Dunkey and Leah play Super Mario Party

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the worthiest hero who are you going to play at diddy kong's in here yeah i want to be toad i want to play tone you can't beat toad oh yeah why not mr ref no bowser you can be you can be a goomba what i want to be the most i need to be rocky his name is rocky maybe i want to be the mall no i'm going to be people [Music] we're gonna have to fight for the mall all right we're gonna have to do rock paper scissors for them all will make setting up easy i thought we were already set up here we go oh we can't play as toadette or toad no [Music] they're so cute that is a big diaper oh my god you can play as good yoshi wait was that like a donkey kong sprite he looked really flat is that a flat donkey kong oh you can unlock people you can be bowser oh my god monty hi everybody in the chat hey gosh damn are we gonna rock paper scissors oh that was your jaw diddy some good characters donkey kong and diddy are not unlocked oh my god monty do you want monty i don't you don't go or shy again okay you be good mommy monty look we're like little brown are like little brown guys how do you do it right there x weird am i holding this little construction only fast food place is open normal wait there's no easy dang no easy one yeah oh i have to do it [Music] we never played this before [Music] what the heck it's just been sitting there ah wario's tired what are we doing we're doing the party page whoa ipad who's ready for some ipad for the good times for me um mario party this is gonna be amazing i can already tell all right when should we play um i don't know if i like this map thanks mooper thanks poop snack three ah poop poop is here are we going to wamps domino ruins king bow bombs powder kick mine mega fruit paradise mystery zone that's it you get three maps well the fruit looks the coolest this one has king bio bomb though i'm gonna say fruit ten turns yeah let's do that ten turns and then we can do another one on a different map this could do two hours no not two hours not two hours he's not at our house thank you [Music] the watermelon is like cutting the cubes wait it's all kind of cubes that's cute make a fruit paradise welcome to paradise oh do you told voice babe oh well i can't just be doing the toad voice it's toad talking you have to do your tone voice no no no no that's gonna mean like a hundred toed voices come on just for the one intro all right go on i'll do it when i do it this is it no that's not it you keep going you'll see no keep going you'll see keep going you'll see keep going you'll see yeah listen to this room no you didn't listen i already know the freaking rules wow i can't do it i can't believe we can be a goomba there's like audio coming out of our controllers [Music] yeah it's not that's not real that was from like the wii stars are the keys to victory where's our first one thank you phantom kind of coins who can collect them all stars the adventure is on oh my god i can't believe we're just a goomba and monty mole this is great thank you disease hey you lost his that's money that was his turn oh there is sound coming out of your controller i heard it wow i have a goomba black oh wait no you get them all black i'm going to use how does your black monkey mold ice oh my god that's so cute what the heck this new overwatch who looks great for a rainy day oh one are you joking mama you have covered oh my god no let's call that oh no are you all right somebody give him a secret antidote [Music] peace just shoved us killed us [Music] for a player rumble fishing lost in the shuffle find the doll with the most inside explosive mama said yes she will live yay he will live wait this is hard what the hell find the doll with the most mini dolls inside wait i wasn't paying attention this is the game this is the game oh that was the test that was the test that's a test all right oh i picked one with none i didn't even pick one when will the donkey mug be available again i want to drink my game fuel from the donkey chalice oh when would a donkey mug be available the mug oh my god actually there were like a small stock of mugs discovered you guys there is a small stock discovered so they will go up at some point what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i'm going here can you just go fast oh my god wario won i tracked it i tracked it wait no i didn't tracked it i thought i was tracking him i thought i was locked down i have an elephant's memory you used her elephant mind she has elephant mind dang 16 points that's not even a memory game it's just like shooting it around super fast you'll get it next time babe look at wario you're all the one yes your controller is making sound i'm not being funny it really is i'm serious i'm sorry about this you guys she gets like this she gets like this when it's late at night no guys in the chat can you confirm that the switch controller they make noise come on i think you're just hearing that vibration no no no no no no no found a head in black i found a hidden black oh nice it does make sound see no noise no i don't see those no i just heard it again this is a conspiracy oh i'm special hi computer this episode i'm gonna need you to activate robocop mode oh no peach is here with me you get me away from the beach oh the dark knight says it makes a smell i went through the packs and they had like a smell yeah for south park for south park fart game they had far shitty shitty fart games they had fart fart smell vr fart [Music] you like hooked up a thing onto your nose and it shot a fart smell into your nose when cartman farted on you and people were lining up for it and you had to like sit in this chair and there's like four people playing it is this for real this is like for your toddlers figure out which character isn't there this is for little toddler babies okay i'm gonna do it daisy i'm good at this one absent-minded right oh what a cute background start three rounds wait what the hell oh wait a minute all right this is a little more who is it well it's this thing over there i can just copy your answer this weird moogle back i can oh wait you have to pick it faster though you get more points if you pick it faster good i'm going to pick this one right now luigi's missing luigi's missing clearly locked in luigi i knew it before it even started this is really true this is kind of tricky look how those bots are failing oh i'm gonna say daisy show donkey kong oh [ __ ] true there's no donkey kong i talked to them before i could even show them dang leah keeps winning whoa give me all the coins this makes up for the last time we played mario party the goomba has no powers i asked if you wanted monty moles thank you adams i would have played bowser jr can goomba take a bite oh wait i have him first place wait we're back how'd you get that i was like i was killing it can goomba bite them all when has goomba ever been able to bite anything is mushroom i can't bite now where do i go where's the star time for some toad tips or the bridge where's the star you have no idea i don't even see it oh there it is oh it's right in front of us i have to get way over there it's right in front of us okay okay i see what you gotta do roll the dice roll the roll the dice go goomba yeah one you idiot one i get something good though oh mushroom okay let me show you how it's done babe what do i do this is this the mega blooper or if you land on an orange you get orange juice i like orange juice i hope not god i hope not please no bubba i don't know i think i'm just going to sway like the presents are close i get presents i'm gonna get the green one hey he laughed at me what is this a coin no oh babe don't steal from me don't steal groom bliss coins that's coins don't steal gold with coins i'm just still going to steal goombas coin thank you did you remember oh you didn't steal my coins remember i took pity on you wow i kind of suckered you there that's the thanks i get you call me a sucker you remember this for later that was a strategic play i'm getting on your way and you get that too yeah i do wow guess not oh i forgot to hit x she gets two items monty needs a lot of coins not like goomba goomba doesn't need any coins i