Dwayne Lemon: Time to be about our Father's business part 3

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[Music] [Music] well let the church say Amen again we really want to praise the Lord for sacred music and we thank God for the way he speaks to our hearts even through music and I probe I pray that we all see him as one who is holy righteous just and good the message that God has given me to give to you all at such a time as this I know it's a very simple message but at the same time I want to encourage you to really pray as you listen because there'll be things that will be said sadly that will bypass some ears but then there will be those who will hear and they will know that God is speaking directly to them to their heart and to their heart needs and so I want you to be very prayerful because I believe that what I'm going to be sharing with you at this time it's very crucial when it comes to the work that God has called us to do at such a time as this and so as we prepare our hearts to receive the message as you have seen in our custom we go to our knees in prayer and if you can kneel let's kneel in prayer together if you can't kneel just bow your heads let's let the Lord speak to our heart father in heaven we thank you so much for the privilege to hear your voice make it words plain to our heart we pray and truly open our eyes and help us behold wondrous things out of your word but give us we pray of our sins and thank you for hearing our prayer for we ask it all in Jesus name Amen when you think of the things happening in our world right now you know I look at what's going on in the world I look at what's going on in the church and one of the first things that I see is a work that's beyond me there's no one person there's no one ministry that's going to be a solution to the problems that exist in our world and in our church God must have a people a number a group of jewels that he can bring together that literally have so much of the mind of Christ that when people walk and come in contact with us they will say as has been said in the days of Pentecost these men and these women must have been with Jesus we're living in a time that the father of the Church of Satan who taught a principle that we see it lived out today especially today in a most marked manner and if you're visiting with us you're not seventh-day Adventists I want to welcome you and thank God for you being here because the purpose of our existence is for you and there is something that is needed to be said to the world at large those who are not part of this faith as well as to those of us who are a part of this faith the founder of the Church of Satan Aleister Crowley he taught a statement that you see reflected throughout our world even today and it was basically three words for forgive me do what thou wilt do what you want you feel it do it don't hold back and it is amazing how that principle we see not just in the Church of Satan but you can find it in the Churches of God you can find that thought process even amongst the remnant and we most certainly see it in the world when I was again in the streets of Portland and I saw people they were doing what they wanted they were saying what they want they were acting what they want today there's a theology a teaching if you're feeling this way you must have been born this way and therefore it's alright to live this way and I kind of marvel at it and I understand that there are ramifications that will come for this but we're living in a time where the people of God must develop courage in the midst of everybody else's treason this is not a time for us to stand in agreement with the world to muzzle our voices and to make it seem like we no longer have a doctrine or a principle or a God in heaven who is designed to protect us to keep us and to help us stand for his truth and yes there will be ramifications for teaching the truth but somebody has to love the brothers and sisters in this world enough to let them know that there is something God hates and it is called sin and God hates it in all of its forms Jesus has made his words very clearly and I don't care if you are the President of the United States if you contradict the Word of God that is a calling for the people of God to stand up and to say thus far and no further we can agree with you on such points but on these points we cannot agree with you you see the Bible says something in Matthew the 19th chapter go to Matthew 19 in Matthew 19 there was a question that came to Jesus and I like how Jesus answered it and I want you to see what the Bible says in Matthew the 19th chapter and when you get there you you know by saying Amen the Bible says in Matthew the nineteenth chapter it says right there in verse 1 and it came to pass that when Jesus had finished these sayings he departed from Galilee and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond beyond Jordan and great multitudes followed him and He healed them there the Pharisees also came unto Him tempting him and saying unto Him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause they always had questions but they weren't looking for answers they were looking for entrapment Jesus being wise said something very beautiful in his answer and I want you to look at what he said and he answered and said unto them have you not read stop right there notice how even Jesus when they came to him with enquiries he pointed them back to the word right he said haven't you read you read this haven't you and the Bible says going on have you not read that he which made them at the wind time what time at the beginning what did he make them he said he made them what male and female and said now Isis there's something in the Bible for those who are good students of the Bible there is something called parallelism where you're making one point but it's being expressed in more than one way okay that's a biblical principle when you study the Bible is called parallelism Jesus is using parallelism watch this let's look at that again he said have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them what male and then female now watch what he does next in verse 5 and said for this cause shall a fwhat man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh that was parallelism you understand that in verse 4 he said male in verse 5 that is a man then he said in verse 4 female and then in verse 5 he said wife you understand that so Jesus was very very clear the only person that can be a wife according to the beginning of time is a female the only person that can be a man or a husband is someone who is a male and this was very clear in Scripture now I don't mind when the world does what they do because there were links you understand that I cannot expect a turtle to act like a horse you understand that so if you're in the world you're gonna do what worldlings do and worldlings the Bible says does sin that's that that's clear to me but my confusion is when the church the ones who profess to believe the Bible and then there are places where there are churches that believe present truth the truth for these times and we're seeing that there is also an endorsement for gay unions in marriage and all these other things and we're trying to do that in the name of love I'm thinking to myself that is a love that even Jesus doesn't know you understand that we owe to the world God's love to the point that we have to love them enough to do something that a lot of times people don't connect with love go to Revelation chapter 3 in Revelation chapter 3 there's something that the Word of God connects with love that a lot of times we don't necessarily consider this to be a demonstration of love but it is notice what the Bible says in Revelation chapter 3 it was right after God was speaking to the last church the last people of God as a body and the Bible referred to them as Laodicea the people of the judgment a condition that is horrible the disease of all diseases thinking they're all right when they're all wrong and all of us at some point and perhaps presently are stricken with this disease while we might think we're disease-free and as God began to show the Lauda sins their true condition they'll say is not rich and increased with Goods and have need of nothing but knowest not that thou art wretched miserable poor blind and naked s as he was showing that out he began to provide the remedy thank God that Jesus provides a remedy and that remedy in verse 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed and the shame of thy nakedness do not appear and anoint thine eyes what I saw that thou may a see he wants to heal the sick but in verse 19 he says as many as I hate is that what the verse says no he says as many as I love I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and repent rebuking chastening and calling to repentance is a demonstration of the love of God can you imagine that now not everyone does this right you see some people rebuke and chasten and and do these things with a great big smile on their face you