Dumbest Game Mechanics EVER

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gamers of reddit what is the stupidest game mechanic you have ever seen quick time events that can hinder one's progress in the game especially if the game has no quick time events and they randomly threw one in splinter cell blacklist has won at the very end boss fight it has very strict rules about it if you mash the button you die but if you tap the button once you live yet you won't know this until you die a few times it's freaking stupid if your game requires a map i shouldn't have to press more than one button to see it or hunt around in menus for it also the button that opens the map should also close it and when the map opens open it instantly no fancy animations and crap in stealth games getting detected by one alone enemy in a back room and then every single enemy in the entire building knowing exactly where you are and b having perfect aim the first assassin's creed was terrible about this and it's the main reason why i didn't like it if one enemy sees you you'll suddenly get swarmed by half the enemies on the map the fights themselves aren't that hard but it's annoying to waste time fighting 15 enemies just because one of them saw you it was somewhat fixed in the later games but some missions still have that problem the random race minigames that you need to place first in to progress in games with no hint of racing otherwise a long unskippable cutscene before a particularly difficult boss when you go into that mine in mass effect and have to save the chick stuck in that blue wall thing it's been a long time i'm sorry and you fight the krogan dude at the end he kept beating my ass and i'd have to watch that freaking elevator cutscene and them all meeting each other every goddamn time bane turning mere charge and batman arkham origins no checkpoints in saints row the first one a limited time to do certain things that have no business having a timer no checkpoints on long missions is the worst the final level of the original mercenaries game was about two hours to beat there was not a single checkpoint oh and a timer at the end just for giggles battles where you have to wipe out every enemy to continue then the very next cutscene shows you in the middle of a pitched firefight looking at you gears of war also battles where you kill a bad guy then the very next cut scene is you saying he's too strong and the bad guy is murdering your party when your character is small enough to fit through a gap in a fence floor etc but the game won't let you wields a huge axe this wooden door is locked taking away all your defensive options for a fight because you wanted a cool set piece kingdom hearts did this by making you fly during certain bosses but you couldn't dodge or block anymore would be fine if you flew faster than a paper plane dot cloud amazing dungeon crawler thing is your character got thirsty so you had to pack water or lose health constantly otherwise amazing game i remember renting it as a kid got through one floor of one dungeon my dagger broke and i couldn't figure out how to fix it so i would wail on the enemies for 10 minutes eventually i fixed it and killed two enemies and it broke again but they said it would never break god i hated that mechanic invisible walls in places it looks like you can clearly go to otherwise using cards obtained from a slot machine minigame to upgrade your car in need for speed payback that whole game is garbage lol ladder mechanics in every game ever made taking damage from a three foot full the source engine combines both ye dear lord climbing up ladders and gmod and csgo is terrible it's fine in other games where you can just press use to go up and down but they don't have used keys every escort mission ever conceived at no point in twenty plus years and one thousands of hours of gaming have i ever done an escort mission that i didn't hate similarly when you are made to follow an npc to some alternate location they either walk slightly faster than your walk speed or slightly slower than your run speed battles you have to win only to be beaten in the cutscene right after this is in many games and still makes me mad being targeted by all enemies regardless if i'm in front or three miles behind my eye pals while also being the only one who instantly dies when my hp hits zero tripping in brawl what the actual frick were they thinking comma tripping in brawl what the actual frick were they thinking the creator had a thing against malay being played competitive so they added it to sabotage brawl it is a competitive game i wish i was joking tailing missions and gta iv there's way too many of them and none of them are fun slowly driving behind a particular car without getting too close is just a test of patience escort missions where the npc runs slower than your natural run speed or even worse walks the one where you go through a door only to be locked into a cut scene where some butthole bops you on the head and knocks you out and all the equipment you are saving for a special occasion is gone when you wake up that's a double whammy of frick you to the player i hate any contrived this is a level where you lose all your gear and have to beat the level without a crap i already played that level it was the first freaking level i didn't spend 10 levels upgrading the rusty box cutter into the atomic face melter 2000 with tea just so you could force me to slap fight bad guys for an hour the division went overboard with how they handled end game activities literally just threw a crap ton of enemies that had 100x your health dealt insta kill damage and crank their aggressiveness up all the way this promoted glitching and cheating to complete the activities then they went super stingy on loot drops and with the wide range and possibly rng you often got a single high-end item and it was often times worse than lower tear items massive was quicker at patching these bugs than the fixing the reason for these bugs being so popular in this split the community between the haves and the have-nots when it came to the prestigious endgame gear massive really fricked up with the division and it took them months and months of patches before they even got around to addressing these issues by then all my friends a vast majority of the player base quit playing overpowered bosses in fighting games frick shou khan i'm also going to say bosses that break normal game mechanics keeping the manual save points which are few and far between and the mobile version of final fantasy vii on a home version it's ok but on a mobile device where you might get a call that results in the game being closed the next time you switch back to it or just generally put your phone away before you can find a save point is freaking dumb they got ffix right in this regard still waiting for ffvi iii i didn't know this would be my favorite answer till i read this can confirm i am currently playing sephiroth's past is the worst on the phone version no saving rubber bending in racing games if i'm so good i can pull way ahead of my opponents i should get to enjoy the moment also super mario kart as i that actively cheat crafting when you can craft something which is not a consumable and which you can also buy and you need to buy some of the materials because you wouldn't find