2020-9-15 Special Presentation Part 5- Dwayne Lemon " It's time to be about our Fathers business"

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very thankful to be here with you all and uh i'm very excited because i really enjoy coming to areas that we would call dark simply meaning that there's not any or much light you know there are several things the bible calls light but there's three things that i would highlight that the bible calls light if you go to psalms 119 105 the bible says thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path if you go to proverbs 6 and verse 23 it says for the commandment is a lamp and the law is light and then of course if you go to john chapter 9 and verse 5 jesus says i am the light of the world so when i think about light i think about god's word i think about god's law which the revelation of perfect obedience to the two was manifested in the life of jesus christ who is the light of the world and so when i say a dark place i'm talking about a place that knows nothing about god's word they don't know anything about god's law and they don't know anything about the light of the world jesus christ whenever there's an area that does not have those three things then we know for sure that is a dark place you understand that all right so i enjoy coming to the dark places because god has raised us up to be light bearers is that all right that's what we're called to be family we're called to be light bearers and therefore we need to make sure that we are about our father's business in bearing light to those who need it most and so i'm going to show you something today that is very dear to my heart uh you know i have subjects that i study that are my favorite i've never tried to be what i call a present truth specialist uh you know you got specialists out there if you think of the medical world you have specialists some are specialists in cardiology others are specialists in neurology some are specialists with the skin dermatology etc and uh you know that's fine we need that but when it comes to the word of god i don't believe god wants us to be specialists per se i believe jesus was not a specialist he didn't focus just on one thing he knew how to minister to the family he knew how to minister to youth he knew how to minister to adults he knew how to minister to men he knew how to minister to women he knew how to minister to the spiritual he knew how to minister to the mental he knew how to minister to the physical jesus was very diverse and he was able to meet the needs of the people in like manner i believe god wants us to be diverse he doesn't want us to just be a specialist and just have focus only in one area and i'm not here to knock anybody that you know is a specialist or something like that maybe you have a focus maybe you love country living and that's all you talk about maybe some people love prophecy that's all you talk about but i believe that there's a way that i can tie in prophecy and country living and the family and revival and reformation i mean you can tie it all together and give a very powerful message and i've pleaded with god over these several years that he's called me into ministry i said lord please let me not be a specialist i just want to be just like jesus i want to know how to meet the needs of the people in whatever area and sphere of life that there is a need and thus far thank the lord he's accomplished a few things and i'm grateful for it and i'm looking forward to greater and larger things and so as we prepare our hearts to go through our study today i'm just going to ask us if we can first pause for a word of prayer and i love to do it on my knees and if you're able to i'd like to invite you to please kneel with me and let's go before the lord and let us talk one with another with him and let him speak to our hearts our loving father we are very grateful for the blessing to come together and to study your words of truth we thank you lord for the privilege to hear from heaven while we remain silent and also to speak to you while you're silent and you're listening to us this is called communion and father i'm grateful for it i thank you for the little bit we had this morning and it was sweet and i just pray that you will speak to our hearts even more right now and enable my mind to give faithful counsel and instruction to your people as we seek to be lightbearers for thee please forgive us we pray of our sins and grant us the presence of your holy spirit who's the only effectual teacher of truth is our prayer that we ask in jesus name amen all right well it's so simple you know go to the i want you to go to the book of john i want you to consider the 17th chapter john chapter 17. i just want you to watch what the bible says here in john we're looking at the 17th chapter and i just want you to watch what the bible says as we consider some thoughts from the lips of jesus when he was giving that most powerful and exemplary intercessory prayer as he was preparing to go to the cross and eventually to the sanctuary to intercess on our behalf the bible says in john we're looking at the 17th chapter and when you're there please say amen the bible says in john the 17th chapter we're going to kind of go right there in the middle of the prayer and we're going to look at verse 18. and it was in john 17 and verse 18 that as jesus was intercessing that he made a very strong statement he said as thou has sent me into the world even so in like manner have i also sent them into the world now who is jesus talking about when he says then who was jesus talking about he was talking about his disciples was he talking about his disciples present in that verse or was he talking about disciples present and future president and future i believe he was talking about the disciples present not future yet why verse 21 when you get to verse 21 i'm sorry verse 20 it says neither pray i for these alone in other words he's saying i'm not just praying for a certain group alone but then he broadens it and he says neither pray i for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word i believe verse 21 is where he includes the rest of us you understand that so jesus was praying for the disciples present because he knew the crisis they were getting ready to come up upon but then he also kept in mind in his prayer for all the disciples future which would be you and i which would believe their testimony because we're reading matthew's account we're reading mark's account we're reading luke's account we're reading john's account we're reading james account peter's account paul's account john's account you understand we're reading their statements of their interactions with jesus under the inspiration of the holy spirit and all of us who believe based on this faithful testimony jesus says i'm praying for you too isn't it nice to know that jesus is still praying for us i think it's a beautiful thing to know that christ is on our side sometimes it feels like this world is against us sometimes when you stand for truth strong enough sometimes the church will be against you but i'm grateful that as long as we're doing things in the way that god has called us to do it we will never have to guess is jesus for me or against me jesus has already said i'm praying for you and as you get stronger and as you gain a true conversion experience go strengthen the brethren and so it is that when jesus said this prayer is a beautiful prayer and i love verse 18 because he says on behalf of not just disciples present but disciples future he says the same way that the father sent me into the world even so in like manner have i also sent you we don't have to wonder how to do ministry do you understand that we don't have to guess how to do ministry god has made it crystal clear absolutely plain to us how to get that work done and he says you don't have to look any further than jesus i believe one of the reasons we have so much confusion in our camp is because we're not doing the work of christ it's like we're doing every everything else but his work and so i believe with all of my heart i'm convinced that if we look carefully at jesus we will understand what needs to get done right here in this area all we got to do is look at him and the reason why it is imperative that we look at him is because when you take your eyes off of the light as we talked about you can become you you end up becoming derailed distracted focusing on the darkness i don't read anything in the bible that jesus spent a lot of time focusing on the darkness on the errors and the weaknesses of others jesus was clear the ministers had problems the people had problems and what jesus wanted to do was not spend too much time focusing on everybody's problem because the truth is the truth listen this is a true statement for evil as well as for good what i'm about to share with you is a truthful statement for evil as well as for good here's the statement by beholding you become changed that is true for the devil and it is true for god if