Making 12" Wooden Glide Bait - Part 1

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hi guys thanks for tuning in man am i excited about this lure I have wanted to do a big glide bait for a long time and it's it's finally come around we're gonna do it I've been intrigued by glide baits for a long time it's sort of its own category of fishing everything's up sized the rods are bigger the reels are bigger the lines bigger lures are bigger the fish are bigger it's kind of a specialized category all on its own and what they say about it I don't have a lot of experience and doing it but what they say is you'll get fewer fish but they'll be much better fish of course what most people think about on a glide bait is the size and it is bigger generally speaking but it's also a little bit more intricate it's a it's a detailed bait there's a lot of inner workings in there that you've got to pay close attention to you've got to get the lure perfectly straight you've got to have it perfectly balanced if you if you mess up on any of that the action is gonna be off and it won't glide right so you've got to be real careful with the details on this lure now like I said I'm wanting to do a 12-inch glide bait which is really good size and so I think the weight on this lure is gonna be way up there the the heaviest rod I have currently can handle a six ounce lure and I think we're gonna probably double that possibly generally speaking 12-inch lures are about ten ounces or so so and mine aren't gonna be lightweight so I think mine's probably gonna push push the 10 ounces but I am excited to pick up some new skills to expand my tackle box and to try something that I haven't done before unfortunately I don't think I'm gonna be able to get this into a single episode I think I'm gonna have to split it into two episodes because there's just too many steps and details in this type of a and the size of eight and since I've never made one before I feel like it's probably gonna run a little bit longer than I would like I like to keep my videos under an hour if possible I just feel like it gets too long if you if you push beyond that and also I don't want to cut out a bunch of stuff I don't want to edit it down to the bare bones just to get it under that time frame so in an effort to give you the best quality content I'm going to split it into two parts so that it's a little bit more manageable for for you to watch and for me to produce and that way I think we can kind of strike a compromise because I really want to show you the entire process I don't want to I don't want to shortchange you on on the whole process and the details of it here's a sketch of what I wanted to do I had recorded this whole sketching process and then realized that I forgot to press record and so I fussed over this for so long I don't really want to draw it again but I'm just gonna go with a traditional trout kind of design I'm not sure if I'm going to do the thins or not that and that may have to be a game-time decision I may just go with the with the body shape I'm not really sure yet but this is what I've got so far it's gonna be 12 inches long and it's gonna be about two and a half inches tall which is by far the biggest bait I've ever made I've got to hook hanger locations and the front attachment point and a step is to transfer this to my wood although I only have three quarter-inch poplar here in the shop so what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut some out and then I'll glue them together so that I can get the right thickness so let's work on that [Music] what I've got here is a three-quarter inch thick by 11 inch piece of poplar so what I need to do is cut it down so that I can get a piece big enough for me to work with this is going to be a 12 inch bait so I'm going to cut it to 13 and give myself a little bit of room to work with here I really only need 6 inches I need this bit right here [Music] all right now that I've got my two pieces what I'm going to do is I'm going to glue them together and what I'm using is this waterproof wood glue [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm going to transfer my guilt pattern onto my lure and the way I'm gonna do that is I'm going to take my pattern and I need I need to draw a lead on both sides so best way to do that is to use a lightbox I've made a makeshift lightbox out of this tote if you don't you can always just you know just tape this to a window or something and let the light shine through and you can trace it that way but once once you've got your lead on one side you're gonna draw it on the other side and it's basically a rubbing it just allows you to transfer anything and this will allow me to transfer this image on both sides equally you can see where it's rubbed through you're gonna have to go back in and draw back over it but that gives you repeatability on both sides now that I've got my pattern scribed on both sides let's start carving and I've never made a lure this big before and this one feels a little bit like wrestling an alligator it is so big I will say it's uh I think a little bit easier carving in a lot of ways just because you're not trying to whittle on something really tiny it's just massive so I feel like it's it's gonna take a while to carve just because the size of it but the carving itself is a little bit easier I think I'm gonna have to get dremel in there [Applause] [Laughter] yeah oh hi I'm hyper focused on this I wanted to make one of these big Clyde baits for a while now I'm actually