4 Artists Redesign Eachother's Pokemon

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[Music] hey guys Ron here you've probably seen plenty of videos where I invite a group of artists give them a prompt and we go crazy as well as the recent spin-off where my friends create EV Vault forms for Fakemon I create well here's another spin-off where I invite some Fakemon artists and we redesign each other's Pokémon dead bed spread Mr Bonnie John and RI art know what they signed up for so don't feel bad for them we're all here to see old designs of ours reach their full potential each person will have to pick three Pokémon one from each of the other artists roster to redesign the only rules are that the concept and type have to stay intact nothing too simple or drastic it has to retain the same name and idea while changing enough to make it very much worth a redesign if you're new to the channel make sure to check out all my other fakon videos and Pokémon Art challenges and make sure to leave a like And subscribe if you want to see a part two dead you're first okay so we're going to take a trip back to the beginning of time January 22nd of the Year 2022 where one wonderful True Green 7 designed a fake for the four artist series the setam mini line oh set mini that's actually not the best so you're right you're okay good thank God I'd say my evolve that evolve form is I guess probably the worst of the designs for the four artist series which sucks cuz it's the first one and the most watched one so it's basically a conquistador pink fairy armadillo Knight it's inspired by some mountains in where was it again Argent Argentina just making sure which I always thought were cool cuz the prompt oh yeah I mean the prompt was a pretty protector protagonist it's a very like calm Pokemon so I thought sedam mini was a little cutie um and I thought that there was a very good through line setup in there that wasn't really followed through I felt there were some issues missing um where it seems it seems kind of stiff not really Dynamic I know it's based on a pink fairy armadillo but you know Pokemon is Fantastical so I feel like it being able to roll up as a pre-evolution and then losing that is kind of weird yeah it's tail weapon seemed kind of Impractical this is before I thought of the anatomy of my designs this is before you you got the the fake nonsense and you say it yourself in the video that sedam mini looks like a different weapon I present to you the Deb's version of solido wa that's fine oh that's I do prefer the weapon the weapon's very cool signature move Tail flail tail flail yeah that sounds about right that's also a really good move godamn already love the movement that we're getting with the weapon the leaned in pose yeah it's definitely a more Dynamic pose and I guess I yeah the long snout is a better progression of the pre-evolved form just because the original makes sense doesn't mean it's the best execution like if the new pose is just a cooler pose than it's just a better pose you know I'm always a sucker for a topheavy Pokemon and I think that this this really scratches that itch and it's cool cuz it really is the same Pokemon it really is just solid Dillo redesigned I was worried it was going to look like a split Evolution I'm getting like a chest kn kind of vibe who's also kind of like a b Ron you were alluding to it being based on kind of Argentinian lore what is also native or at least was native to that region is um glyptodon which obviously herma does evolv from and it's one of the chestnut's supposed bases with the with the deck entry I also said like fossils of this Pokemon have been found dating back to prehistoric times which is one a reference to that but also a reference to that it was really one of the fake man that started off the four Artist Series in general very nice and as a Pokemon with like literal Rock armor that's good lore for it to have fossils the question is how is this tail more practical now the way the move worked originally was it was like a a Giga Impact you know the tail had to take one turn to regrow so with it being like segmented and stuff I feel like that just fits the vibe more cuz even if you look at sedam mini stale it kind of has the segments that I feel would like naturally lead into a longer tail that then have kind of the shape at the end of it I think it also really helps that the it's a lot more Det tailed now because um I I like the original weapon but it is very sort of kind of flat it looks almost completely 2D I guess it was already so complicated that I was like okay I can't also make the the weapon so complicated um but no you're right it makes way more sense to also feels more like an actual tail when there are segments and then and it's flowing and I guess now it's it's also like a cooler weapon where it's like something that it could swing and hurl once again going back to the beginning of time when a certain Mr Bonnie John applied to the four Artist Series in the original auditions AUM and oess was this your first ever fake on Bonnie first yes so if you don't know H Bonnie actually came under my radar because he submitted an audition to be part of the four artist series I was like I'm going to follow the prompt of the recent episode to like prove that I could ball with them right like if I were in that episode this is what I would have done so it was I believe normal to abnormal so with oppress um I felt the name was perfect it just wasn't evil enough if that makes sense there's an energy kind of that the name is giving that the fake man isn't and also I I felt the faces coming out the side while cute