Dude Perfect Corn Maze | Nerf Battle

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here we go dude perfect yep it's real somebody  made a dude perfect corn maze so of   course we're going to racing it first three  to escape the maze move on to the finale   got my little rover here the scoot i'm a little  nervous to be honest i don't think this one's   gonna happen for me today but if it does hey  shock the world not phenomenal with directions   everything's gonna be fine let's party i'm just  gonna kind of do my thing with speed goal is to   head south i feel good about it also got my watch  it has a compass on it you know plus if i get into   a bind then uh got the same watches gear so  corey you want to do truce 100 come on to an   alley that's the goal twins in the finale come on  hell yeah mike focus here we go three two one go off your killer start are you serious right  now oh my god him i got him ah he's coming   i'm leaving the cart i'm leaving the  roller i got him i got him i got him got him what a start twins are  down don't you sleep on jonesy get away from me do it hey oh what a  shot are you kidding me hey get back here   get it where is the headset how do you get out  of here ran out of ammo right as he shot me horrible stark but now i'm back in let's go i have to be close i gotta go back this way oh i feel like a corn maze champion okay i  haven't been popped yet which is good news   i just i hear a lot of commotion  over there but nothing over here   all right kobe and i are in a truce and  we're both lost i thought i knew where i was   i can't find the exit on the far left  side and i thought he knew where we were cody literally made an entire lap  around his head and now he's going back   inside the same track the problem  is the corn all looks the same it fell off got him great shot core they have a  twin truce i am over 20 20. hey twins just fyi there's three going  to the finale there's already two here   y'all might want to not team up and start shooting  each other what do you want to do there's only one   thing to do duel okay i like it you go over there  i'll stand here five seconds ready set go deal ready set go are you kidding hey you little runner so update for me walkie's dead  phones lost so send help hey you guys   ladies and gentlemen welcome to the finale here's  how it's going to go step up hit the first gongs   next gongs then up to the apple blaster  load your apple stick it in here and fire   first one to blast the giant rival target is  the winner ladies and gentlemen it's finale   time thanks wow he's used to it it's finale time  still a little offended that kobe broke our duel   cody is unfortunately still in the maze but  we have a flight to catch so it's time for   these guys to get to it whoa cody if  you can hear our voice come this way   okay good news oh no bad news this is where i  started good luck hey good luck to you three two one i oh just to the right that was a beautiful apple i think we should  look for cody here no no we should head to   the airport and then trophy presentation after  that okay garrett is not my honor but in honor   of cody it is my duty to rest in peace codes  i'm kidding we don't know where he is i don't   think he's died but we're still i mean he's a  corn mate yeah it's not that hard to get out of   by the way a little underwhelming right now this  was supposed to be gold it looks very gold but   it's deflated then when it blows up it's a little  more pale can i have that blaster don't worry   about it i'm gonna hold on to this one thanks for  watching guys if you're not already to do perfect   subscriber click down here so you don't miss out  on any new videos especially thanks to our friends   at nerf for making this video possible check out  the brand new pump action nerf ultra 3 blaster for   yourself click right here if you want to check it  out if you want to see the last video click over   here sign it off for now pound it noggin sync up  definitely been here before this is not good hello
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Views: 9,240,469
Rating: 4.9307337 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, corn, maze, cornmaze, battle, panda, ultra, rival, amazing, real, life, escape, huge, massive, trending, viral, insane, korn, garrett, cody lost
Id: JaAm-0BBbmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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