can almost see the joy when you look at the camera when you watch certain videos you can almost see it when you look at certain you know YouTube channels and you watch certain ministers sometimes and and there they're calling out sin but they almost seem like there's an enjoyment in calling it out you know in human communication there are three things that people typically pay attention to but a lot of times we don't understand the order the first thing that people pay attention to most in human communication is your body language they're paying attention to your body language second thing they're paying attention to is your tone of your voice the third thing they pay attention to but it's usually the last thing on the list are your actual words so sometimes people can say god loves you but they can say it in a way that by their body language in their tone of voice they sound like they don't even believe what they're saying that's why when I reach steps to Christ page 12 when Jesus got to that place where he had to rebuke those Pharisees for their hypocritical lifestyles Jesus it broke his heart to do that it says there were tears in his voice as he gave his scathing rebuke he knew I have to give escaping rebukes but there was tears and it broke his heart it was not a point of joy it didn't bring him happiness we got to learn how to rebuke like that if we ever do rebuke see some of us right now if we were to get into the rebuking ministry some of us would do more damage than good that's why God has to allow a process that we're going to talk about yes allow a process to take place because there's a whole lot of do it now well we have a president today that says do with that will he speaks what He wills he does what He wills and as a result of this we see in our world today that from the top of the most powerful nation on earth we are seeing a lot of expressions of saying what you want doing what you want feeling what you want that spirit is taking hold of the people in sweeping numbers so now people are saying oh you feel that well then that's naturally you just go ahead and do what you want but do you know while everybody seems to be doing what they want you know what Jesus says go to Matthew 16 Jesus says in Matthew the 16th chapter well it seems everybody is saying do what you want I don't have any problem you're going to Matthew 16 if somebody says come-as-you-are problem with that any problem with that come as you are just understand you're not gonna be saved as you are what a simple message come as you are just understand God's not gonna save you as you are but that seems to be the part that's missing from a lot of quote-unquote gospel messages today come as you are I don't have any problem go to any organization any group of people and I will gladly go to them and say listen there is something sweet waiting for you at the house of God come just as you are but just understand God won't be saving any of us as we are any of us Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 16 right there in verse 24 the Bible says in Matthew the sixteenth chapter in the 24th verse it says then said Jesus unto his disciples If any man will come after me let him do what deny himself take up his cross and follow me you see that's Jesus's message to the world today the world is saying you feel it go do it Jesus says just because you feel it does not mean you should do it if you're gonna come after me you need to deny yourself take up your cross and this is not going to be something we're going to do on special occasions and the reason why I say that is because haven't we fallen into this trap you ever gave yourself credit because you denied yourself at a certain day at a certain time you know how it is you go to your favorite restaurant you buy some food and you're happy because you got that meal that you're craving and that meal is in your car and you are on your way home getting ready to just enjoy that food and all of a sudden you get by that stoplight you get by the stoplight and you see one of our little friends that come out with their notes on their cardboard saying hungry and somehow the Spirit of God begins to speak at your heart and says you know what you need to do you got that meal you just bought you were ready to eat that thing you couldn't wait to get home to eat it it was one of your favorite dishes but now the Spirit of God is saying unto you you know you have food in your refrigerator that you can eat and right now you got food in this car go ahead and you know what to do reluctantly we start setting off Lord I don't know if I want to do this but you know what God just starts impressing stronger you know what you need to do and we say alright Lord alright I'll go ahead and give it to them you roll down your window hey come the person comes old thank you ma'am thank you sir and we say no problem and of course we say god bless you we give them that food and we drive home and go to eat a few days go by I'm just wonder if I'm speaking to human beings right now I realize y'all might be a bunch of the holy angels but I'm I'm just speaking to regular human beings right now if there's any in this room sometimes you get in your car and you get an opportunity a few days later you got a little extra change and you say you know what I'm gonna buy that dish again and you go ahead and you buy that food and when you buy that food you got to sit in your car can't wait to get home to eat it you remember the light where you ran into one of your friends that you gave it to so you probably might take a detour you know go a different way home just just to avoid potential conviction we go ahead and we go a different direction and we try to get home and all of a sudden we're at a different light and there's a different person with a cardboard same message and sometimes we say Lord I already denied myself - three days ago I'm gonna act like I don't see this person right now and I'm like come on light turn green green turn gray all right is green and then we just drive off and we go home and sometimes we give ourselves this indirect credit I denied myself as such as such a time in such as such a place and I did the will of God therefore it was all right for me not to deny myself that day that time and I'm just gonna go ahead now and continue on my journey home there are some people not all people but there are some people probably a majority of people who think like that and you know that's why Jesus did not leave that counsel in Matthew 16:24 he gave us another counsel in Luke 9 go to Luke 9 and there's a key word in Luke 9 that changes everything the Bible says in the Book of Luke we're looking at the ninth chapter and I want you to see what the Bible says here Matthew 16:24 If any man will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me amen but now look at Luke 9 and this is especially good for those of us who get caught up into those little glorification moments Lord I did you will on this day at this time I'm not going to do it today or whatever the Bible says in Luke 9 and verse 23 the Bible says in Luke 9 and verse 23 and he said to them all If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross what's that next word daily and follow me we must be like Jesus all the day long every day there's no vacation there's no time off God calls us to reflect his image every day every day and my brothers and sisters we need to understand that in such a time as this in Earth's history when there are so many people in the church and out of the church that are disconnected from God God needs people that are about their father's business he needs it and some of the things that we are doing right now in the name of church worship and evangelism God is getting ready to do a major cleanup act I I see with clearer eyes than I've ever seen in my life what God wants and I'm not saying it to say I have arrived please understand I'm saying before the camera and before God's people I have not arrived I want you to understand that I'm on a journey just like you some of us are a little further some of us are a little behind the most important thing is make sure you're on and if you're on the journey the next thing I'm gonna tell you is step fast okay as long as you're on the journey praise the Lord but if then you're on the journey please step a little faster okay because everything is wrapping up step faster now God wants to glorify himself to us he wants to take the weakest the most decrepit the most broke down battered and bruised generation that has ever existed in humanity and God said those are the ones that I'm gonna light the world up with my glory a very special privilege has been set before us it is in Revelation the eighteenth chapter and we can turn there that God shows us the last gospel message to go forward in a dying world and our world is dying it's in a very seriously bad condition our country is getting closer and closer to a point where there will be no remedy many in the church if we're not careful we're getting to a place where