DUO`s Technical Office - How We Make Our Lures

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okay so Ivan those technical office this is the place that all the high-tech stuff happen as you know those items are made by the combination of high-tech and what we can call Oh take the hand making but is the place where we would like to introduce all the high-tech stuff all the machines that are incorporated in the production of our items this is the place where we make our molds this the place where we make our injection body injections basically this is the place where all the plastic bodies come from and while we are here I think it would be good idea to have a look at each individual stage so we would like to introduce that a little bit ok so now let's have a look in another stage actually what we have here is the copper block as you can see and if you look close you can see many many shapes all of these are some of our items what happens here is mr. Adachi gives us the plastic model and then this plastic shape is carved into this copper model and we are end up with such a shape which is then used for hand carving by mr. Adachi to make the perfect shape all right so we can see all this open space but there is one small booth over here must be something important happening there what a balloon okay let's get ready to see some high-tech stuff or and welcome to our 3d scanner office okay so if you have a if you have a good look what you can see there is the hand carving by mr. Radha cheap so this is the next step when mr. Radha Chi is finished with his hand carving we bring the CAD model over here and it's scanned it scan in 3d scanner and the data are entered into the computer nearby when these data are ready they are transformed to another machine right here and actually there is something going on the right now so what is this machine is used for we first of all hand scan the hand scarred model and then the inverted data are being made right here [Music] [Music] when both tents are finished we can get the left side of the model we can get the right side for the model and it's time to make the plastic body [Music] [Music] okay so what I'm holding in my hands right now is one of the copper model which we actually use later to make the inverted data you've seen before the 3d scanning which we use to get the data what happens then is we take those data we'll carve the models and then the models is spewed into a cool machine just like this we come on waste our time making the left side and the right side of the Lua by ourselves so we ask one of these leather machines to do it for us level of yourself okay so what happens here is we put this model inside and by using spark by melting the steel we actually get the inverted data okay it would take forever to see how it really ends up so let's do it the fast-forward and this actually what comes out from this machine you can see the left side you can see the right side so then from this moment down it's up to making the body sample okay so as I mentioned in our second course is three things happen we make our move and we make the bodies by injections method this is actually the machine where some of this stuff happens is the injection machine where we make our body samples well have a look yourself have it happening now we got something dripping down whatever Luke all right this is what comes out from this machine it's a one half of the body stand for I can heal you're asking what item is dead it's new I can't tell you yet have to wait for this model okay so we saw the body injections but there is some cool stuff going on at the moment so let's have a look what you can see here is the mode which we are the producing of the box [Music] [Music] okay so this was a sneak peak to rather technical optics that is much more to see however no time left at the moment we will be back again and we will explain more carefully each of the stages but wait wait let's have a look here almost done now this is the reason why I say this is a top four world technical office you know it takes as a really short time to make a cutting like this that's why we like it here very much and that's why our lures are considered some of the best you
Channel: DUO International
Views: 84,410
Rating: 4.5015974 out of 5
Keywords: DUO, mold, tide, minnow, Adachi, production, Realis, JDM, lures, DUO Lures, DUO Realis, Spybaiting, Japanese Lures, JDM Tackle, JDM Lures, DUO`s There Is Only One
Id: xvPprtz5ELQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2012
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