DURAND BERNARR Can't Stop Stressing TERRELL Out! Sings Ice Spice, Bon Jovi, and Plays IKYFL!

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and I can be a freak until the day until the day and we can oh through the night to the early Mall owner Gangsta Lee and we can any time of the day yeah it's all good for me yeah [Music] what's up everybody welcome back to my channel I'm Terrell thank you so much for being here tonight's guests yes [Music] it's one of my good friends who ain't never had no goddamn sense doesn't currently have no goddamn sense and I can bet a bottom dollar that he ain't gonna find [Music] you better Pop That pop that [ __ ] let Fergie be my witness are you wearing underwear uh uh we'll see what happens but I do have an underwear with my style what outfit are you wearing that music I don't know we're good we're we're fitting things so I don't know what what I'm about to be getting into so we just got to you know it's like nude um kind of that just you know wrap around so that way if there's anything that's you know yeah you can get it any you can based on your skin tone yeah we had that you wouldn't know nothing um no so spandex we at least don't know [ __ ] now Duran since last time you were oh yes how about our church fans for everybody for everybody everybody y'all see I'm sure your fans show your fans y'all yes when did you pass this thing you can get that Sanctified Breeze uh I only saw this side yeah.com okay okay and things of that nature socks mango butter okay for the ass you need okay not true not true but you know for those that need it amen I I don't know what to do with him it's just the beginning of this episode tonight you can take me in payments we have to do the whole thing come on five evening payments of 9.99 [Applause] yeah come to the Show Instagram y'all know him oh y'all know we love when Duran comes by the blue wall it's always a Vibe this is this is the the if this is 106 in part I'm the little by one yes of the program and and if you yes and if you know this is mine technically my eighth time here we had eight you can put the eclipse in later okay so uh we have the first episode when I had on the uh StayWell uh the second episode uh I had on the shot day and that was the one where I was high-end Tipsy and then I was missing everything and I said never again so I came back the third time with the cheetah print sober yeah okay and then I also had uh my uh uh uh microphone and whatnot yeah and then uh we also had another episode where I surprised the guest and then me you and Candace that was the other one and then uh the million uh episode of yeah subscriber show that was two uh that was and then the episode that we are not gonna have they don't need to see that and so now we're here obviously they don't even see that one I was trying to keep my [ __ ] job okay you know you know and that's why I brought my calculator because you know [ __ ] ain't adding up all the time to make sure that we brought the two and characters the Rand since you were here last yeah a lot of things have happened so we did uh a tour we did a tour we did a tour we did the Wanderlust tour come on cry for the one I'm so proud I did 17 cities yes um 18 shows what did you do to keep your spirits up your energy up your head up getting rest being quiet sitting up under my face steamer you know um naps were definitely my move yeah okay getting massages uh every three shows or so and I also travel with a uh yoga mat so I'm always stretched giving them a story yes oh God I'm gonna take a business friend I called Duran one day because we talk all the time and and usually when I call him and he answers the phone everything's fine okay this particular day everything was not fine I call this man clearly too early in the day I saw I saw Duran's body I said wait a minute to win hey and very compromising positions too cause I'm just like stressing doing all this right here and he put the phone on the state like it was bats that's on full body and all I saw was just this hello don't worry about this don't worry about it what's up what what you mean what had happened you know what usually I start with the game that you know and love but I'm gonna I'm gonna switch I'm gonna switch it around I'ma mix it up I'm gonna do it first yeah amen and Hallelujah at the church man I feel very glorified today we're gonna play a little game Duran that I like to call I know you [ __ ] love oh yes okay this game has become a cult classic cult favorite on the Terrell show um and it requires a row of shots which right she's gonna bring in right now you driving home perfume yes you why are you calling her perfume Who You Are is it because you always smell good yes and some other things now I know y'all know the rules of this game but let me just reiterate for Duran if it's his first time playing okay when you pick up a category you have to immediately say that you can name one thing within that category yes and then the other person will say well I can name two and you can name three and it goes back and forth and back and forth into one person believes Stay full of [ __ ] you're gonna call that person out and say I know you [ __ ] lying all right and then that person has to immediately name however many things they said they could name in that category in 30 seconds if you fail you take a shot if you succeed the person who called him out takes a shot all right do y'all feel it there are eight full shots here my little hot dog condiments I can name one hot dog condiment I can name one that's nice but you gotta say too okay I