Dune Movie 2021 FULL Breakdown Easter Eggs and Ending Explained

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Desert power. This is only the beginning. Welcome back everyone this is going to be  my dune breakdown video easter eggs i'll   talk about the ending and what's going on with the  franchise because obviously this is just part one   the movie itself felt like an amazing first  half of a season of television it would be   really weird if they did not do part two and give  us the rest of the story if you're brand new to   the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the  videos and big spoiler warning for everything   that happens during dune part one so you've all  seen a version of dune or you've read the books   but as you saw from this movie there are a lot  of differences between this the original movie   the dune mini series and even a few minor changes  from the books but this movie like dune part 1 in   2021 is trying to be much more accurate to the  books than previous iterations the dune mini   series from the early 2000s also did try to be  very accurate to the books which is why it was   much much longer and that's also the reason why  they decided to break the story of the first book   into two different movies why they say dune part  1 at the beginning of this film but one of the   first big changes one of the first big easter eggs  and references is at the beginning of the movie   instead of doing the thing that the last couple  of movies the miniseries have done opening with   the narration from the books they opted instead  to open with the sardocar speaking about dreams the special type of throat speaking  was a sarduakar speaking that message   dreams are messages from the deep the way they  use that phrase it means two different things   dreams are paul's visions and the deep as in  the deep desert the worms the spice is just   foreshadowing what's going to be happening  during part one him getting visions but it's   also about paul's ability to see the future and  also remember everything from the past through   genetic memory as part of his powers so not only  can he see potential futures he can also remember   everything that's ever happened so when the  sarduakar is saying dreams or messages from   the deep he's talking about deep as in the deep  past like the distant past he's getting messages   from the past in the phrase dreams are messages  from the deep is meant to be a metaphor for the   entire dune series not just for what's happening  in this first movie the idea that paul's going to   be influenced by the past and it will affect the  way that he uses his powers to lead humanity to   this better future that reverend mother mohammed  talked about so dreams as messages from the deep   is kind of meant to be a warning and a prophecy  at the same time for the entire dune series   like in future movies hopefully they wind  up making them children of dune god emperor   of dune messages from the deep takes a more  sinister connotation with other characters too   so that's why i say it's a metaphor for the  entire series not just for the stuff that's   happening in dune part 1. if you're a long time  fan of the book series you probably noticed a   lot of the production design language tried to  be much more accurate to original concept art   han zimmer did the music and the soundtrack was  amazing but the way they use different sounds   like the sound design of the movie in the  way they use that to tell the story is also   incredible the way they end things here is they  end just as paul is getting ready to join the   fremen and start to learn more of their customs  become one of them and then help train them to   become the most fearsome fighting force in the  universe teaching them the bene gesserit fighting   ways that he knows as well as teaching them the  secret house atreides fighting methods that makes   them so fearsome to the other forces like the  harkonnens like they talk about the atreides   being one of the most fearsome fighting forces  in the universe but then the sarduakar are like   hold my beer the idea being that when paul trains  them in the bene gesserit fighting techniques and   the house of tradie fighting techniques it makes  the fremen even better fighters than the sarduakar   but as you can see during some of the big fights  they have towards the end of the film once the   sardikar legions roll in even without the extra  fight training the fremen are still very fearsome   and able to kill most of the sarduakar but not  all of them there's also a really cool parallel   between the sorted car and the freman 2 because  the sardakar are also a pseudo-religious army of   zealots training in a similarly harsh environment  of salusa secundus even though we only visit there   briefly during the movie they want to show you  that it's incredibly harsh climate but in stark   contrast to the desert it's raining all the time  but seleucid secundus is basically the emperor's   prison planet all these sardocar that you see  strung up they're trained like this starting   around the age i think of like six or seven and  most of the people that enter training wind up   dying before the age of 11 or 12. their training  is so hardcore that the ones that do survive to   adulthood like these legions here are the most  fearsome fighters in the universe at least until   paul winds up training the fremen even more i  feel like this movie did a much better job of   hyping that up and getting that idea across than  the original dune movie or even the mini series   but what happens at the end here is that jessica  is able to one-up stilgar and even though he's   ready to give them sanctuary within their siege  jameis calls jessica out and paul has to fight for   her as her champion the knife that he's fighting  jamis with is a kris knife you see a couple of   them throughout the movie they're knives that are  fashioned from the teeth of the sand worms that's   why they call it the tooth of shyhalud the great  worm and the really cool thing that they did here   using paul's abilities is that jameis winds up  being the person in paul's recent visions that   he just had teaching him lessons about the desert  guiding him mentoring him even though paul winds   up being forced to kill him in the fight per the  freeman's customs so a lot of you ask how did   paul learn lessons through his visions through  his dreams of the future from jameis if jameis   died here in this fight there is no actual  time travel in the dune universe like