Bugsnax : a PS5 Technical Showcase

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ladies and gentlemen the playstation 5 is out and if you don't own one by now you might as well be dead because you can't play the new game bug snacks when the ps4 released it came bundled with a game called neck now many of you on this channel have probably never heard of this game but at the time it was considered to be the apex of graphics 300 000 polygons per second just on the neck alone playing knack was like looking into the future of video games and now 17 years later players can experience this feeling once again with the famous game of bug snacks or should i say bug knacks [Music] right off the bat i just want to laugh at the bozos we bought xbox instead if you try to load the disc for bug snacks into an xbox that is gonna go xbox can not handle the power of this game it is a proven fact of nature immediately when this game booted up the first thing i noticed was how the animals can actually talk with human voices this was not possible before on the ps4 because of blu-ray was not able to store the information properly i sat there in amazement as the walrus started talking about the treasure map and started laughing at how mad xbox fans are that they can't handle this game now the first thing players will notice in bug snacks is that this is the largest ever resolution on a video game to date 40 000 pixels wide by 22.738 pixels height with resolutions like this pixar is going to end up going out of business boys i mean just right now we're probably looking at something like 9.4 trillion polygons and if bunger comes in we'll play that number is just gonna absolutely skyrocket from my tech guys out there who played you know red dead redemption 2 you were going to notice a lot of those post-processing techniques used here to far greater extent like antrascoptic filtering which is a method of filtering out poorly placed polygons and redistributing them to areas where they can make a more noticeable impact this is how you end up with photorealistic characters like crapple and weenie worm the voice acting here is top of the line stuff dolby 4.2 thx surround woofer you know they brought in all the greatest actors and for this one like jack nicholson's and donnie sheed for the uh trees and foliage we have something called 3d alpha planing and i'm not even gonna bother trying to just it's just so advanced beyond anything try linear bitmap buffering this is essentially a pipeline effect that is able to move characters from one level to another fully dynamic depth of field queuing this is noticeable when you are launching ketchup at the frylock monster those droplets of ketchup sauce are actually being individually simulated and processed into an advanced physics rig which determines where each drop should land and the size of the splatter when it impacts i mean these are techniques hobbyists have been trying to simulate for decades i myself have a 14 000 gaming pc with a solid gold keyboard i wouldn't even dare try to run bug snacks because it would it would it would it it bug merc cerny said video games will no longer have to load because of a special microchip so now you can feed a hippo 100 wieners to turn her arm into a hot dog for stuff like shadows and ambient occlusion they are using some new strand of phong shading fong shading of course was invented by fong boy tuang it's essentially a program that is calculating the amount of light on the object at tiny points across the entire surface instead of at the vertices of the polygons of course doing it this way eats up more computation compared to older techniques like the grayod shading which we saw a lot of on the playstation 2. but when you see the reflection of a grape skeeto soaring above a small pond it really does end up being worth that you know massive frame rate dip that you get bug snacks is a towering technical powerhouse we're talking anti-aliasing rotoscope rendering fill rate real-time bump map simulation palletized textures 4k tessellation z buffer this game is only possible on the playstation 5 but if you wanted to you could probably just play this on the original playstation one too [Music] is
Channel: videogamedunkey
Views: 3,254,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps5, bugsnax, ps5 bugsnax, playstation 5, ps5 tech, bugsnax dunkey, dunkey, videogamedunkey, dunkey bugsnax
Id: gy7VILMeN28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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