and kind of giving the concept it wasn't kind of matching like what was set up in the rest of the design with the red eyes being seen in the fur objection yeah no so far I agree wholeheartedly like this you could really see is like the beginning of you know my Fon Pokemon journey and in said it's very gimmicky that I had a Rattata um and an aasum hanging out there that's it's definitely not something that you would really see in a design was it intentional to make the patterns also feel like extra eyes or like do you is it good absolutely that was intentional okay but there's there's a lot happening in this design like looking at it now so I'm very excited to see how you probably simplified this design de um simplify might not be the right word okay all right except surprised me I've never seen a simple dead bed spread design here's the of w that's ins I love the face so much my god wow Menino did not deserve this no they pat trap they are a small rodent though they had no choice the full body looking so unkempt I'm getting um morgrim kind of Vibes with the face like it looks like the hex Maniac oh yeah yes oh I that was completely subconscious is anyone familiar with a rat king yeah yeah yeah okay I see what you're doing yeah so I wanted to go with the arat queen oh even though posum learn R but don't tell this feels like a hag or a witch it's exaggerated but that's what you want in a Pokemon you want to really make the concept clear still in a weird way like still streamlined like um compared to my other one a ball is more fun it's like they they're more shapes the original still looks like a normal animal which is good but like it's not it's not normal anymore it's supposed to be AB noral so I feel like this is very abnormal I like how you made the little TFT of hair on the top of its like Fringe look a it like a crown thank you hey I knew one of you it and also with the shiny all of the the little rodents are also shiny oh that's really good or the head Cannon is kind of like this thing just steals like baby rodents of other species is that what goblins did there was one specific you know mythical creature that did that some weird freak something from England represent y'all English have some crazy creatures mythological ones at least not the not real ones yeah it's it's really boring on that front but uh Boris Johnson that's the only guy the Weird True theme that I have for all of this is that every Pokemon I redesigned is uh all female nowas I don't know if yours is 100% female but uh it definitely could be if it's the same thing that I did I'm going to be annoyed but I'm not going to express it so as to not reveal that we did the same thing well Ron I hope you're not annoyed but R you're allow be annoyed because the Pokemon that I decided to redesign is the bullant final evolution an Tillery no yeah that's yeah cool tell me about that yeah it still is one of my favorites I have to say let's hear what you have to say about it deeps and I did like it the it has a lot of like small kind of extren details it's like don't look like it can they can like support it it has like four of the Cannons where I'm like I think even two would have been okay and then also personal preferences like how does it load the cannon if it doesn't have any hands oh I never thought that's just a me thing um and also like the head flaps I didn't really understand what those are based on no I'm excited to see what you done with it it's a bug Steel type it has guns steel Magnets How do those work who knows wao wo oh oh wa oh rail gun oh the split stuff is pretty good that's fire oh it took me a second to get it that's super cool I tried animating it but I was like not a chance in hell it does make sense though wow it's it's such a fun concept like you really streamlined it I like how you segmented the body a lot better as well well I'm confused in the original what is right under the X what are those they look like little hands they're covering the nipples to make this C pg3 I think I think they were supposed to like kind of be like hand little like things and also they were supposed to kind of represent like little grenades that were on it without actually being grenades definitely something you can get you did right by getting rid of there it's funny to say that this new artillery is streamlined though it is technically but it's like it's there's more but it is stream how do you have more but also streamlining at the same time that's crazy that's a deep secret subscript my patreon at the highest tier and I'll tell you it's just because that everything's actually considered now like it's still it's more detailed but all the details have reason yeah it's more consistent and I suspect to give Roma credit too like had he had you know adjusted the pose for the original I think yeah I think we'd have warmed up a little more to it oh yeah yeah can you tell I like posing I'm such a poser and if anybody doesn't if anybody prefers the original over the redesign or anything just pretend that the regional variants this is from univ the original is from like R that's true that's true the connecting arms really is I think one of my favorite things I've seen on this in the series it's was such a clever solution to the original problem which was that there were too many arms it's magnets baby now I need to get dunked on so then we move on to R it's me uh and I'm going to get revenge and I'm going to go with deeps first MH and it's a Pokemon by the name of evil laptop oh yes evil laptop my favorite oh my God this is a digimon bro I don't know what you guys are talking about I think it's the Pinnacle