around watermelon well it's peach she got a cell phone huh what is that it split us up pie pie pie pie dash and dine that's what i'm good at fetch ingredients to complete the order what oh she actually what we need lettuce oh you can only do one at a time before anything how do i get it oh wait how do i put this back down i can't even pick something up i need this pork chops peach this is my buffet table you go to your own where's mine your table was the left oh my god i didn't know that this is so confusing i think why is there a toad walking in the middle of the big pot of stew this isn't wild how do i put this down what is this [ __ ] let's start it let's start it no i don't know what we're doing that's when you started that's gonna be a mess am i still on the left okay yeah okay this guy's got a bunch of plates i know it's such an obstacle look i'm blocked peach please put the cabbage down okay i gotta make this i always watch dunkles streams while i write my big phone reviews [Music] somebody writes bone reviews review what is it what are the phone reviews they review different types of bones like the pizza bone yeah you guys guys you guys you guys know that little white plastic table that comes on pizzas everyone calls it the pizza table right jason's calling it the pizza bone jason thinks that's called the pizza bone that's what everybody in the chat calls it no we asked everyone and everyone said it's called the pizza table [Music] bones bones bones bones bones apollo's already active pizza bone are pizza c 85 feel better 80 of american is the mcflurry a drink i need guidance we asked everyone and no one had ever heard of pizza bone before 80 percent of people call it a pizza bone 79 that's not accurate in the least a lot of people are not are changing what they call it because of this now it's going down the numbers are going down oh my god it's pizza bone everybody knew people call it that this is rigged they're just being nice to you that's sweet that's sweet that everyone is just making you feel better that's nice wait no i don't want to go in here oh a red pipe no that's the wrong way goomba oh bad luck they want to do a gamble gamble yeah make a gamble who's going to win and put all four of us gamble you can only put two outcomes guys we can't gamble i'll just put us as the option why don't we not win if we don't win it would just be refunded if we don't win everybody loses their money no if we don't win we'll refund it guys oh look pancake can take pancake what is this cake you can only grab a pancake if it's completely uncovered oh my god i love this i'm gonna do it i love this no i wanted that star no i wanted that star darn it okay i can grab pancakes your favorite to win baby what really oh no guys i always lose but thank you for believing me you should have seen what happened to me before with bubba's trip give me this here's to another four months of a moga's fridays at least i got one star pancake oh look we tied [ __ ] why are you stuck you got one more pancake than us thank you [ __ ] thanks for the four months of bones i guess i am in first place they're they're wise to vote for me i was about to win but then my dumb goombas got a pizza with extra bones look this guy just got a pizza extra bones i don't know they call it the pizza bone if you call pizza i don't know what it's called why is it always one with this bad luck space what is this don't laugh welcome to the bad luck space goomba stop the roulette wheel i don't like this stuff i don't want any of this it took all my money this is this is just like the classic mario party oh this is great this is great wait go for mega blooper i'm scared eat them please don't eat me thank you hello don't get your party on facebook oh she got it too okay i can get my money back damn it damn she didn't give it to any of us mini game mini game me and peach are on a team because we both lost oh i'm good at this one i'm good at this one it looks so cute find the crates with the most acorns oh you got to feel the rumble this one feels like it's got a lot of acorns oh that feels like a lot of i don't feel the same yeah they do all feel the same things all feel the exact same completely identical in every way there's no distinction between any of these rumbles okay whatever i'm ready wait look there why is the timer running out because they ready to uh i wanted to see the reveal can i just like a word one so the other team can't pick it oh you have to put them on your side yeah oh all right ready up really you're ready oh it's those weird little goombas from um super mario world oh this feels big this feels big all right i gotta put this one on this i like that one hey give that back that was mine that was my acorn box look at wario over there he's shaking it forever why are you sabotaged me he was shaking that crate for an hour and he was like put this on i took the crate that peach put and i put it up back you could do that [Laughter] i think i took her one of hers back oh that's smart good job you win for now [Music] there you go i don't even know where to go plateau baby almost to the plateau what does that mean i don't know but you're almost to the plateau how do i where do i go good question i think the warp pipe is what we need to get into i'm going this way i'm so confused i think i'm gonna use my monty mold ice block thank you sneezes you kicked me get out of my way goomba coming through big mole coming through have you ever accidentally eaten a pizza bone no i have never eaten an actual bone on accident jason said he snaps it and asks a question like a wishbone yeah you're supposed to snap it and do a wish you get your pizza wish wait that's not what you said last time last time you said whoever yeah whoever gets the biggest half gets the pizza hey what is this oh this is like for mario odyssey oh my god wario is gonna [ __ ] this up so badly mine is already ruined your eyeball is in the middle man you made cyclops [Music] mine is so bad already [Music] good job what wait why is yours perfect mine's perfect how does it it starts like going to like it starts going down oh peach that's peach peach peach why did you put it there peach why did you put it there oh my god he's putting it up peach that's too high that's too high that's too low you're lucky peach put it lower no look at how shitty she is mine is like perfect lined up look at peach man okay my mario is one percent less dome [Music] good job peach i'm always stuck with wario he's like a complete dumb mess over here wario last place loser i'm first place somehow [Laughter] carried by peach [Music] he's finally getting what he deserves all right and that's right back to the start for you i want to get the orange now roller one this time goomba yeah wow you actually did it orange mode yeah cute that's so cute you didn't get anything wrong what was the point of that i mean it looks like once you light up both sparklers maybe a star will come out or something how do we get off this watermelon world wait to use my monty mold ice garnet i don't think anybody is gonna get a star you know we're all lost in the fruits you get a delicious fruit salad if you like both sparkling i love fruit salad oh god please no team game please okay good follow the money follow the money where's the money money money money hey there's there's some money this is so random the coins are like spawning behind us oh i'm flattened my money all right i'm good all right we get it let's start i just found the money oh my god immediately crushed that's okay there's money back here oh my money money they're trying to shove me off the cliff look at this money in the back i killed it i'm freaking genius where's my bonus i came in first there was so much money in the back you guys went too quick so follow the money babe not race to the finish follow the money these don't make any sense there's only three turns left [Music] three turns left heads up just three turns left let's see how things stand in first place monty mole second place goomba third place is peach in fourth place wario warriors the heat is really on now which contestant will win in the end let's hear from our guest expert bring the expert on let's give him a big hand everybody oh my god