ANDOR Episodes 1-3 Breakdown & Easter Eggs Explained

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star wars is officially back that's right for the first time since kenobi in june we are getting weekly content with andor disney dropped the first three episodes with more on the way over the next nine weeks each week we'll be here to give you our thoughts and reactions as well as pointing out some cool tidbits you may have missed with it being a three-episodic premiere we have plenty to go over today first we'll get into some general thoughts and first impressions then we'll deep dive into each episode in a more spoiler-heavy manner and wrap it up with some easter eggs let's get going red squadron i've made it very public in the early days of this channel that i was really looking forward to this series we're getting a more grounded and fleshed out story centered around one of the main characters in rogue one easily my favorite movie since disney purchased the rights to star wars cassian andor doesn't come with the nostalgia baggage of a boba fett or obi-wan kenobi it's going to be so refreshing scrolling on star wars twitter and not wanting to rip my eyes out after an episode i'm surprised to be sure but a welcome one anyways if you told me that andor wasn't a part of the star wars universe i'd honestly believe you aside from cassie and andor and a couple of mentions of the empire and republic this show could pass as a sci-fi spy show from a completely different universe it feels different from any star wars we've ever seen before and i like that the earlier reviews you may have seen online were not wrong and or is gritty grounded down to earth and much more mature the two season format with 12 episodes each is going to allow it to be much more character-driven than what we've been given recently the acting was stellar diego luna really knocked it out of the park once again other standouts were undoubtedly adriarjona stellen skarsgard and probably my favorite so far kyle solar most of what was shown in the trailers and tv spots leading up to the premiere was present in these first three episodes however there is still a lot we haven't seen yet mon mothma saw gerrera those phase two clones or any of the larger empire for that matter this show is not going to be an easter egg or cameo fest like the mandalorian or the book of boba fett it's clear that this will be a much more self-contained story sure director kranik is probably a safe bet i wouldn't be surprised if we see a bell or ghana galen urso or even grand moff tarkin but i really don't think we're getting a darth vader hell i'd be surprised if we even see a lightsaber and honestly that's a good thing this show is going to do wonders for world building and showing the rough and gritty early days of the rebellion before they were blowing up death stars it's new it's fresh and it's something i've wanted disney to do with the ip for years anyways i think it's time to dive into each of these episodes spoilers are ahead you've been warned diving into episode 1 we start on the planet of morlano 1 a brand new world to the star wars galaxy it's five years before the battle of yavin and the events of rogue one and a new hope we know the series will take place over those entire five years the first season will reportedly be over the span of one year with the second season taking place over the four before rogue one we see cassian andor walking through a rainy street his hood is up to keep a low profile and probably honestly to keep himself dry he heads into a brothel in search of his sister who we have not met before one of the women who work at the establishment tells cassian a woman from qunari which we learn is his homeworld this will play into the story later on used to work there then a couple of drunken goons start giving cassian a hard time the goons turn out to be pretty low level imperial sentry officers like really low level there doesn't even seem to be a stormtrooper or anything close to that present on the planet they harass cassian outside and in a tussle he accidentally kills one before shooting the other on purpose certainly not a far cry from the andor we see at the beginning of rogue one when he shoots one of his rebel allies cassian then flees the planet and heads to ferrix where he'll spend the remainder of these first few episodes we meet cassian's og droid buddy before he gets k2so this adorable little shopvac looking cube called b2emo that is often just referred to as b then we get our first of many flashback scenes which we're probably getting a ton of throughout the series given cassian's throwaway line in rogue one however cassian does look much older than six years old i'd put him at least ten over the three episodes we get several of these scenes we see cassian on his home planet of qunari which features a massive mining facility he seems to be a part of a more primitive village of kids almost like a lord of the flies vibe going on here none of the characters speak english and there are no subtitles meaning we can only infer what they're saying young cassian interacts with a girl who we must assume is his sister she refers to cassian as casa maybe this is his actual birth name they look to the sky to see a ship crash land off in the distance which turns out to be a republic ship that has left a lot of fans confused we'll get into that when we talk easter eggs later on but a republic officer kills one of cassian's fellow villagers before they deal with him via a few blow darts cassian then heads into the ship alone to explore and gets freaked out by his own reflection he's found by a pair of characters that we can assume are scrappers they subdue cassian and flee since the republic is reportedly on their