of Pokemon names especially was that even a fakon is this a Fakemon design or was this like yes yes it is this is the final stage of a three-stage evolutionary line where they are all um computers and they start enormous and get smaller as they evolve oh I was going to say like a laptop's the last one the idea of a laptop Pokémon isn't inherently like terrible and I think like the progression that you had getting smaller was really cool I I did kind of pick up on that however the color scheme ooh is not pleasant yeah it is I I I I I completely agree the fa the screen face is uh you know it's the internet it represents the internet quite well it was based on the internet trap as well um where you know you you endlessly scroll so it's a it's a dark psychic type that was so I had to kind of avoid like ghostly sort of like design tropes and stuff like that the weird way that it folds um it didn't read super as a laptop and finally you need to kind of res simplify the laptop itself I hope it's still called evil laptop I hope it is not yeah I want to hear this name this better have a name it's called trap toop wow it's crazy I I'm very skeptical of this concept but you made it work so well like I you turned me on you turned me on you turn me over yo hey hey hey what what is Ron searching on this laptop yeah you have turned me over the silhouette in the bottom right just clued me into like The Mouse and the their angry eyebr like a little hand yeah it's so sick and it's crazy how you made all the pixels threedimensional but it's still it's flat and 3D at the same time and it's very appealing terminally online is theity so the idea is that as you like Doom scroll you just like get just sad funny every funny yeah every turn every Pokemon just gets their stats lowered it's a random stat I I think it would be all the same stat but random each turn it's kind of like reverse Moody hell yeah true oh that's really good it's it's pretty sketchy but like um I just wanted to get kind of the personality down not not hot Quil near hey hey hey what's that website um the flat one with the eyes is so good oh and it's a cosmos's macroc cosmo laptop yes I'm glad you picked up yo you popped off my boy it's not subtle but it's like as UNS subtle as game freak would make it like the connectors for like the cursors um are and like the fingers of the mouse are Keys you can see they're kind of like missing I didn't want to like do it like crazy cuz it it would have been too much detail but I it's just kind of like making stuff float um it's four times week to bug which I thought was really cool nice computer gets a bug very nice and that that wasn't that wasn't intentional oh and the shiny is colored after spon from Delta run just bur that out there as well this is fantastic the original name was better anyway I'll move on to you now Ron oh better be as good as trap toop yours gave me trouble I will say I will say um it's from an another four artist video okay oh what's going on you guys were allowed to pick really old designs and it's I think it's one you probably like cuz I try in the four artist videos and I like it too I do like it too anyway it's um another flat design I'm assuming yeah a little bit um there's there's a there's there's more pressing problems I will say um but the thing is is that like the concept itself is so great like it's so good and the colors they were so good and I think it was it's one of those ones I just wanted to tweak a little bit but my main things with it were is that I felt that the proportions were a little out um the head seemed very big and the feet seemed very small and also I like the whole like kind of geometric style that it's in but I felt that it did make it quite flat and it didn't quite get sort of the grace of a like a conductor or the coolness of a Glam rocker either the prompt of that video was like boss and underlings and so this guy is this electric psych type that conducts using its uh light stick fingers it's based on a bat and a vampire and Glam rockers and and conductors and it basically puts a spell on its uh pre-evolved forms which make them cheer and then the cheering gives this guy power and then it's like a Perpetual cycle of like energy I guess I did intentionally make it very androgynous I guess that's why it's uh very topheavy but still Point uh skinny but let's see if you have a better execution of whatever I was trying to do when I'm doing a lot of pointy stuff I don't want to render and shade all the individual spikes cuz that would like feel like there would be too much detail but then that means it ends up looking flat I guess I decided to go with something a little bit more animal inspired oh snap wow okay dude what is going on these are some of your best things oh my God the hair so yeah now it's more I guess like bethoven a little bit Yeah Rouge of the bat yes so someone did mention that and it is still feminine while and masculine at the same time which is good yeah you said you want to be kind of of vague which I I appreciate I like like vague animal Pokémon so I wanted to get the bat in there but I thought maybe if I mix it with the I ey then that was kind of oh wow they're both night creatures this is definitely better like again like I yeah if I were to redesign it I would try to make it feel like it it consists of 3D shapes instead of 2D ones and it definitely is way more batlike in a way that makes sense and is consistent with the concept it definitely looks like more of like a presence as well like it's like I am conducting um here as well by the way little page just to get c a littleit i love all these oh and