losing sleep over this one I lie awake thinking about it and it sort of consumed me all right I've got this kind of a stone I don't really know what it is bit let's round it so I'm going to start with that [Music] okay try and cut these pretty deep because I want these to show up really well yeah I don't think I'm gonna carry them all the way forward I think that's plenty I'm gonna get one more right here though and put the ion or the eyehole anyway that's a 3/8 decisions ohm is once I go once I go bigger I can't say what let's finish up the three-eighths and co everything just kind of no going back once I do the half [Music] I don't know what y'all think I had kind of sketched a slightly bigger excuse me while I rummage around I think it's a half all right here goes [Music] [Music] yeah I like that a little bit better I think I need to do a little bit of Correction this is not ordinarily my procedure but I'm very happy with the head and the gills all that area and I want to lock that into place so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go ahead and seal the head that way I don't risk damaging it while I'm working on the rest of the fish no I'm not trying to be very careful with it but I just would feel a lot better if I had this head locked into place so I'm gonna go ahead and do that so after thinking about it a little bit I've decided I think this tale needs a little bit more detailing it looks just kind of incomplete to me so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in with my file and I'm just gonna add some ridges some smaller like sub ridges yeah I'm liking that more I'm just going to put a ridge between each one another not a ridge I'm just gonna put another groove between each one on the ridge and I don't give me just a little bit more detail I also want to go back and add more detail on this fan but I'm not gonna be able to get my file in there without damaging this area down here so on this one I'm either gonna no I'm gonna go in with the exacto and just carefully put a groove in mmm maybe not maybe not maybe not yeah I'm gonna use this tool it's just a kind of a V groove chisel and I'm just gonna go really lightly between yep I'll do the other side and then I'll seal those as well I have decided to go ahead and do all of the fins on this lure I'm just getting so excited about all this detail I feel like I'm gonna kick myself if I don't do it so what I did is I got a couple of these scraps from the big blank that we cut and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna thin these to 3/16 of an inch on the bandsaw and then I'll use these little scraps of wood to do my fins so let me run those through the bandsaw and then we'll draw our fin shapes on this and cut those out [Music] [Music] so now we've got all of our fins cut out it's time to start shaping them so what I needed to do is conform this flat bottom to fin to fit right there so the easiest way I know I have to do that it's to put some sand paper on it then sand it on there you know this fin is called the adipose which is another word for kind of a fatty tissue because when they first started naming parts on this fish that's what they thought it was I thought it was a fatty fatty tissue deposit it's found on likes a monoid type fish and catfish and hatcheries at least some hatcheries used to uh clip these off to distinguish hatchery fish from wild fish I don't know if they do that anymore they're thinking they're thinking that the function of this fan is to help with swimming in turbulent water and if that's true then they'll probably stop clipping them we'll find another way to tag those fish I would imagine that's getting close [Laughter] [Music] there we go that's pretty pretty good trace around it and then all I'm gonna do is just kind of rough that up a little bit planning ahead here I'm gonna want that dorsal fin just in front of my cut it actually in reality sits a little bit further back mm-hmm I'm gonna put it right up against that joint because I don't I don't want to cut the fin I think that looks weird cutting the fin it's always good to have a variety of PVC pipe saying helps you get into some of those odd shapes there we go I'm gonna leave this one kind of thick because it does stick up pretty high and I don't want it to be so spindly that it just breaks like a buffalo and like a like a buffalo like a butterfly wing that's better why I drew those guidelines on my phone [Laughter] also mark where the highest point on this dorsal fin is what I want to do because it's sticking up so far is I want to put a pin right there I'm going up I'm gonna rough that up and I'm gonna epoxy this on but I also want to put a pin right there because I just have a fear that getting snapped off so anything I can do to give it just a little bit more strength I think I should do all right here's what we use from our pen I've got these little nails that have got these ridges on them I'm gonna cut the I'm gonna cut the head off of that like so and then I'm going to very carefully drill into my fin now let's let's do some measuring here calipers all right I've got ya an inch okay so let's embed it 1/2 an inch either way to 1/2 1/2 an inch yeah I do someone set my drill to ever so slightly deeper than half an inch all righty now we got to think about straight up and down this okay all right now sometimes to get a hole started I'll just take one of these bits that I've got that's got a little point in the middle in this case it's a Forstner bit because it's nice and sharp