Dude Perfect Christmas Special | FACE OFF

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of.... face off face face off face face off face off face face off face off!!! Nice! good job good job! Today is a very special day because we have a very festic face off And it's a Team Face Off!!! We will be building gingerbread houses. And since that's difficult to do on your own, Doing the icing, holding the roof And the other side's sliding off, And you're like, "Aw man, I wish I had someone to hold it." Its better when you do two on two so First things first, lets figure out team number one team number one will be CORY! The second member of team number one Who's with me? COBY! Wow! A little family battle? The first member of team number two will be! Cody! And the second member of team number two will be... Oooh Ty !!! Garret's the Announcer! Assume you role! Howdy partner, it's Chris Tingle Boy, I'm excited Woo!!! Let's talk to our first team So we're about to make a uh little gingerbread house Well, you can tell me I like ginger, don't ya? Alright, team one, I need a team name The Beach Boys, you'll understand later Oh nice The Beach Boys Yeah! That's us! So, game plan me here boys So here's our strategy In our minds, uh Unorthodox wins We're going beach themed That's just big picture so I don't wanna give away too much but that's kind of what we're thinking here Alright, keep it simple Team name Christmas Came Early I like it, ha ha, I like it Christmas Came Early Alright boys, tell me the overall strategy Well, I'm gonna shoot you to complete straight here, Chris Cory and I were talking off camera, and we realized that we have never built a gingerbread house in our lives But I mean honestly, how hard can it be? I have seen houses, I have been in houses, we're going to smoke these guys Make all the gingers in the world proud, and let's do this thing, Christmas Came Early boys Are you ready to rumble? The Beach Boys are ready In 3 2 1 BEGIN! No rush That's the problem , over there, they're are going to be rushing breaking things so, strategies you'll see, you'll see Come back, gives us time gotcha The strategy is, we wanna leave minimal real estate for the house, so we have plenty of room to decorate Thanks for joining us on the twin side of the table, this is gonna be where all the action is Is this frosting uh legal density? feels a little thin No no, what are you doing? What are you doing? oh my gosh Wait, what to I do to this piece? oh my gosh This is why I do it. Call this the double motor slide This is just unfortunate, 'cause Tyler had literally for years been talking us about how much he loves building gingerbread men houses Which is weird You're only as good as the sturdy house is. It's good to have a good dryer Ho ho, thanks Ting, you know it's a good thing when Ting walks over, has a little chuckle to himself and goes... It's just too hard not to watch this piece of art come together. 25 minutes remain! Wow, it's really done. What does that... How we gonna say that's anything? Trying to patch this hole right now, but this is too big so we're going to use a quick saw. Smart Smart Proud of you right now. We got progress! thank you Think that's another way to say this looks phenomenal. We don't have Milk Duds. Yeah that's them, there's the Duds. No, those are the Junior Mints Can we get some, can I, hey Chris, Chris, we don't have any Duds, and they do, and we need some. Well, are there more? I don't see any Duds over here, Ting. Y'all must have grabbed them Did you ate it? Yeah where'd they go? They really aren't over here. The Duds are on the ground. I don't understand why this whole thing is focused on me and the Duds. The only dud is our house right now. Is that snow? Hold her up, hold her up hold the west wing, the WEST WING Noooooo, no! What did I just tell you? amateur mistake Hold this. amateur, I'm literally just said this And we're here at the mid-update for Christmas Came Early, and boy, I'd gotta say it's looking NOTHING like Christmas over here. This is the wood siding for our house. it goes on back side it is obviously too long so, you need to saw it. 10 minutes to go! That's not a lot. We're a team, dude. Hey, overcome, overcome that's what we do, that's what our team is all about, overcome. It's going well right now, um, feeling really good We're working on a palm tree. Did you get that? Is it this? Yeah It's a mid-time update from Chris Tingle. The Beach Boys are surfing a huge wave right now, and they are crushin' it! Now let's go to the other side yes! [cricket chriping] Don't melt it that way. No, it's