there will be no remedy for us and God does not want us to arrive at such a deplorable state and so he's giving us messages in more ways than one to try to help us to understand our true condition you know there's one thing that I realized I know you're in Revelation 18 just keep your finger there but I'm gonna say something to you that that has it's never been so clear to me did you know God actually means what he says he really means what he says and I'll let you know another solemn truth I realize he's gonna get what he wants he's gonna get what he wants God really means what he says and he's gonna get what he wants I remember when we were getting a restaurant started in Massachusetts was n't wasn't we getting a restaurant per se but you know there was there was a group of brothers that I knew was getting a restaurant started and and one of the leaders at Toccoa missions which I was a part of they they were gonna be a key player in getting that restaurant started so we all decided we said let's get the book health food ministry let's go through the book health food ministry and we all prayerfully read health food ministry cover to cover and I remember reading that and it never became so clear to me why so many seventh-day adventists restaurants fail so many it's not even a mystery to me anymore and I remember that when I finished reading health food ministry I walked away with this understanding God really means what he says if we don't do it his way he's so patient I mean he is long-suffering but there comes a time when mercy can run out and judgment will be we'll have to begin okay and I remember that going through this I thought to myself I said Lord we have to understand that when Jesus says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word he actually meant it now my brothers and sisters do you mind if I talk to you I mean I really want to just talk to you you know I just well I was wondering I want to I just want to talk to you okay we're saying amen we're nodding our heads but I really believe the majority of us don't get how serious God is about what he says and what he requires I think the majority of us don't get it yet he's being very patient with us and he's very merciful he's very long-suffering there's a degree of parenthood that he called us to that many of us as parents are frustrating the gospel and it's negatively impacting our children there are husbands and wives that God has said this is the kind of husband I have called you to be it's the kind of wife I've called you to be and many of us are frustrating the gospel and not allowing God's Spirit to have full Dominion and rulership over us that we might be the house band and queen of the household that God has called us to be some of us have allowed our doctrinal understanding of present truths to somehow be a scapegoat for all the unrighteousness that we're doing and because we know how to answer verses and spirit of prophecy quotes before the preacher finishes quoting them we actually got to a place where we actually think that that gives us some level of merit and good standing before God and you read desire of Ages page 2 or 9 that's the same exact mistake the Pharisees made same exact mistake it says the great mistake of the Pharisees is that they thought that an intellectual assent to truth constituted righteousness same exact mistake a lot of us can make that same mistake and so what God has to do is something very special very special you see are you still in revelation 18 in Revelation 18 look at this it says and after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having the great power having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the Great is fallen is fallen and has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit in the cage of every unclean and hateful bird for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies and I heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues for her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities there's gonna be a loud cry loud cry a repetition of the three angels messages the only difference is that it's going to just be so much more powerful than previously the people of God are gonna light up the earth with God's glory and are gonna give what would almost be termed an irresistible message and anyone who has ears to hear will hear and they're gonna follow Jesus you and I have the privilege to be counted amongst this group we have the privilege that as we strive and cooperate with the master that God can get us to a place that we can be counted amongst this number that'll glorify God you know I spent I've been on this earth for forty five years forty five years old and you know the great majority of those years I have not glorified God even in my seventh day adventists years you know didn't glorify God in different ways I could see as glorifying self and falling into all sorts of death traps of the devil and Lord Jesus just keeps delivering and delivering and delivering bless his name and there are people who want to be part of this group for different reasons some people don't want to die because you know whoever gives a loud cry is going to be counted amongst the number that's going to go through the time of Jacob's trouble and they will not die so some people are afraid of dying they don't want to die so they say Lord let me be counted amongst that group so the Emotiv is wrong because those who give the cry are gonna see so much evil that they might be if I may say envious of those who are sleeping in Jesus the under sound I'm saying those who go through the time of Jacob's trouble are going to go through a mental anguish that is going to be worse than death so we are not think that this group is just gonna be skating into the kingdom unscarred yes they won't die but they're gonna have a lot of scars a lot of battle scars I don't know what your motivation is if you want to be part of that grow how many you want to be part of this group just so I can how many of you want to be part of the group that glorifies got lights up the earth with God's glory okay so I just want you to understand that if we're gonna be part of this group there's a motive of why you want to be part of it and what I would recommend is you definitely check your motives I spent the majority of my life giving glory to the devil bringing shame even to the heart of Jesus I want to spend the final moments of my life in Earth's history honoring him I really want to honor him I want to put a big smile on his face I want to make his heart happy he could say this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased and so if he sees it fit to allow me to be part of this group by His grace I will be part of this group that I'm the honor him that I may give him glory and you pray about your motives brothers and sisters because God pays attention far more to our motives than our actions but if you do want to be part of this group that's gonna light up the earth with the glory of God there's something God wants us to know go to John 15 in John the fifteenth chapter a very powerful chapter in the Bible very very powerful chapter in the Bible Jesus makes some points here that are very very plain and we're just going to study it a little bit in verse 1 it says I am The True Vine and my father is the husbandman so let's just get something straight who's the vine Jesus who's the husbandman the father okay good then it says every branch in me who represents the branches we do us every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit what does God do he takes it away now this this this verse 2 is power-packed and a lot of times I think we can miss it if we're not careful God makes it clear Jesus says I'm the true vine the father is the husbandman we are the branches then he says every branch how many branches he said every so is there any branch that could be excluded no if you're in Christ you're one of the branches every branch in me that does not bear fruit what does God do with those branches he takes it away so if we're a fruitless branch then God gets rid of us we're taking we're out of the way we're removed out of the way you understand that if we're fruitless that's why Jesus when he was walking with the disciples you know he looks at a tree sees no fruit on it a lot of leaves but no fruit and then he says I will give it one more year what have you still no fruit eventually Jesus can curse the tree and the tree withers right this taken away it's gone it's worthless there's no fruit we told of the book Christ's object list is that the life of the Christian is a life of fruit bearing it's no sense in being a Christian of calling ourselves Christians if we don't have any fruit so if we don't have fruit he gets rid of it I wonder what he does with those that do have fruit now let's look at it it says and how many branches well let's start at verse two from the beginning every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit he takes it away and how many branches every branch that bears fruit