dyna-Glo heater

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alright guys winners here wanted to upgrade my heater I've had an old kerosene heater I've been using things probably thirty years old it needed another wick and it was just time to go so I figured I might as well grade and get something new I wanted was looking at heaters I found this Diana Glo cabinet heater LP gas sadly enough I couldn't find any reviews on this thing on YouTube found Watts reviews on the Dinah Glo rating and kerosene heater which got great reviews but none of this I did some research and I figured I would just I would just go with this one and give it a try and so far I'm pretty happy with it used it for the last month and wanted to use it for a while before I did a full review on this thing but so far I'm very happy with it I'm not going to go into the full battle on which is better versus kerosene versus LP or propane which one's better personally they both have their their advantages and disadvantages but I didn't really want to go into that fight too much this I'm pretty much using in the garage it's 22 by 24 it's got almost twelve foot ceilings it is insulated and the main purpose of this because I know the comments section is gonna get riddled with this like the last of them how you shouldn't use these how dangerous they are you know I agree with that but when I use this the doors open and closing I'm not using this to heat a wood shaft where I'm out here all day long as the main source of heat this is an insulated garage alls I'm using this for is you know if I have to come out here and do something I come out I fire it up I get the temperature up to about 55 60 I do what I need to do and that's it I'm not out here all day most time I use kerosene heater I come out I fire it up I let it run for about an hour it just gets the garage warm enough for I go plow snow so when I bring the tractor back in when I shut this off it helps melt everything off this was more crucial I owned a snow blower for the fact that it would meld everything off the snowblower the snow and ice and then I would take a towel and impellers shoot at silk appalled water so ice didn't form ice forms and snowblower next time you go to use it you start to shear knocking off shear bolts with the blade it's not as important but I still like to keep all the snow and ice off of it cost-wise kerosene versus propane guys that could vary depending on where you're at I could go into that where I'm at Pro kerosene it's 399 plus tax gallon which puts it just under four four dollars and 30 cents a gallon I'm getting these LP tanks gas grill tanks filled for right around 15 bucks so there's an RV place around here that does it for 15 and I don't know if a lot of people know this but if you go to exchange them you don't get as much propane as if you take them into film these sort of how they make their money they chip you a little bit but with that being said for BTU for kerosene versus propane it all depends on where you're at to say one or another I do like this heater I'll show you I'll turn it off I wanted to get it going here real good when I did this video just to show everyone and operate so I didn't have to wait around and get it fired up it's I wheels it's a little cabinet ease operation it stays pretty warm takes your standard 20-pound gas drill tank I would say probably over 90% of Americans all have a gas grill nice thing with this is if you have a tank you can always buy second tank which is good to have when you're drilling anyway and then with one tank runs out you put the other one in and when you get your chance you can go fill this one so fits in time wheels easily rolls it's 2 foot tall and it's about a foot depth and with each so it's it's not a very big unit the wheels do lock so you don't worry about it rolling the way this compared to kerosene the kerosene I mean they know they have an electronic wick you know you push it's got the electronic igniter but you always have that odor I know there's other cursing you can buy this probably less odor but I looked on rule and five gallons of that is like $35 so you're talking over seven gallons or seven dollars a gallon if you buy it from a big-box store like that now this has been heated up which doesn't really matter too much you put it to the pilot you press down I'd say about five seconds you hit it pilot light light to hold it for about five sets of 10 seconds for thermal coupling to get warmer and then you can just wait turn it and then fire it up to wherever your sighting is one thing I do like about the LP version of this is you can turn it on high you can get it really warm what you want and I found that even with this garage being it says it will heat six hundred square feet which I think I could easily heat more than that I've been throwing it on high just getting the garage where I need it to and then once you get a hot it's as easy as just mediums to burners and low as one so it's it's pretty simple to use I found getting it just warmed up to about sixty I could throw it down to one that maintains it low six thousand like I said mediums twelve highs eighteen thousand BTUs and then it tells you to run on low for 72 hours medium for 36 and high for 24 so I think for efficiency it's it's pretty decent haven't had any complaints yet now I've only used it for a month if I have any issues I'll be sure to comment below it does have a low oxygen shutoff switch on it anti-tip all that kind of stuff if you hit it for your safety things but even with using these guys I would highly suggest using indoors like this now where I'm using it the door is usually open and closed and quite often it's it's not meant to heat a house or nothing but make sure you get a carbon monoxide alarm I bought one of these I think I got this for under 20 bucks right around $20 and it just plugs in the mall I plugged it in over there next to the heater just as a safety precaution and this does have batteries battery backup so that if you ever did have to use one of these in an emergency situation a blizzard or something I mean make sure you're protecting yourself I can't stress that enough but so far ease of operation and everything this is a very good heater I think it was like $109 you can get them at I know Walmart sells them not sure if TSC I didn't see him at rural King I know TSC sells a dinah globe heresy and I'm not sure if I seen these ones here but for 110 bucks I don't think you could really go wrong for just a small little heater like this and the easy use but just want to throw this on here and show people what I really thought thanks
Channel: steiger 256
Views: 31,389
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: Dyna-Glo, dyna-glo, dyna-glo heater, dynaglo, dyna glo, dynal glo propane heaer, heater, propane heater, kerosene heater, radiant heater, garage heater
Id: nIAgogiu0-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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