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ah stretching out my skate legs today y'all whoa we'll get up here maybe I'm a little rusty oh shoot there goes some scrap down there though get down yeah that's cubicle wall they're heavy but like it's the weight is not in the metal it's in the material I don't know maybe not so much it looks like nothing there did you see that that's metal huh [Music] all right yeah still kind of light out a little bit that's the whole kind of pain who used to mess with me back when I was working in an office and such going to school don't mean much to me looks like some four square in a burlap sack you guys want to go have a hot or uh oh it's not a pumpkin or potato potato piece of bar lat [Music] that me for that's enough to make a square a big bigger square a square four times that of that square square root equals pi times two to the mic scavenger yeah oh I think I see some books now here y'all call me that tears out of house free management self-help books [Music] Zen Buddhism okay the case for Christ DOS 5.5 daus five oh my god how old is this DOS hey that's how we pronounce it in Texas outdoor books see married to the brand power networking 55 seekers for personal professional success somebody good [Applause] where's the good stuff test your IQ I don't know look at that how to buy a used car what is that working nineteen guy looks like at nineteen seventy six both wagon or something George Orwell nineteen eighty-four that's classic right there everybody has to read that in high school the Yellow Wallpaper comeback books at our jump drive industry I need to go see the dentist we fix you to take a pair of channellocks pull that sucker out myself I'm not getting too deep this lowly paperwork paperwork paper yep tons of that crap all right books I like books people buy books at grass house till quarter apiece ooh oh there's a dumpster there whoa baka over here I hate it when they're like stuff stuff like this so one owns asked me if I could you like a full half way full empty whatever other firm empty just with the scrap in them but I mean you can have your cake and eat it too great but I wonder who like this I just I mean it's just yeah looks like this box like TVs and such full TV boxes yeah that's all styrofoam all the way down the bottom on to the next y'all there's a hard hat anything exciting it special really oh I've been thinking about trying to use one of these these ratcheting systems ratcheting strap system is somehow incorporating the camera onto it because little eyes these little headbands that they have for these cameras they're okay at first but they don't really last all that long stretch out and figure something out yeah we're gonna try something with that guy whoa boy Rex no sir okay no salt no salt look at old gateway box it's a foot massager but it's something in there bing-bong what's definitely not a gateway for little glasses though see this one's broke that one broke [Music] ship in it oh now you know order a piece negatory man I thought I was gonna have me a gateway God wasn't Leslie seen one of those holy cow it's got a DVD grab though what's up max they're probably no no bueno but I'm going to see all around oh that's the nastiest of the nasty all right we got one looks like about justic bad soaking these bones a little bit 900 up in here well although I know it's a big glass jar was this she tulips bloom maker all right your legs tulips will fry than a bright Loki's no it's still intact so you know don't you know we do it though I don't know you don't know see oh look at a piece crap [Music] Genesis classic game called Genesis Genesis Sega Genesis Classic angles Mortal Kombat that was my game the blood code a BAC ABB use 81 built-in games I don't think this is uh this is not the original this is uh yeah this is not what the original Sega Genesis look like but still that's a pretty cool fine if it was in there Mortal Kombat man that was my jam oh did look at that there's a dumpster stick in the dumpster ah that was my jam oh geez what is this like this yeah right all right all right over here see speakers is section we all say we check her out all right that's the oh I see lots of water stainless bands I brought a bunch of stainless betas this fancy art a couple weeks ago oh that's an air bag those are dangerous who put that under somebody's seat whoa that's an air bag all right we'll be a little bit careful more careful with that I mean I don't know what triggers it anyway anyway so yeah geez stainless steel baby and the freakin screws were they weren't seeing us don't break it got a tachometer right there used to have one of those in my high school racecar y'all sport cop mine was blue the whole back light was blue and then uh I had a yeah it was a 99 si so it wasn't like a super muscle car okay like my dad always gave me crap feet up as he had yeah 71 charger r/t with the 440 in it but I you know I did what I could wear a kid and but yeah I had it would uh I think redline God it would go like 65 75 way pass like well okay well it's supposed to like our normal car cuz it hath like that dual overhead cam or something yeah this sort of goes all the way to 10,000 ah like doubt it works it looks like it so anyway and that's BS from me Oh boost boost in I guess that's a huh gotta be racecar stuff oh there's radio I think listen then there the faceplate oh that's part of a dash huh racecars yeah put it in the spaceship for the panel gauge over there air fuel ratio tachometer you know make sure we know there's the faceplate it's a Kenwood it sure is although I want to yeah let's grab this good why Ridge right there y'all freakin airbag we don't want to get mirror back in the face y'all clutch clutch hey man look at the size of these cables that's all copper in there cow find a whole bunch of that oh it's fine ATB to pieces but dude that's all right here buck stop I don't know much of that air bags I wonder if that's a toccata air bag like that's a recalled air bag it's probably probably use it's a Honda huh single spray spray metal in your face all right let's get it yeah here bag all right y'all we on foot now my bust adult fans definitely not scrap abou yeah baby yeah y'all I see a table leg one two three is there a fourth one for table legs for table legs is there a fourth one oh I think there's a fourth one under there whoo oh my wife spit all right I got this table top up bill and it okay fine no legs yes sir table legs if you guys ever come across table legs look up what table legs cost solid wood table legs even on the cheapest of table this is all particle board the cheapest the tables these these legs are