what does Jesus do with branches that actually are bearing fruit he prunes it and what is the purpose of the pruning that it bears more fruit now let's make sure we understand what the verse is saying because we're talking about real preparation for the final crisis you know everybody has their different spins on how to prepare for the final crisis I haven't heard this subject not that much often we need to talk a lot more about this one this this is preparation for the final crisis that's a lot deeper than a lot of other messages on preparation for the final crisis if we are a branch and we bear no fruit God just removes us but if we are branch and if we are bearing some fruit he purges us but the purpose of the purging is that what will bear more fruit have you ever gone through well before I even asked that purged what does the word purged me cleanse or clean what made you say that if you don't mind my asking very good okay what does the word I don't know just the case anybody didn't hear what my brother said what do you understand the word purged to me every branch in me that bears fruit he purges it what do you understand that word purged to mean we heard one right here which says cleanse any others to get rid of well he gets rid of the ones that bear no fruit so if you're bearing fruit he purges so he's not gonna get rid of them purchase must mean something else what what does the word purged me what do you understand that word to me with all that getting get understanding what's a point to reading the Bible if we don't understand it come on talk to me family say again sanctify so the purge means to sanctify good thank you anybody else washing okay wash it good anyone else let's take two more purge what does it mean need a dictionary alright yes say again now okay to take out what does not belong ok very good now I I appreciate all the answers I'm an agree with what my brother's margin says if you were to look just in the original on the word purge it means to cleanse it means to cleanse now what do you cleanse what what do you clean let's think what do you clean yes ok yes yes good but I'm asking of course the word purge means cleanse so my question is what do we generally clean say again very good that's the simple answer I'm asking for you know what you clean something that's dirty do you clean a clean thing no you only clean that which is dirty that which requires cleansing yes so that means that Jesus was saying every branch in me that's bearing fruit I'm gonna cleanse you because there's still something on you that's dirty even though you're bearing fruit and I need to cleanse you now here's the key you don't get cleansed until you realize you're dirty is that right go to the book of Malachi chapter 3 watch this Malachi chapter 3 if you look at Malachi the third chapter God will help us a little bit here in Malachi chapter 3 keep your finger on John 15 we'll get back there but we're going to Malachi chapter 3 this is the most vital message my brothers it's vital vital vital vital Malachi we're looking at the third chapter and when you get there please say Amen alright in Malachi 3 it says behold I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom he seek shall suddenly come to his temple even the messenger of the Covenant whom you delight in behold he shall come saith the Lord of Hosts but who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeared for he is like a what a refiners fire and like Fuller's soap and he shall sit as a refiner and what else purifier of silver and he shall purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer unto the Lord and offering in righteousness now watch when you take gold and when you take silver and you put it in a refiners fire it goes through a purging the purging removes the impurities but leaves the pure elements intact you understand that that's why God's desire is not to take away our fruit if we're bearing fruit he's not trying to take away the fruit he's just trying to remove the impurities that's inhibiting us from bearing what more fruit you follow that okay very good let's go back to John 15 so look at this Jesus makes it clear God is trying to prepare us for the most grand demonstration of the gospel that this world will ever see he's about to light up this earth with the glory of God the character of God God is giving you an eye a preparatory chance to be part of this group he knows us very well he knows who will comply and who will not he already knows in this God's desire is that for those of us who will be part of this group we are gonna light up the earth with his glory but in order for that to happen Jesus is now walking us through these steps that if we are as branches bearing fruit he's going to purge us for the purpose of bringing about more food fruit the purpose of the purging is to cleanse us from the things that remain that are inhibiting us from bearing more fruit that's why verse 3 says what it says what does it say in John 15:3 he said after he talked about the whole person thing he says in verse 3 now you are cleaned through what so what's the cleansing agent that Jesus is going to use in the purging process he's going to use his word this is why like never before you have to know your Bible please hear what I'm saying to you family I'm not saying this for the purpose of any type of special accolade or anything I'm just telling the truth I have had the privilege of training a lot of God's people missionaries and pastors and all sorts of folks and it's funny when you ask somebody what do you believe about this you asked what do you believe what's righteousness by faith what is this what is that you asked them a bunch of questions i i'm marvel at how many of us either really don't know what we believe number one number two we'll give a right answer but you'll see when when if we do this training if we do it you'll see that my follow up question most of them can't answer and the follow-up question is all right you gave the right answer where'd you get that from you asked them that what do you believe about this subject oh well I believe this let's say they get the right answer okay praise the Lord now the next question where'd you get that from one of two things happen either they don't know where they got it from or they give you an Ellen White answer when they give me an answer from Ellen White's writings then what I do is I say do me a favor go to great controversy 595 and then they go to great controversy 595 and then I show them God will have a people who have and used the Bible and the Bible alone for the basis of all doctrine and the foundation of all reforms so every doctrine you believe in every reform you practice dress reform health reform Sabbath reform education reform whatever the reform is music reform whatever reform you practice God says you supposed to have Bible for why you do that right so then I'll say ok where is that in the Bible because we can't go to the people in Portland and talk about Ellen White says because then they have the right to say what their guru says so we can't go like that we got to tell them thus saith the Lord we got to taken to the Bible first you understand that simple so what God is saying is that this is this is very very simple so we have to know the word but outside of all that witnessing activity the only way we can get cleansed is by the word fire the refiners fire is part of the purging process go to first Peter chapter 1 first Peter chapter 1 yes here we go this is it first Peter chapter 1 watch what the Bible says okay the Bible says in 1st Peter chapter 1 if you're there please say Amen all right the Bible says in first Peter 1 look right there at verse 7 it says that the what of your faith no well hold on now well see that might be a translation issue I don't know that I'm reading from King James alright in the King James it says the trial of your faith okay that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth though it be tried with what fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ so when we go through this fire it is referred to as a trial what brings us through the fire that the purging process may reach its completion is the word if you don't have word you're not gonna know how to make it through the fire are you following that this this is so imperative for the people of God and I am serious speaking from experience and I'm telling you one man with the experience will dominate ninety-nine men with theory I'm speaking from experience I'm telling you the truth this is the Word of God if we go through trials and we don't have word to combat that trial that trial will consume you the devil will have victory over us you need word you can't say thus saith my favorite evangelist you can't even say thus sayeth the spirit of prophecy simply by itself you got to know how to go to the word you got to know how to pick up your by boat and know how to go there and hit those points in those quotes and then let the prophet of God magnify what the scriptures are saying save you