the kiddu lackation you wanted me to do my toad noise and then when i finally did it you got upset i wasn't ready mario wario will come from behind to win what lexi will get out of here getting out of here he's saying mario's gonna win get the heck out of here where are you well now he's gonna win you ass he knew he knew about what it warps him to the star it was fixed it was fixed it was fixed this is just another example of the rich getting richer i think wario's gonna win ah here's the golden pipe why are you gonna win what the hell is that decided he would win and so he hands it to him what's wrong too spicy for you yeah yeah yeah too spicy kill why are you you can't worry i'll kill warrior poison the star camera sorcered up the bad luck space the extra bad luck space is dangerous all right classic mario party this is the fastest mario party ever yeah this isn't so short it's faster when you have two computers yeah when you play with four people everybody's like looking at the map every turn that's true you can't make it up one every time nice roll goomba always gets one i think you're gonna get like the low roller star yeah this should be a little welder you're the low roller star for sure wario is blackmailing toad after he was caught illegally smuggling mushrooms into sarasa land i love you dunky that makes sense excellent every player wagers coins and then you battle for them in a rumble mini game big gamble time thank you face off in a rumble balloon this is from simpsons here we go here we go this is this i'm gonna randomly choose my coin with that that's dumb i don't know i don't want to do that all right i'm not good at this he is really good at this one blow the balloon up big it didn't say literally just hold just hold it pops oh it pops oh [ __ ] it gets too big it pops well that's not fair you just rewarded to be the last one [Music] my balloon [Music] it was right about to end [Music] you give me the money oh my god i'm so rich i feel bad my balloon you reach too high ah good strategy by me cruising for a bruising sounds funny hold on hold vertically use the straps baby use the strap use the strap what am i baby wait how do you do this huh how do you throw i'm so confused i can't grow how would you throw it into the top oh it just goes to which everyone had opened it what the [ __ ] it's just throwing it with the right trigger yeah same when i click right trigger sometimes it just throws while pressing l r leaves because we're facing away from the switch no that doesn't matter okay now i'm doing it alright whatever we're starting oh i'm already throwing them in whoa that was a fake out that was a fake out get in there get up in there get up get in there get in oh oh the big money the big money the big money the big money make money little money big money big money big money is this every man for themself or is this like a team big money get the big money get the big money that's from trying to throw the head and mario odyssey hey no fair you didn't use the strap i did why that's just held me back at least wario doesn't even have enough coins to buy the star he doesn't if it's still 30 coins he doesn't have that much land on that land on the red six kill him damn it maybe i have a gun a goomba gun screamer get a gun maybe wait i don't want to use this i want to go on that red pipe what red pipe you have already so one yeah how do you always roll one hey you got the red pipe red pike it's incredible how many times you've rolled a one google only gets one that's insane what kind of items do i have what's that donkey gang all the way i used my mushroom what the heck [Music] why are you died in a car accident no he died in an elevator it's true while eating oreos and a car accident also thank you wait you went through the red pipe does that mean you're gonna get the star oh she's calling who's she calling oh she called luigi is joining you as an ally forever what what luigi is just on her team now excuse me she has two players now that's not right [Laughter] oh my god space ape [ __ ] hates this mario party with a passion wow who's that oh my god i'm with wario no i was warning you how do you hate this one fruit forecast oh yeah this looks fine i like catching fruit oh you're with wario i'm with peach no i don't want dumbass wario you're with warrior oh my god i can't catch any um okay let's start we get it we get it have fun wario all right here i go this is the tree from yoshi's story yoshi's turn yeah look these fruits these are the yoshi story fruits right hi donkey hi leah thanks so much for the good times i guess many nintendo games have fruits but oh you damn it you damn it you damn it oh you damn it dang i'm getting a lot of fun here we won what how'd you get more fruit than me impossible wait why why are you on maul oh where are you oh yeah that makes sense how was that mario's team oh where are you in mall with babe you didn't even hide five of them you didn't even high-five mario you just stood there [Music] you didn't do it you didn't high five one [Music] she didn't even high five [Music] he's going for it no [ __ ] does he have the money damn it wario i was about to get that look at where i am fall trip trip say no say no for some reason piece of [ __ ] you rotten it only cost 10. 10 coins what is this he is miserable man [Laughter] i'm just kidding i love wario i just need the caterpillar damn it wario what are you doing he didn't even use the pipe yet did he yeah this is so [ __ ] up this is so stupid they're only 10 coins why does he get two he just went it was just his turn it put the star right in front of him and then let him roll and let him go again i let him go two in a row he rolled and got a star and then rolled and got a star it's gonna go it's gonna go one space ahead of them this is painful come to me come to me come to papa where are you going oh okay okay where is where am i that's where i am i think why is he still going god get out wario hey that's what i'm talking about hey give me a one a there you go six all right all right i'm glad you're getting it instead of wario rotten bastard that's a compliment you got a star look they're using a pizza bone to keep that cheap jeep in place oh now we're in business now we're in business huh what items do we have for sale 10 coins for the golden pipe very interesting well i didn't get any opportunities like this i would buy 10 of those i have over 100 coins oh my god if you get a third [Laughter] you spoke too soon put the star in front of me put this door in front of me please please put it in front of me there we go put it in front of me here it is i have 123 coins please takes first place and now put it one ahead of me [Laughter] okay hey you're gonna use your gold pipe and go over there this is crazy he's gonna get there before i even can classic mario party how many turns are left oh this is the last turn i don't even get to use my pipe oh my god i get zero stars that's it it's over oreo in the elevator i got nothing give me a star give me a star out of here if you're lucky you might get a star wait let me use that right now please i can't late [Music] seven [ __ ] peach who's gonna win between me and why are you you'll win final mini game oh my god skateboard win do the skateboard win don't wake wiggler trike harder like for babies i don't like mad why do you pedal you have to oh [ __ ] [Music] whatever i don't get this here we go we got this already go go go go go go go go [Music] wait it's still going yeah how does that even work i almost got a heart attack trying to do some crazy moves that's it god i've known i have none the sun is set on your adventure in paradise i can't wait to see who went out i'll kick things off by announcing the bonuses each bonus comes with a star first bonuses buddy bonus the buddy bonus goes to the player who ended up with just the right ally what does that mean peach what the [ __ ] she had luigi she gets a star and i don't she did nothing the whole time she gets a star and i don't the second bonus is unlucky bonus that's me that's me that's gotta be jason give me the star hey everyone but me [Music] that sounds good i'm just the one who won all the games that got on the coins you're too lucky with that out of the