you spend your time focusing on the evil the errors the mistakes the shortcomings of others you will fall into that same boat but if we spend time praying intercessing pleading being gentle and learning when it's time to be stern to do it in the way exactly how jesus did it and to always seek to unite the heart back to god you won't fall we all have choices i've met many negative seventh-day adventists and that stuff wears on you after a while i mean all the time we just talk about and rehearse our problems i mean i have a class that i'm teaching my family right now we're all we're we're having a little wilderness experience it's a blessing and uh last week we were going through the class and we were talking about principles and devotion i realized god's people don't even know how to have devotion in the morning we do all sorts of stuff but we don't know how to have inspired step-by-step devotion the way god prescribed it so you get the best benefits so i said i'm not gonna let that happen to my family so you know i reminded everybody i said okay we learned this long time ago let's go over it again and i'm with my children my house is filled with teenagers my oldest son is 19. my daughter kayla last week just turned 18. caleb is 15 in september he'll be 16. jada i'm sorry caleb is 16 and in september he'll be 17. jada is 15 in in november she'll be 16. so i mean literally we just got a house filled with teenagers and you know how it is the world wants teenagers the devil wants teenagers the devil's having massive success right now through young people so it's up to father and mother to do all we can to create those right barriers so we started going through devotion and when we go through devotion and look at all these principles it was like we were studying the word of god and just think this is what god wanted when you have devotion you see devotion in the morning when you meet with jesus the goal is that your heart and my heart is more devoted to him after my morning communion with god i should be more in love with him some of us are not having anything like that in the morning sometimes we get up in the morning and we're just doing readings if we're even doing that and we wonder man why is my heart still so cold why is it that i'm still frustrating the gospel etc listen i've been married to my wife for 20 years and i thank the lord that i man i i mean i got like a living love for that woman i mean i'm sick i'm it's just i marvel at how much i love her and i really think to myself lord thank you so much for the gift that you've given to me through my bride 20 years i look back past those 20 years not one act of adultery praise the lord and i thought about it i said what is it that kept me from committing adultery on my wife it wasn't lack of opportunity because i learned a long time ago even the women in the church are not all saints and that's why i'm i'm very careful if women want to counsel with me i'm like okay i'll bring my wife with me if we talk can we go in that room no we cannot we're not going in any private areas you understand you got to keep your guards up man listen there are serpents in the church make no mistake about that the last temptation the devil took down israel with was with the moabite women so you know i always tell ministers y'all better be careful the way you interact with women i don't believe it was because of lack of opportunity if i wanted to be a foolish careless minister i'm sure that a door could have been open that i could have fallen into adultery if i wanted to so the question is then what really kept you dwayne and it's four incredibly simple letters l-o-v-e love has so much power it will keep you from sinning to commit adultery is a sin you understand that but god's love is so powerful that even in when we're bent and inclined to sin if we come in contact with that divine sweet unadulterated pure love if we come in contact with jesus my brothers and sisters there's so much power in the love of christ that it will kill the player in any man it'll kill the sinner in any man or any woman always remember how can i have victory over sin the answer love makes it easy don't forget that the more you love jesus the harder it will be for you to break his heart and sin against him why is it so easy for us to sin against him because we love our sins more than we love jesus is that simple enough praise be to god he can change that but it comes to real devotion real communion getting to know him as it is our privilege to know him now did you know that that's an inspired statement i just said getting to know him as it is our privilege to know him let me read the whole quote to you it's in desire of ages page 668 and it says in desire of ages page 668 it says when we know god as it is our privilege to know him it says our lives will be a life of continual obedience isn't that what you want that's what all of us want don't you don't you hate that roller coaster relationship we have with jesus one minute obedient next minute disobedient one minute obedient next minute disobedient it's a roller coaster i gave up amusement parks a long time ago how about you but yet that's that one ride we just can't seem to give up but jesus says there's a way to crush that right he says it's more love my favorite hymn more love to thee o christ y'all know that one let's sing it more love to o christ more love to thee hear now the prayer i make on bended knee this is my earnest plea more love o christ to thee more love to thee more love to thee that's the key to victory over sin and god wants to give it to all of us but we must come in contact with his mind and the more we come in contact with his mind and by beholding that mind we become changed and receive that mind we will be more like jesus and then we can work more like jesus as i told you yesterday gospel workers page 204 it says a man has greater influence by what he is than what he says and this is what god wants for all of us so i believe if we behold jesus long enough we'll know how to finish this work we'll know how to do this work but the first thing is is that we must be like him and that's why friday night that's why sabbath morning sabbath school that's why 11 o'clock hour we talked a lot about us we talked about our hearts we talked about our true condition because once we can get that dealt with and really walk in the light and the power of his justification by faith which leads to sanctification and glorification it won't be a problem to finish the work and so yesterday i showed you that god's people were on fire that philadelphian age they did a great work but it didn't finish it we're still here and now god wants to work through us the weakest generation on planet earth and this is the generation he wants to light up the earth with his glory amen it's going to be a powerful mighty demonstration you and i got the privilege to be part of that number by his grace and so the church unfortunately though receiving all these blessed endowments from heaven the church unfortunately fell into a very serious trap by the devil i want you to turn to second timothy and we're going to look at chapter three as all these beautiful precious truths present truths that i'm sharing with you right now the reality is is that another truth is that the apostle paul saw prophetically the condition of the very church that god left all of these lessons and teachings and blessings this same body of people to a very large degree was gonna miss the message and he says it in a most profound way in second timothy chapter three we're going to consider verses one to four we'll pause at four and then we'll continue thereafter the bible says in second timothy if you're there please say amen in second timothy chapter three starting at verse one it says this know also that in the last days what kind of times perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fears uh despises of those that are good traitors heady highminded and lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god and sometimes when we read that we'll say oh boy that sounds just like portland we say oh man that sounds like new york city that sounds just like los angeles that sounds like and we name the city we name the place and the truth of the matter is yes those things are taking place but what makes it worse here is not so much that the apostle paul is just highlighting the sins that are going to be prevalent throughout our world in the last days but he says in verse 5 it says what having a form of godliness now does los angeles have a form of godliness is there anything in los angeles that you see that represents god is there anything in portland that you see that represents god is there anything you see in new york city that represents god no my brothers and sisters the world is sinful and they're bold about it they put their sins on billboards now they put their sins in music for them and put it on speakers in front of stores and blasted the world is sinful and they're exceptionally bold about