from a thousand perils my brothers and sisters I am serious why am I making this point because listen how many branches did Jesus say every branch every branch that bears fruit he's gonna have to purchase the purpose of the purging is not to hurt us the purpose of the purging is not to kill us the purpose of the purging is not to destroy your faith the purpose of the purging is to make you stronger it's to help you why because we're getting ready to go through a time where only the strong will survive you understand that we're strong in Christ first John 2:14 but we got to become stronger so let's make this practical if there's one thing I know for a fact that every single one of us in this room have and go through our trials does not matter if you're black or white does not matter if you're male or female does not matter if you're young or old does not matter if you're from one country or you're all from America the one thing that I can guarantee we all have in common is that we have trials we got problems and the question is how do you solve your problems how do you deal with your problems when your problems arise what do you do do you go with the thoughts that ring in your head because that's dangerous the Bible says the heart the mind is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked why would you consult something that is deceitful and desperately wicked on what to do that's the worst thing to do but that's how a lot of us make decisions and so what God wants us to understand is that when the trial comes god says it's an opportunity that's the first lesson I want you to understand when a trial comes to you stop looking at it as trouble start looking at it as an opportunity when you and I are going through the trials of life praise the Lord this is an opportunity to find out something God's gonna show me something because there's generally two ways you suffer as a wrongdoer or as the righteous you understand that the generative two ways we're going to suffer now somebody says but I'm not suffering well I got news for you go to the book of second Timothy chapter 3 watch this 2nd Timothy chapter 3 very clear is the Word of God second Timothy look at chapter three it's amazing when the when the when the in the days of the Apostles when somebody would join the church they understood we could lose our lives for this they understood it was like a serious thing to become a Christian in the days of the Apostles in the early church because they were under a power source that hated Christianity and then they also not only was they under Rome but they also learned a bunch of hating Jews so there was persecution on the left hand and on the right and literally the people understood if we profess this if we confess this we are in trouble but they said death before dishonor of God and his law will be our motto and that needs to be our motto and so the Bible says in second Timothy three and verse 12 it says in 2nd Timothy three right there in verse 12 it says yay and how many oh who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution it's gonna happen sooner or later it'll be direct persecution from Satan himself or it might be from brethren or it might be from strangers but it doesn't matter all who live godly in christ even if in godly are you bearing fruit you better believe it the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness and temperance against such there is no law and do you know at the end of the day the fruit of the Spirit is Christ's likeness you know if you want to just keep it like super simple what is the fruit of the Spirit Christ's likeness cuz Jesus had love he had joy he had peace he was very long-suffering you know you can go down the list all of that is a description of Jesus the fruit is Christ's likeness that's what he wants to see and so it is that when we look at this God is saying we're all gonna go through it if you're not going through it you will but we don't have to fear it if we understand it right I wish I had this message before November 2016 King it would have helped me a lot when some things start happening in yours and my life brothers and sisters God wants you to approach it with the right attitude if you're taking those write this down please messages to young people page 117 it's a very very good section of that book I would encourage you to read the entire page because there's some beautiful gems in there putting Christ first last and best in your life etc but I want you to think about this messages to young people page 117 says the trials of life are God's work men showing unto us the roughness and impurity of our own characters what does that mean there are things sometimes that God is trying to show us about ourselves that for some reason we keep missing the lesson missing the lesson missing the lesson missing the lesson so what God then decides to do is he says I'm gonna allow some trials to come allow now a Dean I don't believe God ordains trials to come in our lives but he allows them God did not ordain his people to go into captivity he allowed it but he knew it will work together for good because not only will I win my people back I'll win Pharaoh I'll win Nebuchadnezzar I'll win a whole bunch of other heaters that I probably never could have reached anyhow God is always two steps ahead of Satan always so God does not ordain he doesn't want us per se to go through trials but he knows rightly received he knows that trials can have a very powerful effect yet you want to see that you want to see the effect of trials because when you go through trials you go through suffering would you agree some level of suffering whether there's mental spiritual physical something financial you don't go through something go to the book of Hebrews chapter 2 what what what is the end result of all of these things Hebrews chapter 2 what is the Bible saying the Bible says right there in Hebrews chapter 2 and this is the fruit of all fruit the Bible says in Hebrews 2 right there in verse 10 Hebrews 2 and verse 10 the Bible says for it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons on to glory to make the captain of their salvation that's talking about Jesus to make the captain of their salvation perfect through what sufferings God knows a trial rightly received will bring about the beautiful sweet fruit of perfection can I show you how he says it in another way in the book of Hebrews go to the book of Hebrews 12 and if you look at Hebrews 12 he says it again he says it just in a different way God always gives at least the second witness if not more notice what the Bible says now in Hebrews we're looking at the twelfth chapter and we're going to go ahead and start it at verse five picking up a little bit after the story begins and Hebrews chapter 12 and verse five if you're there please say Amen the Bible says in here I've forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not thou the what chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him for whom the Lord what loveth he chased miss you can't forget these lessons family don't forget these lessons I'm telling you you're going to be tempted to forget these lessons don't let the devil succeed in tempting you stay focused on this for whom the Lord loveth he chasing it and scourgeth every son how many sons every son whom he receiveth if he endure see that's the key if he endure chastening God dealeth with you as with sons for what son is he whom the father chasin if not but if he be without chastisement where of all our partakers then are ye bastards and not sons furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits and live for they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure but he got for our profit that we might be partakers of his holiness God says if you endure the trial right it's gonna bring about the beautiful sweet fruit of holiness righteousness perfection so what does God say God says when you go through a trial husband and wife are estranged husband and wife arguing fussing and fighting husband and wife no longer heaven in the home maybe it never was you get to a place where probably if you're not careful you'll go into such deep despair that you'll say Lord why am I going through all the gods already told you why God says I told you why okay God says I'm allowing this to take place because if you receive this trial right God says it's gonna bring out some fruit now watch this in this idea what what makes up receiving it right well remember what's the purpose of the purging to do what to cleanse us but you can only cleanse that which is dirty and you got to be able to see your dirty condition so you can see you need for cleansing you understand that now watch this that means whenever a trial comes in your life the first thing God wants you to do is go to his word now please understand like I said I warned you in the beginning I said some people this will fly past them other people you're gonna get your key to victory what I'm saying to you is when the trial comes you got to say okay a trial is