Duskers - The Scariest Game on PC

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Hmm, good to have another review/look at Duskers. There aren't too many out there and it's nice to see the game get some more exposure.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hyenabreeder πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I completely forgot about this game. I forgot I was subbed here.

Now I want to go play it again though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Neon_Camouflage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a great experience, I hope there is a sequel or just an expanded content patch being considered. All it needs is a bit more variety and a few more unexpected suprises around some corners.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Harmand πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just saw this vΓ­deo this week and ended up buying the game because of it. Can't wait to give it a go...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BroaxXx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I never would have found this hidden gem if it werent for this video blowing up. Love the game so far.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NatoPotato390 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Watched this video 2 days ago, bought Duskers yesterday, started my playthrough today. 3 hours in, having fun so far! Just figured out there is an unofficial patch so I am going to install that now and hope I don't lose any progress because of the installation.

I love the atmosphere in this game!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CloudSymbol_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly I don’t get why he says it’s the scariest game. It’s only scary In the first few hours then you get used to it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/beefycomputer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I too saw this video and bought it. I’ve been having a ton of fun so far

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mediumcomputer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

just saw this video. bought the game which brought me here. hello fellow drone-operators!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/reuse_recycle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
I'm a fan of horror games my favourites being the classic Silent Hill in Resident Evil but I haven't found anything in recent years that scared me more than dust curse dusters is a I don't really know how to classify it is it a strategy game that's what it says online is the exploration and survival I guess it's a lot of things but fundamentally to me it's a horror game the game puts you into a procedurally generated universe where each system has a cluster of derelict ships you're a drone operator and your job is to board and explore these ships with your drones controlling them from your console from afar exploring for resources and looking for information on what happened the story isn't something I ever really paid attention to which is not to say that it's bad I'm just way more into the gameplay I'm pretty confident that there is actually a cool story going on here but I want to talk to you about how it plays the boot up screen immediately sets a cool tone like you're booting up one of those clunky computers from 1979's alien now if you're gonna play this game you absolutely have to play the tutorial do not just jump right in with that said we're gonna jump right in the first thing you'll notice is that your mouse is useless you can't click anything you have to navigate the menu with your keyboard the entire game is controlled by the keyboard after some intro text we're put into our first system and the background ambience immediately instills the feeling that we're alone out here and you can see that we're hovering right over a ship called Kota in the ship info to the side we see the infestation types that tells us how many kinds of enemies we're dealing with the first ship says one so that's good to start at the top of the screen we can configure our drones and that's what we're gonna do we press D three drones Marvin Hal and mouse no no that's no good how about we rename them Moe Larry and curly all the drones have abilities mo has lure and gather Larry has generator Curley has tow and a motion detector Moe is gonna be my main exploration drone after all moas the leader so I'm gonna give the motion detector to him and I'll give the lure to Curley so he can lure enemies away in the event that we need him for a rescue later the drones are all configured and now we're ready to board our first ship this is the schematics view it's an overhead view of the map pressing the spacebar I get a perspective of drone one mo and I can move him around with the arrow keys I press 2 for drone - Larry and three for drone 3 Curley there's the door here marked a1 that's the airlock we have to open to enter the ship I type a1 in the console and it opens type it again it closes I can do this from the drone view or the schematics view I'm gonna navigate mo into the first room with the arrow keys where we discover a power generator moving down into another room there's nothing to see switching to Larry we remember that he has the generator so we move him to room 2 with the arrow keys and then we type generator into the console to power up the ship but that's not how you're supposed to play dusters instead we're gonna take him back to room 1 and try this again and we're gonna program that movement into the console we typed navigate drone 2 to room 2 and then he goes on his own but we can do more than that let's drive Larry back to room 1 once again and let's try to string several commands together navigate drone 2 to room 2 semi-colon generator drone 2 isn't that cool he just goes on his own and connects you can command more than one drone in one command line we can do navigate drone to to room 2 semi-colon generator drone 2 semi-colon navigate drone 3 to room 3 now we have two drones following two different series of commands in one line of code now that we're positioned I'm gonna move mo up to room 2 and activate his motion detector which checks any room to my side rooms with a green scan are clear of enemy's rooms with yellow scans are inconclusive there might be an enemy in there maybe an alien maybe an enemy drone looking at this map there's only one way to go it's through door 3 but what if it's not safe behind that door instead I'm gonna put mo back in room 1 and Curly can join him and if we input doc airlock two we can move the dropship from here to the a2 airlock above now our dropship is on the upper side of the map I trigger the motion detector and room five is clear so we move in we check the motion detector from here and we have a hit room for contains a threat I don't want him wandering around so I closed door 9 to lock him in for now open door 8 and send in Curley to see what's on the left side we have another power generator but only one drone has the generator power right now so I'd have to move Larry over there if I want to access that part of the ship the map situation on this ship is really awkward and I really need to know what's up with room six is there an enemy in there or not so I peek my head in carefully I type d5 to open the door and then immediately type d5 again just in case I need to shut the door quickly I only have to press ENTER wow that was close I got really lucky that he didn't make it through that door I type flag room six and