and I'll start my little divot there that way the bit doesn't want to walk off all right here we go well that is super crooked but I don't think it's so crooked that it won't work all right what I want to do is I want to super glue and seal this top fin erase my pencil line so it looks pretty and I'm not going to glue this into place but I'm going to use it for a handle I'm not gonna seal the adipose fin yet because I still have some shaping to do on it and so I don't want to make it harder on myself I'm gonna epoxy it into place and then do my final sanding on it and then seal it all together but this dorsal fin I'm pretty much done with so I'm I'm comfortable sealing it right now and this is gonna be tricky because I got to drill it now how to add a little bit of a funny angle well that's gonna be fun or the odds of me getting that right poor very poor yeah that's what I thought okay that's alright there's always a way to fix it the way we're gonna fix this is I'm just going to draw I'm gonna just gonna drill a big hole and we'll fill it with epoxy and it'll be fine I have good news there's always a way to fix any mistake [Music] so I had a better idea about that nail I'm kind of too late but I took that nail and I bent it I put it in the vise and I bent it that would have been a much better solution but it's too late now and then I can get in there straight oh well it's done now this will work just fine let's put a lot bit of that on there all right so I'm going to get this kind of sort of straight and then I'm going to let it sit for this is 30 minute epoxy so I'm gonna let it sit for maybe 10 minutes 15 minutes something like that and let it set up a little bit and then I'll come back and make sure I'm still straight and everything but right now it's just so liquid it it just wants to move around all over the place so I'm gonna I'm gonna hold off on worrying about it too much like I said in about 10-15 minutes I'll come check in ten but once it starts getting a little bit more solid then I'll start fussing over getting it precisely aligned for 10 minutes check the glue is still a little bit wet but I had an idea about let me back up here I had an idea about using that square in the background to line up my fins you see so I'll check it again in another 10 minutes all right 20 minutes in another important thing about using the angle in the back so I've got a seam where I've put the two pieces of wood together originally and so I make sure that that seam is aligned with this that's how I know that my trout is up and down straight and then I can align it like so from the front this reminds me a lot of a rocket that I built a few years ago putting these fins on the fish or just almost identical to putting fins on a rocket so far so good I'm gonna continue to check on this the key is to check it very often and make sure that it hasn't moved it hasn't done something silly while you're gone but just keep looking in on it and until you just can't move the glue anymore once it's set up to a certain point then you don't have to worry about it but until then you got to fuss with it over and over let's check this from the front to try and get just the right angle for you okay I think we're home free now well I've got some heartbreaking news the dorsal fin on this lure is not in a great place show you I mean I've got this brake line right here and so I've got to go one side or the other with my fin or cut the fin and I don't want to cut the fin well I opted to go forward with it but in my design I had already moved it forward a bit too much and so if you look at a picture of a real trout I think I'd be better off if I put it back behind the cut so I have to cut it off and move it back but I'll bet you a shiny nickel I cannot salvage this fin I'm probably gonna have to make a new one so it's one of those things where you look at it and you look at it and you look at it and there's just something not right about it and it's gonna bother me from now till the end of time if I don't fix it now so let's take that off and fix it an effort to make lemonade out of lemons here we're gonna see a good demonstration of how tough this epoxy is dang there we go nope no salvaging that so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna film making a new fin and attaching it the next time you see this it'll have the fin on it I'm just going to go ahead and do that off-camera you've already seen me do it once it's gonna be the same thing back here well that's it for this video like I said I'm sorry I couldn't get it into a single part but be on the lookout for that second part I'm gonna do everything I can to get it out in an ace a fish fashion so that you're not waiting around too long if you want to see more about what I'm doing on a day to day basis you can check out my Instagram as subscribe to that I've got a link below or you can do that I tend to post that more often because it's easier to do obviously but thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: zimmtex
Views: 21,172
Rating: 4.952569 out of 5
Keywords: handmade lures, handmade glide bait, handmade swim bait, lure carving, lure making, lures, wooden lures, wooden glide bait, wooden swim bait, custom lures, custom baits, big baits, big lures, bass fishing, largemouth bass, work in progress, fishing lures, rainbow trout
Id: 5HOsM5DX0c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 42sec (3702 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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