here what is the purpose of a trial messages to young people 1:17 the trials of life are God's work men showing unto me the roughness and impurity of my character so what I'm gonna do is when I go through this trial I'm gonna start investigating my character and comparing it to God's Word where am I going wrong let's use something that perhaps a great number of us in this room can relate to sickness sickness is something we can relate to sickness can be something as simple as chronic low back pain and it can be as bad as cancer when we go through sickness that is not our opportunity to say Lord why why did you abandon me no don't even go there the first thing to remember is if we are diagnosed with whatever it is first step is I'm gonna say all right disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of Health so because I understand that that's ministry in healing 127 or if you want Bible on it just go to numbers 11 and take a look numbers I'm sorry numbers 12 forgive me yep numbers 12 and you can pretty much read it down from verse 1 but verse 11 is key and in numbers chapter 12 and verse 11 it makes it very clear after a Miriam gets stricken with a disease which is leprosy real disease it says in verse 11 and Aaron said unto Moses alas my lord I beseech thee lay not the sin upon us wherein we have done foolishly wherein we have sinned sin causes disease sin causes disease whether it's violation of physical or spiritual law the bottom line is it causes disease violation of God's law causes disease so disease is an effort of nature to free the system from dishes that result from a violation of God's laws of Health so the first thing I want to do as I am now stricken with the disease is I want to start going down God's laws of Health where is my life out of harmony with these things and as I start going through I'm gonna start going through godly trust for most of us is right there because nine-tenths of diseases begin in the mind when you don't have godly trust you don't have peace you have perplexity you have stress and literally you look at all the latest scientific books stress can bring on type-2 diabetes stress can bring on hypertension stress can bring on cancer stress can bring on heart disease stress can stop your heart I mean you can go down the list stress and I've never heard of somebody who is trustfully stressed out never even heard of it doesn't even make sense you understand that never heard of it I am stressfully trust i'm trustingly stressed out there's no such that's an oxymoron literally trust in God relieves a lot of that chronic stress and then wrong you stressing because you you pumping some iron and strengthening your that's good stress but I'm not talking about that kind of stress I'm talking about that peace that passes all understanding that we know nothing about God says that kind of stress got to go that stuff will kill you and it will kill young people it'll kill young people and so when we when we get diagnosed with whatever it is the first thing God wants us to do look back what is it in the laws of hell that I'm not following am I not drinking my water if you knew how many diseases can result as a result of dehydration exercise do you know that over 45% of all cancers 50% of all diseases can be totally prevented if we would exercise daily this is statistics I mean I got all the scientific I got all that data on my computer we come back and do the medical missionary training to talk about it but what I'm telling you is that literally all of these things there's so much that can be warded off if we would just get up and stop sitting down so much and I'm not when I say exercise I'm not do you know what the world statistic is the world statistic is 30 minutes a day five days a week constant aerobic movement something like this brisk walking you do brisk walking thirty minutes straight and just let your heart just to do to do they say that thing can ward off and I mean they named the cancers colon lung pancreatic a lot of that GI stuff I mean just God we're fearfully wonderfully made so what God is saying is he's simply saying listen when something happens don't go back and just start saying oh Lord why why'd you and start going and attacking God and charging him with folly God says go back investigate yourself where is my life out of harmony with your word if your children one day come home and the sweet godly child you thought you have have proven themselves a devil as mother and father you're saying I homeschooled I did everything right how could this be what does God say God says go back to my word look again at what I said should be done with the children find out where did I disconnect we see it we say huh right there this is what I miss with my child oh lord please forgive me we apologize we go before God in repentance we go to our children we say children daddy mommy should have done this for you we didn't do it we're so sorry can you give us another chance that child though rebellious thank the Lord we got angels that help us and those angels start touching that child's heart we from that day forward start doing that which is right and holy and just before God and we begin to see our children come back not only to Jesus is hard but to ours guess what you've been cleansed by the word more fruit God says so I wanted God is trying to help us understand trials are going to come my brothers and sisters listen I'm talking to you from my heart I'm the Evangelist I'm the guy who travels and I preach and I teach and I do counseling and all these other things and it seemed as if in my mind I feel so strong in Jesus I really did and then one day my doctor told me we got to do heart surgery on you mr. lemon I'm I hold up I keep the laws of health and all of a sudden God started saying it's true when I was a child strep throat rheumatic fever damaged my heart valve that's true I didn't know any better I don't know anything I was a child but am I helped in the situation when I'm staying up late at night not watching TV but if I'm staying up late at night because I'm like I got to study the Bible to help the saints know if any man strives for the mastery he must be temperate in all things so there are many a nights that I stayed up late many a nights had the nerve to go around telling God's people you all need a fun of the laws out and go to bed at decent hours etc and Here I am for some reason because I'm a soul winner because I'm I'm doing the work of the gospel for some reason that principle did not apply to me so I was stay oblate and i have tonight and my body wouldn't get a chance to heal itself like it normally would tell everybody drink your water take your body weight divide it in half that's how many ounces you need to be drinking daily and I told him that and God gave me a solemn warning because I went to the Philippines and I was there preaching and teaching went to bed one night started feeling this pain in my back what in the world is this pain started getting worse and worse and worse turned out to be a kidney stone I was so thoroughly dehydrated but why was I be hydrated was that looking at water saying I don't want that I wasn't doing that I said I'm busy doing work I forget you know sometimes forget the ring but that's alright god oh god oh god will be my water jesus said he's the water of life that's alright I was drinking exercise brothers and sisters I'm slim I can still drop into a split and all that stuff from back in the days like when I used to dance in my mind I'm fit when I preach as you can see I walk from the right side and then I I walk to the left I look at my little wife to say hey Dwayne you did you did uh you did ten thousand steps today I said it's my exercise do you see how we can easily violate God's laws and give all these fake weak justifications for it and you just keep doing it and keep doing it and keep doing it and God is letting us know gently ever so softly it's not enough come up higher this times I'm preaching to violate the laws of health is to violate the law of God do you get it the church says Amen and the Holy Spirit says do you get it and so finally I see my cardiologist he says mr. lemon we have to go in on your heart what did I do Lord why I'm your soldier I've given my life for this work father why you gonna let me go down like that I'm starting to find a relatability between Paul when he called himself the chief of sinners the world is encouraged by Duane lemon but Duane lemon didn't follow through on the things he was encouraging the world to do not to the not to the level that I was putting when I preached I appreciate with power I believed it but I allowed these excuses to get in the way and I had to go up to the surgical table and it was like God got the victory on the day of surgery I remember laying there on that table on that gurney looking in the room and I just said Lord this this might be the last thing that I see that's a deep place to be brothers this is cuz they let you know yes there's a mortality rate so all your health is pretty