it no undercover this is not leave it to beaver ages this is not the i love lucy ages when the husband and wife used to sleep in separate beds do you ever watch those programs black and white the husband and wife were sleeping i mean that's when television was a lot cleaner they they thought it was immoral to let the husband and wife be seen lying together in bed so when you did if you if you look back to the leave it to beaver days the loot the i love lucy i mean they slept in separate beds that's how much television was attempting to keep things clean it's amazing how television has changed and god's people are still watching it confusing god's people not just the world god's people are still watching it we watch adultery all the time men having intimate connection with women that's not their wives while they're married to somebody else somebody literally put a post on facebook is it wrong for a man to to to kiss a woman that's not his wife in acting and that's why i'm getting off of facebook because facebook you want to get in on some of these conversations i get tempted and i'm like man i should just go in on that but i don't have time for that it's much more important things to be doing but sometimes see these statements and i'm just like why are we even having this discussion are you kidding me if a man or woman was walking down the street and another guy comes up to that man's wife and says can i kiss you and then just walks up and starts kissing her and let's say the wife starts kissing him back and they start kissing each other touching each other feeling each other squeezing each other and all that stuff my question is this would that man not feel like my wife just cheated on me would he not have that whole sense in that whole feeling honey how you just violated our covenant is not the man going to feel that way absolutely whoever said that adultery was just penetration jesus said in matthew 5 if a man looks at a woman lustfully he's already committed adultery so where did you and i get this idea that adultery is penetration it's deeper than that don't tell me if a man can look at a woman lustfully and heaven says adultery certainly if a man and woman start intimately kissing each other feeling hugging what is in the world is that i know what it is adultery now my thing is this i guarantee you will smith and jada pinkett they can walk together now they're just walking on the beach together and some brother rolls up to mr smith and says hey man step aside let me kiss you brian and just go ahead and start kissing will smith is probably gonna be ready to knuckle up with that guy he's gonna be like brother what you doing and he's gonna do what he can to get that man away from his wife that's my wife but isn't it amazing how a paycheck can change everything once jada says hey will uh i got an opportunity to play a part in a film and it's not like the beach where there was no paycheck involved it was just a man who just wanted to kiss me this one i'll be kissing some super handsome guy whatever but we'll we'll we'll increase our income by 20 million dollars and all of a sudden mr smith says well honey blessings on you go ahead and get that done you see how confusing the world is and this is the foolishness we watch we watch adultery we watch this stuff and we wonder why can i have that that vital connection with jesus we wonder why there's no confusion brothers and sisters we're playing with the devil and the devil plays for keeps that's the part we're not understanding when you're ready to let go he's going to say where you going you're not going anywhere and some of us like the demoniac we can't even open our mouths and cry out for jesus anymore because we're so stuck in sin but thank god that the bible in the spirit of prophecy lets us know god says i'm not like man i look at the heart and when jesus came to that demoniac in the gatherings in luke 8 jesus came to him and though he couldn't even speak the devil took over his tongue but the devil did not take over his heart fully and jesus was able to read his heart and heard that little cry it was a little cry but it was enough to get the attention of jesus and jesus made that man free that brother loved jesus so much that he said lord please let me travel with you i'll go anywhere with you lord jesus says nope stay back and tell everybody what i did for you he got no training a whole village was ready to hear about jesus when he came back to gudera isn't that powerful my brothers and sisters jesus says a time's going to come when the people that i endowed all the blessings of heaven they're going to forget their heritage and they're going to be comfortable with a form and that's not what god wanted for us we should not be comfortable with just a form of godliness i do not believe for a minute that second timothy 3 1-5 was talking about the world merely i believe paul was emphasizing the church the condition of god's people the light was starting to lose its light that's what makes the times perilous and so a lot of our religion has been dumbed down to a form look good on the outside just like pharisees listen we have to understand pharisees looked great pharisees were very excellent looking people because they were sticklers for the law they saw a gnat in the water they'd be like we can't drink that water that water is unclean but they were so backwards that they didn't understand it these brothers meet and one day jesus heals a man who's been sick for 38 years and when jesus heals the man who's been sick for 38 years he did it by chance on the sabbath day so this brother's walking with his mat of which they said you can't do that can't walk around with your mat that's working so they see them walking with a mat and then they you know they go to jesus they go to him what are you doing the man jesus who the man who healed me said to take up my mat and start walking so he starts walking and these guys in there in their zeal for god in their love for god said this man can't be blessed of god because he broke the sabbath because he did what to a man he healed him so you know what they did on the sabbath they came together and they said hey let's plot to kill a man on the sabbath and they actually thought that that was okay you see how pharisaism can blind a man you can think it's okay to plan to kill on the sabbath but not think it was okay to heal on the sabbath that is completely backwards that's what happens when the pharisaical mind takes possession of a human we will make very unrighteous judgment god says this is what happened to my people they dumbed down to a form they're just happy that they show up every sabbath everybody says hi we all say happy sabbath even though we're not happy you know we go through church services give the appropriate amends when it's necessary eat a bunch of food that we know we don't eat sometimes when we're home plant-based and we kind of just keep doing that day in day out week and week out month and month out year and year out god says i want more from you god says i need more from you you got to come up higher we all got to come up higher and so what we need to understand is the reason we need to come up higher is because forms of godliness equals no power that's what the verse said having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away when we're stuck in a form of godliness we have no power god needs to get us out of this it's a bad condition right now the world loves power i used to do martial arts i used to do martial arts for many years i studied three disciplines taekwondo shotokan and what's called the dancing martial art capoeira brazilian and when i used to do these forms of martial arts i was determined to be the best i mean i i was i was already going to tournaments beating people up and they beat me up and i was going down that route i was gonna i was determined to be an incredible martial artist today if you look and and god pulled me out of that i am not an advocate for martial arts today i do not believe that this is something god's people should be delving into it really creates a spirit of self uplifting self confidence and also a whole world of mysticism and so i'm not an advocate of martial arts today nevertheless the world is today the world wants to see power and that's why they love watching mixed martial art programs and all those things because in their mind when somebody could walk into that cage and when they're small and when the biggest people in the world come up against them almost like a reenactment of david and goliath i think about the gracie family hois gracie and all those guys that came into those little cages they those guys weren't even buffed up muscular or anything but they had some ways that they could grapple an individual that will pin you down to the ground and they began to beat the biggest most muscular fat didn't matter what size the person was they would hold them all down and beat them and next thing you know gracie schools started opening up all around the world