gonna be solid wood see you could even see like where it was chucked into the air lathe and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna check it in the way we're gonna clean them up and we're gonna build a perfect perfect [Music] table legs are probably the most expensive part of a table unless you have a really awesome table top all right this is where it gets into the air the weird the weird part where people are like oh you should take this and donate this and then pass there's a perfectly good leash I don't know y'all god there's a reason it's in the trash there really is a reason it's in the trash and granted elevate it all seems to be that same brand so I'm wondering I'm wondering will tea the square well good I see more than the gram what does more stuff that just keeps coming yeah there's a dog food there's a wet noses organic dog trees well fanny pack maybe I remember fanny packs of rollerblades and all that good stuff there's all the same brand elevate it something leads me to the media elevate elevate so that leads me to believe that that may be a recall and so we are not even gonna touch that step and then this right here it doesn't it's bark and harvest but still no wait cuz I'm behind a place that they do feed and there's a reason they toss that stuff out it's defective I mean I just I just can't I can't I can't but anyways hey we finally good got us some table legs so we are gonna build up build a table yay thumbs up if you want to see it I brought alright we'll get over here yeah paper shredder oh yes shredder let's grab the scrap here this is Jeannie away jeanny complete o type oh no I don't want nothing new I wanna do no diapers Oh a little clipping for a snap ring a sorbet Oh somebody medication schedule too bad there's no medication you toner what is that little tea kettle I'll take out here y'all oh please tell me that's copper oh my oh my nema 650r dude that's some straight oh that's oh that's money right there yep and that's a plunger see we got over here there's a microwave operator operator work that works what what is this live vibe what what the heck is that there's a motor does it vibrate it it vibrates it's like a vibrating table these motors say interesting stuff up in hill why do they match the car step switch motor vibe alright alright alright scavengers now they're successful even getting some stuff as you can see I still got those oxygen concentrators I gotta drop those off of the storage unit later today that's why I saying earlier in the video about taking that really big being like powerful power to see worth it is probably probably maybe a buck worth of scrap right there we're just taking up a lot of space you know but we got some pretty cool stuff let's kind of go over see what we got here uh yeah this is solid bro this is legit like we did a bit oh yeah my gosh that's some stripping wire right there that is some strip bird wire all right we'll plug that fan in we're gonna plug in a few things like people vibrating tables and see what we got here we got the fan there I see spaceship stuff oh yeah look up magnetic dishes those are always good to have if pump stops are sitting some sort of pump something or another that's from the other night okay and then worse got race car parts lots of wires tachometers got a radio speakers clutch plate oh yeah and an airbag y'all someone said oh you gotta be careful dude that blow-up contains poisonous sodium azide in potassium nitrate I don't know what I'm gonna do with that but it probably doesn't belong in the dumpster that's fo shizzle here yeah good stuff good stuff good stuff here and then this guy yeah that's a big old piece right there that strip and wire right there yes sir all day Sun all day all right let's check out see oh yeah the you've gotta feed you yeah I got those table legs like I was saying if you guys ever come across table legs never come across a busted table keep the table legs the table legs are solid wood table legs are gonna be worth probably more than the table itself clapping table legs off you can throw those up for 20 bucks all day long online people like me with buy them I'm gonna keep these I got a little project I'm working on this is really beat-up but I'm gonna throw this on the lathe clean them up just a little bit and we're gonna do like a rustic farmhouse type of console table bill for you and yeah see how it turns out straight from the straight from the trash see some snapper your storm is some drug a jar got some little girls able to give ya for some digger Foursquare I don't dog Lea little grudge some stuff jars oh yeah so let's go ahead let's go ahead and plug in this fan see what she works she works but she ain't working that great yeah she burn up oh well scrap it if gravity grab grip with all right now let's check out this uh this vibrating table it works it sure does my goes Gavin and your oh my gosh ladies ladies ladies ooh what am I gonna do with that yeah all right guys get your heads out to get her anyways all right let's check out this bar and look like it was an office clean up so I'd be curious to see if she works Oh the cord ain't long enough anyways what's the vibrating table for y'all oh yeah this guy right here it still has the plate it's dirty aside but still has the plate in all the stuff so let's see we should come down I heard a beep sure dude tennis shoe I think it's working I [Music] hear it you can't really see in there I'd say she works five ten bucks all day long to go out so soon I don't know what to do with them vibrating tables y'all let me know some do a strip club or something hehe but uh alright alright guys well hey that's gonna do it for this episode of dubser diving I'm your host with the absolute most Mike the scavenger who appreciate y'all tagging along be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel share with your friends hit that thumbs up like it if you liked it shout out to everybody that bought some birds appreciate that guy's yards you sit down below go get y'all some stuff got teespring this is for tooth give Andrew uh got an Instagram to check it out alright see I think I got some work to do I got it well I gotta go to work today I think I got some work to do this evening so probably I'm gonna get out there I'm gonna probably start working on some of this crap make some more room so we can get some more scripted script but anyways guys y'all take care have a lovely week [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 115,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: w9QNqIYjRts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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