good and that's the thing in spite of so much disobedience I would still have like good blood work and all this stuff that's like God's grace was there God sent a thousand signs to tell me I'm gonna pull you through this but I just couldn't see it at the time I couldn't see beyond the grave my wife woke up one night and she was crying this is just a few days before the surgery and I remember I woke up and I heard her crying and I started the scene started to sing a song to try to encourage her and I said honey what's going on and she said I have decided to drink the cup remember Jesus had a cup to drink it's very bitter she resolved in her mind if my husband dies I will not turn my back on Jesus I will stay with him and I'll accept God's will because she wanted me to live like any wife would I wanted to live and my brothers and sisters I'm telling you I remember being in that room looking at all those lights watching everybody washing their hands and getting everything ready and I said Lord this is it can you all I know is life I have never been sick I visit hospitals I don't get admitted and here it is for the first time I'm like I can't believe this they took mr. lemon you can have a heart attack right into surgery your heart can going to afib right here that it uh it can't happen and I remember laying there on that gurney and I just said you know what can I pray and they said sure we called the surgeon and everybody in and I remember that I gave myself to Christ in a very special asset Lord this is it I can tell him right now excuse me row me back in the other room put my clothes on and I'm out of here but in my mind I'm like I can't do that I just can't have come too far to turn back now and I told them I said listen we're gonna pray and I prayed there and I confessed my sins and I just said Lord all I ask is that if I don't wake up from this that's the next voice that I hear will be the voice of Jesus when the trumpet sounds then I said Lord but if this is not unto death anoint the hands of these doctors and stz ologist everybody because I know it's gonna take a miracle for them to repair this and I said amen and ahead and abiding peace oh wow it was an incredible piece and I said alright let's do it and I watched him put the anesthesia in there and I looked at it and I said you're done he said yep I said and that's the last thing I remember that stuff works quick oh but my brothers and sisters I remember hearing a voice I heard a I heard a man's voice is he all right okay so he's gonna be okay and in my mind I was like that's dad that's Thomas Jackson I called him dad I said that's dad and then I heard the most incredible music you could ever hear it was an angel and it was the Angels voice right there in my left ear it was my wife and my wife says I love you and it's like I got tubes in my mouth and everything I'm kind of like you know half smiling and I just said I'm alive I made it and my wife says they repaired your valve the thing that I was told was impossible dr. Wong repaired it he's a man of excellence he has an awesome track record Here I am seven months later now I look back and I'm a state father I can't miss a single lesson of what I've gone through and it's like the Lord began to show me so much and for him to raise me back up to the point that I'm standing before God's people again I have no time to play games with you my brothers and sisters I'm here to tell you the truth many of us think that we are strong but when a man comes in contact with his own mortality we'll discover things about ourselves that we didn't perhaps even know existed and what I'm saying to you is that I want to give you a better preparation than I had I owe that to the people of God I am here to let you know when you go through those trials and when you go through those circumstances where you have no control over the situation you cannot fix it God is gonna teach you how to trust him like we should have trusted him from the beginning he's gonna teach us lessons on faith that we should have learned from times past and he's letting us know when I let you go through these things I'm not doing it to destroy you I'm not doing it to kill you he says I'm doing this because I want to see more fruit in your life I want to see more you see go back to John 15 as we prepare to close it was right there in John 15 every branch is gonna go through it not and you you will go through the one that you need to go through not everybody's gonna end up on a gurney not everybody's gonna end up getting open-heart surgery not everybody's gonna have a chest cracked open no no no but whatever it is you go through it's gonna stretch you to the core because God cannot have any of self remaining in us if we're gonna be part of the group that will light up the earth with his glory as I told you this morning in Sabbath school what is justification you see justification by faith carries through sanctification it carries through glorification why because there are two key principles in justification by faith the first principle is the work of God in laying the glory of man in the dust does that not happen is sanctification will that not be the case in glorification yes at no point will the glory of man be intermingled with justification sanctification or glorification the second principle God doing for men that which it is impossible for man to do for himself that is a principle that carries through into sanctification it carries through into glorification at no point can self rise up in the picture say look at me look at me look at what I've done look at this great Babylon I've built none of that stuff will be accepted we want to know what it is to be broken at the foot of Jesus and so it is that Jesus says in John 15 verse 4 abide in me and I am you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing it's gonna be an abiding in Christ a dwelling in him and do you know what that fruit looks like if that if we are abiding in Christ and that and in the end the sap from the vine is flowing within our veins what does it look like first John chapter 3 in first John chapter 3 what does it look like first John chapter 3 down to some final text here first John chapter 3 right there in verse 24 what does it look like if we were biting in Christ Oh Lord what does it look like first John chapter 3 right there in verse 24 it says and he that keepeth His commandments dwelleth in him and he in him and hereby we know that he abideth in us by the spirit which he hath given us if we're abiding in Christ will naturally be able to keep his Commandments again if the vine if the septum the vine is flowing through we're going to keep God's commandments through the power of His Holy Spirit you see the problem is this we're forgetting the principle of gospel workers page 204 it says what a man is has greater influence than what he says there are a lot of us that want to do great things for God brothers and sisters slow down if you're connected to God you will do great things it it's a default the problem is many people are trying to do great things for God but God does not have their heart this is the plague in present truth it's a plague everybody is caught up into doing and doing and doing and doing we create conferences we create all sorts of organizations we create all sorts of things in the doing of the work but God says my son give me thine heart and let thine eyes observe my ways that's what God wants he doesn't want all your actions he'll get it God is into maximization if he gets our heart he by default has our actions you have never gone to a grapevine and if you have please tell me you have never gone to a grapevine and seen it produce strawberries have you you've never seen that if we're connected to the vine we cannot help but to produce the fruit that comes from the vine it will be christ-like character but the problem is is we're trying to do a bunch of christ-like things well he does not have our hearts and that's why you still got ministers that will curse you out how does a minister courser personnel because they're not connected to the vine this is why you can have preachers and teachers that are fallen into the bed of fornication and committing sexual sin why because they're doing a lot of great things but they were not connected and you know what God is doing God is exposing that foolishness God is saying I have pleaded with these hearts that's why we're seeing all this stuff coming up in our church God says I have pleaded and I have pleaded and I have pleaded and it seems like there's no other way to get their attention so what I'm gonna have to do is I'm gonna have to allow an exposure when I think of the brilliant stars the mighty in this church that are going out and have gone out talking about my brother last night about one one gentleman I certainly wouldn't call his name publicly but mighty my eye i sat under his teachings myself and has been thoroughly benefited and when I think of the day that he's he's walking away and I'm like how did you do that that's