way there's no coin star they took out coin star there's no coin i get nothing i've literally last flights goomba wins goomba wins goomba wins i did it i did it at least i'm not getting [ __ ] eaten by a giant fish in the background this time oh fourth place i'm on my back dying i suck at the graph what the [ __ ] that's a horrible graph game that's how you know you failed look at your own graph look at the crap enjoy jack google basis there's no like coin star or like mini game star or like you don't like mario party that sucks food that's how you know it's mario that was wrong oh yeah the gamblers the gamblers the people who bought for you one the believers they said you were going to win well it looked like i should have kind of no no they knew they knew who would choose what are we doing let's play another one let's play another one just a default mode yeah let's do like a normal game again and pick a different map okay something cool too they're saying do river survival all right what's this tamagotchi i'm so mad oh you can play online oh no don't do that don't do that i have a bad feeling it'll probably like disconnect us in the middle of the game or something towards rec room that's back here rosalina roberto [Music] well he's very powerful but look at these giants how do we get gems i don't even know how you swap your character i think you do it once you like start a game i saw the thing okay oh we're gonna knock something party points what can we have a party mario party advice you have a party in this game i can unlock advice oh get the advice that's by the navigating the board advice what an ancient jungle ruin moms won't let you through unless you pay but if you do they're unusually nice watch out for the event space in the high road landing there will trigger a boulder trip wow this is good advice let's see what the fruit advice was you can use the color-coded pipes to warp around don't get stuck on the sand bridge when it collapses once both big sparklers are lit whoever ignited the second one will get a star wow let's try that no way don't go wins again how do i i want to be a different character choose the side of the raft i'm on the right side why are wario and peach still here who invited them i want to rap with just jason don't worry i'm peach in here this is where donkey kong moves oh oh this makes you want to go to disney i want to go on a i want to go on a splash mountain ride hello rafters yes no yes i know what to do what everybody knows the rules yep oh no damn it [Music] when the clock runs out tap the all balloon i get it he doesn't know how to row a boat jason doesn't get how you do rowing we played like the throwing minigame once and he fell out of the boat [Laughter] wait how do you feel oh yeah oh yeah i don't know how looking like so much paddling stupid piece look at my mario they're not paddling look at them pedal they're not pedaling like us [Laughter] we gotta win i'm gonna pedal all the way right away run away don't paddle here get the balloon get the balloon carry the cart to the finish line watch out for piranha plants all right i'm ready oh god all four of us have to control it yeah right we can do this mario and peter gonna [ __ ] this up for us okay we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it kicking it with a dunk are we gonna take a slow go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go through the middle right through the middle through the middle through the middle boom oh damn that was like nearly flawless s rank clear s rank high five babe you don't have five members i don't know how to oh go go let's go down the left path oh this is just one player you should just stay in the middle that way that way you're right your way there we go fetch quest let's play i want to do a fetch quest oh my god this reminds me of that old neopets game i'm lost oh good thinking where are you good thinking peach okay why you can get off the button now all right we get it we get it we gotta make the robots go in the buttons like that they'll never know how to find the gems i'll go to the right you go left hey he's just chucked me a gem [Music] what's going on over there we're all done over here go [Music] we're gonna win ready yeah now high five this time how are you doing i didn't know how to do it i just waved my arm around you high five that's not it's very specific okay here we go don't go don't go your way only me wow we just did a mini game oh i'm good at this one memory memory challenge okay i gotta get in close memory challenge find the cards that's gonna be a little tricky i would move some more even i easier i didn't look at them wow everyone got one but me oh we all have to get it we all have to get it holy crap okay okay all right we get it we get it use your elephant mind baby i'll try it seems a little tricky oh it shows you right okay i got this i got that got this i got this what i'll get the one that moved boom s-rank s-rank s-rank we go again go again clubs okay okay i'll get the top one i'll be the top one unless they move well they didn't move i swing yeah wow they made the ai pretty smart for this mode yeah oh again all right all right i got mine picked oh i'll get the one that moved whoa i'll get this one shrink s-ring we just have to get this one again just one more impossible impossible to do it again we've done the impossible every time oh it switched to all the hearts oh s-rank we are so smart ready yeah wait ready to paddle oh high five i didn't even do it i don't know how it worked he refuses to give him a high five i just don't understand how you do it oh which way oh let's go to the let's go to the waterfall the right water the waterfall okay waterfall waterfall waterfall waterfall here we go oh no we're going down a while we're going down that was so cute we did a high five with our oars that was so heck in the dorms going to boost the boost boost oh my god this is flawless we're good happens many balloons as you can what oh you gotta crank your crank what's the point of that i just blew them away from the balloons well don't do that i couldn't see the balloons above okay what even is this you can only blow him when there's no balloon what is that see week week week what's the strategy there freaking oh wait here's another toad there's another two oh you have to blow them further this time oh boom [Music] boom there you go give us another toad give us another time one more time just give me one more toe this one there we go there we are good job wario good job boom all right all right okay get this just right it's an asteroid oh it's okay ask me give us one more toe yeah we won the cards we got s-rank we've got mass on everything except one i think you're just pretending to know how to do the high five um i think you're just pretending i played final fantasy 7 no it looks like you're just pretending you know how to do the high five that's why you can't explain it to me how to do it do a high-fiving motion but you've done it differently every time i've been looking at you pass around the ball sort of fun it's only sort of fun give me the ball that's sort of fun this is sort of fun whoever made the names for these did not like these they really were not liking this game all right we get it we get it start we're getting an s-rank on this for sure this is like one of those games they give to little baby toddlers okay okay soccer ball what is the ball that's in my cup what is that ikea ball that's an ikea ball rugby hand me all the ikea balls please that's actually a beaver ball come on we got to hurry up monty moley is so cute no no no no [ __ ] no [Music] absolutely not no no not that way why are you rolling you're on the wrong side to be rolling for that [Laughter] he brought a camera oh why where the camera get in the photo where the [ __ ] is he he took a picture oh this is so cute we have [Laughter] that one [Laughter] this moment is crazy it's not really [Music] get that balloon yeah s shrink hold vertically boomerang hey that's pretty cool what's his name again what are these enemies milton milton oh [ __ ] come on line up no i'm missing every hit don't miss it i'm missing every hit i'm missing so you can't you did better than me i only got 11. wait no