nobody   physically travels backwards in time or forwards  in time paul's powers passed down to him through   his bloodline orchestrated by the bene gesserit  give him a measure of prescience when he's been   dreaming as rev mother mohammed explained to  him he's been dreaming versions of the future   but here's the thing paul can't predict the future  perfectly he told mohaim that not all the things   that he dreams wind up happening exactly as  he dreamed them that's why she gets so pissed   off with him and tells him i hope you live human  because your abilities have barely begun to awaken   if you remember the original movie that also plays  into that scene of the sleeper awakening paul   awakening his full powers but at this point in the  movie that hasn't happened yet so what's happening   here right before paul's fight with jameis is that  he's seeing a bunch of potential futures based   on actions that he's thinking about taking even  though they only show you some of his visions it's   implied that he has other visions all the time  as well so him having a vision of future jameis   teaching him the ways of the freeman was one of  the potential outcomes for this had he and jessica   acted differently during this encounter with  stillgar and the other fremen so it's implied that   in the timeline where jameis was alive to teach  him jameis had not challenged jessica or paul to   fight but he did obviously so the future changed  and paul was forced to kill him but paul was able   to benefit from the knowledge that he learned in  that potential timeline using his powers they'll   continue to play with this really cool concept in  the dune sequels paul viewing multiple potential   futures and having to deal with the problems that  comes with that ability because of the outcomes   of a bunch of different timelines are similar how  would you choose with paths to take which future   would you pursue it's a lot like doctor strange  during avengers infinity war with the time stone   he uses it to view 14 million different possible  timelines to find one where they're able to be   thanos for good in fines one so that's the path  they take side note too for all the marvel fans   out there yes josh brolin is playing guernie  halleck during the movie the war master of house   atreides he was thanos in the marvel universe  but the thing with paul atreides is that as a   potential kwisatz haderach his one job as ordained  by this whole bene gesserit breeding program   is to lead all of humanity on the golden path the  golden path is what the bene gesserit called their   concept of a perfect timeline like what is the  best timeline for humanity and they call that the   golden path so over thousands of years they try to  create this super being through a breeding program   they can see that perfect timeline and tell  everyone how to bring about those events   within the dunes series the term kwisatz haderach  literally translates to shortening of the way as   in finding a quicker way to a better future so  that's why they were trying to create this super   being i don't want to talk too much about the  story beyond dune part 2 because even though paul   does wind up drinking the water of life to fully  awaken his powers like we see during the original   dune movie the water of life being the bile of  the sand worms and it does amplify his powers   exponentially but dune part 2 if you haven't read  that first book or you never watched the original   movie is still very much focused on the immediate  problem the war between paul the freeman the   harkonnens and the emperor everything with paul  trying to reckon with the golden path timeline   doesn't really become a huge deal until the next  story after that children of dune god emperor of   dune and for the most part is actually paul's son  leto etredes ii who has to reckon with the golden   path and during the ending of dune part 1 during  this first movie they kind of foreshadow this paul   can see a version of the golden path this future  that the bene gesserit are looking for but during   this scene when they're in the tent paul starts  having this nightmare ranting about wars being   fought under his banner atrocities being committed  in his name all over the universe people being   slaughtered everywhere by his followers and it  frightens him he's horrified by it so in those   visions what he's seeing is one of the possible  iterations of the golden path timeline so he   actually becomes too afraid to pursue the golden  path himself he kind of runs from it because he   can't stand the thought of all this death and  destruction being done in his name like this   doesn't sound better this is worse if you've ever  heard anybody refer to the dune story as a warning   for the savior trope that's what they're talking  about and they really won't get into that till   the sequels i think till after dune part two like  if they make dune part four part five they do god   emperor of dune so that's why i say his son leto  atreides ii really has to deal with pursuing the   golden path and why paul isn't really the kwisatz  haderach that everyone thinks he is during the   dune movie or even dune part 2 it's really his son  who's the true kwitsats hattarak there's an easter   egg for that at the beginning of dune part 1. when  mohaim is coming to give him the test and jessica   kind of explains the whole concept of their  breeding program they say that we believe this   person that we're trying to create is very near  it's meant to be a bit of a misdirect because paul   is standing very near like oh he's meant to be  this powerful person but really it winds up being   his son to be this perfect being that they thought  they were creating but here's the thing mohaim   says that they have other irons in the fire like  if paul winds up dying we have other candidates   other prospects out there in the universe so  there are many other people who can have the   same type of powers to see potential futures and  have knowledge of the past but in most of these   other people the powers are much more limited  paul's sister for instance who's still a fetus   inside jessica's womb right now at the end of dune  part 1 also gains the same kind of powers when   jessica takes the water of life they cover some  of this during the original dune movie which was a   very different version of the dune book story and  kind of a speed run version of that first book   but talking about some of the other characters  about jason momoa's duncan idaho some of you   obviously