can name three I can name four I came five you [ __ ] lying five hot dog condiments yeah ketchup mustard relish sauerkraut mayonnaise come on man five yeah give me my twins for that tick shock oh Hallelujah now you get how the game work yes I do grade school subjects okay I can name I can do four I can do five I can do six I could do something I know you [ __ ] lying [Applause] science [Music] chemistry uh wait a minute you got to detail the first science babes I was homeschooled I don't know what the [ __ ] like fine I was on the road with Earth gym like you know I was doing martial arts like okay keep going uh uh give them 10 more seconds yes up um uh uh the drama uh uh uh uh a physical uh uh uh activities uh PG PG um uh God damn [ __ ] what happened to Math Man English social studies algebra geography geometry what see that's what I get for taking them Edibles before I got over here because I was trying to get on your level see that's what I get oh my God I knew this was a setup this man said PT are you saying physical therapy you said Jim and then you said physical now wait a minute you'd be better say homie chemist people with the same first and last initial I can name one I can name one I can name two I got three I got four I have seven I know [Applause] Janet Jackson Janice Joplin Wendy Williams oh my God Jermaine Jackson um Vince Vaughn how many did I say that's fine oh my God uh John no oh God many more Sarah yeah was that in 30 seconds though who Tina Turner was that in 30 seconds though no I lost it oh yeah I was thinking about I was thinking about Posey Parker Courtney Courtney Cox Lucy Lou Lindsay Lohan was a good one yeah who did I say family unit help me out ah oh yes I'ma whoop your ass I can name one Justin Timberlake song oh my God I came to I can name ten Ready set go all right uh senorita uh like I love you cry me a river take it from here um last night um uh suit and tie uh love sounds uh um uh what was that um oh until the end of time uh uh uh what was that song made 40 some dollars a day I forget last night um uh um [Music] [Music] okay yeah Duran you can't miss no more I really cannot y'all got some bread I can name one non-alphabetic or Merit key on a keyboard I got that okay I can name one I can I can name a new a non-alphabetic slash numeric cake I can name two goddamn I can name the three acne five five no keep going I got five for real I swear do six oh my Lord backspace space enter caps lock shift [ __ ] oh that keyboard not a piano I'm gonna take the shot for you imma take it for you because I can't I can't see him go out like this I'm gonna take his shot because I still have more to go okay I didn't even get to command I didn't even get to option I didn't get to delete I'm about to say F sharp G major oh you were thinking the damn piano yes wait a minute [Music] too [Music] I can name three I got four I have five I got six [Music] quiet quarrel quiz quote quotient [Music] quad how many times um quilt um [Music] [Applause] I cannot believe you started with this game first Terrell you ain't [ __ ] for this yeah I felt I felt good about it well now that game is over I guess we'll see now I mean like I'm it's the violence for me well you're the one got your belly buttoned out so I get to make some of the rules okay [ __ ] Duran I don't have to explain this game and I'm gonna do it for anybody who's just joining us for the first time here in the 12 Universe I'm gonna give Duran a word and when I give you the words you're gonna have 11 seconds to sing the first song that comes to your head with this word in the lyrics or the title of that song the word is cry [Music] [ __ ] yes [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] bed um freak [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody somebody's Freak come on everybody somebody is freak that's Kelly Rowling right now that's the fast track give it for Kelly Brooklyn yes and also they're not gonna be a freak until the day [Music] it's all good for me yeah that's a good selection oh yeah yeah you are a freak by the way I mean listen I'm with you when you're right I had the risk of telling too much of your business Brian is my freakiest friend I'm gonna share someone sure I'm gonna share someone's job real quick so a few years ago my third visit to Amsterdam I was um scouting the city with some of my bandmates and we stumbled into a sex store yes one of them worked at one in their City back in the States and so we're in there we're looking at all the things and um oh my laundry I got to put my clothes in the dryer oh Duran did come to my studio today and said I'm gonna do a load of laundry you know I basically live here Terrell I know that but you because why do you think my award for you know being the most uh rising star at the Los Angeles okay it's right here that up say that again say that the Los Angeles Rising Star Award at the Center gala 2023 and we thank him I'm about to cut your black ass out let's take a seat is here [ __ ] I'm basically live here to Ram well congratulations thank you you know listen I'm about to sing some songs that's gonna have a [ __ ] in it and y'all may not participate because I cannot uh you know guarantee your safety with other black folks in in the house okay we just gonna you know just clap along and you know and things like that all right and I love y'all thank you so much it was a wonderful time congratulations I'm so proud of you you're crazy next get the [ __ ] up out my kitchen don't worry about what I'm up in the fixing I'll call your ass in a minute don't be bugging me I'm cooking