all around the world why because the people said that's power i want that power the world actually wants power did you know that i need you to hear what i'm saying because i'm trying to help you understand why the church that sometimes can fill up up to 500 800 a thousand people only have 100 or have 120. there's a reason for that but why is it that when beyonce jay-z when they when they want to hold a concert justin bieber when they want to hold a concert all they got to do is they just step on stage and when the lights come on and they just sing one note all of a sudden people just and they start fainting people just start passing out that person just sings one note and it's like that note just reverberates all throughout the whole entire crowd of thousands of people you know why because in their minds that's power that's power that's why you got a whole bunch of young brothers that want to become a bunch of rappers that's why you got a whole bunch of young sisters that want to become the next neo-solar r b artist that's why you got a whole bunch of young brothers and young sisters that want to be the next pop artist because in their minds they see power the world wants power now you know romans 1 and verse 16 right for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god but the problem is is that god's people fell into a form and they have no power so people are like why should i come to the church when you're going to tell me have self-control and you have no self-control why should i come to a church and you're going to tell me about holiness but there's nothing going on about holiness with you why are you going to tell me to come to a church and you're just as naked as i am on the streets why are you going to tell me to come to a church literally this is the mindset of the people that were called to witness to they're looking at us go to romans chapter 2. look at what the bible says romans chapter 2 paul had to get on a group who was judging another group and when paul was getting on this group he got to a point that he began to ask a question and i want you to watch the question in romans chapter 2. watch this the bible says in the book of romans chapter 2 this is why i'm telling you it is more important of what we are than what we say a man has greater influence by what he is than by what he says it says in romans chapter 2 watch it right here romans 2 and you can go ahead and go right down to verse 21 and watch how paul reasons with so-called teachers he says thou therefore which teachest another he asks a question what's the question teaches not thyself thou that preaches the man should not steal what's the question do you steal thou that says a man should not commit adultery what's the question do you commit adultery thou that aborist idols does thou commit sacrilege thou that maketh thy boast of the law through breaking the law dishonores thou god paul is literally saying if you're preaching a message you want to make sure you're living your message and this is why again i would have done you a disservice if i would just come up in here hey let's talk about how we're going to win portland let's do all sorts of techniques and gimmicks and stuff so we can get everybody to come in and be just as perhaps unconverted as we are that's not what god wants god wants us to search our own hearts our own condition and then we can go ahead and do a greater work so a form of godliness no power is that clear now watch this this is why family you ever heard of those terms you see when we think of revival and reformation it is not that we are called to try to have a in reach focus the revival and reformation is needed that we might successfully do our outreach focus you understand that so depending on how people address revival and reformation you might get different messages but the truth is god wants us to have a revival and a reformation for the purpose of fulfilling our mission you understand that if we don't have the proper revival reformation we will not successfully do our mission and we're going to mess things up god doesn't want us to mess things up because you can find a lot of places where they're doing things in a messed up way that's not hard what's hard to find is a place where we're doing it the right way that's the hard part we dare to do something hard because we can do all things through christ who strengthens us amen now watch this so when you think about this you know this quote don't you a revival among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs to seek this should be our first work have you ever read that before do you believe that did you ever preach that teach that or share that with anybody else well i want to let you know that i think you you taught something wrong because there are two words that i deliberately took out of that quote does anybody know what the two words are very good here's the two words a revival of true what godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all of our needs to seek this true godliness should be our first work you understand that so this should be our first work if this is our first work we can do all the other works in their proper order you understand that so what god wants from us is to focus on true godliness why because we fell into a form of godliness doesn't that make sense that actually makes sense god wants us to seek true godliness that we might successfully fulfill our mission and this should be our first work there are many things that falls under the category of true godliness but i'm going to show you something that is often not connected i carefully listen to some sermons ever so often and i've heard a lot of the revival sermons i've heard people say we got to come back to the bible is that true we got to come back i've heard people say we gotta come back to the spirit of prophecy is that true yes i heard that too our people said we got to come back to true heartfelt earnest prayer is that true absolutely i've heard all of that but there's something a lot of times we miss when we talk about true godliness and god wants us to make it plain this is the reason why i'm here so i want you to watch this if we want to understand true godliness we need to go to first timothy 3 16. so let's go there first timothy we're looking at chapter three and let's consider verse 16 first timothy chapter 3 and verse 16. i want you to watch this now and watch it very carefully first timothy chapter 3 and we're considering verse 16. and i want you to watch what the bible says because if our first work should be to seek true godliness then obviously we need to understand some things about godliness so let's go ahead and look at first timothy 3 and verse 16. and if you're there please say amen all right the bible says in first timothy 3 16 and without controversy great is the mystery of what godliness god was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit scene of angels preached unto the gentiles believed on in the world and received up into glory amen now who is this talking about jesus this is talking about jesus no question about it this is talking about jesus you can connect john 1 14 to that and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us god was manifest in the flesh you can connect matthew 1 and verse 23 they shall call his name emmanuel which in which being interpreted is god with us so god was manifest in the flesh so we know that this is talking about jesus christ now if you want to know godliness you don't have to look any further than jesus christ amen now it said something that was foundational to everything else it says god was manifest in the flesh okay god was manifest in the flesh and as a result of that justified in the spirit scene of angels preached amongst etcetera etcetera so god was manifest in the flesh let's consider what the book of uh philippians chapter 2 it says who being let's go to philippians 2 because i think the slide doesn't have it because it's chopped up some of my slides there so let's go to philippians chapter 2. in philippians the 2nd chapter we're going to consider what god manifests in the flesh is really teaching because we need true godliness so we're going to look at godliness god manifests in the flesh we're going to look at that so we can understand some lessons about what does this mean to me practically so now we're looking at philippians chapter two in philippians the second chapter the bible says verse five let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus verse 6 who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god but verse 7 says he made himself of what no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men now we have to understand the demonstration of godliness is found in jesus when we read about god being manifested in the flesh in philippians 2 it tells us god was manifest in the flesh for sure but then it tells us more it says he made himself of no reputation so when we go about demonstrating godliness are we doing it for the purpose of making a