you got better than 11. ready you got 20. ready yeah i'm five come on i turned the high five poor monty mole was looking around he's looking around the time slap some skin we want more time on the clock this time is never ending no we need enough time to get to the end jump off the turbo you got to beat the game you running that just was just infinite i thought this was infinite no you run out of time well like there's no end though there's just like oh there isn't him no [ __ ] this is a [Music] [Music] you rowing like tragedy this is how you roll this is how you wrote i wish i had a video of you in that one rowing game we did that was so funny i fell off yeah you rolled off the slide you were just like there was some temps yeah we were in like a white water rafting simulator and they gave us little oars to paddle with first and he was rolled off the side you fell off the phone that was a crazy game penguins penguin pushers oh my god that's those baby penguins oh you gotta spook them into the zone that's so cute come on penguins okay babe i have a strategy you roll them at the edge and then i push them in yeah okay see what i mean that's so cute it's the penguin from mario 64. look at this okay roll them on the edge mario where are you going with those go the wrong way mario's trying to take him to his restaurant there we go this is a restaurant get in there get in there our x-rank our beautiful ass frank get him get him in no get that penguin get that goddamn penguin get in there you ass you ass move it we did it we are so good at tomorrow we are so good barn party this is like a party oh blooper pooper i love this oh no come on no it's not it's like a fun mini game don't hit your controller this will be fun bloopers awesome look high five jason i did it oh no there's bloopers in the water oh no this way sucks this is a scam is in the water you pick the super way no no no not that way not that way you're rowing towards [Music] balloon let's get the balloon look at the balloon no this is some bloopers no we're running out of time we're running out of time we're running out of juice yeah this isn't gex b this is gex is miss b the way who named these these are the worst names this must be the way excuse me what how did you fall [Music] let's see you go look at your skinny little trail all right you're good you're good i make this i make this the edges were a little slippery look at how complicated the path is well peach is a robot she can just go don't say that i showed myself oh [ __ ] look at my path babe don't you fall in it i mean what is this [Music] it's super slippery it's not slippery at all yeah it was your path was easier than that monty molds big feet he's blind and he has big feet that's right s rank when you're good you're good thank you thresh chickens oh it's thrash hey thrash what's up don't hit the movement balloon no no no moving shoot your shoot your way shoot your way shoot your watch show you okay this is never gonna end we're never losing catch the fish net worth these are not funny titles for children mine's not working we have to raise at the same time i think like look mine's not even working okay we mastered [Music] what are we thinking kamik our cheap sheep gimmick he's funny he's so funny i think this is the last stretch oh yeah let's see in the top right oh there's a map i thought that was just a weird little symbol [Laughter] the camera's curse oh oh that was a good curse gave him a speed boost thing good job kamik more run you're just helping us get up there get up there if a swoop catches you it'll take you back to the fireplace excuse me what are we doing hiding these candles well i'm so good for you don't get attacked by a swoop oh it's dead what the [ __ ] what where are the unlit candles already i've even have no clue what what is happening there this is spooky i like this song it's horrifying it's never been done that fast high five high five for that high five ow ow why'd you do it so you did you did too i didn't you used your elephant strengths and now i have elephant strength [Music] [Music] damn no wait that way oh he changed it he changed it on us at first it was over there middle middle and then there all right oh we did it finish line we won we won now we're out in the open c we're the number one ranked team of the world what's our price for that i bet we get a big price for that we did it we did it that must be a huge prize i'm thinking it's never been done it's never been done ss rank oh babe look at the picture of us i remembered it look at mario's face [Music] that was the picture oh oh oh my god you can't even see she's waving at the camera peach is completely black wait that reminds me of that photo we took at the cars ride and the guy in front of us put his arms up and he perfectly blocked both of our faces remember that there was some random guy in front of us he put up his two hands and blocked both me and jason's face i live in the cars ride what did we get for that did we get mega we got like a million dollars oh we can buy a lot of advice with that i'm switching the donkey kong i don't have donkey kong yet what do we gotta do to get donkey kong how are they gonna give us freaking all of these hammer bro and not donkey kong all right who should i be i want to be bowser jr dang should i be shy guy or waluigi why would you look creepy in that is he always that creepy look how he's bouncing he likes the music but like see how his buttons on his overalls are moving how does his body move that [Music] i don't like how waluigi is moving yoshi wait why are we high-fiving we're enemies right well we could be down a team all right do you know about secret styles what oh you can play a modern one switch to do something that's crazy is this fun is soundstage good who's the ultimate performer oh that sounds like a rhythm game that sounds fun they said yes yes damn let's try this one all right it's friday night funkin it's friday night [Music] make sure you don't bump into anyone around you hold on how are we gonna stand make sure you don't bump into anyone around you yeah right back at you bumper bumper i think it's gonna hit me wait do you for real need to stand up is it gonna do motion control oh this is a storyline well no fair i'm so little and short you're tall and lanky this is my concert what is happening here all of our friends are here all right here we go are those oh they got glow sticks what are they shy guys i don't know i couldn't see them should we stand up hello cincinnati what are we doing start what are we doing okay god i'm gonna fail this so much oh what wisconsin cheese why are they all on different beats oh whoa what was that whoa what how did you hit that that was just yeah now we get a merch why don't we have to stand up for this this is a scam to get you to stand up i think i keep tripping or something jason is like trying to march you can't see your feet then i can't jason's getting his exercise he's doing ring fit you're getting so many points it's working jason has so many points what are you even doing you how does this thing work it's not working for me father jr is just freaking flinging his feet around how do you do this thank you thank you everybody thank you for coming out for the reigns oh i'm better at this i'm better at this i'm better at this that's me hear me yeah wow yeah look at me i'm in front i'm in front every time it says early go my horsey good at riding a horse i was a runaway horse there at the end what's the point of this is this that was cool yeah that was cool so the marching one who's in the audience oh it's a bunch of little toads yeah ah look at me go look at me go oh i was good at marching right stop here stop here no encore oh they were towed all right let's try to play one more normal mario party all right let's do the first let's do that one right it says this like 60 minutes really i don't think it did let's take like 20 minutes yeah [Music] that's probably the four players i don't know wait did this say 10 turns didn't the old minimum used to be 15 i don't know how do i set it to 60 why what you would always do six feet everybody would just want to set it to 60. some sick man would always say 60 and then you'd have you came back down