Dying for Beginners | Dr Kathryn Mannix

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I want to tell you what normally  happens as someone is dying. Dying, just like being born, is a process  our bodies go through quite naturally with recognised phases that are  pretty much the same for everyone. It's all very ordinary. At first our bodies grow weary. We need more sleep, less food, we  may lose our appetite altogether. Some days we can manage an outing,  or visitors, or watching TV. Other days we mainly sleep. All this is normal. Inside our weary bodies, changes are happening. All our systems are running out  of energy. Digestion slows down. Our heart may not pump as strongly.  Our organs might slow down. All normal. Aside from the physical, I've noticed  that dying people's perspective often shifts from themselves to others. The same last messages:  I'm sorry. I forgive you. Thank you. I love you. Most people are not conscious  by the time they die. We don't know when we're unconscious. We  don't notice time passing or feel our body. It doesn't feel like going to sleep,  it's just a state of non-awareness. To begin with, dying people might  only be unconscious some of the time. In between, they may wake  up and talk, or sip drinks or listen to the people around  them chatting. That's normal. They may become a bit muddled or restless. It helps when people hold their hand  and talk in soothing gentle tones. Familiar trusted voices calm and comfort. Unconscious people breathe in an unusual way. Their breathing pattern gradually  changes backwards and forwards between deep and shallow, and  between fast and slower breaths. This is normal, and they can make unusual noises. If their breath vibrates their voice box,  it might sound like a sigh or a moan. Sometimes their breath gurgles or  rattles. It's not uncomfortable. It's a completely normal part of dying. Hearing is the last sense to go. That's why loved ones and  caregivers can keep talking while the dying person is unconscious. It's why some people make end of life playlists. What about the moment of dying? Well it's usually very gentle. Our  breathing gets slower and more shallow. And then it just very gently stops. A few minutes later our heart stops too. That's it. No fuss, or fear, or panic. Of course saying goodbye to people we love is sad but knowing what to expect  takes away a lot of the fear. I've met so many bereaved people who  wish they had talked about dying more. I've never met a person who regretted  having those important conversations. We need to talk about it, because talking about  death will help us to live together better.
Channel: Theos Think Tank
Views: 52,064
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Id: ayMhA1pRLeY
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Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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