Best CRT Shaders for PS1 - DuckStation Settings

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okay I thought I'd record a quick video about my preferred PS1 emulation settings specifically with duck station because I really don't want to use retroarc but yeah I don't have access to my CRTs at the moment so I was looking for a good CRT Shader alternative and I found this one duck stations default Shader options don't really do it for me but I found these additional CRT shaders which I've Linked In the description so you can install it yourself but yeah let's dive into the settings okay so uh we're going to start with the internal resolution scaling I have it at 4K texture filtering nearest neighbor down sampling box at 3x and I should just say uh as well that uh change all these to your personal preference these are just my preferred settings and I'm not an expert at this stuff if you know any other additional settings I should be changing yeah let me know there's also the pgxp section at the bottom which you can turn on and off that stabilizes the ps1's classic warping textures it's not accurate to actual console but it doesn't really need to be I think I the look I guess I'm going for is something that's maybe more of like a modern PS1 type of aesthetic versus true accuracy um yeah it's interesting to play around with and see how it looks okay in the postprocessing tab we're going to add the two guest shaders here with the pre- Shader above the ntsc one and then jump into the settings so to start we're going to just go from the top down and hit some of the most important settings I've been messing around with ntsc resolution scaling is probably the most important one it defaults at one but you can change it up to two this is up to your preference depending on the game I prefer setting it to two for most games just for clarity and then scrolling a bit down we get to the gamma input and Gamma output and I've just very slightly tweaked them to bring them up a little bit because scan lines do of course darken this picture again to your preference another one that is a requirement is high resolution scan lines they just simply fix misalign scan lines this should be on at least for my settings uh on 4K display it is necessary and I'll show some comparisons after as well horizontal glow Sigma and vertical glow Sigma these recreate as far as I can tell they recreate the phosphorous glow of CRT but the default setting looks way too over the top for me so I turned both settings to the lowest they will go and I think that looks a lot better and then at the bottom here CRT mask you can change this to your preference I just have it at six this PlayStation boot is a great example of the high resolution scan lines of the misalignment of scan lines versus when they're properly aligned you can see the text difference there the rest of the video is going to be comparisons of different games with different settings and there will be time stamps in there yeah you can see the differences that I've played around with here and adjust to your own preferences of course thanks for watching and enjoy the rest of the footage this way this way [Music] boy you there all done everything's in working order at this speed we should catch up to Gramps anytime now boy that new engine sure is something completely different from the old one well it was expensive but it was worth it I'll take over H thanks [Music] yeah [Music] behind D Colonel what's a Russian gunship doing here I have no idea but it looks like our little diversion got their attention now is your best chance to slip in unnoticed we'll be monitoring your movements by radar so contact us by codec anytime you want got it I'll call if I'm feeling lonely seriously snake we're here to back you up so call if you need some information or advice I'm also in charge of your mission data contact me if you want me to record your current status my frequency is 14.96 it's a dedicated frequency for saving data don't forget it e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it I
Channel: ggdeku
Views: 1,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yk1GWr2QzSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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