knows have you looked into visualization of options from pulling selection back into revit um have you looked into sorry jacob i'm just rereading that uh any options for pulling a selection back into revit uh oh are you saying uh so i think maybe what you're saying is if you slice something or or in in in the power bi dashboard pulling it back into revit i have not i will say that you know mostly we're using we're using assemble as i mentioned in a couple other streams for our data input especially for the tracking and there is a sync part of that and so the ability to slice and dice and assemble and push it back to revit exists but um clay just asks how do you integrate procore data um as i if you if you roll back to the beginning of the episode clay i did show an example where we integrated it there is an integration with power bi and procore it's not as great as as we like it to be so there's two methods we have right now one method is automatic exports from procore that we just have a microsoft flow that pulls them in and pushes the data to it um the other one is actually uh believe it or not um turner has a data data warehouse that we're managing the data within one central location but um your best bet is to pull down an excel file you can have it scheduled and then you can have microsoft flow do all the exporting and placing too somewhere reggie just asked would love to get a sample file from you to deconstruct i could do this for a few projects uh reggie reach out man and i'm willing to share some of these i don't want to share them publicly all the links because there are some people's emails and stuff in them but if there's anything in particular that you're interested in reggie feel free to reach out uh creative things uh just ask can you export to html and host on your own site on the free version of course god leave it leave it to architects and and and revit users to always look for the free way out right i actually don't know um i don't think you can actually export to uh html um maybe there's a way to hack it a little bit but i believe you don't i think the only export option you have other than publishing to microsoft stuff is a pdf so i'm not really sure um yeah jacob uh jacob small said thanks yeah um i have again i haven't i haven't thought about the connection back and forth but um i guess uh to tee up next week i'm gonna have uh since you guys hung out with me this whole time nate miller is going to be on next week which i'm super excited about anyone who has not seen what nate is doing over at proving grounds um and as it relates to what i'm showing you today um definitely check it out um but it's also a great way to show you sort of the value of the tool that he created um uh to to to anyone trying to do what i showed you today is is is endless and so i'm super excited to have nate on so tune in next week um and uh thank you guys for joining me i'll put all the links i mentioned in the description below um so you can check them out previous episodes and so on um and yeah you guys are amazing make sure you subscribe to the channel here on youtube have an awesome awesome week um stay safe uh stay warm i know we've got a little bit of a warm up coming around here which is awesome and yeah with that i want to bid you adieu feel free to reach out you can hit me up at twitter at the revit kid and i'll talk to you guys soon keeping out for new content you
Channel: TheRevitKid
Views: 22,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: revit, revit design, architecture, architecture design, autodesk revit, revit tutorial, lumion, lumion 3D, lumion architecture, architect, residential architect, revit tip, revit tutorials, revit architecture, BIM, building information modeling, autodesk revit tutorials, architecture tutorials, revit 2022, revit 2021, revit 2020, bimafterdark, bimafterdarklive
Id: AWTfaF26zG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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