know him as aquaman in the dc movies  or is khal drogo in a game of thrones universe   without letting the director know he actually  worked in the sly game of thrones easter egg for   one of these big fight scenes when the harkonnens  in the sarduakar are assaulting house of atreides   before he's taken off in the ship when they  filmed this scene jason mamoa had just watched   the game of thrones season eight finale and  because he played caldrogo during season one   and because of his character's relationship with  daenerys and his real-life friendship with emilia   clark while they were filming he dedicated his  fight to his khaleesi like he literally shouts   it out that fights for you khaleesi i just saw  the season finale of game of thrones last night but the other cool thing here you may  have realized duncan winds up dying   during the events of the film  trying to fight the sarda car   and like i said start a car at this point in  the story are still the most fearsome fighting   force in the universe so the fact that duncan  is able to go so long against them and kill so   many of them just shows you how badass  he is but jason mamoa is not permadead   he did die here this body is dead but in the dune  universe there's this cool form of cloning called   golas so golas are clones created from the cells  of a person who has died and even though within   the dune story it happens all over the universe  all the time the practice is kind of frowned upon   but when someone creates a gola they give it all  the memories of the original person using genetic   memory and a form of conditioning so creating  a gola clone is like creating a semi-perfect   backup of a person but gola duncan doesn't really  become a huge character until god emperor of dune   i believe so it's going to be a while before we  see him come back and what's happening here as   they're walking out into the desert with chani and  the rest of the foremen is they're getting ready   to climb on one of the backs of the worms and ride  it to the next siege in this scene of him staring   at her like she says this is only the beginning  and you sort of get this close up on her face is   meant to be a reference back to the visions that  he was having of her at the beginning of the movie   this moment in the future came to pass exactly  as it did during his dream it just at the time   he didn't understand what it meant and now he does  understand in fact a lot of the scenes of chaney   at the beginning of the movie where he's dreaming  her these attacks on the hearken and ships   that's stuff that's going to be happening in the  later movies like you see him dreaming himself in   the armor fighting the harkonnen troops so even at  the beginning of part one they're already showing   you scenes that are going to be happening during  part two but like i said the next big thing that's   going to be happening is paul learning the ways  of the fremen becoming one of them starting his   relationship with chaney then helping teach the  bene gesserit the house atreides secret fighting   techniques to the fremen to make them even more  powerful than the sardakar then paul orchestrating   his original plan that he had before everything  went down to cease all this hostility in the   universe between the harkonnen's, the emperor by  marrying the emperor's daughter princess arroulan   we haven't met her yet so i'm assuming they'll  introduce her in part two also introducing fayd   harkonnen because he's a pretty big character but  they don't feature him anywhere during part one   fayd is the baron's other nephew in rabban's  the beast's younger brother i don't know who   they've cast to play that character but they'll  probably announce it once they announce the sequel   the thing about fade is that the baron actually  views him as his true successor since the baron   himself doesn't have any children of his own that  he recognizes at this point in the story fate and   ruban are the children of the baron's brother who  i believe was actually ahead of him in the line   of succession but then abdicated his position so  the baron wound up inheriting his family's title   i don't want to get too far ahead of the story but  we'll also learn in part two about how the bene   gesserit manipulated the baron when he was younger  in service of their breeding program because the   baron does have children and grandchildren now  it's just that he doesn't know about them also   really cool detail too that they don't get into  in part one but you see the baron there he looks   kind of like this floating mass of flesh like  what happened to him because he actually used   to look kind of like fade when he was younger he  used to be this very beautiful looking man the   reason why he looks like this why his body just  degenerated into this lump of flesh is because   of something that reverend mother mohaym did to  him when he was younger as a form of revenge it   is all part of this grand breeding program of  theirs so we'll talk more about that when they   drop a trailer for dune part two hopefully they'll  announce that movie and we'll wind up seeing it   within the next couple of years but it's gonna  be a while obviously before they start making it   but if you have any big questions about the  story or any big twists or what's going on   just write them below in the comments and i'll try  to answer them in the comments marvel is releasing   the eternals movie really soon so i'll be doing a  bunch of videos for that make sure you have alerts   enabled so you don't miss anything everyone click  here for my new eternals doctor strange trailer   video and easter eggs and click here for my new  spiderman no way home trailer video and easter   eggs thank you so much for watching everyone  stay safe and i'll see you guys in the next one!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 733,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dune, Eternals Trailer, Emergency Awesome, Trailer, Dune Trailer, Dune Ending, eternals trailer, eternals, Eternals, Marvel, Spider-Man No Way Home Trailer, Spider Man No Way Home, Movies, Movie, Spiderman, spider-man no way home trailer, What If, Spider-Man No Way Home, Spider Man No Way Home Trailer, 2021, Avengers, Scene, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Netflix, spiderman, spider man no way home trailer, spider man no way home, Dune Part 2 Trailer, movie, movies
Id: oMXRWyow5Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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