the dev so like the preol form it still fits which is so cool like it's still the designs still fit with each other I I enjoyed devote so I love the little flying pose almost and I love the I'm seeing the main yeah bursting out it's just way more Dynamic way more fleshed out damn this this is going to change something in me I'm going to start considering 3D more he's going to evolve into True Green a I can see the shapes in yours I can see the 3D shapes and forms in yours while mine I guess it became more muddy like it's like you can't you can't really tell what some where some parts begin and end while yours it really feels like you can easily 3D model this you can sculpt it I was origin going to give it more like bat-like legs but my little sister was looking over my shoulder and she was like I don't like the legs so I changed them back okay Bonnie lay on me brother I'm going to be so honest with you I had no idea what do Fe yeah I don't have noise no no this is yeah that's from D run the thing is Bonnie I actually really like this design a lot I have nothing wrong with it the reason that I don't love it is because it evolves from this what I mean it makes sense but what I I want to make it more in line with 2D in its you know categorization the Shameless Pokemon it's meant to be like this dark type is doing everything to stay relevant right like it started as a rubber hose kind of entity this guy is meant to be kind of like um like an edgy like 80s 90s like mascot type of guy where 2D leans into um the next era and it's like okay I'm not going to really be able to keep up with you know being this rubber housee enti I'm going to be Pikachu and I'm going to be like the fake Pikachu I'm Pikachu I am Pikachu also as in two and then two Shameless ripoff meant to obviously be um you know like a Mickey Mouse kind of ripoff cuz you know we have 2D is meant to be Steamboat you know Mickey I think it's it's really really fun and I I think design itself is is fantastic um I was just thinking I want to keep it as a as something duck like but it's trying to be a mouse so I'm thinking what's like half duck half rodent oh my God so this is this is the new p too oh wow wow true like now I think of it why did the or why did like the original Pikachu have to be so Mickey mousey yeah but Mickey Mouse is a rodent like Pikachu so that's why I had him like trans like he's like really trans like plastic surgery to survive in the new world I love the hair so much I can't I keep looking at like the the swirl the hair the ears almost kind of feel like a bandana now I love the treatment of the feet wow this is so fun I like the Le like the perspective that we have going on here yeah we're looking up at him he's like you know this is my town now it's very got much got that like Looney Tunes like it's Daffy Duck basically it's kind of gone from um from Mickey Mouse to Daffy Duck instead um and I felt like making it taller and giving it those Looney Tunes proportions really I I think it helps to make it feel like a evolution of 2D I think you nailed it I think this this to me feels like more what I feel like they would do I think with me like I was like really leaning into the meta element especially yeah they would not be able to do what you did no no and then on top of that like this was for Dee's project where he's doing a a design a day and and that day happened to be Pokemon day so I was like well who's more Pokémon than Pikachu it's a duck pretending to be a mouse which I think makes the like the kind of idea of it like being so Shameless kind of funny in a way cuz it's so obvious ly not Pikachu um in fact the Pikachu ears become like the as you said a bandana it's like a a thief's mask so made it kind of like an electric tail like a Pikachu clone would try to have it but he couldn't successfully make one right like so is that I mean that the idea is that it was kind of like a big kind of thick tail you can kind of like zigzag ify it make it look like Pikachu I also say the fact that it's a platus really works with the poison type cuz um oh and it has that's where the Spurs on the feet I was wondering that's fun that's great how did I not see the Spurs oh my God it's my birthday wait a second hold on hold on wait now the tail kind of looks like a whoopy cushion that is so fun is that the intention was it a whoopy cushion like Ron just said or are we reconing right now yes no it wasn't it wasn't but um but that that's a really fun like way of way of thinking about it it's a yeah it it do a much that is so fun we have a lot of AR types in this one to show how evil we are by redesigning each other's pokon wow yeah hopefully take this as a compliment but I don't understand why these are all the best pieces of art I've ever seen from you it could because we're getting this Primo concept art too where it's really Des so well done yeah thank you I yeah I I mean I'm I'm at Art uni right now so I'm learning a lot I haven't been designing a ton of Pokémon so maybe it's me coming out the other side of my first year there he's doing his artistic Journey like compare this to literally a something from that you drew like a year ago it's like it's astonishing I'm a bit younger than you guys let's not be around the bush you're a baby I'm a baby so I'm still you know I'm I'm growing but I think I'm growing quickly it's it's nice to know that you think I'm getting better I don't have the time to do these Concepts I'm I'm never going to do these concepts are but they they look so fun to do like if I just had unlimited time I would do this but like and it wouldn't be as good but like it really seemed