Cops Won't Leave Biker Alone - ID Refusal

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we'll start over okay you need to leave call your supervisor i have three cops at the back of my house because my i was blocking the alley with my bike because i was waiting to pull into the driveway section 38.02 texas penal code says you only have to id if you've been lawfully arrested arrest you for what for what for blocking the alley he said i'm probably fixing to go to jail i'm not giving him my id remember how he said he's gonna take me to jail yeah welcome back to the lackluster channel today's story was submitted by michael on behalf of his son ryan who in early may of 2021 was returning home from a motorcycle ride officer dawson of the garland police department happened to follow him into the alley claiming he was responding to a disturbance call as you can see from the aerial view the driveway leading to the rear of the house is accessible by the alleyway the backyard fence is here and a boat occupies the driveway ryan had been having trouble keeping the bike on and because of the boat and fence he usually shuts down his bike and pushes it through the narrow passage to park it in the garage ryan shut off his bike and began texting his wife before opening the garage the moment ryan stopped his engine officer dawson initiated a traffic stop and ryan turned on his body cam to capture the encounter yeah i was texting my wife letting her know i'm getting somebody really said are going back in the area so if you can see any other people here it's funny you guys pull in behind me it's okay i know how it goes i'm on my property okay let me move my bike up i'm still on my property and i don't have officer dawson now seemingly forgets the disturbance call he claims he is responding to and asks for ryan's identification because the bike's rear fender was protruding a few inches into the alleyway when the officer stopped him these pictures were taken after the incident but based on a still frame from the beginning of the body cam you can see that the front foot pegs were lined up with this tree stump and pipe this does confirm that ryan's rear fender and saddlebags were over the line but ryan had not dismounted the bike or put down his kickstand as he was about to push the bike forward to park it and there was never any intention to leave the bike where it was ryan pulls his bike forward and asks for a supervisor out here call your supervisor i don't have to id to you this isn't a traffic stop i'm not what commit what crime have i committed what crime have i committed i was on the end of my driveway at my own home pulling in because you pulled up on me this [ __ ] i didn't do anything you don't need to be here [Music] look all i'm going to do is verify on your on your your driver's license your address on that plate and run that house that'll tell you right there we'll start over okay you need to leave call your supervisor call your supervisor call your supervisor what's your name i don't answer questions what am i supposed to tell them you know how this works yeah you do then maybe you need to get trained better i don't [Music] trying to get the garage door open i'm not blocking the alley [Music] what's your first question [Music] this is technically true in the city of garland it is a 25 fine for the first offense of parking within an alley so as to interfere with the movement of traffic the city website shows an example of the parking violation however there is a distinct difference between the legal definition of parking standing and stopping parking means leaving your vehicle while standing means moving goods around and stopping just means not moving your vehicle ryan was not parked he was stopped plus the six inches of saddlebag and fender was certainly not enough to interfere with the movement of traffic and even if jimmy neutron wanted to push the issue the website makes it clear that all violation notices will be sent by regular mail and posted on the vehicle at this point i see no reason to identify call your supervisor out here please tell you why i was already in the area what is your name brady you want us what's your badge number one zero what yeah you do so you're an officer of law you have to id yourself call your supervisor please hey i just want you on the phone as a witness i have three cops at the back of my house because my i was blocking the alley with my bike because i was waiting to pull into the driveway i had my tire in the driveway he's trying to id me and says there's a disturbance i have my camera rolling i've also asked for his supervisor to come out and he's refusing he won't id himself as an officer no you need to tell me and what's your badge number there's three cops here now um dude literally i'm telling you i didn't commit so i can't pull anymore you just admitted i can't because i have to pull into my [ __ ] house dude you're sitting in the oven you dumbass [Music] house how can i not drive on the street and try to push my bike into the garage with the battery kept dying dude this much it's not it's fine you pulled up and it was rolling right okay great there's no [ __ ] violation dude you're just making yourself i don't have to i wasn't committing a traffic crime what crime did i commit what crime i'm gonna go to jail you hearing this he said i'm gonna go to jail because i was blocking the alley i was i was at the end of my driveway hanging out trying to pull into the [ __ ] driveway literally hanging out maybe my saddlebags out past the property line i'm blocking the alley huh all i had to do was scoot it up like one foot okay so what's what's the issue that's what i want to know it's because i'm wearing a cut and he's [ __ ] profiling me you don't need to id me call your supervisor i think yeah i've got my body camera call your supervisor so you're refusing to call your supervisor yes you do he needs to i've got three cops standing around me dad ryan listen section 38.02 texas penal code says you only have to id if you've been lawfully arrested right i'm telling you that if if you're going to make it hard then i will lawfully arrest you i'll risk you for what for what for