way to be clear that's all spaced out over those three episodes it just kind of made sense to get that all out of the way at once back to the present time we meet kyle solder's character cyril karn i would describe him as the dwight schrute of the empire dude really buys into the propaganda and will clearly do whatever he can to climb the ranks of the already 15 year old regime his superior officer tells him not to pursue the case of who killed the officers but he obviously does anyways cassian goes to one of his allies bix colleen who almost comes off like an ex-girlfriend and tells her he has a piece of imperial equipment a ns9 star path unit upon further research this is a navigation instrument used to see imperial spaceships within a range of nine parsecs pretty useful cassian wants to sell the item and fast so he can lose any potential heat with the empire we also meet mix his partner tim who's definitely not too fond of cassian and has no idea his girlfriend smuggles goods off world cassian continues on with trying to cover his tracks running into someone he owes money to and unsuccessfully trying to secure a ship this pretty much brings us into episode 2 territory which was less eventful than the first but still pretty solid we meet cassian's adoptive mother and find out that a warrant has been placed for his arrest specifically for a canary born male who lives on ferrix from this we learned that his actual home world being qunari is a close kept secret that few are aware of even his identification says he was born on fest cassian meets up with bix again who says the buyer will be there in the morning he is however now apprehensive given the warrant tim observes them from afar and decides to report cassian to the empire the empire is stumped by his home world coming up as fest but after getting an image and confirming with the woman from the brothel they prepare to mobilize for much of the episode andors buyer who is revealed to be lutheran rail arrives on ferrix now getting into episode 3 and probably the strongest so far at least in my opinion the imperial officers show up and begin to search for cassian on ferrix they head to his mothers and tear the place apart even interrogating b raiders cassian tries to contact him cassian meets luthen at an abandoned warehouse of some sort and they begin negotiating casting explains how he stole the device saying the secret is just to walk in like you own the place that the empire has become so fat and satisfied that they don't think someone would be bold enough to even try something like that as the talks continue lutheran admits to knowing a lot more about cassian than he realized even knowing how his father was hung cassian doesn't like this tensions rise and he gets the sense luthen might be an imperial spy and draws a blaster on him before things escalate any further between the two the officers arrive at the building a shootout erupts with some really cool set pieces that were hanging from the ceiling coming into play lutheran sets off some charges that he had set up prior to the meeting and they escaped through a tunnel however the star path unit was lost in the mayhem after a further shootout cassian and luther and riga speed her up as a bomb and make it to lutheran ship to head off world cyril is left to watch a group of his officers die and i think his character is headed in one of two directions either he's conflicted and may end up on cassie inside before long or he's gonna double down in his efforts and continue to lead the opposition he'll probably get some backlash from his superior officer too since you know he kind of disobeyed orders either way he was definitely the standout actor now let's get into a few of the easter eggs we picked up on first of all those republic officers from the flashback scene are really confusing the characters refer to them as republic but the patch on their uniforms is a separatist insignia and their ship's interior looks almost imperial not sure what exactly is going on there could be a continuity error the blaster that cassian uses in the shootout with cyril's men and when he stands off with luthen is the same blaster as kyle katarns from the jedi knight video games in the ferric shipyard you can spot what looks to be a rebel y-wing on the subject of ships those gunships that cyril's men use look almost like a toned-down version of a republic gunship we knew they'd be coming thanks to a lego set dropped in august one of the officers are seen eating blue noodles i'm pretty sure you can actually get these at galaxy's edge can't confirm though because i've tragically never been there tim mentions wolbani in a quick throwaway line that's a planet featured in rogue one when jin urso is captured by the empire the planet's name is actually a play on obi-wan kenobi's oh it's beautiful but those were the few we picked up on if we missed any out do let us know in the comments below i imagine we'll get plenty more in the episodes involving the senate and higher up imperial officers overall andor got off to a very fun start and we were not left disappointed sure the episodes may have moved a little bit slowly but i think disney struck gold but what did you think of the first three episodes let us know and while you're at it go ahead and subscribe we'll be back with reactions and breakdowns for episode four next week and every week after that until then red five standing by
Channel: Red Five
Views: 3,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andor, cassian andor, review, recap, breakdown, easter eggs, syril karn, luthen rael, b2emo, rogue one, director krennic, star wars andor, andor trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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