DUMB things KIDS do with LEGO...

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in this video I'm going to be taking a nostalgic trip down memory lane and doing dumb and weird things to Lego that people do as kids including myself so anyway let the video begin now I'm 20 years old but I'm also a Lego YouTuber so I have a valid excuse to do all these things I'm about to do and if you're a kid you might want to take notes because after watching this video you're going to want to do a lot of this stuff let's start with the basics number one sticking Lego up your nose that's really weird uh nothing about that really felt special I kind of just feel like an idiot now number two building a really whacked Lego house that uses almost every Lego color possible now this is hard to look at but since I'm a responsible adult I'm going to make a Lego house that's acceptable to my level of building I made this wall so it can open so let's add some stuff inside like a table bed and a kitchen and just like that we have a simple house that a minifig can live in number three kids will also build a car and then attach a bunch of random stuff to it like guns pretty much the more guns the better if I'm having a Lego war with a friend I'm easily winning with this it's time to surrender I feel like Sid from Toy Story right now as a kid I used to always go outside with my Lego cars and then play with them in the dirt or if you were really smart you'd take a Lego base plate use it as a ram and launch cars off of it surprisingly did not break pretty much they'll drive cars over anything or if they have a sink they'll fill it with water then act like it's a pool this guy's running from the cops because he did an illegal building technique you can also make a pool out of Lego and then fill it with actual water honestly don't do that because it will leak kids will also rip off anything arms then swap them around so it looks broken and you can also do a stop motion where this guy's arms look like noodles kids also love chewing on Lego I never tried this but apparently chewing on tires feels really good um this is really weird but I'm doing this for Content y'all mostly it's kind of satisfying I can see why kids do that it does taste a little weird though okay now it's time for a quick round of ideas so I went on to Instagram to hear what dumb and weird things you guys did with Lego as kids okay I'm guilty of this but drawing on Lego is one of them here's a bunch of random Lego heads that I drew on when I was like seven and honestly I'm surprised that I still have these I think this guy's supposed to look like he got beat up maybe I was a pretty violent kid I don't know another thing is losing Lego somewhere where you won't see it again for another three years think about how that will make your Minifigs feel Minifigs have feelings too they also boil Lego okay so it's been about five minutes so I'm gonna take it out now I'm gonna see if it's actually squishy honestly I thought it was gonna melt but it just cracked instead okay this brings back so many memories if you take a minifig put it in a glass of water stick it in the freezer then come back in a few hours here we go let's see it oh crap I didn't know it was gonna be wet then you have a minifig that's stuck in an iceberg if you take hair pieces and put them on your fingers they look like little puppets also burning Lego don't do this by the way I don't want any angry parents it's actually burning and I'm not even lighting it I think my fire alarm might go off well that's what a burnt minifig looks like I guess kids will also make the weirdest Lego Minifigures possible for this one I used a dude's head on a woman's body this guy's really short here's a skeleton with a normal minifig head it looks like someone who starved to death this is Dory and I use this person in my old videos this guy's really tall and can definitely dunk and here's a guy with a neck so long that it wraps around his body he should be become the next Marvel villain you definitely wouldn't want this guy looking over the bathroom stall though sometimes kids will have a really rare minifig without realizing it and they don't take very good care of it this is a 100 Star Wars minifig this golf Droid costed 75 this Robin costed 90. and this Coca-Cola minifig costed 120. one thing I did as a kid was take a Lego car and put on a treadmill if you take a bunch of mini-fig heads and move them around in your hand it feels really stress relieving and massaging or if you take your hand and put it in a bin full of studs that also feels really massaging who needs therapy when you can do this kids will also combine other toys they have with Lego like Play-Doh if you take it and press a minifig against it it leaves a mark okay this Brick's unusable now you can also use it to position Minifigs in cool ways like this guy straight up Michael Jackson sometimes kids will do very violent things to Minifigs like stab them or they'll use transparent red pieces for blood or brown pieces for poop kids also take minifig heads and stack them on top of each other or they'll just stack random Minifigs in general if you take brick separators and tape them to your fingers they look like giant claws I feel like I'm Wolverine right now if you push your hand against a Lego base plate for long enough it leaves a cool mark on your hand kind of like a tattoo but really painful one kids also like simulating floods with Lego so I made this house from last video and I'm gonna flood it begin the flood foreign this is going to take a long time to clean up now if you go to a store that sells Lego you can usually find these Ninjago spinners and everyone says they're really satisfying to spin so let's try that you pull this and it apparently spins yep honestly that is pretty satisfying you can also find these wind-up motorcycles and apparently they're also pretty satisfying not sure why this motorcycle is a bathtub but let's give it a shot foreign [Music] we can't forget how terrible kids are at putting stickers on Lego I'm never gonna buy Dollar Store stickers again either they also like taking cannons and shooting Minifigs in the face with round bricks or you can do the same thing with Stud Shooters and if you take a base plate you can wiggle it and it makes a really satisfying sound I'm surprised that didn't break it's kind of satisfying when you have a tiny bit of sweat on your fingers then you get Lego bricks to stick on them when you're a kid you feel like you have some kind of superpower doing this I don't know when you take a kid grocery shopping with you they always want to buy Lego [Music] [Applause] Minecraft set what no no no way too expensive yeah no yeah this is the Lego section wait can I have this no how to put it back no put it Tyler no it's my birthday though your birthday was nine months ago and then when you go to check out they sometimes sneak a set onto the conveyor belt what what is this what is this Tyler what put it back with this back tired we're not buying it no please no we can't we can't I'm sorry some kids like to take their Lego and recreate imaginary battles so for this final round I'm gonna make every seven year old jealous because I'm about to build my own giant Battle of Lego we need a lot of Minifigs so I immediately went to my bins and started building an army okay so for team one we have the Avengers of Minecraft villager fortnite skins angry anime people and Kanye West and for team two we have Star Wars Jedi Patrick Star Glizzy man and Batman's biggest Ops now we need to make a giant battlefield for them to fight on so this green base plate will be for team one and this green base plate will be for team two I'll start with team one by constructing a large fortification with some walls and I'll add some cannons on top and the Dodge Challenger we made earlier on the other side I'll add a pool full of alligators so nobody can get past this point and if anybody does I'll add a bunch of sharp objects so then people won't be able to get past these but kids have a crazy imagination so if you still get past the spikes then here's a wizard who can strike lightning down on you so now it's time for our Minifigs to battle it out here's a side-by-side comparison of what it looks like Through The Eyes of a seven-year-old versus what it actually looks like in real life wow that's pretty incredible honestly this brought back a lot of memories and this whole video was actually a cover-up so I could act like a five-year-old so thank you YouTube for giving me excuse see ya
Channel: TD BRICKS
Views: 22,484,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, lego meme, lego memes, legos, lego set, lego sets, lego collection, lego collector, lego build, lego builder, lego house, lego star wars, lego marvel, lego tutorial, lego challenge, lego city, lego ideas, lego tricks, lego tips, lego tips and tricks, lego car, lego video, lego funny, funny lego, lego how to, lego hacks, lego diy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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