Duesenberg II Torpedo Sedan “ Twenty Grand “ @ Volo Auto Museum on My Car Story with Lou Costabile

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hi I'm Lou with another episode of my car story and today we're out in bolo Auto Museum and also they sell cars so if you go to Volo cars.com you can not only see some of the cars better yet just come on down come to bolo Illinois but you can see those cars and you can see their inventory and these are some cars today that are for sale because this is Brian Graham the director of the museum but these are some of his dad's personal cars so we're getting a little inside scoop so I'm going to grab the camera for just a moment I'm going to feature Brian here Brian tell us what kind of cars is we're going to be looking at today this is a Duesenberg to torpedo back to Dan it was also nicknamed the 20 grand the Duesenberg Tues were built by Duesenberg but they started in the late 70s and went through to the early 2000 this one was created after the the Duesenberg 20 grand back from the 30s it was nicknamed the 20 grand because that's what it cost brand-new you back in that I think it's 1933 now 20 grand was a lot of money back then $20,000 would buy you 50 Model A Ford or it would buy you 20 brand new homes or one Duesenberg so definitely a car for the for the rich and even the Duesenberg twos which were built you were sharing with me in the 70s here the kind of weight pretty to be built Holley of these were actually producing there there was only 63 Duesenberg who's ever built and I said they were built by the Duesenberg company but yeah they were very costly cars to build this one in particular cost over a million dollars to build this one everything on the car is Joe handcrafted all the interiors of leather work the steering wheel you know really everything is one-of-a-kind we've taken the stanchions down we're doing this not to be done by the general public - but we're doing this just so that you can actually see it crisp and clean without that and take a look at this this is by the way this is the Duesenberg rooms I'm just going to kind of show you there's a stack of Duesenberg Julie - you can kind of see that in the background we'll just feature this car so you could see that individually but take a look at this car which is featured in the center of the room because even like the the leather around this year and these headlights swivel with the way you're driving so when you turn the wheels they turn towards that direction and even though a detail and the writings all there and shift wonder this is my hand versus that light you can see the size that I think probably do me a favor your sticks what one stand next to the car one step back one step I mean listen oppressor this is some sizeable automobile look at the beautiful foot ornament on that I'm actually just going to take my cell phone and sort of light some of that for you yes we did that that's Malik crystal and it does actually have a light no hood ornament we're not going to figure out the light on the hood ornament we're going to enjoy it that way here's your Duesenberg let me take an overall look at the side of this car it's a wonderful color shoe is it I mean really luxurious I don't know if this is a gray or a tan and here's your Duesenberg - emblem great share with me what you were sharing regarding the if you look at the the mesh on here they're a square mesh versus a round wire which the round wires a lot cheaper a lot easier to work with a lot more inexpensive you know when it came to the Duesenberg everything was done like it was done in the 30s with exception of the drive line drive lines the only only difference between the cars they could have done things to make it cheaper plastic lenses for the head legs and stuff that a lot of people wouldn't even notice but they did not but fun and this Cooper pretending to lift this thing will present a mystic solid and then the beautiful padding and when the doors open up and the front and back okay lack of all the beautiful woodwork and man and a camera game and all that you see a in the center you've got a pedometer and mother ages - so you can see with the driver how fast they're driving Wow have you ever been in this one I've been in this one okay yeah run of Ewing is there feel like when you're driving around this cramped really as big as the car is it is a very small driver's compartment No so you've driven this car okay I know you drove it yeah attack there's a very faint cottage all the people back then they were they were smaller than they are today and you were sharing with me back in this time frame that your family was in charge of selling these cars right we were the the official dealership reduce merchants in the late 70s and early 80s problem was they couldn't keep up with the orders and people you'd order the entire custom-built able to do some bird company because everything is hand-built and every car is different they couldn't keep up with the with the orders and they actually under priced the cars to when they you know told people they were selling them they quoted X amount of dollars from the car but it costs him about doubles I actually build it once they started building one so they did instead they didn't do too many of them let's take a look at the tail I haven't done that yet so there were sixty three of these Duesenberg two's sold total correct so and you have one two three four five six seven of them here we have 13 of us you have 13 of the 63 holy cow Muizenberg even built a what they call of an estate car that was the golf carts got one of those too oh really this is a rumble seat no that's a truck okay sure okay let's take a look at the engine compartment what I could have started because we're indoors feel like I'm noticing this massive piece here to hold on as high as well well that's impressive if you want the side pipes out the other side those are actually functionally ran the exhaust side pipes what are they running here because for 27 mesh of early mover be sure to Chevy's the sport they're you know what this one originally had a 427 that Chevy motor in it and then they ended up Mathers problems with the motor and they flopped it a bit about there is that right so it is yeah what it was under development they had a Chevy in the Derrick we're working together alright that's pretty cool thanks boy when they're originally building this card we wanted to duplicate it as authentic as possible so the engine that they had in there I was a 427 but it was also supercharged because the original Deus converged her supercharged okay but there's complications with it they flopped the motor Bryant standing right next to it Brian always fun to see people coming out to the Volo Auto Museum I mean this is just a this is the entryway into the rest of the cars Brian thanks for being on my person thanks for having me
Channel: Lou Costabile
Views: 69,161
Rating: 4.8591547 out of 5
Keywords: Duesenberg, Duesenberg II, Video, Review, Duesenberg ii, Duesenberg Twenty Grand, Twenty Grand, Duesenberg Torpedo, Duesenberg Sedan, Duesenberg II Torpedo, Duesenberg II Torpedo Sedan, Volo Auto Museum, Volo Car Museum, Volo Museum, Volo Cars, Twenty Grand Duesenberg, Silver Duesenberg, Duesenberg Silver, Hood Ornament, 1933 Duesenberg
Id: CCwurpbk8Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2017
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