flag room four so I remember where the enemies are I open up door 19 to lure the enemy out of room for he moves and I shut the door behind him now I can access this hallway [Music] we discover a ship upgrade here but is busted so we can't collect it i unflagged room for because it's safe now I have an idea to blow an enemy out of the airlock so I closed door eight and door 17 and dock the dropship back to airlock 1 I opened door five and the enemy enters of the room I lock him in by closing door five and open the airlock to blow his ass into space but you need to close that airlock quick or you'll get radiation all over the place like this room six is now clear so we're gonna check it out there's nothing of interest inside and there's an air vent in here which is dangerous because some enemies can come through this so we don't want to stay along now I'm gonna open the center hallway doors and lure the enemy into room five and then we blow him into space too I feel a bit more confident about exploring now because I've killed two enemies so I'm gonna head down still gonna be cautious though there's a long hallway with another power generator and some fuel for my ship there's also another ship upgrade but it's permanently installed so I can't move it I'm gonna bring Larry here and use the generator now we have access to a whole new part of the ship let's bring curly down here to let's run a motion detector there's an enemy in room 12 but I'm gonna lure him into room 3 with that defense gun and lock him in we don't have a way to activate that gun though let's check out the rest of the ship [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what's that another drone Nathan Nathan has the interface ability on him so we're gonna take that and give it to mo we take mo up to the computer terminal in the long hallway and type interface into the console now we can type defense to activate the defense turret the enemy in room 3 is instantly killed now we need to rescue Nathan I'm gonna take curly down to him and type toe into the console cuz he has the toe ability and then I type navigate to room 1 and stop toeing when he gets there and off they go there's still a little more exploring to do before we go so I decided to play a little risky opening the doors on the left without knowing if it's safe I sneak up and type the door numbers into the console in case I need to close it and there's nothing in this room so looking at the map I've checked every room so it's time to go I type end into the console and all the drones go back to room 1 Larry discovered some scrap material on his way back so I collect that with Moe before we leave everyone is packed in and we type exit to end the mission when we return to the menu we see that Nathan has joined our team but he has no health we could restore his health but instead we're gonna sell him for scrap raising our scrap level to 16 and now we can spend all that scrap on upgrading the speed of our drones now all of them move 35% faster which makes a huge difference I'm heading down to this ship here and now that we know how the game works let's see how another mission plays out take mo through the airlock and we tell Larry to come up and power up the generator motion detector and we have a couple clear rooms but someone comes into the room on the right there must be an open door somewhere or maybe an air vent let's bring curly up here to be in the middle of the ship and take Moe into this room to inspect we found some fuel so we gather it motion detector says this upper room on the right is inconclusive so I'm gonna open door eight and door nine and closed door 18 move Moe into this center hallway and wait for any possible alien to enter room five nothing enters that room so room seven is probably safe we're gonna send Curley to check it out [Music] and we have a new power generator I'm gonna send Larry up there to power up that part of the ship room 9 on the right is clear so I'm sending in mo activate motion sensor and now we see the enemy moving between rooms I lock him in room 10 I send Curley into room 11 to check it out nothing inside I still want to check out this room with the enemy though room 10 so I open door 12 and I let him wander up room 10 is now clear so let's go in I take a moment to gather myself that scared the hell out of me looking at the map and wondering what happened I deduced that even though the motion detector said room 10 was clear door 14 was open there must have been an enemy in room 8 who crossed into room 10 right as I was coming in maybe something else happened but I think that was it so I locked door 14 to trap him in room 10 and move mo all the way down to room 8 by the airlock [Music] I'm gonna dock the dropship to airlock three at the top and now I'm luring the enemy into this hallway [Music] I take mo up a level and trigger the motion detector and I see that room 10 is now clear I open the a2 airlock and blow out the enemy entering the room cautiously I find a drone to be rescued and some scrapped together call curly to this room to pick up the drone and tell everyone else to meet by the dropship and now we're ready to get out dusk errs is a really unique game it's for a certain kind of person I remember learning HTML code back in the late 90s and designing web pages so there's a part of me that likes typing code a lot this game fascinates me it's a really immersive experience and it leads to some truly terrifying moments I've screamed in terror playing dusters more than any other game I've played when something pops out and takes out one of your drones and it starts coming through open doors to ambush your team you start panicking typing navigation commands that don't go through because there's a typo you type closed door 33 but you accidentally type door 34 and let in another enemy then your generator drone gets killed and now you can't open or close any doors things can go south real fast and when a drone dies it's dead you need to send your towing drone to pick it up and bring it back to your dropship so you can repair it after the mission but sometimes that's really hard to do when there are enemies in the room and you're faced with the horrible decision of leaving a drone behind and if you lose it you lose it forever upgrades and all its pretty hardcore but it makes you take the game so much more seriously I've never made it to the end of dusters I don't even know if there is an ending I usually just open it for a few hours here and there and then put it down but it's a very special game and if there's a programmer in you you should check it out highly recommended if you can handle it thanks for watching subscribe for more fun indie showcases like this check out my recent review of the it remake while you're here and I'm gonna start streaming some more on Twitch so you can find me there and I'll see you soon
Channel: Under The Mayo
Views: 674,636
Rating: 4.9046998 out of 5
Keywords: doom, doom eternal, mick gordon, id software, bethesda, strategy, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, guide, tutorial, indie games, steam, pc, pc gaming, dusk, andrew hulshult, new blood interactive, underthemayo, review, criticism, analysis, mortal kombat, mk9, mk11, plasma rifle, microwave beam, mod, heat blast, combos, civvie 11, gmanlives, acid glow, midnight, griffin gaming, skillup, duskers, horror, terror, indie, independent, survival, exploration, Misfits Attic, devolver
Id: e9G6YmjC7KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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