"Disrupted" by Issa Rae: Shattering the Status Quo

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and on the count of three I need everyone under the sound of my voices say yes one two three yes we need to get in the habit of saying yes yes to Opportunities yes to each other yes to collaboration yes yes yes yes yes so much you don't even know what no sounds like anymore no turns to yes I'm so excited to be here this is our fifth anniversary of the cancan diversity collectives Inkwell Beach I need a round of applause for five years this is five years of disruption we have disrupted with the can lions International Festival of creativity looks like seeing what it looks like in here today can lies will never ever ever ever ever never be the same so I'm so excited to have you guys with us today this is the last panel of the day shout out for the last panel of the day this is our day of disruption and I am honored to have with me the one and only Issa Ray shout out to Issa [Applause] and a very special guest is we're going to tell you who she is Monique Francis just give her a round of applause right now loud loud loud because she's a critical part of this conversation too but we're going to end our day of disruption with more disruption and you're going to share everything that you have done that's been disruptive to this world the power in it but I'm going to start with a little story because we had a discovery so everyone knows the first time I came to Camp was in 2017 I was so excited and inspired then in 2018 I brought five young people and that was the beginning but at that end of that year of 20 The Experience here can there's a restaurant about how far down you know you know the story because she said she don't remember nobody yes I do I remember it no but keep telling us stories so we were at a restaurant everybody was kind of gone you know and Issa was eating and then she was leaving it was your first time speaking at can lions and I said hello Isa I'm come talk to you she says hi very kind beautiful sweet I said I know you were speaking how was the room where were there any black people were there a lot of black people and you said what nah literally was like nah and I said okay got it I'm gonna make sure that the next year I have a beach and more of us will be there and five years later wow the audience is very different from the audience that you had an opportunity to speak on at the Palais this is for you so you have a different experience you have for us by us to have a conversation with you're disruptive we're disruptive and so we're just glad to have you here and give you a different experience so please shout Issa out you guys show you out thank you that's it's incredible that she said an intention in passing and executed it we were just having a conversation Libby and I about being here in the early years and seeing it exponentially grow and to see so many of us here is just spectacular we are in these spaces we will continue to be in these spaces and uh I'm honored to be here in front of you all thank you thank you so our topic of today has been really the same day of disruption um and our broader theme of this festival for us the cancan diversity Collective is expect the unexpected moving from the woe is me of dni to the wow is me of dni right and what we do when we move from the victim mentality to the I am empowered I'm strong I can do the damn thing whenever wherever I want to do it and we've seen you sort of do the damn thing wherever and whenever you want so in my mind you are a disrupter do you believe in this disruptive energy Spirit do you think you're a disrupter I definitely think that I came in the industry untraditionally in a way that disrupted previous models for sure I was always told and believed that I had to and try to to write to write a script a spec script to get in and to meet these specific people or to start in a writer's room and I tried every Avenue to do that but it just didn't work for me and the the the the path wasn't clear it's hard as we all know to break into Industries where there are these specific protocols in place and so for me it came down to um creating a web series and on YouTube which wasn't a respected platform for uh scripted content at the time and I remember asking a friend like hey can you help me like get some sponsors here I don't have any money to keep making this and she was just like girl sponsors are on that right now they're not looking at content online you have to do it the traditional way and so that was um disheartening to hear but I kept on that's all it's all I knew it's the only access point that I had so I kept on creating it and then ultimately those opportunities did come and if I hadn't gone through that that door that I essentially made for myself then I wouldn't be be here talking to you today so in that sense I definitely think that I disrupted a traditional model and I hope uh that there's a blueprint moving forward to for others to do the same thing so this blueprint that has turned out to be extremely successful for you I know there are a lot of creators in the audience right now because this is the advertising marketing creative Festival may not have been able to find sort of that energy and spirit but what has been like that motivating factor for you that just makes you a disrupter what does that look like and feel like for you it looks like I don't like waiting on people I don't like being told no I don't like when people find the ways that you can't do something like I don't want to be told all the ways that something can't happen that actually just fuels something in me and um I just have a I don't know there's something in me that loves to prove people are wrong and although it's like silent I don't like to brag I don't like to do any of those things but the moment that I feel doubted is like a slight to me and it's just like oh okay you'll see and that that you'll see is a promise to myself that motivates me daily and so if I have to find an alternate Pathway to make something happen then it's worth it the petty Spirit of me is just motivated to make it work we might have