exactly dang it i'm last place last place bowser jr there are five coins as a present oh oh what are people saying who's gonna win now remember guys i won last time so i am very skilled at this game it's a skill based game yeah but remember how i got all the coins last time and then i'm not gonna blame anyone for voting for jason this seems to be the better you are at the mini games the more you're gonna lose go waluigi now what does the waluigi block do oh it just skips oh i'll just do that what what do you mean it's incredibly powerful what it skips one seven sure how many of those do you get is it just infinite because i think so it's just infinite that's crazy uh that's right hey this i'm gonna win already yeah you went super far what the heck she got six today everybody who voted for me he's getting some big money tonight it's a little premature maybe i'll go for the last place strategy this time because now we know the last place person just gets a free star what what i'm oh my god is she gonna have that for the whole game [ __ ] [ __ ] he doesn't want to go on an adventure with him how is oh my god the koopa troopa koopa trooper hates daisy it's known that he hates her they make the plump noise that is how terrible bowser juniors is one one one very risky but it could be a nine well that's just like the koopa block the worse he's extremely risky um do i have a choice coins this way womp tall three coins i'm thinking via the map where's the star at oh it's up that way okay that means just just go this way but now between this [Music] i wanted a golden mushroom holy crap i mean there's like i'm right i'm right i'm ready i'm ready i need to go you weren't hitting the couch no i know i was just counting my head and i didn't do the thing okay i'm right i'm right i'm right i'm right [Music] really but i said third i said 29 and you said 30. i said 29. oh i thought it's a 30 bite by know you genie says we can count we can even count better than a computer yeah we're like a human calculator yeah we got more than a human wait one of the spaces on yours is to lose three coins [Music] oh my god they gotta make those costs of 30 again 10 is not enough i'm gonna steal that star from you no don't steal my star i'll be stealing that soon enough you can't stop to prediction she's not throwing i'm just insanely good at it [Music] i'm really good at this game it's a skill game oh she gets that one oh she doesn't have enough money oh she's dumb she's dumb she has no money wait how'd she get over there i need to get over there well she can't buy that either she's poor [Laughter] [Music] why does he go that way oh he's going for the treasure big treasure oh crap what's the treasure dude it's probably like three stars in there has anybody ever played mario party single player i'm gonna use my item i've played it single player really yeah i played it a lot um the first one and i liked to do the shy guy like crank up the shy guy with the joystick you know you know how you could like crank up the joystick to make the shy little shy guy fly around i was always trying to do that okay wow a lot of people said yeah they did yeah it's fun there was a game boy one oh the gameboy advance yeah i almost played that on my stream but i didn't oh i get one oh i get an airline oh my god wow oh no he's evil oh no not blue the ds one had story mode lord bowser jr oh no not this [ __ ] i'm an evil team not this oh wait he's your ally he's gonna give me minus two coins all the time why is she here don't wake wiggler that sounds fun candy shake down look at the candy huh why does it say hit that button shake that candy shake the candy get out of your damn candy the last ones won't come out get out of there all right i get it i'll put these damn starbursts in here oh and waluigi you pick him he goes this is so so cute this is adorable get out of here shake that candy up shake that get that candies out of there get out of there get out of there get out of there will you get out of there will you get out of there come on get get that [ __ ] out of there get that [ __ ] out of there yeah oh come on come on will you get that out of there yoshi this is too big to go down the hall [ __ ] put this big ass mike in here [ __ ] yoshi you put that [ __ ] in my jar you dino bastard yoshi those in our jars it was too big oh my god i only got two coins for that that's okay i'm counting on some random events if you know what i mean i'm thinking i'm gonna come ahead in some kind of random events here oh the blue route is for stars it's for coins that's a toad tip how do you see the blue room i don't see it it's a really good toe tip what's the cloud that's lacking two here be over space that sounds like pirates i'm going to pirate oh my god this skin oh my god oh no oh no [Music] what if i get second place do i get money my money all my money oh my god all my money okay i just have to not pop my balloon i just have to not pop my balloon i don't feel one i don't feel anything i never rumbled wait why didn't you get mine never i didn't know i thought we were doing the balloon one i just hit it right away that was a fail i just hit the button right away that was a fail right away and i never hit them i thought it was a balloon that was such a fail [Music] oh don't give her that she's on the money pit with the star the stars on the money pit i have no money you have to go to the blue zone he's still getting more treasure he wrote the zero treasure he rolled a zero what the hell yoshi is hacking okay here i go let's see if i lose my other two coins because of boo oh i don't have to use it i see okay it's just in a normal block one [Music] precision gardening no didn't we do this one snake the most coins excuse me oh that's bomb well there's no way to know what's coming up this is random you got a time i get a time all right let's start skill it's a highly skilled one [ __ ] [ __ ] my money [ __ ] she's just gotten one coin or the bomb [ __ ] finish already wait i won i got three bombs in a row you said it was a skill game how did you manage to get three bombs that is skill that is very skillful he's still first place though oh you bastard let me through big rap bastard man i have a poison shroom i can poison you guys don't poison me i wonder if the stars the bonus stars at the end are the same every time what do you think no they're different i hope i get a star for having a having boo as my buddy there should be a star for mosh bombs dropped i don't care oh those bumps in that one video game uh oh he's getting the bad luck shoot him take his bones yeah is it me yoshi you idiot dang it i thought i was last place yoshi you big dummy no [Music] yoshiyu here be a versus space oh a star for the most spaghetti consumed that's a good idea what did you do oh oh no babe look what you did why do i have such bad luck why don't i have such a bad luck i had to go all the way to the beginning of that thing i was trying to walk along i'm never going to get out of that row oh wait quickly i'm going to wake him don't petting wiggler earns you points [Music] don't wake up oh my god this is the cutest thing i've ever seen hey don't wake up i'm trying to fit that's all right yeah ready up wait the sound just got muted oh i think because my computer fell asleep hold on wait it's starting shoot oh jack weep donated one million dollars whoa thank you for a million dollars oh that's amazing come on wiggler get that pet on what that sounds funny i'm gonna pound yoshi is scared yo she's too scared to pet wiggler i'm not i pet him oh he's a [Applause] he won't wake up he sleeps with one eye open he's like gandalf if she's gonna wake him up wake him up yoshi oh come on what oh [ __ ] you're pissing him off you're pissing him off well why is he getting so pissed what's the deal with that how would you like making that you gotta know the tricks you gotta know the tricks twice i was open you gotta know the tricks yoshi is the one oh yoshi never even yo she only put him like three times hey [Music] he who pets first has an advantage i'm last place luigi sounds like the alien for mars attacks that's scary poison [Music] oh parker stole a million he's stealing a million dollars from us he stole a million dollars from the stream