on cool, it's on cool. Ok, so we had a little bit of structural support, no big deal, could have been catastrophic, we caught it at the right time. I don't know what to do. So I don't know what to do so I'm just gonna eat some KitKat. What do you like, what else do people do when this thing just... No idea, never seen one. How are we looking over here? Pretty good, Chris, feeling good. Putting the final touches on right now. Is that the elf's house? Yeah, yeah it is, it's the elf's house. Be careful where you're waving your mic there, Tingle. Seems a little large for, for that, uh, little small guy. well, that's 4,000 square-foot, I mean, it's you know, it's nothing to sneeze at. 2 stories? Yeah, two storeys inside. How many baths? Uh, three-and-a-half. Hey, Chris Tingle ain't gonna lie to you boys, you guys had a rough start. but boy, you sure pickin' it up. Thank you Chris I love the color selection. I don't really understand how it all flows together, but I'm sure you're gonna sell me on it the final presentation. Christmas did come early. When you're building a gingerbread houses in a timed contest, it is a stressful, stressful thing Viewers. Not bad, gonna to be honest. This is pretty good. Alright, we got 5... 4... 4... 2... 1... Take off the hands off, hands off the table. We got ourselves a competition! *Christmas music* I gotta say, you guys really stepped up your game! Walk me through your design, give me the inspiration I need to visualize myself. Cory start us off. Well as you can see, we started to lay sod down and we ran out of sod and so we had to go with the only other material we had left, sand. I gotta say, smart choice you put all your money in your front yard, curb appeal. Backyard we'll get to that later. The west wing does not connect to the house, is that on purpose? Okay well let me explain, this has nothing to do with snow, this has nothing to do with Christmas. This has no theme, no theme. This is a house built out of candy, built out of gingerbread, with bird poop on it, that's it. Christmas came unexpected because no one had time to set up for it. The Beach Boys! Walk me through it, walk me through it. This is, this is, outstanding. Thank you, thank you First impressions are everything and what we want to accomplish here was you look at it and you instantly have that recognition so, we obviously with the beach theme. We've got our ocean out here, we've got our fish, we've got our elf floating in a tube, we even got a sea turtle, which you know they were endangered, but thanks to people bringing awareness to sea turtles, such as me and Codes, they're actually doing a lot better now conservation. We've got our fire pit with embers, the fires going down but we like to be prepared and add more. So, over here we've got our lamps that lead up to the path, a path in the darkness is not something that we really like so we wanted to add a lot of light to our house. And then of course, the roof is you don't want to overlook that because that it is a thatch roof of course to go with our beach theme with which really fits nicely and then just a few minor decorations on the outside of the house just like everything me and Codes really tried to give it our all and hope the people appreciate what we did. So, uh, first thoughts I mean this is outstanding, but you guys spoke my good side, my favorite holiday is Christmas, awesome. This is a beach theme, but this is also Christmas came early, which is kind of funny. because theirs, was not Christmas Came Early. That's a great point Ting! The time has come, I'm about to announce a winner Um, I thought about this, well not really, it is pretty easy. The winner of this battle... The Beach Boys!! YEAAAAAH- HAHAHA! YES! YES! YEAAA-HAHA! I win a belt! Hey, Christmas spirit, congratulate them Oh yeah, I'm sorry You guys are amazing, good job. Okay okay, cut it out. Hey hey! If you guys like face offs, and you guys wanna see more click right here to subscribe to the Whistle, view them all. other than that Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas! Chris Tingle's out boy. See ya!!!!
Channel: Whistle
Views: 16,557,699
Rating: 4.8847766 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect face off, dude perfect faceoff, dude perfect christmas, dude perfect trick shots, dude perfect trickshots, dude perfect basketball, dude perfect football, dude perfect office, dude perfect thanksgiving, dude perfect show, dudeperfect, whistle sports, the whistle
Id: lwPQUzusP8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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