tween twin brains because that keeps you know being told no all the time I think you know even if I thought to take the traditional route of you know building a black Beach at canned Lions they would have said no right so I think in this disruptive spirit and thank you for being an inspiration just to say if you tell me no I'm gonna double down on them but just keep going absolutely I mean that's sometimes necessary and it also always comes to it comes down to like a belief itself too because you know it is the easier path is to just be like all right no let me just figure something else out um and let me just bounce back off of this but you just have to have I guess a resoluteness and a stubbornness to be honest my mom always said I was hard-headed and I'll prove it right every day shout out to the hard-headed women in the world right absolutely so are there people around you like do you have hard head co-conspirators folks who are just like you know your your hard head board of directors or just like let's go do it I definitely have uh hard-headed people around me I have um extremely smart people around me I love to have um I'd like to be debated you know I think it's so important to to have those people who have their own opinions um and who when you can get too idealistic in some ways can just bring you back down and that's different from a no to me people who are questioning who are saying will this work what about this she's one of those people and publicist in the front who's been one of those people sometimes um Vanessa I call her my Toby from the office because every single time I have a super exciting idea she's the one to be like well actually and I'll be like damn can you just believe but you know you need those people in your life so thanks girl thanks for being Toby um but I I um try to purposely surround myself with um you know obviously people are or smarter than me who are stronger in areas that I'm not and who's whose wisdom that I value I love that and there are like so many um young people in the audience that look to you as a guy that look to you as a creative spirit because I think the idea of coming up with a way of Storytelling and I think some of the um creative work that you did and telling authentically your story really inspired other and inspires others to do the same um what was so important about being authentically you versus telling the story of someone else like was it from your voice like give us that what happened that made you sort of feel like it was so important for you to tell that story versus creating someone else's I mean I think so many stories start with an examination of self and for me that that is kind of what sparked things it started from what I was not seeing what I wanted to see and then a realization that I could make what I wanted to see and then once that dawned on me then it was well What story do I want to tell and like I don't I I know my surroundings they always say right which you know and and during that time when I you know was complaining about what I wasn't seeing I was kind of understanding who I was it was my early 20s and you know I was just out in the world experiencing things and I felt this discomfort that I wanted to get off my chest and it came from being inspired by shows like her up your enthusiasm and Seinfeld and also feeling like there was there wasn't like the black version of that and you know I tell this story all the time but what lit a fire under me was literally someone asking where's this specific archetype where is the quirky black girl and I was like oh quirky black girl somebody's gonna steal my awkward black girl I have to do this now like they're literally asking for it even though it's you know this one specific um journalist you know who wrote an article there was still it still felt like somebody else is going to see this and stop making the excuses that I've been making this entire time so that litifying me to just take on that role um and yeah I would say like I didn't even want to cast myself initially I wanted to cast a specific friend who was in law school but she was just like yeah girl I'm in law school I can't do it and so I was just like okay if I'm gonna get this done I know who this is and I can be in it and you know obviously that ended up changing my life life-changing decisions because someone else said no but you said yes to yourself to do that right yes by default by four it always works that way um you know you talk about some of you putting other people on and wanting to bring in your friends and stand in the Gap and fill in the Gap um for you but you know one of the things that has inspired me about you is your I guess selflessness is that the right word where you're creating opportunities for other people who traditionally don't have that opportunity but to be able to give them the experience to work on projects that you have done um that they traditionally may not have so it's building their resume so now that people can say and then I'll let you talk more about it because I'm like now saying and now you can do that they don't have to live I would have could have Shoulda if I had a chance you have knocked that out of the their barrier list of barriers tell me why it was important for you to build your creative team you know somebody comes on a set of yours what will they see what does that look like so people know what I'm talking about I mean yeah it's got to be at least 60 to 70 percent diverse and that doesn't mean just white women you know sometimes people are like diversity all white women and it's like no you still have a ways to go um but it it just honestly comes from the the the community that I've been surrounded with and you know like it doesn't when people are with you from the beginning and they they prove themselves alongside you then you want them to succeed with you and then that's where that comes from it wasn't I mean it was an intentional effort in that you walk into some of these spaces and you see where we're not similar to you you're like oh why aren't there more of us I know that there are more of us here and I know that there are so many