it ain't finished eat a mixture oh you gotta know is it ain't me rock I don't right back [Laughter] all I saw was that scene from road trip that movie with Tom Green y'all remember Tom Green yeah Daddy would you like some sausage daddy would you like some sausages the word is prayer [Applause] we're almost there moving on a Prayer and someone's like ah it's like to start it does get prepared for you like where are y'all hollering I am right here sir sick these broken wings and Learn to Fly again and learn to live so free and when we're here [Applause] these broken wings yes [Laughter] I gotta put that in my roller deck because you might be DJing now yes you do be DJing I have seen you at a party oh you look good up there thank you all right wait that's what my DJ name is there's Iran or what is your DJ name my name is DJ TBD AKA Brock holy no relation to the late great Daryl Coley and the TBD stands for the best DJ not that there aren't extraordinary DJs that have paved the way of course it's just that now that I'm on the scene I am the best okay bethan all the rest so come check on my breasts and my tiny desk and you can give me all that again like you have that memorized oh yes one more time okay Duran yes what is your DJ name DJ TBD AKA bra Coley no relation to the late great Daryl Coley and the TBD stands for the best DJ not that they aren't extraordinary DJs that have paved the way it's just that now that I'm on the scene I am the best so come check on my breasts okay and also better than all the rest and uh come check on my tiny desk as well oh I'm exhausted listen I'll be tired too I don't know how y'all put up with it I'll be like how y'all put up with this I do you know how we do it you make us feel like we are outside of ourselves for a moment you live so much in your truth and so out loud that we're looking at you and we're like ah you are the you're like you're in my mind but in flesh form forget the voice forget the the producing DJ talents you as yourself is a talent oh yes gifted friend there's been a time where other people were sure of me before I was sure and because they knew the potential they wanted to stop me from realizing that so they projected their own fears however by that time it was already too late I was I was already walking in my purse come on the deal was done I just had to get my stroll together you know what I'm saying yes I just had to get my stroll [ __ ] think about if I knew then what I know now see I know then what I know now right now because see I'm in touch with those other parts of myself I'm in touch with my inner child my teenager and my inner old man you got to have the inner oh man my inner old man's name is Rufus Rufus Saint thermostat Rufus don't be [ __ ] footing around you hear me giving this reefer okay and he understands that time is currency so what's your inner old man's name oh let's name him together I feel like he's an elderly yeah I love that Elder Elder uh Edgar Jesse tea tree that's good yes that's it I like that for me yeah that's the antiseptic right yeah yeah and I love to heal I do love to heal welcome to oh no I'm not he's inside of me yes I don't like how that sounds [Laughter] [Applause] why your titties is out I love it okay this is bonuses that's the tour that's the name of the tour titties and foolishness I love it I'm a bad [ __ ] I'm the [ __ ] I don't think you heard me [Music] [Applause] I was like you better hold it [Applause] you're not gonna get me put out of my show oh y'all never heard me say that during my show when I be doing my uh you know uh [ __ ] these [ __ ] [ __ ] M [Applause] y'all [ __ ] y'all I can go can go [ __ ] these [ __ ] up for stressing me my life the word is mood like them she and her moves like damn she and her move like damn she humble in the mirror I'm doing my dance I don't know about nobody's pants Eminem like a million views in a day there's so many ways to get hay there's so many ways let me face come send it all on my face big boobs in a butt stay plump she had better she know she attend she [Laughter] got that coming up because it's something that we can know that is coming up so they can you know be on the lookout I got booked on a few festivals yes I will be doing so Bloom Fest come on and out in Oakland Oakland or Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento uh afropunk I'll be back on the road so yeah I'm also going on the road about dude so of course I'll be popping in and out and again the name is DJ TBD AKA broccoli no relation to the late great Daryl Coley and the TBD stands for the best DJ not that they aren't extraordinary phenomenal DJs that have paid the wishes and now that I'm on the scene I am the best okay better than all the rest come check on my breasts in my tiny desk if you sell your nipple one more goddamn time with my YouTube channel these videos I love you I love you so much oh my God what's going up y'all what's your favorite cousin on your Dad decided the not so quiet storm the ram Bernard we are here on the Terrell show AKA my second home all right make sure that you like share and subscribe all right y'all and listen like I said before be yourself because everybody else is taken all right and I can't even tell you the way to success okay because listen don't follow me because I'm lost too okay just take some notes and do your own thing [Music]
Channel: TERRELL
Views: 490,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TERRELL, Terrell Grice
Id: 61Su407cxdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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