what a sick man what a sick man what's he gonna do with that million dollars don't black me you bastard man ten what the hell oh no no she didn't get it ha minus 2. you ain't going nowhere actually she's getting the star she gets another ally wait can you get two another it replaces it replaces the old one what is the hammer bros voice yoho i think she's got two allies she's about to get a star too oh we got a million back and a hundred robux yes i'm gonna use those robux to buy it to buy a trumpet oh he got monty t-mo is your man monty ball is one of the best characters i'm noticing oh bill gates just came in babe oh bill he gave us 1 billion thanks bill keep it up bill keep sending the billions bill thanks for the cool billion we'll take all your extra billions going to red lobster tonight i get another ooh shy guy that's a cool one oh my god are you gonna only roll up a zero or a four that's not that good except they named billion after boogies yeah they did lit potato lit potato we're gonna name um jeff bezos is gonna get a number named after them too i'm hearing word that um be so named the next number b bees on there they're saying bazillion now it's beezo near apparently beeson alien let's be so near i'm safe no don't do this again this was horrible on there hey shy guy that was my buddy i win was that shy yeah it is because there's boo and shy guy what the heck you have two i have two i don't know i like i got four coins i don't know how this works it's the allies you have to pay your army what i'm gonna paint them i'm bowser jr everyone works for me what the [ __ ] is it take me to fluttershy i don't have enough money though cute damn it i don't have enough too bad too bad damn give me that i guess where did all of your money go i don't have any oh you're locked oh here we go here we go boom a little item box looks like a burger box looks like a big mac box she has two allies you get a whole arm no she got a star dang i should have been building up my army oh put the next star by me but that means i'll be first place at the end she put it by me she actually put up on me oh my god i can go there that's actually where i'm headed they're saying via come back yep i'm feeling a big comeback up ahead i think i'm gonna do a comeback come back you've been first place wait what the hell taco friday thank you lou it's taco freddie today yo she's on the same block with me no he's gonna go get the star before me so many people are on that block [ __ ] [Music] [Music] use the power of your allies should i go for the big risk i gotta do it i gotta do the big rest no i gotta go for the risk i'm sorry you have to try it no come on you would have made it if you didn't risk it wait wait [Music] please [Music] [Laughter] is [Music] oh this is dumb this is so dumb how do you lose i don't know oh you can miss it's really hard but you can't miss you missed one it's not hard to miss i don't know why why you think it's hard to miss it's easy to miss oh this is kind yeah i didn't know if there was like a cool down on getting whacked damn hey you don't ever have five what you don't ever high-five your teammate why you were supposed to do it gave you two prompts oh sorry yeah yeah i don't do that [Laughter] i was too busy gloating about my win man once again i've got all the coins and nothing to show for it i ain't got nothing nothing luigi is on the dumbest man you know what lucky oh get a star give me a star give me a star that's not on there leah is toxic at mario party he is a savage what for what this is crazy what we have for the win dubsky don't scheme don't we eat burgers on taco friday no tacos on taco friday babe today is taco friday uh only for one more minute looks like it's about to turn no no no no tomorrow tomorrow the day that it's turning to is tackle actually i think tomorrow is like um what's something i like damn it's saturday yeah it's already over it's over look at yoshi look at yoshi gloating over his star laugh it up yoshi that should have been mine dino [ __ ] i actually got so unlucky on my roll it was like a one out of five chance that i would fail that and i failed i was wrapped i had like four out of five chance to succeed it and i failed that's crazy yeah i was robbed that's crazy i was robbed spawn in front of me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right there right in the space in front of me there we go ah and that's how you be good at mario party and that's how you be good at the game no don't do this you dumbass oh what does this do this is this this is balloon now i think my money no my money oh [ __ ] who's gonna pop their balloon this time i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared [Music] mine's bigger mine's totally bigger i don't think you need to be first place to win i just had to win enough money for the star oh i thought everyone else lost i don't know i might come across the board and win we're getting crazy i'm like you just kept blowing your balloon up even though you already were bigger than mine [Music] take my coins they're never doing good for me anyway yeah take them away look i'm egg my army oh look at her around me holy [ __ ] that's his mama that's his mama oh my god hello you have such a big army i have a giant army i'm getting a star for my giant army maybe there'll be a war at the end and then you'll win you it get over it get over it don't get bowled over growls that's called a growl i mastered this i mastered this yep boom let me get together the automatic held this for hostility happy babies fool's day that is very hostile hey i was laughing and missed the timing dang it that was hostile wait peach is still in it my army ah damn my army was keeping it the army fights in the game my army got me second what i didn't know the army came into the matches with you leah army the army fights in the games with you army is very powerful that's so powerful to get the army yeah but i have no stars ah let's see let's see if they'll predict that i'd be the winner thank you i'm hoping to get a prediction that i will win this so that i get a free golden pipe who will win in the end let's bring in the expert come on no no bring back oh here's the expert no bring maca two out what yes i have nothing to back that up apart from loyalty [Music] i'm gonna win wait no the last guy got a golden pipe and i just get this come on you might get a star yeah but the last guy's got a guaranteed star come on i have nothing to back that up except you guys heard him i'm gonna win i'm gonna win it this is all me yeah yeah yeah you're going to show everyone he showed every single space he's so cool watch this what should i do here [Music] not only do i get one i get two in one row no no no no the first time it's ever been done twelve twelve he wrote the twelve oh my god i'll take my first star no that starts coming right in front of me because i'm predicted to win yeah look how much money i have you can't get a lot of stars come on bring me that star bring it over to me move two to the right yes that's my zone that's my zone [ __ ] [ __ ] there it is that's my zone that's my zone how do i get up there with my giant army i'll be able to make it over there i can't wait don't even drive it don't even try wait you're not gonna try to poison me are you no no no you would try to poison me off of my one star for the whole game would you do that no no no are you sure that's not your plan yeah it sounds kind of like that is your plan you have seven coins you have three coins okay this is where lee is you don't have any money what are you doing over here you have no money the racism [Music] you ain't got no coins i'm more scared of daisy getting a thing right here can i get one star can i do it where is she going i got no money thank you nick good job yoshi how am i gonna get enough money now what oh my god if he gets a star right now he's getting a star he's totally just getting it he's getting a star he's getting a star out of nowhere what the hell no that's not fair thank you for beating you huh he's feeling you how he got a star when are you not listening to me yelling that he got a star just now no yeah he just got a start wow i was winning [ __ ] i'm supposed to win this oh is that the star thing now