talented people that I work with so you want something and you want to fill that void because you know you don't want to be alone nobody wants to be alone in these spaces some people do um but they're not here but um there are some people they're alone they're alone somewhere thriving by themselves but I think most of us like to see us succeed in these spaces and and to be around each other um and I I love witnessing people I think are talented to succeed and if it's you know like and I remember what it was like to be like oh I want this chance I just if somebody would just give me a chance I know I would prove myself and I know that I would deliver and so I recognize that in other people where it's like okay here's your chance and kill it and most of the time they do and when they don't you know then it's their lesson to learn for for the next opportunity we discussed some theme or music I don't know what that was so when you say some of them who don't what happens with the ones that don't you're messy yeah I'm Petty my team members know she's so petty like okay the ones that don't um I don't I don't like give up on people so you know there's still conversations it's not I also don't believe in like you ruined it for all of us you know because it doesn't have to be that way so I mean they're out there still still working some of them have gotten Second Chances um second chances for sure um but not everybody gets a second chance sometimes sometimes people really just crumble under pressure in a way that they have to figure out themselves but I don't I don't carry that guilt with me and I don't carry their issues it just didn't work out and it's it's not that serious some things are life and death but some things are absolutely not so I think recognizing like oh okay this this didn't work out this time this opportunity wasn't for you I still like you um and I know you I still think you're talented so either you can figure it out here you can figure out somewhere else but the door is right here oh my God so I I know the other thing I mean you you're I mean everybody's just inspired by the next steps and you know there's such a pathway down this disruptive Lane right where you see you the next step of disruption for you like what are you gonna do next that we we know there's this beautiful logo up called you know for hooray um tell us about hooray and how is hooray disrupting the world right now uh so hooray is our media company that officially formed in 2020 um it was a transition from my production company easter egg Productions and you know it was born out of an effort to not just brand everything with my name I want something that's gonna live on past me and past what I aspire to do and in some ways I think that I know that just having my name limits limits what we can do and what people think that we can do so hooray was was born out of a celebration of us celebration of what we do culturally um and just meant to be an umbrella for all the divisions that we have internally so for those of you who don't know we have hooray film and television which is what you see on on TV or or on the big screens and that consists of our film and TV side then we have radio which is our audio everywhere company which consists of a music label we have podcasting we have a music supervision company uh where we work across shows and then we have color creative which is a talent management company that initially started to represent up and coming creators people uh below the line like the writers showrunners and the like that now has expanded into Talent representation and so that consists of the umbrella company of hooray and now we have can I say it now that we have added um a new element on the marketing side which is why this lovely woman is up here um hooray marketing which is we're calling fet which is an extension of the celebration of French word for for party and so that's what we like to do here too we do events and and the like so fat marketing is um well I'll let you I'll let her tell it sure so wait wait you can't you know I'm the moderate my bad my bad my bad you got it you got it let me do we're both wearing yellow Styles you know we're we're twinning this Ray of sun those ray of sunshine see what you did have a plan worse okay so um before we you have a lot going on in that you like it was almost like I got 10 jobs man my company we've got this we do this we're the One Stop Shop you're at an advertising marketing creative Festival where we have people I think that will fit key elements into your one you know like how can this Festival benefit you and what you're doing and then we're definitely coming to you next morning but I mean this Festival has been benefiting what I'm doing when I intend to do I'm meeting so many of the the great storytellers that some of whom have helped to amplify missions that I have and um that's important to me a lot of the brand Partnerships that I take on have to be aligned with things that I'm already doing or things that I genuinely believe in I say that I don't like to sell things I don't like to feel like I'm selling people things I don't like to be over saturated I'm not going to sign on to every opportunity that comes my way and it really is important that when they fit within this ecosystem and I think about you know how it also elevates the other parts of of what I'm trying to work on um even thinking about I was just meeting with with um Amex this morning and I love that so much of the work that they do with small businesses and then I do with them has allowed me to put a spotlight on it and I'm actually seeing how some of those opportunities through their programs have changed those business owners lives and and so many of them have been within my own community and I love love that that's Mission driven and I'm able to use the resources there to to support that and um even an opportunity like like shipped like that has been um such a okay y'all here y'all wrapped y'all just need to be your panel that you came but even that was great just because in addition to like them tapping into just who I am as a person they also employed one of the