suicide that is spiritual suicide but my brother's this is this is where we're at and that's what I'm saying it's not enough for us to know what is truth what a man is has greater influence what he says and what he does and so I have learned and I pray you learn we have to have a deeper communion with God we have to realize how to tap into his heart and let him tap into our heart that we might be like him that is our prayer none of this oh lord I want to do great things I want to turn Portland upside down oh don't worry it's gonna happen it's gonna happen but it's only gonna happen through the people whom God says there goes my Sunday goes my daughter and I have their heart that's what he wants first the trial is simply to open our eyes to help us see our great need for him and the more that we see it something special happens let's go back to John 15 for our final statement you see if we cooperate with Jesus and let him have this level of success that he wants to have with us if we cooperate with him I want you to see what will happen verse 6 if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast him into the fire and they are burned because there's no fruit verse 7 but if he abide in me and my what if my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you you know I told my wife yesterday in the car my wife knows me very well and I got this thing that I do I don't need to do it it's just that I'm always thinking and so I'm driving the car and I just go boy says what's up what's going on what happened and I said well I said Peter must have had such a relationship with Jesus she's like why you mean and I said well the reason why is to think about it Peter did not have any Bible verse but he with assurance went to Tabitha and said Tabitha get up and he commanded a dead woman to rise and in my mind I'm like how did he know that she would rise I'm literally I thought about it cuz I like to think through Scripture I'm like you know there's been lots of people who have had dead people over them I'm sure there's been mothers fathers and children parents whatever they have had their dead loved ones and said rise in the name of Jesus rise you know just just trying to see is that Pentecostal gospel power present with me today is that early rain power with me today but Peter would a hundred percent confidence says tabatha rice and Tabitha rises up Paul is preaching on till midnight young man sitting by the window that brother gets sleepy and he just whoop falls out the window poom dies Paul was preaching sees a guy fall out the window alright let's hold on Paul goes downstairs goes to the young man says young man get up raises the brother from the dead goes back up and Paul says now turn your Bibles he finishes the message and preaches till sunrise and I'm saying I want that connection no but hear me good I'm not like a Simon Magus I'm not trying to woo let me have that power for my own prayer I'm saying I want to have such an intimate communion with God that God can talk to me and I to him desire of Ages 668 you had to read it it says very clearly God will speak his mysteries to you personally I can talk to me he could talk to me like that I wanted to talk to me like that that's what I want I want to have such closeness and communion with God so when I read verse 7 and it says if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done the union between the creator and creation is so tight that they have full confidence that what I'm asking for I know already God will do it what can happen if we successfully go through the purging process so much fruit so much christ-like character and then verse 8 and that's our closing verse it says herein is my father what glorified that ye bear much fruit so shall you be my disciples not one person will be part of that loud cry and light up the earth with God's glory that has not successfully gone through the purging process every branch will have to go through it before probation closes and God is saying to you as he's saying to me he's saying where's your heart who has your heart what has your heart because I know for sure God wants it I know for sure he wants it and sometimes we can frustrate the process so much yes he's called us to come after him and deny ourselves but sometimes we're not getting the message so you know what God has to do he allows that trial to come in to wake us up say do you understand how much you need me brothers and sisters what God requires of us there's nothing natural about it it is wholly supernatural and it's gonna require a level of surrender I think the majority of us have yet to taste it but you know what I want to taste it I've decided I've decided I will follow you my Savior we're so we're by lot maybe where thou goest I will follow yes my lord I'll follow thee if it be for thy glory o God so let it be done if we can train our minds and train our tongues to speak that language if you be for thy glory so let it be done I accept the trial that I'm going through I will go to your word for guidance counsel and instruction and may the word both written and living have its cleansing effect upon our lives and I believe in the end will bear much fruit and perhaps by the grace of God will be counted amongst that number that will light up the earth with his glory I have a question for you how many of you understood the study is it your desire to say Lord purge me and that's not easy prayer to pray is it it's not easy prayer to pray is it it's a very important prayer Lord purge me whatever is in me that's unlike you purge me I have learned some rich lessons through this experience I actually can now say thank God for my heart crisis that took place November of 2016 because to a large degree I was on a road of self-deceit and I didn't even see it didn't even see it swept me off my feet and now that he has shown me the holes those pockets that need to be plugged in I am ever so grateful and for him to give me the privilege I've read lots of blogs on what happens to people after they go through open-heart surgery and have these vows I mean none of those things happen none of those things happen it would be the most foolish thing in the world for me to go back to any of those little excuses that I used to maybe it would be deadly for me to do that and so I just hope and pray that you've really got the message I hope you're not counted amongst those that it just it just flew by my hope and my prayer is that we really get it God is getting ready to do something powerful in this world in Portland Oregon he wants you to be part of his team but the question is are you willing to accept the purging and if you're willing to accept the purging process even to the point that you could say Lord purge me purge me I want to invite you to stand to your feet with me it's not an easy prayer to pray but if we can remember that these trials tribulation works patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us the fruit of holiness the fruit of the perfect reflection of the character of Jesus all these things is what he wants to accomplish in you and me let us cooperate with this process pray for me please I still got healing dude I got five more months of healing this is a 12-month process I feel residuals from the surgery all the time sitting back there always feeling residuals from it and if I wanted to I could let the devil mess with my head but no God is in charge of my life and he's in charge of yours if you let him let's go ahead and let's kneel for a word of Prayer if you're able to kneel and seal the decision that we have made father in heaven we are very grateful for the things that you have shown us we thank you Lord for your wonderful words of life father we praise you even in the midst of our purging process though it be painful at times there God in the end we know that it will produce the sweet fruit of righteousness and holiness the perfecting of the character of Christ for this is what heavens waiting for Christ is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of himself in his people when the character of Christ is perfectly reproduced in us then Jesus will come to claim us as his own lord please help us to cooperate with you through the purging help us not to lose sight and to give into temptation but to go to your word to find our encouragement and our cleansing bless my brothers and sisters dear God bless me and my household Lord we pray very solemnly and reverently please for Christ's sake and for thy glory purge us that we might bear more fruit to thy names honour and glory is our prayer we ask in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: FWB4 Productions
Views: 8,146
Rating: 4.6428571 out of 5
Keywords: Dwayne Lemon, SDA, Seventh Day Adventist, sermon, it's time to be about our father's business, 2017 sermons, dwayne lemon, stone tower sda church, google
Id: x6D-c-SzyBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 11sec (5891 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2017
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