reputation no that's a big difference between the way we deal with miracles and all these other things versus the miracle workers that we see today they do a lot of their work so they can make of themselves a reputation jesus when he came on this earth he said i'm not going to make of myself now did he have a reputation yes he did he was equal with the father he's god so he humbled himself you understand that so that means for us practically that whatever work you and i do we are to do it in lowliness of spirit amen is that a practical lesson lowliness of spirit whatever it is that's why i'm telling you you got to be careful with your talents you got to be careful with your skills you got to be careful with your abilities whatever god has blessed you with do your work quietly and humbly not looking for accolades not looking for reward not looking for prestige not looking for somebody to put us out in the front and say look at how great this person is don't feel disrespected that's why that's why i love the seventh adventist church because when somebody sings what are we supposed to do let's suppose say amen you know why because a song is typically a prayer you know what the word amen means so let it be done so when they sing all to jesus i surrender when they sing that we should be able when they're done no matter how beautifully they sung it we should be able at the end of that song not to go because that's going to help build up reputation instead what we're going to do is we're going to say amen in other words we're in agreement lord with that song so let that be done in my heart in my home there's a philosophy behind why we play music and do music and sing the way that we do part of it is to help us maintain lowliness of mind don't make of yourself a reputation so we know that that's for sure but then after that what else did it say it said uh in london it said uh he made of himself no reputation and then in verse seven he took upon him the form of a servant he was a servant a servant of servants so what else is demonstrated in godliness godliness is not just simply being humble for humble sake godliness is being humble or humbly serving other people you are saved to serve please don't forget that family evangelism is not something the preacher should have to beg you to do it's your job the we we joined the remember yesterday i told you about the way a person comes to christ is the way they'll walk in christ i'm telling you that was a very deep point the way we come to god is the way we're walking god many of us are in the church and we act like god owes us something not understanding we owe him everything we are called to serve this is not something that we should be debating on or begging about or you waiting for some minister to show up to tell you that amen you were brought into the faith that you might serve and all you should be praying about lord show me where my place is in your plan that should be our like our gigantic number one prayer lord show me where my place is in your place i know i have a place remember education 267 remember i read that to you i told you the specific place god has appointed us in this life will be determined by our capabilities the most important thing you should know right now is what are your capabilities by your capabilities you will learn better the specific place that god has for you in ministry you don't have to guess you don't have to guess it's there so we know for sure that a demonstration of godliness it deals with a state of mind which is to be humble faithful children of god but it also deals with activity which is to be faithful humble servants of god is that right amen now watch this because of this it's not enough to just look at who jesus is but look at also how he served first we should be like christ but then we should serve like christ does that make sense yes that makes sense because all of that is how we see a demonstration of godliness now watch this this gets sweet so i started looking at jesus right do you love looking at him this is the one man i love looking at did you catch that and i'm still 100 percent you understand that i think jesus is so incredibly attractive every time i watch him i just say lord that i might be like you help me to stop being like me and be more like you and here it is that when we look at christ look what it says the bible says in luke 4 18 and 19 right how about we read this together it says the spirit of the lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to what preached the gospel to the poor he had sent me to do what healed the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the lord when we look at christ's servanthood what do we see combined preaching and healing is that right that's what we see combined preaching and healing now notice remember our text early in john 17 as thou has sent me into the world even so have i sent them into the world when jesus came he came humble he came lowly but he was also a servant therefore we should be humble lowly and we should be servants how do we serve we should preach and we should heal not just preach not just teach heal are you following that god does not ask you and i how many medical medical missionaries do you know god is asking you and you and i are you a medical missionary yet all of us are called into the preaching and healing work all of us and it's so easy to prove that from the bible a thousand times easier to prove it from the spirit of prophecy my brothers and sisters god has made this thing clear do you want to see a nice proof that all of us are called to get be involved in the healing work would you like to see that from the bible somebody says that doesn't exist i remember my wife and i were in singapore and we were doing the the health work there we were doing it all these division leaders everybody came out i mean every everybody came out and it's like and everybody was there and i remember sharing the word and i remember the pastor he was looking at me with curiosity and he's just looking at me and i said okay you know i understand so i'm preaching the word bible bible bible bible bible bible bible hardly ever quoted the spirit of prophecy quote bible bible bible and i noticed the pastor's countenance the pastor started and he's getting all giddy and smiling so i'm like i don't understand that but nevertheless i'm a preacher anyhow so i give the message when the message was over the pastor came up he says i have to tell you the truth it goes before the congregation he says i have to tell you the truth he said i thought that brother lemon was going to come up here and give us all these ellen white quotes to say this and to say that he says but i did not know as a pastor he said i did not know that these health teachings are in the bible he said i didn't know that he said church we have to do this this is the scripture and i said yep and that proves that ellen white was a faithful bible student so we need to read more of our writings you want to see how the bible can prove to us that god has called all of us to be medical missionaries all of us have the healing word you want to see that from the bible it's very simple okay matthew 28 let's go there a little exercise matthew 28 watch this it's beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful matthew 28. i must be honest with you i believe this is how we should study the bible i believe whatever point we make from ellen white's writings we should be able to substantiate it from the bible i believe that matthew 28 watch this in matthew the 28th chapter look at verses 18 and 19. matthew 28 18 to 19 it says and jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth then he says in verse 19 go ye therefore and do what teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost now watch this if had any of you ever looked up the word teach in greek in verse 19. you ever looked up the original language on that word teach if you have a different translation of the bible who has a different translation from king james what does your translation say in verse 19 when it says go ye therefore very good did you know that the word teach not to tell you what it means is make disciples so literally jesus is talking two disciples saying go make more disciples so before we're all church members were actually disciples i don't read anywhere where the bible says go ye therefore make church members because that's how some of us act we act like members you know how it is you ever had a membership at a gym you glad you got the card but you never show up you understand that it's like what's the point you spent your money to join an organization you got the membership card but you're not getting the benefit you understand that god says get that membership mentality out of the way disciples are people who work go you therefore and make disciples so everybody who joins the church before we're called to be members we are first called to be what disciples now watch this acts chapter 10. just three verses then i'm gonna substantiate