directors that we work with and continue to employ him for their the rest of their campaigns and he's they're not doing it because of me he got that on his own um because he's super talented but um that was also amazing in addition to be able to work my with my friends during that campaign so and then they got paid off of it so that's never bad either so those kind of things like I'm just always looking at how others can benefit from those relationships in addition to the bag the this disruptive energy keeps coming in and you just want to just continue to change that market and um disruptive programming disruptive people is that what you look for others or do you want to be the only disruptive one in the in The Fray no I with disruptors I think that's yeah that's that I like that's on theme for me um I want people who I it was did you say I with disrupt this yeah okay so that is the thing I what disruptors everybody we take that out okay yes because I love people who take risks um and I think even even something is like it's not small but there's some some people who have left their jobs to to come and work for this this startup company you know and that says a lot too that wanted shows that you're really and I should say lifelike's very steady you know corporate jobs or whatever it is to come work for for us and come work with us and that to me says a lot about like your own passion and the risk that you're willing to take and I don't take that lightly either so part of you has to to have a disruptive Spirit also like I work with a lot of entrepreneurs and there's a there's a kind of ICU type vibe that that we share where we can build together um so yes I generally seek disruptors I love that and now we can talk about Monique as a disrupter so this is a kind of a personal story with Monique I got personal stories with everybody on the stage right so in 2019 Monique was one of the CCDC ambassadors [Music] [Applause] definitely so it's always those full circle moments and we talk about when you bring very talented people into the frame you bring very talented people to connect with others I don't know how you guys connected but you know I'm always like and are people are the best people ever so any talent that we bring are the bomb and they connect with other bomb people and really it's because of Monique that she thought about her experience at can with the CCDC ambassadors and Inkwell Beach that she brought you to us so I'm so grateful to you Monique and I just wanted to say that and give you just like all the love because you believe in what we do here and you wanted to bring this great partner to the table with Issa so we with you now I with you too um yeah I mean it it was it was an incredible experience just being able to come to can in the first place and recognizing the immense power and influence that is held along this beach over the course of this week and can be very easy to feel like a very you know small little speck of dust amongst like all of this incredible um these incredible Business Leaders and thinkers and marketers and so being able to be a part of that program and having having a safe place to come and learn and a group of people that were going through that with me uh wasn't it was just an incredible experience and it's great to see a lot of those people back and being able to connect in this way and and in my you know my next job that there's incredible value here and so happy to be here so tell us about the experience in in working with hooray and your role and what you do with the company sure so it came in as head of marketing overseeing marketing across all the verticals that that Issa mentioned we have a lot going on and then being able to launch this new marketing vertical that we've named phet with the intention of bringing real strategic marketing to what we're doing on the brand side to our Partnerships so hooray being such an incredible brand already had had a number of brand Partnerships and great works with Brands but we recognize that that we could do more we could have more meaningful long-lasting and strategic Partnerships by really being able to have that marketing expertise and speak the same language of marketers and understand for Our Brands what what their goals are what their needs are and so the Partnerships that we're developing are not only valuable to us but also valuable to those Brands as well and then you know taking money off of the table being able to look at those Partnerships and and think are they if if money money aside what it what are we actually getting out of this are these brands aligned from a mission and and vision and value standpoint are we going to create something with them or through them that we wouldn't otherwise be able to do and so with fet really being able to Leverage The creativity the access the influence in our audience that we understand so well bringing that thinking to those to those brand Partnerships and then also being able to scale rather than immediately hiring a bunch of people we recognize there are so many great creative shops media agencies social agencies Etc that are black owned and led minority owned and led that we could actually work together and scale what we're able to do and so through the incredible opportunities that come in our door because we're led by Issa we're able to bring those and help scale those other businesses too so as much as we're here with an announcement I would also say an invitation we want to work with we want to work with people who are doing this great work and want to know about you and so we can find ways to work together amazing are you guys ready for a question answer are you willing to take some questions from you yeah absolutely okay so you have an opportunity to ask Isa and Monique questions he's going to hold the mic so yeah [Music] hello Isa Hello nice to meet you and Mateos and from Brazil and first of all I need to say my girlfriend is a huge fan of you and I need to say that because she will kill me if I don't say tell her thank you and my question is to give a device to me and my friends from Brazil we were creative to to say to to write good