them also weapons that break way too fast with time usage do that with attachments to the weapons so i can customize my weapon hey look man i found this sword of ulam at anal annihilation plus one thousand percent dmg plus 95 crit chance plus poison plus lifesteal it's so awesome i can literally kill the whole planet with three blows durability zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one percent when you try to pick up some loot but your inventory is full and the game doesn't even let you swap out your inventory and the thing you just tried to pick up is gone forever the obligatory this part is different than the other parts section the escort mission the vehicle level the manning a giant turret minigame the all of a sudden and only for this section precision jumping is required part so that maybe went off the rails at the end and some of these things can be done really well but usually i'm using a spotlight to kill evil bats in a dune buggy that can for some freaking reason not drive and have a light on at the same freaking time one thing i hated about zcom 2 is the low level enemies scaled up hp when you got better weapons oh you got mag weapons that do 3 4 more damage well guess what now you're fighting heavy advent troopers that have four more health like it's not hard to kill them at this point and there is still reasons to upgrade your weapons it's just a huge buzz kill to see the low level bad guys still take two shots to kill even after getting better weapons oh yeah that's why i hate enemy scaling it gimps your sense of progression i'm fine with newer harder enemies showing up but leave some of the original low-level ones around so you can see how far you've come tailing missions no one in real life is as suspicious as those people omg they are the worst especially when they incorporate some sort of vicinity mechanic like i'm following someone in gta in a car yet being directly behind him like in normal freaking traffic is for some reason suspicious but me driving three miles per hour with a 100 meter gap between us isn't in shadow of war you have to click to pick up items that enemies dropped that in and of itself is not a terrible mechanic annoying but not uncommon but the fact that they made a level up perk that made it so you just had to walk over items to pick them up but that's just crazy abilities shouldn't be annoying to removers they should make you more badass hit flinch when it's really overdone really grinds my gears used to play a lot of dirty bomb but took time to play other games and after watching some footage on youtube explaining what hit flinches i noticed how bad it was when i returned to dirty bomb and honestly it was a rude awakening it's one of those favor the shooter mechanics and i despise it you would have really gotten a kick out of the early dark souls 3 discussions there was a stat called resilience or something that no one could figure out what it did some though it reduces hit flinch others though it gave more iframes after rolling then the patch comes out three months later and turns it on as a stat it literally did nothing but for that unskippable cut scenes freaking malaria far cry 2 seems to be one of the most polarizing games either community like how some people like the weapon jams and malaria and some don't personally i love the jamming animations because you can feel the frustration from the guy when he's banging on the gun in the middle of a fight fight it really adds to the game mmo i got destiny 2 and wow you need to walk a lot until you find one of those bikes why not giving the bikes from the very beginning go to stretch out that content holding a button to turn a wheel or open a door it adds nothing to the game experience really just a waste of time i'd much rather press a button and be on my way in the long run it doesn't make any difference i just think that it's annoying to have to wait a few seconds to do something trivial my guess is that they were trying to hide the fact that they are loading what is behind that door that said they could have just had you press the button and then wait for the wheel to spin and the door to open higher difficulty modes just hiking up enemies health making them bullet sponges while lowering yours to the point where someone sneezing at you will kill you it doesn't make the difficulty more fun just more frustrating elder scrolls games are always guilty of this and i always download a mod that makes it so that the higher difficulties lower both enemies health and mine my lvl 64 character in borderlands 2 has 95 damage resistance dies in three hits quick time events for boss battles shadow of murder that final boss battle sucked paying more money to play a game you already bought not putting auto save into an engrossing game so you forget to save and when you die you're done for really crappy item durability in games that it doesn't make sense in hiking up enemy hp ridiculously high for no reason when you get to the end game content therefore making your weapons break way more often glares at witcher 3 angrily i just installed a mod to get rid of weapon durability and witcher 3 because i felt it was a mechanic that detracted from the game's experience rather than added to it the aspects of games where if you miss something at some point you miss it for the rest of the game i appreciate there being super hidden items but in no way should i be forced to suffer for missing it at some point an example of this is in final fantasy x with the stupid albed primers monster hunter series the egg quests i hate timed missions or missions where you have to run from something chasing you and have little room for error i enjoy exploring and taking in the scenery nothing is worse when devs create a beautiful atmosphere only to have you run through it as quickly as possible grinding i hate when they artificially extend gameplay by making you do the same task a thousand times this is what morpgs are made of having a boss fight with an npc by your side but then giving said npc low health and a charging head first movisot it takes away the fun of the battle because it basically forces the player to give up their choice of play style just to make sure the dumbass npc doesn't die looking at you segwayed and lucay shiel pokemon sun and moon the opposing pokemon can call a friend to help them without using up a turn so they'll finish attacking you and then at the end of their turn they'll call for backup apparently people were complaining in the last game that the battles were too short so they added in this mechanic but all it does is make the battles artificially longer so irritating it makes it harder to catch pokemon 2. i remember spending 10 or 20 minutes trying to catch a bouncy because it kept calling for help and the game doesn't let you throw a ball when there's more than one enemy pokemon you have been visited by the be humble be stay humble and believe in yourself if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 18,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumb game mechanics, game mechanics, game mechanics explained, game mechanics ideas, worst game mechanics, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: MAffUQwkYhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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