this point we can go deeper but i'll show you just three verses this was one two more verses acts chapter 10. in acts chapter 10 now notice what the bible says acts we're in chapter 10 look at verse 38 i'm just using three verses and i'm going to show you that god wants all of his disciples it's very simple watch this acts chapter 10 and verse 38 when you get there please say amen the bible says in acts chapter 10 and verse 38 how god anointed jesus of nazareth with what the holy ghost and therefore he had what power and it says who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him that's a beautiful summarization of the work of christ isn't it now watch this that's what jesus did notice anointed with the holy spirit therefore he had power he went about doing good and he was healing all that were oppressed to the devil mental physical spiritual and god was with him luke 9. luke 9. i wonder who had the same experience luke 9 and i want you to watch the number luke 9. how many disciples did jesus start with he started with 12. is that right started with 12 70 later on 120 et cetera you know just kept bursting out i got that but he started with 12. now watch this in luke chapter 9 verses 1 and 2. notice what the bible says then he called his how many disciples so notice all of the disciples is that right it says then he called his 12 disciples together and gave them what power and authority over how many all devils and to cure diseases and he sent them to preach the kingdom of god and to heal the sick how many disciples had power to heal sick people how many of the disciples were actually medical professionals i just want i'm a thinking man eventually luke comes in and then we got one physician nobody else but did they have power to kill to cure did they have power to heal diseases how many of the disciples were anointed with this ability all of them so is ellen white wrong when she says in volume seven of the testimonies to the church page 62 where she says we have come to a time where every member of the church should take hold of medical missionary work was she being overzealous or was she being biblical she was being biblical all disciples were called into the healing work as well as the preaching work and the teaching work and that's not just for disciples present because we already said as you sent me so i'm sending them so it's not just for disciples present it's for all disciples you understand that god wants us all to be involved people can be involved at different degrees some will be surgeons some will be this and some will be that but all of us to some degree or another are to do the healing work under the anointing and power of jesus christ now a few more slides and we're done watch this because we're talking about the revival go to matthew 9. let's look at verses 1 to 6. let's let's watch jesus demonstrate godliness let's watch him do it it's beautiful absolutely beautiful let's watch him do it matthew 9 1-6 i love these stories matthew 9 1-6 notice what the bible says the bible says in matthew 9 1-6 and he entered into a ship and passed over and came into his own city and behold they brought to him a man sick of the palsy lying on a bed and jesus seeing their faith and said unto the sick of the palsy son be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee do you know that that was a common statement of jesus be of good cheer he always would say be of good cheer be of good comfort that's how we ought to enter into this world amen that's what i mean when i when i have the privilege of going to someone brother let me somebody needs to be anointed they're sick or whatever what do they have they have stage 500 such and such cancer you know just something terrible something that just sounds totally irreversible we don't go in there well sister brother um i don't know you know we don't we don't do that with them we go there before them now listen we don't go in there lying that's why i'm telling your textbook is going to be ministry healing we don't go in there lying and just saying a bunch of stuff that we don't know ourselves but what we can do is go in there with the ministry of hope we can go in there letting them know that which is impossible with men is possible with god are there people that have had stage high level stage cancers and been cured other people like that of course they are als is a disease that's known to have a 100 death rate there are people with als who have been cured pancreatic cancer because of how fast it moves it's a silent killer it develops and develops and develops inside of us and we're completely asymptomatic and then eventually you start feeling that upper abdomen pain started radiating to the back you know start all going through all that stuff and next thing you know you go get checked out they do the ultrasound and oh you have a tumor on the head or the tail of your pancreas etc and by time they find that out it's often stage four the problem with pancreatic cancer is it it it wastes you away very quickly that's what elder city brooks had february he was diagnosed july he died and that it's right according to the books they say it right there they say you have two to four months very vicious disease do you know there are people today who have pancreatic cancer and did not die completely cured what i'm saying to you is that which is impossible with man is possible with god and therefore we can come in as gospel medical missionary evangelist and we can say be of good cheer you're under god's will and whatever god wants is what will be done and we can say that with confidence whatever god wants is what will be done if god wants to make you a demonstration of his glory and wipe that thing out so that all the doctors will baffle and marvel he'll do it he did it with my mother my mother had eight lesions on her brain told the doctor instead of going to pharmaceutical rot doctor we would like to go a nutraceutical route the doctor took his eyes off of me ignored me looked at my mother and said don't waste your time with that stuff very rude man when he did that i saw my mother put her head down in confusion and i got in there and gave her my courage i gave her my hope i gave her my strength i said mom let's go amen we don't need to listen to him anymore let's go because he wanted to rush her into the chemo and all that other stuff and i was like look we got time for that let's go mom and i were leaving and i said hey doc he looked back at me i said i look forward to making you a believer and then we walked out called up sister patsy god's angel medical missionary that i knew and i said sister patsy we need you i need you to work with my mom put on a very rigorous program and she did man i remember i called my mother four days after she started treatment 18 days normally when i call hey mom hey duane how you doing you all dragged out down voice i called four days after treatment hello she was like hello i was like mom she's like yeah i said what happened to you you sound like incredible she said dwayne i have so much energy she says i'm eating different than i've ever eaten and she just starts going in she says thank you for sending patsy she's an angel i said you're right she is called her 10 days later hello mom again yeah she said dwayne she says i could use my left arm like i could use my right arm again getting all this strength 16 days later dwayne yes mom you won't believe it what's up they did a ct scan did an mri the doctor said mrs lemon we can't explain this all eight lesions are gone i said sister patsy what'd you do she said oh we did a little tofu poultices tofu tofu is food we scrambled tofu she said we did a tofu poultice we did some hydro we followed god's laws of health very faithfully etc i mean it was just an incredible testimony what i'm telling you is that god gets the final say that's what i'm trying to tell you there's some people with stage four that god does not in his wisdom and his love says i will not raise you back up and i study the reasons why i'll talk to you about it if we do our training i'll talk to you the reason why god sometimes does not raise people up because there's some people he doesn't raise up no matter how hard we pray and fast but even when he doesn't do that that's an act of love we'll see it what i'm saying to you is that god can do anything so this brother he's in a very impossible situation he's in a very tough situation but yet jesus says be of good cheer because he had discernment to see that not only do you have physical ailment but you have a deeper spiritual ailment that's lesson number one to all medical missionaries you need to pray for discernment people are going to come to us with physical need but they're actually going to have an even deeper spiritual need and so it is that it says son be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee and behold certain of the scribes within themselves this man blasphemeth and jesus knowing their thoughts said wherefore thinking evil in your hearts for whether