stories like you so what was the last part to do how to write good stories all right good stories like me thank you but I compliment in there thank you um I mean you're working with your your friends and I hope that you're um clearly delineating roles because working with your friends can be tricky I did the same thing and have no regrets but I think making sure that you guys are continuing to to build together and work towards each other's missions it can be challenging if you're both directors if you're even both both writers but if you are both writers making sure that you're feeding each other and collaborating with each other but just finding your respective roles and um continuing to keep each other in mind with every opportunity that comes your way literally mine started with just making telling stories and bringing people on board who were looking for for opportunities for work and being able to Showcase that and then of course continuing to build together so I think you're already on the right track and doing the same as long as y'all are making the work and also very much leaning on your community to to share your work because they're going to tell you if they're not sharing it then they don't think it's good and I learned that the hard way hello Issa my fellow Capricorn sister let's go um I believe in taking an adamant approach to opportunity and always being ready so how do you continue to stay ready so you don't have to keep getting ready for these opportunities that come to you oh that's a that's a good question I always I believe always you know when uh preparation meets opportunity I mean that's just a mantra to live by and I have had moments where I've just I've I've let things slip by because I wasn't prepared so I always I always have the next idea loaded I'm a frequent journaler like and if it's not every day it's every other day where i'm constantly uh writing down some of the the missions that I have some of the ideas that I want to implement so that if I'm ever put in a position where someone asked me who who has the money or who has a distribution platform or who has whatever the opportunity is I can engage with them but like that's const I'm constantly bringing those up in in my journal and it could kind of feel like a loop but when I when I have it stored then it's just there and I have something to talk about um so I hope that helps can I share an observation yes please so one thing I've noticed I mean yes you are incredibly prepared and for what surprised me to from just coming from a marketing perspective and that that's not that hasn't been your your career this whole time is how how engaged you were and how how you got it and I see that you are so willing to ask questions and curious and find find information and you are with that notebook writing things down and I think that that's um at least from from where I sit seems to be very much a part of your recipe for Success that you are so engaged in in whatever room that you're in and able to absorb that information and and and use it thank you so much hi he's uh Keith white from afro animation from your YouTube series what did you use um was it the audience that you built the demographics that you built was it the number of clicks that you were able to use in your next pitch to take your brand to the next level yeah that's a great question I was I was thinking this morning how super thirsty for brand support I was when I first started out because again you're just making this out of my own pocket out of my friend zone probably like just struggling to to create what is ultimately getting you the attention that you need to take it to the next step but um our numbers just weren't like people call me a YouTube star and I'm like no we are now oh like I know what YouTube stars look like we were a very Niche group and we had a limited audience but it was a very very targeted audience it was a very specific audience and once I learned that like how to to tell the story of those numbers and you know then it became about press opportunities and yeah I'll shout Vanessa out again um I found that so much of my story had to come through like the the press the the looks that I was getting and that's what brought people on of just like oh other people are paying attention to her I think so often we focus on the numbers but so much of it is just the story the story of the come up the story of the um of the series and other people around it and that's what gets people on board because I didn't have those millions and millions of views um at the time uh so it really took like an article on Rolling Stone which ultimately got Pharrell's attention which thank God shonda's attention and all those things um were all because of the the press that was put out about the show and the The Innovation behind the series hi oh good evening good evening because it's six o'clock um my name is Abby Lee Gonzalez I'm a dealer University student and my question is actually for the both of you guys and even miss Adrian if you could answer as well how uh what advice would you give to someone who's trying to create a franchise such as hooray in regards to um all the different things that you have and just making sure that everything is together and planned out a specific way that has a great success in the end I'll give a short answer so they can answer but it's intention it comes down to just being certain about what you want to build because you also have to want it because what you're building comes with so many people and sometimes they don't get along and I don't like that so that's what I'll say intention make sure that you want it and you're willing to work every day at it yeah I would say along with that um and have similarly a vision really helps you stay focused and so with with that you can bring the right people around you that share that vision and I think your strategy can change like where different sides of the industry or products or or whatever it is you're looking to create that could evolve and change but I think what helps is still having having an idea of where you want to go because then you can rally people around