Dubbing Anime Done Right - How Fans Fixed The Psycho-Pass Movie

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the interesting thing about translation is that it's really just another form of that app tation just like i had to change things then you adapt a movie into a book to better fit that new format so too must things both be lost and gained in the process of changing something from one language to another sure most translations strive to convey the general meaning of what's being said and usually only make changes to help the sentence or joke or whatever sound more natural in the given language but there are plenty examples of this being done awfully I'm sure that we all remember how for kids ruined a generation by referring to rice balls as jelly doughnuts for example but changing Japanese thing a into English thing a or potentially into English thing B is about as basic as this problem gets and today I want to look at one of the more complicated translation jobs that I've ever seen and how various different people from various different groups went about tackling it so let's talk about these Psychopaths movie now I originally throw up a spoiler warning in the script here but after I finished writing this I realized that I didn't really end up spoiling anything I mean I'm showing footage of stuff that happens yeah but without context it won't really mean anything to you but if you feel like you need it then spoiler warning here but otherwise you should be fine so here's what you need to know Psychopaths is a detective cop drama anime set 100 years into the future and takes place in a cyberpunk version of Japan and that's about it for the sake of this video so translation was things were mostly smooth sailing in the first season of the anime as Japanese thing a got translated into English thing a without difficulty and for the most part it just ended there but in the movie however the main character akane flies outside of japan to somewhere new and it's here the problems begin to arise because most of the characters in this new setting canonically speak english so in the japanese version of the anime akane is japanese speaks japanese lives in Japan as you would expect so when she travels abroad most of the people she meets speak English a different language now a lot of you savvy anime viewers might already know where I'm going with this because anime has something of a history of getting Japanese voice actors to speak awful broken English or English for these scenes and the same is sadly true of the psychopath movie now normally this isn't much of a problem because it's usually used as a one-off thing and is easy even for us native speakers who recognize how awful it is to overlook unfortunately though because the English speaking characters are such a huge part of the movie we have to listen to their English again dessert regular message are you mash noise and again were you interested patron or machine and again adorable individual BIOS has a detoxifying effect it's takes away the inferiority complexes and a change at contemporary and the disparate attitude of native people it honestly makes the movie nigh unwatchable for me just because of how frequent it is it's like watching The Godfather but if all the dialogue was sped up so that it sounded like it was being said by the Chipmunks it robs the movie of any seriousness that was trying to convey as I just laugh over all the dialogue but surely that isn't an issue in the dub right well let's just switch over to that and find out shall we so in the first season of the dubbed anime the characters are canonically Japanese and do live in Japan but everyone just speaks English it doesn't make any sense if you think about it for too long but it's sort of a conceit of all dubs and it's an easy enough thing to suspend your disbelief for and hey since Funimation hires professional English voice actors they'll be able to remove all the Ingres from the Japanese movie and make that watchable now right well yes and no the voices are all replaced and do sound much better but this breaks the plot of the movie in several ways you see this dub of like most stubs is operating under the assumption that everyone no matter where they're from speaks English but because the plot of this movie is about a Japanese person going over to an english-speaking nation there are a lot of scenes based around the idea that the characters can't understand what the other person is saying which doesn't make sense if everyone speaks the same language here I'll show you what I mean this is a scene from the beginning of the movie where these guys who all speak English are trying to talk to this guy who only speaks Japanese to conduct some illegal goings ons so here's what they did in the original Japanese you or mr. Miyazaki now you can serve it today we need a car okay so the new Heder as you can see a scene based around the idea they couldn't understand each other now let's look at how the dub handles this so you're mr. Miyazaki that's right but turnabout's Fair Play I got a check you two all right say something we need a car identity confirmed there we go let's talk business now credit words do that's a pretty smart change because everyone speaks English in the Dubs world they change the translator into a voice identifier but that fancy trick only works once for example here's the scene that just no longer makes sense in the English dub I'm Nicolas Wong man I'm captured of the Union Military Police Force and I assume you must be inspector akane tsunemori from the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare I am then welcome to the Southeast Asian UN so here she just looks at her watch for no reason which feels out of place and kind of breaks the pace of the scene because in the original she was activating a translator but what else can you really do completely switch everything around and have the SS actors speak broken Japanese for the new characters actually that'd be really funny the more that I think about it konnichiwa I can't I son as she hentai baka kawaii tone re ching chong ching chong Bing bong I am welcome to the specially administrated zone so you can see the crossroads right here the Japanese version is all but ruined by the unlistenable Engrish and while comparatively being much better the English dub loses a lot in translation but what else can you really do well as Akane learns herself in the series sometimes you need to operate outside the law to get shit done and that's where the Engrish eradication Edition comes in much like fan recut so films like Highlander 2 that removes all the alien shit or the Star Wars cuts that add back in the original scenes that were cut by George Lucas the ingress eradication Edition is a fan or cut of the psychopath movie that seeks to fix the subbed version by redoubling the original broken English with Funimation's lines so for example they take the audio of this guy speaking his line from the dub and insert over the original Japanese English take the end result is that the characters who are supposed to speak Japanese speak Japanese and the characters who are supposed to speak English speak English but fluent English this time for example let's watch that same meet-up scene from earlier but this time from the English eradication edition so you're mr. Miyazaki job to map today Nani cassava today we need a car okay so the narrator so already that is a genius solution but it goes even further you see it might be weird for a Khanna to switch from doing perfect Japanese to doing perfect English and you would easily be able to hear the change in voice actors so the solution they decided upon was that the Japanese characters in the film like Akane and Koga me still speak the broken English from the original Japanese sub well as terrifying as you make that sound we have some important questions - this is world's better than what we had previously because instead of the English holding the movie back now it's actively enhancing it because now there's this weird sense of three dimensionality that gets added to the main cast in the eradication edition it makes them feel like real people who are trying to speak a different language as best they can and the fact that they're not perfect at it is a very humanizing thing granted that was also kind of in the original sub but all the other people who should have spoken perfect English having equivalent skills kind of took away from it there honestly I think the eradication Edition is the best way to watch the psycho-pass movie know that the dub is bad mind you in fact I actually think it's one of the best dubs Funimation's ever done but the eradication edition worked out such a simple and perfect solution to what was a tangled web of complex problems that I kind of consider it a work of art all its own so as long as you don't mind raising your crime coefficient a bit to find it I highly recommend seeking it out special thanks to my wonderful patreon patrons including Joe Anderson forgotten paladin princess scotch-tape a cool guy log amorphous dingos trash Sydney Bennet Jada prog Kelvin Ryman Ludwig Isiah Cristo myth nut soul and Rena Tasha
Channel: Syy
Views: 378,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Syy, Syyborg Gaming, Analysis, Anime, Review, Psycho-Pass, Dub, Sub, Dub vs. Sub, Funimation, Psycho-Pass The Movie, Engrish Eradication Edition, Engrish, Translation, Bad English, Broken English, Akane Tsunemori, Dominator, Cyberpunk, Anime Analysis, Video Essay, Subtitle
Id: 4WwNg8ywEuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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