it's easier to say thy sins be forgiven thee or to say arise and walk but that you may know that the son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins then save heed to the sick of the palsy arise take off thy bed and go unto thine house and he arose and departed to his house question when we see preach and heal which one did he do first with this man preach we would call spiritual heal we'll call physical let's do it that way which one did he do first with this man he dressed he addressed spiritual but before that man left his site he also did what physical so did was jesus faithful to his mission yes he kept the two together now if you look at john 5 we're not going to turn there for time's sake john 5 is the story of the man at the pool of bethesda sick 38 years jesus goes to him and says you want to get well that brother starts going into all his problems jesus bypasses that says get up take up your mat start walking so what did jesus address with him first physical but then jesus sees him in verse 14 and he says you're well now go and sin no more what did he address spiritual so christ kept the two together you understand that now watch this here we go this is the key point of the points god says as you sent me father so i'm sending them all power has been made available to us the problem is somewhere along the lines god's people lost their focus perilous times come because now what's happening in the world is now happening in the church men are lovers of their own selves they're proud blasphemers love is a pleasure more than lovers of god as a result of this their religion has turned into a form and they have no gospel power god's solution to this last day issue is a revival and reformation for the purpose of coming back to fulfilling our mission but the revival that's needed is a revival of true godliness because god's people have fallen into a form of godliness so in our hunt for true godliness we went to first timothy 3 we saw great as the mystery of godliness god was manifest in the flesh we said that's jesus we looked a little bit closer at jesus and we saw when he was manifest in the flesh made himself of no reputation and served so we are called to make of ourselves no reputation and simply serve so we said well jesus how did you serve in this demonstration of godliness he said i kept together the preaching and the healing work sometimes i started spiritual first and i ended physical sometimes i started physical first and ended spiritual but the bottom line is i kept the two together jesus now says go do thou likewise because how many disciples were given the ability to heal all and so it is today that same power is available to us it's something to think about it hurts me when i think about how many people i knew how to give bible studies to but i did not know how to show them how to overcome a cold how to deal with their toothache you ever tried doing a bible study with a throbbing toothache they're hard or easy you see what happens you see you see what you see how how if we're if we're overly spiritual and we have no practical physical you start not making a lot of sense i can't tell somebody man you got to study these prophecies and that brother's like yeah and i'm just like yeah you got to study that pride that was like i'm trying to go through it but that brother's in pain he's like i need help i need like real help right now and it's sad because if we just simply knew you have a toothache okay we're gonna take a little piece of gauze and we're gonna get three things we're gonna get cayenne pepper activated charcoal and peppermint oil and we're gonna take those three we're gonna mix it together we're gonna stick it on that gauze and we're gonna stick it right up there in your tooth and i want you to chew on it cayenne is heat heat draws blood so if there is some type of infection in poison and so on it's going to put the heat there and it's going to draw the blood to that area activated charcoal has the ability to absorb poisons so when the blood rushes to that area with all that bacteria and stuff the activated charcoal can now absorb those poisons peppermint oil provides oxygen whenever you're in pain when oxygen is applied it helps alleviate the pain from the inflammation so there's a rationale between the cayenne pepper the activated charcoal and the peppermint oil so when they put that on it's not like ambisol where it's just getting rid of your pain and when the ambison wears off you still got the issue this is not only alleviating the pain it's actually helping solve the problem is this recipe for every toothache no because some toothaches are for other reasons but this is one example of a thousand my point is is that wow i love the fact we did a medical missionary training in texas taught a whole bunch of bible workers and others how to do the medical missionary work and i remember one guy he went and he started knocking on doors in his area in texas and he started knocking on doors because i was coming back to that church in a few months to do a gospel of health meeting so he started knocking on doors to solicit bible studies and everything got to a door and the guy's like yes how can i help you he realizes this man is sick he's getting ready to tell him hey we got an evangelist coming in town he's going to tell us about health and he sees this guy sick he says oh man you look pretty bad the guy says yeah i got the flu it's beating me up he says you know what are you open-minded to trying things if it was just food just food yeah not even herbs just food really yeah what you got nature's penicillin so he said let me show you how to make that so he goes ahead he makes nature's penicillin it's food it's literally food the only thing that's in it that's not necessarily food food is the peppermint oil but everything else onions lemons grapefruit you know oranges bunch of citrus stuff blends that thing together gives the guy the nature's penicillin comes back in two days that brother opens the door hey how you doing man that stuff worked great he said it worked great fantastic the guy said man i'm happy you're feeling better he said so again why were you here oh yeah this evangelist is coming in town he's going to do the health meetings i'll be there and when i came in i had the privilege of being there and that man was there amen giving their hearts to jesus it all started from nature's penicillin and now you're giving your heart to jesus what i'm telling you is that this is a blessing my brothers and sisters now watch the closing point right here it's right here christ gave a perfect representation of what true godliness i wonder how he did it it says by combining the work of a physician and a minister do you see that by combining the work of a physician and a minister ministering to the needs of both body and soul healing physical disease and then speaking words that brought peace to the troubled heart councils on health 528 a revival of true godliness greatest most urgent of all of our needs to seek this should be our first word god wants us to come in contact with jesus that why that we might partake of his spirit his character to become lowly humble servants and when we serve it is not enough to minister just to the spiritual we must also minister to the physical again how shall we reveal christ i know of no better way than to take hold of the medical missionary work in connection with the ministry amen call to medical evangelism page 41 paragraph three medical ministry page 319. if you want to really turn portland upside down you got to do it god's way if you do it god's way there will be blessings that are incalculable you won't be able to count it you'll only figure it all out throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity how much god worked through you to help others we're suffering many of us are sick many of us are hurting god can turn all of that around if he wants to and i want you to know that god actually wants to and enjoys healing amen you know sometimes when we say if it's god's will he'll heal and sometimes we see less healing and more dying and so sometimes our minds begin to think well i guess god is not really trying to do a lot of healing right now well that's not the case sometimes we're just not doing god's program maybe we're not trusting him there's a lot of things that we have to consider but the more that i read god wants to heal he's really in the healing work this has been an incredible journey i mean i remember months a couple of months after my surgery and i mean you feel all sorts of stuff if you've never had open heart surgery and i pray you never do but wow so i called my cardiologist and i i said listen man i'm i'm i'm feeling this what is this and he said mr lemon stephanie adventist brother and uh one of the most incredible cardiologists bless his heart he said mr lemon he said can i explain something to you i said yes he said when they laid you down they took a saw out and when they took that saw first you know they cut your