Dunk Tank Game with Bug's Family

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[Music] hey guys today we're going to be doing the dun dun challenge ethan will be here to join us i'm here to earn some money the last person to get dunk will win 100 papa can you explain the rules of the game okay guys each person has to spin the mystery wheel to see what kind of ingredients she'll get dunk and swim in [Applause] if you're safe no one gets a donkey the last person that gets dumped wins the game now let's roll the dice to see who goes first i hope it's not me [Music] okay guys it's my turn let's see what i'm gonna get five oh my gosh i'm going to go first okay time to spin marshmallow now we're going to dunk bug in all this marshmallows i wonder what's going on it's going to look like huh okay let's split it up what do you think why don't you get dunked in the market [Applause] oh my gosh how about you want to open this check this out we got cake marshmallow [Applause] okay it's my turn now you're sweet marshmallow marshmallow baby it's my turn oh my god wow [Applause] [Applause] [Music] looks like we're gonna have cereal for breakfast huh or for lunch it's raining corn flakes okay get ready to make a drop go go [Music] okay [Music] i guess it's my turn [Music] it's there's a big [Music] you're spoon some on my face it's the biggest cereal we're making this is disgusting i love milk wow this is the breakfast of champions [Music] did okay it's not a turn please do it go in here [Applause] i wonder what i'm gonna get oh oh i got strawberries and this is healthy okay what's the strawberry strawberries i thought it's real strawberry it's just food coloring yes oh my god it's red well then bad choice then bad choice ah i wanna live go go almost save wait ugh [Music] i think i have to submerge myself under all this sweet stuff [Music] no you and nana will compete who gets the 100.00 [Applause] you go first [Music] can do it okay [Music] [Music] yes thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Little Big Toys
Views: 78,777,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: little big toys, little big toys challenge, bug little big toys, dunk tank, dunk tank challenge, kids activities, family fun games, family games, water games for kids, water games for family
Id: YkE6DZmv03w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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