DVD/ VHS/ Laserdisc Collection 2016
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Channel: Cinemassacre
Views: 1,679,283
Rating: 4.9469194 out of 5
Keywords: DVD, VHS, Laserdisc, Laser-disc, Media, Blu-ray, Home Video, Blockbuster Video, VCR, Video Store, Video Rental, Rewind, Cinemassacre, James Rolfe, Movie Collection, VHS Collection
Id: W6jVw5eZJjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 1sec (2941 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I would love it if he started to do more videos about movies. It seems like a great passion of his and I LOVE monster madness
PSA: Do NOT go to tlavideo.com NSFW
The software he is looking for is called VideoMinder and it runs on DOS. It's extremely hard to find online as the company that made it changed it to something called Rocket which runs on windows. So every time you search for VideoMinder it gives you Rocket. Also, 'minder' is apparently a dutch word so you get a shit ton of dutch news results.
He should really open a rental place. I'd love to rent movies from him, also he seems to have everything.
Mirror: http://cinemassacre.com/2016/04/22/dvd-vhs-laserdisc-collection-2016/
In total, that entire collection is worth roughly $21.96 at Play It Again records...or $45 in store credit.
Wow, that's really impressive to see all the work that went into that room. I noticed in the Mega Man Episode that the shelf/wall next to the couch was no longer there so I was wondering if he had changed things up.
Also nice to see the old tube TV live on. :)
Glad to see that the old CRT TV still survives :)
What if he wants to play old NES games with the lightgun though?
I remember going to my local library to rent VHS tapes of HK movies in the 90's and then Blockbuster which sadly went into admininstration in the UK a few years back :(
He does seem to have a few blu-ray sets. The Universal Classic Monster boxset had the blu-ray logo and I own it. I'm not surprised because the some of the last remasters on DVDS were unwatchable compared to the new one. Like, horrible buzzing sound for Dracula.
That also looks like the Adam West Batman blu-ray set.