like it would help my artistic Journey Ron just brought us here to tell teach him lessons which sucks cuz I'm next let's Go's go not going to lie I don't think they're I think they're the worst I think they're going to be the worst out of all of us I'm sure that' be great R um the first Pokemon on redesigning is going to be Romas and I think it's pretty clear that all my homies hate antill apparently them up here's what's funny it's the opposite it really is that it's I guess it's your most like standout design or like original concept we want to see it be as good as it can be yeah I really associate you with antill I guess because that was the first thing I've ever seen of yours but I did do have a lot of the critiques that uh Debs had I said too many arms but he kept all the arms and it made it more genius I took away the arms I took away one set so I was not clever um I mine is way more faithful to the original yeah there are just too many small details that aren't consistent each segment of its body has different patterns and different attributes and then the number one really thing is really is that like it looks like a grass type it look cuz it's very pretty looks like a flower I think my texturing work was not was not just enough back then so um so yeah I I totally get what you mean looking at it now but no it wasn't intentional so I definitely removed everything that looks like a flower or a leaf while I actually really like the color scheme again for a steel bug type it's I think maybe too colorful and doesn't look too like military it pops out a little too much in more and this thing has to camouflage a little bit so here is mine oh I love it oh awesome you redesign the babies as well it's so crazy first of all how similar yet different like with the pose yes pose is like it's so similar the render hilarious it's hilarious the rendering is great yes what I think is so successful here is how well padded like I feel like he's really he could really take hits like he the the steel lands here I the not the rivets but all the line there's developed about like all of these shielded bits it's really nice to look at the leaf Cape I took that just as like oh it's it's gathered camouflage with like this big leaf cuz like you know leaf cutter ants maybe like put it on itself but I love how you like you turned it into like an extra carpus what you were saying before about how you struggle to get 3D forms I think this is immediate proof that you don't cuz this seems like so well like established like I could easy see this being 3D modeled um this is this is so awesome the glint on like the mandible under the eye is so I see on the antenna too yeah this is definitely the shiniest Pokemon ever like rendered and I don't even know if it's like physically correct in terms of how the light works who cares if it makes sense it looks cool and also you've redesigned U what's it called blant the the baby I made it look like a bullet yeah beautiful um even even though like I I do like the grenade um aspect of the original um it's just I mean for me bullets come out of guns so not time made it what that's crazy man that's crazy hey grenade launcher has entered the chat you know he actually feels like he could you know go to war like he look so badass all the bug steel types are awesome popular yeah especially wadan uh never mind I just like Pokémon that look like they could protect me but we can also chill and that's what I want m i I love both of these redesigns so much more than the original it really feels like our antillies are split evolutions of each other I mean like all three of them yeah the second one I changed a lot cuz it's an old design of Debs oh boy although definitely later than evil computer or evil laptop or whatever evil computer evil laptop gorilla oh no this this was a mistake this was concept so this is a prompt right this was uh what's it called smoger what was it smog this this was smogus where um every day of August you draw dragon I can't I think the prompt for this day was gorilla like Warfare it was probably no it was no I think it was just gorilla and you just were clever and made it gorilla Warfare so the idea was kind of like gets this gorilla that when it lies down it like disguises itself as a rock it was a daily drawing Challenge and I think this is it was around near day 20 so clearly I was just having a day where I was like I just need to draw something why is it why is it either of its types who knows yeah why didn't you just make a dragon Rock I don't understand cuz I'm a Fool run can I point out he's like I use gorilla Warfare but let me just smile and give a thumbs up yeah it doesn't match at all this is the last thing you see before you die gorilla Warfare it's cool I like when their things aren't the animal but have the shape of an animal so like this isn't a gorilla this is not a gorilla but it's the shape of a gorilla I think I just remembered that the back is like a mound of like Silver Rock because it's a silver back oh yeah that was clever yeah what do you mean what what carrying a piece of rock I don't I I don't know run so that's why I'm like it was very tough when you when I'm read designing this like to remember that I'm not making a rock type and then also I have to now make it look way more menacing and like a dark type but also a dragon type cuz honestly there's nothing Dragon about this um I do like that the hair also is almost like roots of like if as if it picked up a mountain although I don't think mountains have Roots well have have you ever picked up a mountain get back to me when you do that it's neither a gorilla