blocking the alley he said i'm asking for the supervisor dude i tried to get my bike started you saw that it puttered when i tried to start it it's acting up yeah it's not running right we're gonna i'm gonna get our goddamn lawyer too what's your name i'm sorry jackson what's your badge number hang on there's someone trying to meet me out front too to pick up a online porch pickup i'm on my property dude you came up to me i was on my property okay i tell you what the vehicle is parked and i'm on my property my feet are on my property come by and write a citation to the vehicle get a supervisor no you can let him have the [ __ ] id i'll tell you what we're going to do yeah i'm going to call a supervisor out here you there i got someone trying to come up to the [ __ ] house harassing me so we're gonna get a supervisor out here i'm gonna let him have my id okay you don't have to what are your id okay come get me at jail he's refusing [Music] i am in charge you're picking up and you're on tape you're good i've been all the time i told you i even waited for you to do it because i knew i wasn't in the wrong right i said i'll give you a sec to turn on your camera because i knew i wasn't in the wrong yeah you are in the wrong so how about this i just pulled up and there's a disturbance all of a sudden whatever [Music] call your supervisor okay i'll tell you what he's not working with me your supervisor can be called and asked to come out here i want to hear him on the phone or talk to a supervisor i'll see if they'll come out when you call your supervisor [Music] between police and the citizenry call your supervisor please yes he's gonna call his we have two differences all right well i want to hear from you that's fine call the supervisor on duty out here i'm not going anywhere we got a whole time [Music] one not a traffic second it was you're blocking the alley so i turned my lights on right my lights are turned on hello hey babe you're on speakerphone with my dad um i'm out back with three cops trying to arrest me because my bike was sticking out he says he says he says there's a disturbance he's harassing me saying my bike's sticking now he's using my bike sticking out a foot into the alley as blocking the roadway well i'm trying to tell you that lady that's trying to come by that [ __ ] i'm gonna have to wait a minute i'm waiting for a supervisor let her go wait for the supervisor i'm letting you know what's going on okay babe for my motorcycle sticking out like a foot out into the driveway when i was sitting in the driveway at the end of the driveway trying to pull up i need to come by there i think you should i think he did yeah i think he should he said you're gonna make it worse no i'm not gonna make it worse i'll be right there my dogs are here i need you just come on are we well no we're gonna call the attorney after the fact i'm trying to write you a citation so i can leave you trying to write me a citation dude you're [ __ ] up big time bro how long have you been a cop how long have you been a cop you don't need to write me a citation i wasn't blocking this ryan yeah when he gets here we'll talk i'll speak to your supervisor i was on my property dude the vehicle you can right you can sight the vehicle leave a parking ticket don't answer questions no keys are in the bike interesting keys have been on my side the whole time interesting [Music] and i finally got to you not with keys yeah the body cam's on he's a [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] prick he's going to the lawyer's office no i know he says not going anywhere you know bike how hard it don't worry nobody can go anywhere just get your supervisor here okay he's going to try to id he's going to take me to jail okay call your supervisor call your supervisor supervisor i guess he doesn't speak english that's fine [Music] hey everybody can hear you won't you calm down what crime has been committed said i'm blocking the alley dude my bike literally here's the alley line dude i pulled up five minutes later when i walked in i'm telling you see that crack right there that's the out that's my pr property line my bike's sticking out that much he's pushing the limit here not me that's [ __ ] ridiculous i want to see his i want to see i want to see a video camera so i don't know how long it's going to take to upload it would be interesting to see the body cam and dash cam regardless of the time it would take to upload however since the incident the department is refusing to release the footage claiming that this incident is under investigation let's get it uploaded get a supervisor out here there's more than one he's foolish get a supervisor out here [Music] okay like i said i wasn't even here to the start of it i showed up and you were already upset with him so there's not much i could cuz he's harassing me because i'm wearing a cut dude i'm in a motorcycle club and i i know how this [ __ ] works do what [Music] well this guy is actually can speak respectfully to me so i'm having a conversation with him you know [Music] supervisor here oh gary's neighbor is the chief call him call him and your officer jackson correct and what was your badge number again eleven eighty eight six and what was yours sir one zero four one seven one zero four one seven that's friendly or franny training thank you yeah no it's recording exactly why i have it i couldn't tell you if their cameras are on or not he said as this meredith's calling me okay well if i step out front she's got somebody waiting here to pick up plates i'm going to get arrested because the [ __ ] out in here with the power trip hold on i'm putting you back on speaker okay yes um squad car 1806 i forget his name badge number i've asked it it should be on film but i'll ask it again we can get that well he's i mean he's on tape right now so they're also on oh they're on the they're on the house surveillance too when he pulled up on he's on there on the house surveillance is when he pulled up too before he even turned his lights on okay after speaking with the family i was notified that the house surveillance did not catch the incident just keep everything rolling so he would have been pulled