skin but that saw and those knives that they used they had to cut skin tissue bone nerves all these different things and then they touched your actual heart they said then they closed you up so now you have to let skin tissue bone nerves and the very organ that's been touched all of that has to heal and mr lemon that does not happen overnight he says it generally takes one year to go through full healing from a surgery like this because i'm complaining after two months i'm like look man when am i gonna feel like normal again and you know i was impatient and one of the great lessons i learned through this is patience patience and trust and cooperation i fill my body up with greens because if there's one thing if you if you have cancer or if you want to avoid cancer you need to fill your body up with greens fruits are good but greens because a lot of those essential minerals that you're going to need for that healing and so it's going to come from your greens so that's why you got to eat greens eat greens if you have to get a green powder a nice organic you know non-gmo et cetera get a good green powder and you make that thing you load your body up with the greens it's going to give you that three things typically god's people are very short on iodine magnesium and definitely vitamin d three you got to fill your body up with these things we need it how much the more if we're going through a healing from a very invasive procedure my point is very simple god has done wonderful things i mean it's seven months now and i admit a lot of the stuff that was annoying me is gone a lot of it i remember i was walking with thomas jackson and i scared him i just had to do it you know i like having fun i know i look serious when i'm preaching up here and everything and i mean i am serious about god's word but it doesn't mean that you know a brother doesn't know how to play and and and do innocent play you know i'm not talking about foolish giddy play i'm talking my innocent play so i'm walking with brother jackson and uh brad nealy and we're walking around meets property and we're talking and i was just like dad i said how are you feeling i said you that's because you know he had a heart challenge too so you know i'm like you know we're partners now you know we're heart guys so you know we started talking to each other and i said i said can you do a cartwheel he said well i want to do a cartwheel for you know he's just giving it back to me i was like dad come on let me see do a cartwheel no i'm not gonna do a car i said i'll do one he said dwayne don't you do it next thing i just i just did it and he was like dwayne and he's yelling at me you know thinking that i'm going to hurt myself but i didn't hurt myself god has performed a great level of healing and he's looking at me laughing and i'm laughing at him and we're just rejoicing on how god is restoring our bodies as a symbol of what he's going to do when the resurrection comes amen and the translation day comes whichever one we experience and he's going to change all these vile bodies and give us brand new flawless bodies my brothers and sisters there's a great work to be done gospel medical missionary evangelism is the work that god has called us to do at such a time as this some of us will do it to greater degrees than others but all god wants you to do is just play your part faithfully the key is this is the work that god wants to bring back together this is a divorce that never should have happened between the ministry and the medical missionary work and i am so glad that god is in the reunion business and he's reuniting these works together and you and i have the privilege to receive training and instruction that we can know how to do this work in such an efficient manner that we can give him glory and my question is very simple how many of us are willing to be a part of this solution that god wants to give in this area please let me see by the rays of your hands and as you're willing i'm just telling you god's going to do something special to you special special special i can't wait to hear all about it i love hearing the testimonies last point we went to bulgaria and when we went to bulgaria we went there to share with some folks on how to do this work such lovely people there and we were there in that church and we're doing the trainings and everything else and plumbing that's the gentleman whose house we stayed in really great man brother plummen and his wife lily we stayed there and you know they they they they're just so kind and you know and they they take nice care of you and so on and we would train the church and i remember sister lily would just sit there and she would just look with amazement at these remedies and the gospel and combining the third angels message with health reform and all these different things and i remember sister lily was just loving the message and here it is we finished the training we all consecrated ourselves before the lord and i said all right it's time for you to turn bulgaria upside down and they understood yep well then i left and this is the most rewarding thing you can see as a teacher we as teachers i'm telling you right now we as teachers do not want you to come to us and praise us and tell us this and tell us that about how great able and all these other things we are because that stuff hurts us like i told you but this does not hurt us sister lily one day was on facebook and when sister lily was on facebook she put a picture up there were at least 12 people that were non-seventh-day adventists that sister lily was doing a cooking class and she was doing the very recipes that my partner who came with me elder private and and and they were doing the recipes that elder taught them they were doing the natural remedies on the people and they you see the people wrapped up in their sheets and you know going through their hydro treatments and everything else people who are sick and they're literally getting well you see the other people teaching the gospel and sharing in books and you see the people just happily receiving it and then you see them getting baptized and sister lily says we just want you to know we did not forget what you have shared with us amen i said that will take all day long not hey you're great hey you're this hey you're that but to say hey praise the lord we want you to know your mission to us was not in vain does the heart nice and we were able to praise god together and they are on their own we don't need to come back i told them i said i don't want to come back i said save your money don't spend any more money on bringing all these american preachers in i said you learned it now now grow in it take that money and go teach others go teach others put a lot of us out of work stop inviting us self-supporting preacher teachers etc and all these things to keep coming back a thousand times to tell you the same message a thousand times keep that money and do a greater work right there locally and they're doing it i'm excited about that i don't know the next time i'll be in bulgaria but i know that by god's grace i'm gonna meet a ton of my bulgarian brothers and sisters when this earth is made new amen man that's exciting i mean i'm i am that's exciting amen that's really exciting to me that's duplication that's what we want duplication and so my hope and prayer is that we can go through some things and uh we'll take a few minutes to answer some questions and then we'll consider ourselves dismissed but i just want to pray a prayer of what we'll call commitment just a prayer of commitment that we will do what it takes to learn what we need to learn so we can do an effective work for the honor and glory of our lord and savior jesus christ is that all right let's do it upon our knees please father in heaven we are very grateful for the wonderful wonderful example that you have left for us through the example of thy son thank you so much for what jesus has taught us lord it's time for us to get to work like never before but lord we must remember it is more important what we are than what we do so i pray that as we have the devotion as we have the communion as we grow in understanding your will and your way for our lives personally as we receive jesus as a personal savior not merely the savior of the world i pray to your god that you might empower us with your spirit like you did with those disciples and show us how to not only preach and teach but also even to heal and i thank you dear god that though this may seem impossible with man we're grateful all things are possible with god keep us faithful to this end we ask in jesus name amen
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Keywords: Stone Tower Seventh-day Adventist Church, Stone Tower, stonetowersda, Seventh-day Adventist, SDA, Sabbath, Jesus, God, faith, hope, love, church
Id: bQPEOs1vPIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 12sec (5172 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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