nor a dragon so like I made mine a literal Dragon gorilla like like what if I was doing the promp basically but but following your exact concept which is a gorilla with a mountain and also kind of camouflaging I guess he looks like an actual thing with the concept now I like uh the forearms like the patterning is simple there and the yellow and blue bouncing there is really nice as well yeah it's hard to say I have to keep both the hairiness but also make it Jagged and like look like part of it is hard so I had to blend it in somehow it feels like scales and it feels like fur the the mountain range makes like the like the spines of the Dragons back it's really really smart yeah I'm just I forgot all my intention when I was doing it like those were my intention but I forgot about everything um but yeah exactly like trying to get the dragony spikes with the dragony scales but mix mixing mixing it with a mountain but also the fur of a gorilla it was very tough is it a is it a legendary or like a pseudo it is I mean yeah cuz you didn't have any stats and stuff right yeah so I turned it into pseudo legendary yeah hell yeah what is the ability gorilla tactics that's that's from what's his name Froman darmanitan exactly a pseudo with a built-in Choice band is it's crazy yeah it's probably dumb but like well just hit hit it with a fairy move it do it really feels like you've kept the whole like camouflage Motif as well with there's a sort of um the like eye plating above that it looks like almost like a fake mountain range that it's kind of set itself up behind um I think that's really fun I love monkey the last one is obviously Bonnie and Bonnie is always the toughest one hello for two reasons for the if the audience does not know we do not have a lot of options for Bonnie and also most of his designs are are pretty good so it's like thank you if I can't pick one that's really bad then we might as well pick one that's really good o if I'm not going to win in any case and it's never going to look as good as Bonnie's original might as well pick the best Bonnie design korai oh my God Ron you crazy I'm an idiot son of a no I already see I already see what I don't like about this design so I'm very excited to see what you do but I didn't make it better it's not better mine don't don't lie don't lie you destroyed mine let's see it let's see it just put me out of my misery damn it cuz Okay so the original one is like what the flock that I can say are not flaws they're just like they're actually good things so like for example it's very masculine but that's cool that it looks so masculine it's very cool looking um so mine is slightly less it's like less masculine it's I guess slightly more feminine it's to its face is huge it has a huge head um and I feel like it looks a little more it looks more Disney than Pokemon I saw that comment a lot so mine is looks more sugimori like I guess the other thing is that I guess the patterns are relatively symmetrical but it's like based on the concept which is uh kin sui the Japanese art of uh mending Broken Vessels with gold um and I love the concept of applying that to a a scarred cat so I just mine is slightly more symmet asymmetrical because of that cuz it's like yeah it's supposed to be imperfect you know um supposed to be scarred so like why would they be symmetrical I guess so mine the entire fur is more noticeably like a steel like it looks more like a statue I think the original the form it really is just a tiger I just made mine look more like Fantastical in terms of like the form so it looks more like a statue I guess but again that's the problem is that yours already has the pose of a statue and it's such a good pose it looks so Regal so I and I couldn't do the exact same pose it just felt like it would never be as good even though it would fit my concept better so I made mine I picked a different book wow no like I I think you should give yourself a lot more credit first of all thank you for all the kind words this I feel like if I were to redesign this man today this is is the direction I would absolutely take it the rendering is so goddamn beautiful I could kiss my screen right now dude it is so hard to come up with the patterns I think I spent more on this design than anything and the asymmetrical element of it really does make him feel like a unique character who survived the ordeal it makes it look like the body is almost kind of like built out of like marble or stone which one kind of goes into that statue aspect but the rendering on this still handsome Immaculate for lack of a better word your lighting is so so impressive yeah really like the line weight um that you chose for the the gold it was T again I spent like hours on that mhm it and it looks exactly like what I was trying to do for mine which is like lightning right lightning splits and moves I I already know the struggle you had cuz I went through it so like than really it's way harder than you think to make this like to make it look uh asymmetrical and like inconsistent but still look beautiful but even in it just standing like this very Regal it look look like there's so much movement and that's super successful anytime anybody iterates on that or like just does their own version it still has that amazing concept so it'll always look good I guess I would love to see actually other people's interpretations of of Cano and I think of it if you allow it um no of course I like the black you chose too like it it helps the gold pop even more looking at mine it's very muted I love how the the shiny is the same thing yeah people might not know what's going on you have