up on the camera on the other side of the house this side my chest his car if he's running it and his his body cam if he's running it okay you don't you don't have to id unless you've been lawfully arrested you can't be arrested for not id that's the secondary are you saying i can be arrested because my my [ __ ] bike was sticking out six inches into the alley sitting at the end of the driveway i'd like to go look down the end of the driveway and see all these people that crammed 20 [ __ ] cars in there if there's a bumper sticking out you can go cycle alley now ryan is the bike disabled yeah it's in the driveway i pulled it up i was in the process of pulling it in i'm having trouble keeping it running okay then if it's a disabled vehicle and you're pushing it into your driveway that's not an arrest yeah i was texting meredith and then i was fixing to finish rolling it in i'm having trouble with it the battery's not holding a charge okay that's not an arrestable offense no i know it's not but he's just trying to [ __ ] puff his chest out because he's a prick sounds like it's gonna take some legal action this time no it's going whether he writes me citation or not i'm gonna take legal action all it is is harassment i know i know exactly some other people too involved i'm trying to find this lady's driving from louisville why don't you tell me and i'll come over and get the stuff for her maybe i can do that let me three-way her then and back into the call because i'm probably fixing to go to jail i'm not giving him my [Music] that's not gonna do anything they don't have any authority they [ __ ] with your phones i'm gonna call dispatch and ask for a watch um okay this lady said this lady will be here in 25 minutes please head this way i'm fine i'm gonna if i need to put my phone down i am gonna uh turn it off though so i was able to find your id through a picture so yeah a little bit of break all right all right take it to jail could you yeah rather what i'll do is i'll write you a citation for uh walking the alley not signing it i know what the i know what it is hand me the paper and leave get off my property this is my name this is badge number okay my signing here is what you not signing hand me the paper and get off my property not signing hand me the paper you get off my phone [Music] no it doesn't that means i'm not admitting guilt right i don't have to sign a ticket it says that you do not admit guilt but you promised to appear in the court and contact the police get a supervisor here so do you want to go to jail get a supervisor here get a supervisor here you have a phone number down why for the court's contact you have my information that's all you need get a phone number [Music] he's uh he might not answer right away because his desk and i don't know if he's at work no problem we'll be talking today absolutely with you you're [ __ ] smart you have every right to call complain do all that follow the formula i'm gonna [ __ ] file a complaint dude that's your right vision right so you're handing me thinking you're getting off my property yeah you are that's fine get off my property you're dragging your ass on purpose hand me the paper and off lieutenant trusty okay his phone number if you call the front desk don't worry i'm going to talk to the key yeah yeah good huh you said oh good you're a [ __ ] smart ass i said that you're right it's your right to to contact anybody so you're giving me the ticket leaving absolutely i thought if i didn't sign it i go to jail now now you're changing your mind you don't want to do paperwork or you're just [ __ ] puffing your chest don't set foot back on this property without a [ __ ] warrant stupid thirsty [Music] yeah he's gone he's a smart ass yeah he's still on camera and he just hawked one on my property when he drove off yeah he's still on camera and he just hawked one on my property when he drove off i got that on film too [Music] [Music] now he's stopping at the next house right no he's next door he's there's still a park at the end of my driveway okay all your shifts on your property right yeah all right am i on speaker or off speed you're on speaker i'm recording them driving down okay remember how he said he's going to take me to jail yeah well i didn't sign it and i didn't go to jail he doesn't want to take me to jail he said he'll be seeing me though the officers leave after issuing ryan a citation but never seemed to investigate the alleged disturbance in the area it's been a few weeks and the citation has still not been turned in again the department is refusing to release their body cam and dash cam footage so here's your daily reminder to record every interaction with state officials a meeting with the chief was requested but was denied an official complaint is to be filed in the days to come neither ryan or michael post content to their channels so leave your comments below for them thanks for watching if you have a video you'd like me to review email it or send it in via facebook messenger you can also view this and other content on my website if you're new here subscribe for future content if you've been around for a while remember to like share and comment down below of what you think of this interaction shirts and other goodies are available at the teespring store linked below channel membership start at just a buck if you'd like to further support the channel and get a slick lack logo next to your name i'll see you in the next video all links are down below you
Channel: LackLuster
Views: 3,849,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lackluster, lacklusterlive, 1st amendment audit, first amendment audit, 1st amendment audit fail, first amendment audit fail, 1st amendment audit 2020, 1st amendment audit arrest, first amendment, first amendment audit arrest, first amendment audit tyrant, 1st amendment activist, first amendment audit assault, tyrant alert, CSPD, audit, 1a audit, 2a audit, police fails, tyrant, bodycam, body cam, id refusal, bad cops, owned, settlement, lawsuit, cops owned, cop fails, police owned
Id: SS-wMceHrnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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