Amazing Room for Bug's Pregnant Dog !!!

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good morning guys today i'm so excited because i'm going to be bringing sequin to the vet because she's pregnant can you believe it i can't and guess what she's going to give birth on december 25. that's christmas day oh my gosh this is the best christmas present ever i'm going to be bringing sequin to the vets [Music] we're here at the bed to give speakers [Music] 3.3 kilos this is the place where the dogs have to stay here overnight because they're very sick one is snoring he's snoring i didn't know he's this dog is only allowed someone because she has allergies [Music] [Music] [Music] is this is so exciting merry christmas for me my next plan is to buy stuff for sequence nursery [Music] we need training cats so they won't be all over my room [Music] here i like one big clock and one small we need this for their food [Music] like a drain they pee there in the drain their toilet sets yeah this is actually nice but papa said that he's going to be making a nicer one and bigger one for my puppies so i'm not going to buy it [Music] i'm back home again ready to fix sequence nursery area this is secret's nursery room it we just covered it with pink wallpaper hey bug the paint is already dry it's ready for sequin now wow papa thanks yeah let's put it over here i love it so much it looks so pretty it even has a drawer to put all my puppy things to make it look even better i'm going to add a canopy and the toys i bought [Music] now it's fixed i just need to hang this here now i'm going to add the rest of the puppy things i'll just put your blanket here i'm going to place these cute sweet peas right here and the pillows here sequin are you ready for your router one two three surprise come on sequin take a look in your new bed she's going straight to the crib i think she knows it's meant for her she's looking around to check if it's safe for her puppies is that safe enough for you [Music] oh my gosh she loves it guys look at her [Music] oh sequin loves his ngs too visitors [Music] just look at her tummy it's so big this will be a perfect place to raise your puppies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you guys for watching and stay tuned on christmas day bye
Channel: Little Big Toys
Views: 8,663,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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