to be there you have to be there kids you have to be there you to be there watch the original guys four artists design Pokemon from the same description number seven with me Bonnie and ffus it was my favorite episode I'm going to say it I'm just going to say it it was my favorite episode here first let's go finally it's time for Bonnie hello everyone I'm Mr Bonnie John AKA Professor bod let's get it going I have shocking news I have no reference today and uh the first one that I'm going to start with is rioma actually so oh Roma I'm going to say this right now I did you no favors in Sal yes ins Lama's very cute um this is insul Lama uh based on llamas and I think also supposed to be like some kind of Peruvian cloth maybe not I don't know it's just a llama and it's ice and normal type were the poodle aspects uh intentional um no no it is it is giving Furr I'm not going to lie yeah it's exactly why I had to um punch him up just a little bit because when I looked at ins Salama like I thought it was a PO I'm like oh is this like a Furr type of thing we'll just jump right into it with my insul the warmhearted Pokemon a hilarious I I really leaned into them um wearing the wool right that like llama are known for there's a really fun jux Theos going on where like the body is bare but it's still very warm I'm so glad you decided to design this one I really want ice cream now yes yeah yeah Neapolitan so inama live high up in the mountains only coming down at the end of winter seasons to have their extremely warm and insulated wool be sheared by the locals after centuries of partnership sweaters spun from the wool are described as being hugged by a gentle and loving fire when warn Insel Lama stable footing and warmth they provide are invaluable for hikers and stories of Insel Lama providing warmth for these lost for those lost at the top of mountains for days or even weeks are why these creatures are widely celebrated although largely docile they are extremely protective over their trainers and denisons of the mountain and will fire icy spit at deceptively long range with precise accuracy accuracy to protect those it adors I think you already right about the proportions they and I I love what you've done with them the like really skinny legs against kind of the big fluffy coat um and then the boots the the boots are inspired cuz they still look like ho the boots with the fur the whole club was looking at her who is she it's Lama it would be very hard shiny hunting this thing at night or in an ice cave when I first saw this I thought of brains it looks brains it looks like the texture of a brain obviously I can see what you were doing Ron has clearly never held sweater from Old Country sweater from Old Country I'm missing out Knives Out Chris Evans sweater took everybody's yeah so that's the pattern I saw I was like okay yeah we'll make that into a Pokemon all right cool let's get it so next up we got my boy Ron funny enough I was going to go with be conduct cuz that was the first one or the first you know time I got to collab with you and it was like the first some I really got to do my thing and I'm like it feels like it would be a nice kind of uh full circle moment um but then I was like going through some of your older stuff and I'm like tell us about claw strap oh thank God oh my this this is old yeah I definitely redesigned this because like I feel like when I was designing it it was like everything was just like an afterthought it was like I just added things because I needed to finish the design you know I I even I don't even think I finished some of the legs and some of the abdomen so it's like so it's like I was very lazy with this one even though like yeah I really like the concept and I would if I would I should have picked this as a to redesign in the future but now I have you doing it because yeah I guess the concept is really good so it's basically just like a trapo spider but it literally is camouflaged as a door so it's like it has these these big flat wall legs there's so much to love about this design like the unwieldy shape is very unique the concept is very fun um but I'm looking at the grass Elements which is very fun that's the I mean I guess it works right like it's clearly camouflag as you know in its space um for everybody who doesn't know it's it's fur it's not actually grass mhm um it's you know living in this environment waiting um for prey so I was like I want to really get it to feel a little more organic yet also lean into the colder side as well like the steel elements could be even more pronounced this Pokémon would wait and have like berries as lure right um and I really I really love that angle I'm like like okay that's a really important part of its hunting strategy how can I meld that into the design oh snap I got a bad feeling about this that's perfect H the pet ber self-described here the Petra Berry abdomen is raised up uh the creature Nestles into the yeah so imagine it's wriggling its little abdomen to entice and I even I don't quite often use shading but I really wanted to push this creature even far back right really sell the perspective um really play up the size right the moment you step in you're dead right oh my God the I just noticed the size of it oh my God that's scary oh my god um no I actually was triggered by it I don't know why uh let me read the deck real quick so claw strap due to claw strap's body featuring many unwieldy body parts it is forced to lie dormant for hours or even days at a time to conserve energy these Pokémon lodg themselves into nooks and crannies of caves and forests burrowing itself into the