L&S BAIT CO. OFFICIAL TOUR!! Largo, Florida Plant- Mirrolure, Iland Lures, Tidal Surge, Paul Brown

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Oh [Music] hello and welcome to Allen s Bay Company where we produce the original mirror ruler Paul Broun original series titled fridge lures and Islanders I'll show you what the tour is all about this is one of our working socialize list the no.1 prepared as we call it with honest their companies what happens is when the lures come in from Costa Rica and I pick up about 35,000 to 40,000 every two weeks to come in and she and we have to pull the lure one of the time off the sheet George is over here now and he's taking care of that 295 goes in autumn he's counting them and pulling them so get the red count what he'll do is he'll pick sixteen then put them on a rod they'll go on a lot when you get sixteen and gets five rows you bring them up here and drop them in the boxes so we've got X amount of boxes here on the table with different models different colors and they get shot down towards the working table at Deanna's working on now the N it takes one rod at a time takes 16 loads she'll drop each lured in a blister and then put the backer card on it here she'll drop the blister put the backer card to associate the table rotate now she'll fill the next compartment board with the sixteen lures that George pulled from the back this station right here she'll pull off the lure as its packaged and she'll put it in a six pack box everything is parking tickets this part right here is the heating element and what it does it comes down for four and a half seconds what it does to the backer cards and the is it filled it with teeth whose grew on the sides of this back regard so that's how it works at the table as well as pulling the lures running them down towards the table right here that one that's one of the other companies that we on besides Miller is island lore and Wendy here is working on the order that don't act in the front three basic sizes of Island they're large medium and small we're going through the large medium and the small go in a specific order go on a specific tackle shop or one of our distributors going back to assembly of mirrors what we have here is the punch prep punching out inserts that will be packaged and shipped to Costa Rica as you can see everything it's basically made here in Largo Florida and our plant Allen runs this particular machine as well as the three molding machines that we'll get to in a little bit Allen could you show us how that work [Music] what Alan's got behind him there a golden search silver inserts gold broken glass silver broken left as well as some other things that we experiment with here at mirror Lord [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I be here are three basic moulding machines Allen runs all these machines to put different holds in each one of them while they run they run different cycles this one right here right now is running the head in the tail will make two tails at the time and two heads at a time in a shot of a mold Allen can you go ahead and tell us about this particular one year under I here what model you're making we're men we rolled it up into the shot hopper where we are heat up the barrels of on to the quarter pipe honours degrees gets injected into the mold on the high-pressure will take the shape and form and then it pulls while another shot of being created the barrel and then I hold all this and separate them babies do them [Music] on the 35 seconds on the third-class section and on the runners there Allen what happens with the runners the runners we kind up and we reuse it material thank your honor what other item we also make here from mere lures famous for going all the way back to the first generation apparel the master see red-eye and right here you see the red-eye Allen will shoot them from the same machine in the offer use red instead of our clear plastic and after these runs X amount of these he'll run maybe 200,000 all the way to 500,000 we have to go ahead and dot them as well as chop them here all the parts and products made here in our larger plant we have here is our dotting machine and what it does it puts the black dot in the eye of the red plastic sits right in a mold right there all I'll do is quick these two comes down there's needles in the top of this right here what it does comes down through the ink and injects that black into the eye and I don't know if you can see it but if we hold it to the light right here you can see that there's the black eye on in the black Isis a black ink inside the red eye all right once dye has been dotted it comes to the chopper once again it's placed inside the mold what this does it will come down shop and the eyes will end up in here - regrind will use that material later the eyes themselves will fall down come out looking like that next step to be inserted in floors back here it's just our stock room we've got three full Isles of mirrolure product we package everything in six packs except for retail orders will pull single shots out or single lures I should say for a particular order right here we have our newest lure that we're producing so our 37 mr is to XXL bigger brother of the 17 m are our most popular in the 27 XL [Music] all right here in l1s we have our soft baits our Little John's right here our most popular soft bait we have five different tight and four different sizes so we can come down from the marshmallow to the soft shad to the little jaunt to the provoker down to the end with the XL our Little John as well as all our other soft baits come in a variety of colors as you can see you stir trout redfish snook and flounder alright as you can see on these shelves we have a number of different decals that we use on our blisters so you help you identify the lures when they're hanging in the tackle shops as well as the sewers alright we're in our Paul Brown section right here these Q shelving rows produced a number of different Paul Browns in a number of different colors the one I have currently in my hand is the Saltine XL this is the section which holds the title search lures our most recent purchase come with the maniac mullet I think and slow sink as well as the Grady croaker both of them have the sawed-off stub nose so when you work the lure it will shoot from side to side line of soft they split tail mullet okay they come in packages of ten and we have a variety of colors [Music] [Music] what
Channel: Mirrolure TV
Views: 17,012
Rating: 4.8766518 out of 5
Keywords: mirroluretour, sebfishing, mirroluretv, familytradition, mirrolureofficial, mirrolure, mirrolurefishing, fishingwithmirrolures, fishinglures, fishinglurefactory, factorytour, bachnikfamily, mirrolurefamily, mirrolurevideos, fishinglurecompany, saltwaterfishing, fresh2salt, bassfishing, speckledtrout, bigfish, snook, snookfishing, floridafamily, mirrolureflorida
Id: vPmxqMVLtKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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