Dunkey Plays the Ultimate Farming Videogame

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this is just like me my Mickey Mouse here babe don't say ew look how great he is Leah loves Disney she doesn't hate Disney I don't get why she doesn't like this it's everything she likes Mickey Mouse Merlin Mickey man I don't give Aaliyah doesn't like this farming it's all her favorite stuff oh this is my battle pass okay I fed the squirrel good that did good on there I gotta Harvest three different types of fruits so I'm doing bad on that right now oh I got the founders pack wait did I pay extra money an accident [Music] oh this is Mickey's House [Music] Mickey you bugged out what was that walk animation somebody puts on a good front but I can tell he's utterly heartbroken Minnie was his other half now that she's disappeared I don't know how long it will be before what you want to make crackers and fruit salad make use the lamest chef ever but uh to tell you the truth the real reason I want to make crackers because that's what Minnie used to make this is darkest hurry what is this this guess I just wish she was here to make them now Minnie would always she made crackers that was her famous food that she would make Mickey are you okay me oh I'm fine I miss Minnie though this is the most depressed Mickey ever you're making his garden look worse with your dead plants now these you guys this is what carrots is like it's like stink it's like immediate it's like emitting a stink or something why are they like shooting clouds out they're dead immediately the second you plant them bet you guys didn't know I'm good at Minecraft too your inventory is full already what is this health device this is a pillar of friendship why is it so evil [Music] am I trying to be friends with Satan don't ever go to the pillar of friendship you guys when will you make crackers uh I will do that soon VG Leah B I look like a 40 year old man child no Mickey man is badass he does not look like an IGN writer he looks cool eat a rock you dumb animal people will really like this character dude [Music] don't ask why his pants are so tight as everybody making fun of Mickey man don't make fun of his tight pants this is one of his only pants that he has what's wrong with this I like this outfit oh nice skirt oh cool okay oh there you go Oh see now you can't even see that the pants are so tight [Music] I'm dressed like your kids art teacher oh new lore new lure all right here we go I always thought that this would be a nice place for a garden foreign all right oh somebody's warning me do not sell items to goofy this goofy trying to scam you and don't say first scam give it to him don't trust him kill him now don't give to goofy I'm gonna give this to goofy howdy yeah you fell for my trap I'm screws can't for the life with him figure out why goofy style it's more oh screws can't figure out why goofy star is more profitable wait why is Goofy so profitable goofy is scamming people out of their money it's some Scrooge McDuck like the like known the scammer like known evil businessman who's just trying to scam out of money goofy is doing better than him all right you guys are actually right okay I see how this game works if you get your battle pass to level 10 with Goofy then you can marry him and spend quality time with your with your husband to water crops use the watering can see you real soon okay this is kind of Overkill but whatever I guess I'll just do this because Mickey says too I feel like they already have enough yeah wow Mickey man you sure got a green thumb I used to say raspberries to make a pie for Minnie but then mini left don't say this is the saddest game ever there are shatter games than this didn't you see those other farming games where the whole main draw is to like your wife or something it's crazy it's crazy that this is all like stuff that I'm really good at it's crazy that I'm good at all this stuff except for take a picture I don't know how you do that they're not even voiced well they're voiced for like hot dog I love rainy days yeah she like their voiced like that [Music] I love rainy days yeah Mickey you already said that Japan don't sell your vegetables to Goofy give me the cracker recipe I get 15 Pixar balls oh I can activate the premium star path okay I'll do that Pixar Fest earn a jacket in a spaceship okay is this real money okay and now I will buy this incredit squirrel oh oh Leah likes this now Leah was saying this was dumb but now once she sees in credit squirrel she is gonna like this you guys people were talking all this on this game saying it's no good this game sucks now look incredit squirrel now this is good you have to legally disclose if you're being paid to say this no no I'm not being paid I just like doing credit score this game is not pointless this is not boring this is intense you're just forgetting that Minnie was killed I've done so much for this goddamn town I'll blow this whole thing up to Kingdom I'll I'll nuke this whole town just like goofy did 10 years ago if everybody doesn't shut the up about Mickey man Leah likes this more than Animal Crossing [Music] this game is an investment okay so what if I spent 500 on the bus light your costume goofy told me to he's my friend I'm gonna marry him you think goofy would lie to me I sell them my stuff all the time and he gives me a great price but there's actually somebody in particular that I'm especially waiting for my sweetheart Minnie I was hoping to find her again when you open the metal she wasn't there goofy killed her now I'm conflicted I want to help Mickey out but I feel like if I find many she will drive a wedge in our friendship and I might not be able to marry Mickey Mouse anymore a lot of people are in the Stream to see my golden Wally I spent 700 to skip the golden Wally I'm kind of nervous though cause like what if I spent seven hundred dollars on this game and if the Wally's just a normal one he's golden Wally see now Dia likes this game huh [Music] no no I don't like I don't like this I don't like this wait a minute you can craft more than one thing at a time wait they did actually beat Animal Crossing on this part I think we're gonna have to pay real money should I buy this with real money don't tell Leah that I do this no don't snitch don't snitch hey babe they're trying to tell me to spend money but I said no don't say we hate Mickey man Leah says Mickey man is okay in her book no I don't babe well Leah doesn't like them but some people like him someone does somewhere listen if you guys aren't gonna take this game seriously I don't even know why I'm playing this foreign [Music] [Music] oh he's gonna be pissed when he sees this see if he notices hey why is my hat different why is my guy's hat the fishing hat where are him Mickey ears this is all wrong Leah messed this character all up wear my tight pants give me these tight pants now where's my get pranked pranks babe don't prank me I need you to wash the dishes no [Music] no no no I'm done I don't want to do dishes for Ratatouille I'm not doing this game no more I want to go play shooting now let's end the stream there and let's never talk about this game or ever speak about this ever again and let's forget that Mickey man ever existed good night everybody [Music]
Channel: Dunk Tank
Views: 353,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dunkey, dunkey e3, dunkey nintendo direct vs sony direct, farming game, disney dreamlight valley, dunkey farming game, disney animal crossing, dunkey animal crossing, dunk tank, videogamedunkey
Id: wtzoiqCOiEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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