babe don't go too fast try to do go very slow don't go too fast or you'll get squashed what do i like here i kind of like the shy guy block that sounds like good odds thank you why should we get [Music] your army takes you really far though wait she's not there yet she's not there yet if i can land on the rollers square i can roll leah off of the thing literally anything's at zero i should have just done i should have counted it and done the normal dice block i'm so dumb i just didn't want to count i was like there's no way i'll hit a zero one out of six oh this is so painful this is so much pain to play this game this is i can't even hey i can do this my army will just water the flower for me oh the army does damn that would be so funny though how come it's not going like fast enough faster go go the slow turtle wins the race the slow turtle damn it that was going so fast luckily i watched these two bows out they're so slow come on you suck yoshi oh you got a new record that was cute do i win any money oh i got four i'm sorry that's not enough babe can i have some money jason doesn't have money for the star i could still get it me and my army [ __ ] the leah army could still [ __ ] [Music] no why would you do that i only need a one i only need to roll a one maybe you can get negative no that was evil you know i have nothing you know i have nothing in this game maybe you'll go backwards why'd she get a star dang it too late on those coins though oh no daisy's gonna pay to fly over to me and she's gonna win it daisy's army is as big as mine what she chose don't pay oh she only has eight coins don't punch me this is a race for the star over here everyone's piling up everybody's piled up there i think leah gets it it'll be nice to get one star once in one mario party game but i'm not counting on it the music so intense [Music] [Music] all i need to do is not get less than two okay that's fine my army will save me i could have stopped oh my god i gotta start the leaf army we're in the running [Music] wait that's so good for me what if it puts it right in front of me they're going crazy they love it when i made my big comeback they live this big come back whenever i win it's no no no [Music] then once leah starts winning everybody starts going crazy that's not true hey look it's lika too hey no hey don't do that hey look babe always remember that yo she is hey look always remember that yoshi is evil too don't pick me don't pick me jason poisoned [Music] so really it was love [Music] give that back [Music] this is [ __ ] now she's winning this is [ __ ] sorry then you shouldn't have poisoned me i really wouldn't have done it if you didn't play i should have put mine poison in that mushroom more poison look i got a fly guy what what does that do it steals an item steal some other stars wait why am i don't want to be versus everyone let's get it yeah throw stuff don't get me i'm innocent the whole game i was just getting hit by a domino ball and the freaking everything hit me the whole game stop it get here she's too good the [Laughter] [Music] didn't even hit winner once this is bull crap this is [ __ ] oh i got some coins now she has all the stars and all the coins and she stole a star from me her own husband that's how we do it in the leah army it's only because you poisoned me that's the only reason i was like okay i can do i could take a star he poisoned me that's the only reason i'll come back you could come back anything can happen it's mario party everybody thinks i'm out of the game for good i think you're still in it what is that all right dang it i was so i was doing so good that's how mario party goes did some kind of trick you questioned me i was on this back path of the map the whole game finally a star was in front of me and you trying to poison it off oh does she have money to do star oh no she doesn't no no no no no no no no no no not my mom no not my father no that's it [Music] she only took seven okay oh i should go there and steal back my star what don't do that i like winning let me oh she's gonna pick me no no no no no no these are targeted attacks no get baby mouse she just took 17 coins for me on that turn holy [ __ ] oh he's gonna get a star wait he can't he can't get through the swamp with enough money oh good he doesn't have enough money look at him he doesn't know he's too dumb he's too dumb to count this guy's a big dummy love you dunk thank you all right how does the leah army making it over there on one turn you can you have so many airways i don't think i can make it that far i look there's a lump in if every ally rolls a six you'll make it wait what are my options go this way i go if i move that swamp the way that i go doesn't even lead me anywhere it's just a little loop look it just goes like oh my gosh i think i just go down i don't i can't get over there dang it but i do have an item steel [Music] please steal so much in this game steal steal [Music] but what do you give 17 coins i gave 17 coins listen i'm just daisy is just pissing me off last time gotta take back a little can you guys believe that you stole my star i was so everybody was so saying that i was winning then the thwomp came in and said leo will win and then things started going a different way i think i deserve oh it says that's a slight shortcut did you see what it says shop is this the last turn yeah yeah it is so if i go to the shop it doesn't really can't even use the ship i don't think all right i'm gonna count out one two three four five six mario is like no an ally way over one two three four five six that would land me on the extra bad luck oh god you only have five no i have sex don't try to trick me oh yeah don't try to trick me now and to go into the bad luck space oh my god you get another airline oh my god lilia army yes luigi luigi's little leah army what the heck is that try not to scare him off oh my god the leah army is massive i'm in fourth place i was at the top i was at the top of the world now i'm at the bottom of it you gotta prove yourself in gridiron gauntlet oh i what is this oh my god football players oh this one is fun super mario brothers okay this is hopefully my army will come in again and save me or something oh my god i'm gonna get body blocked by jason he's hovering near me so he can push me hey why is yoshi back oh [ __ ] i'm okay i'm okay oh look we did so good together aren't you happy we both won i want my star back maybe you're going to get announced a star right now i kind of hope i get a star for my army that was one for the books you could feel the history in every step come on baby come on come on most waluigi's in party oh what the hell what the hell [Music] oh my god they recognize the powerful army this love puck who's a slowpoke here yoshi damn it for jason that's it that's it two stars it's gotta be me i think i won [Music] mario party this is a miracle this is a miracle this is a once-in-a-lifetime i never win mario party oh yeah oh yeah look at me go oh yeah hang up the graph look at me i went up like a rocket ship look at me i was in last the whole time and then it should have ended at eight it should be eight turns this would be a perfectly balanced game if it was eight turns come on aren't you a little happy for me yeah it might come back at least yoshi or daisy didn't win not really well you took you had to zap it from me that's when you still won the one if you had one extra star yeah that's true [Laughter] thank you thank you everyone who believed in the army truly a historic win good night everybody i'm heading out i'm leaving i'm rolling away see you guys later yes i think she might have cheated hmm trying to get the thing off this controller all right thanks for watching everybody thank you deku tree so i gotta win in leah won the real one but we both made it to the end of the river it was a big day it was a historic day for mario party i'll see you guys next time goodbye bye bye wait where's fat luigi bye bye bye
Channel: videogamedunkey VODS
Views: 23,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4lkj4r4ay0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 23sec (9743 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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