ground and raising its abdomen to entice unsuspecting prey closer and closer when slammed its pincers close so fast that their prey feels nothing as their bodies emulsify into mulch in an instant so this was this was came from a video where I was turning fears into Pokemon so I I turned I guess cluster phobia into Pokémon with your design it literally manifested some of my phobias which is spiders but also like um megalophobia I guess I'm I am really afraid of like giant abnormal Machinery bigger versions of things that are usually small scare me with yours fully realizing that concept it's pretty crazy that game freak has not done this exact thing like it's like it's kind of a perfect uh creature it's a perfect creature it's such a fun design yeah it is such a fun design like how is this not in any video like how does like Mario not have this how does Kirby not have this how does any Nintendo game not have this exact kind of thing how would it work in like the Overworld of Pokémon like if you walk into this does your character just die like he just dies yeah he just okay your save file goes corrupt I can imagine it it's like an Overworld like Road roadblock like you get snapped up and the battle start the Snorlax of its game maybe yeah the Snorlax of it game maybe yeah the claps are really good what what did you say say again it claps really good I was thinking another kind of clap but we can move on yeah I'm like what do we your y'all are sus today it's the weekend yall have your feet up and things on your M and weak for nothing okay D the court now brings you up in defense of elk tick no way what say you of elti so elti is the final stage Evolution for a grass starter uh that I made for a region uh theoretic based on Ireland where it is a combination of Irish elk which is an extinct uh species of elk from Ireland and also if you want to follow the grass Extinction grass ster Extinction Theory there you go while also incorporating some kind of ancient Irish uh runic stones but uh I also had its antlers uh be hands because I thought that was fun I looked at this design I thought that was so fun um it was super out there like it's not something I don't think I would have thought to do you know hands aside I was like it's it's a little too busy I messaged into our group maybe a couple weeks ago when we started and I said something you guys remember what it was it was so rude it was actually disgusting I had to delete it yeah yeah I freak I said I designed the hottest Pokemon I've ever made oh no oh wait however I was going to say that he's kind of human human looking which creeps me the out respectfully aren't all starters kind of humanoid well they're humanoid in shape not like they're face got more oh that's the problem it it's it's eyes it eyes are front facing that's not what deer do yeah deer don't do that I mean maybe they did this one's extinct so what that deer do what that de I'm looking at it I'm like it just feels like it needs to be a little more earthy um just a little more dirty everyone meet altic 2.0 oh my God a my baby boy smash I made it grass fighting instead of grass Rock I could see it easily being the case cuz I clearly kept Rock elements I want to lose the Rune elements so I could easily just update that to be Rock um The Diamond Motif that we see at the top uh as well as obviously on the Hooves those are actual woundes yeah I was originally going to try to incorporate strength instead I went with growth which is very fitting for a grass type antlers themselves constantly grow and then shed uh and I have a DEX for it as well for elck 2.0 elti are proud Warriors who battle for mates and territory at the start of Every Spring season these double Pokémon trained by boxing against trees able to F them in a two- strike combination by way of their antlers these Pokémon shed their antlers if they go on losing streaks in the hopes to train their new horns to be even larger and sturdier do you know what my immediate thought was when I saw this guy um do you do you guys know that um that fan game uh Pokemon close combat it's it's like a it's like a 2d fighting game but like with only one yeah I want to see this guy in that because those arms would be so much fun I can also Imagine like the arms of the antlers being able to like grow in and out like when it's sleeping they'd be like folded all the way up to its head that's what I was thinking I would hold his hand this is a weird episode epod first if it's kind make sure you leave a like and let us know if you want part two so if you guys didn't know R got into this series because of the audition that I uh a casting call I made a big casting call to everybody on Twitter I said let me see your skills and then R was like bet and then he showed me his skills and then I'm like all right yeah you can be on this please go check out the the post I made on Twitter and please actually follow the instructions because a lot of people are not
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 154,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating New Pokemon, Designing New Pokemon, Fakemon, Asone, Asone Region, Pokemon Type Swaps, Fixing Pokemon, Pikachu, Charizard, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Game Freak, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Arceus, Drawfee, Subjectively, Moxie2D, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Gen 9, Pokemon DLC, Irona Leaves, Walking Wake, DLC
Id: HVy2VdRbqO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 54sec (2754 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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