and and help you do that because it's not something that you can really do by yourself and I would say everything they said Vision passion and disruptors around you right that disruptive energy you like how I pull disruptors disrupters back into the thing what's the theme of this again I think it's about disruptions you know so fire around like a fire quick fire like um tell us about Barbie I guess that's not there's a I saw you in a beautiful ad there's this beautiful black Barbie I was like you want to tell me about the Barbie uh yes Barbie is coming out July 21st I play is she not the most perfect model for oh my God thank you man uh yeah I'm excited my character is president of Barbie land so that was a treat um I have a black Barbie like our first black president Barbie Ricky's and the doll is available if y'all want a cop I don't I don't really care if y'all got the dogs if you do um but yeah it comes out July 21st I'm super excited to be a part of it um Greta gerwick directed Margot Robbie produced and we out here was it a diverse crew it was a very diverse crew it was it was extremely diverse we shot it in in London and they were um super intentional they had so many um also people whose first time it was being on set whether as it's PA or um the craft services and employed certain uh business trucks so it was like yeah I say it over and over again but it was one of the best sets I've ever been on do you get to bring some of your crew to you or you're like you know I'm not gonna work if you don't have so-and-so on the crew or do you do that are you uh like on a personal side or a business uh business side like you if you're like you go to a set and you're invited to the table you know and you say I really think you need more of a thousand percent yeah that came from the first time I ever worked with um a brand and then you know it is about diversity but then everybody behind the camera was literally like white man I was like what are y'all so I'm just the token in front of the camera and y'all are lying behind the camera that's crazy um and so I was able to tell one of the brands specifically like I really want to mandate this I don't want to be a part of this unless you guys have at least this and and they listened and what I respect about that brand in particular is that they continue to do that Beyond me because of you know their Cinema who recognized the issue and so I can I've found in my power that I could definitely uh demand you know what I want to see behind the camera so you disrupted the set you you really did oh my God I'm all about this I'm never gonna say this word again um uh and Monique maybe you can talk about too so um who are some of your favorite disruptors we'll just go there well of course Issa um I I would also add I mean and why you know tell us I mean before even working here what Issa had done in the world entertainment allowed me to feel really seen for the first time and what I was the content that I was watching like as as someone who was early career like entering this kind of uncertain world after college and and going through going through what you go through I mean insecure and a big way felt like it it I could relate to it and even prior to that with awkward black girl I was like whoa how do you how do you know my life like what I'm dealing with and so I think through that and and what I think is actually the most disruptive is what you touched on earlier which is how you really advocate for people I've seen heard her do it for me for I mean that's why I'm on the stage she asked me to join her on the uh with this with this panel um seen her do that over and over again with other creators really putting her team in places to only have that chance but to succeed and I think that that's not only incredibly admirable it was what was so appealing to me about working at hooray and leaving I I was in a place where I was like you know I'm comfortable and when this opportunity came up it was like this is this is the only thing that I would leave right now to go take because it was such a great great opportunity and and at a company where I felt like I I could make a difference and and do something that was aligned with my interests and skill set and knew that I would have an opportunity to grow um and that I wouldn't be limited by by that at all right it's not me Issa some of your favorite disruptors some of my favorite disruptors um I'm hungry not right now so some of my favorite disruptors are just honestly food based people who are tapping into ways to um especially in you know the where I live in LA and there's a dire homeless crisis and there are people who are finding ways um to feed on House people they're finding ways also to disrupt leasing models to house on House people um and so these are very like specific Community Driven um causes but like outside of the entertainment industry like those are things those are causes that I care about and want to seek to disrupt on my own you stood up to take this picture okay um blocked the whole back row um but yeah like though I I wish I could name specifically some of these organizations but they're more than I am that I read about but yeah honestly everyone here um you for your constant use of the word disrupting um I can't not shout you out I love it thank you there's she's waving at you I don't know if she wanted to say hello now she's shy but she was given like a big old disruptive waves I was like let me shout her out or something well Isa Monique thank you so much this has been the most perfect way to end this day of disruption I love you both thank you I'm super grateful for thank you so much for having us thank you guys for listening you guys please come back tomorrow it'll be day four of the cancan diversity collectives equal Beach fifth year anniversary it's all about Partnerships tomorrow so please come join us again and thank you so much and have an amazing night
Channel: Cannes Can: Diversity Collective
Views: 9,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r5Dgv7j2PTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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