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hey what's up YouTube I appreciate you clicking on the video um thank you for your patience I haven't been able to go live and uh upload videos as often I I would like to I've been busy moving my setup to another part of the house and finally got all that done and squared away so definitely be on a lookout for more more content to drop within season 2 covering classes um covering gamep playay um if there's some settings drastic changes then I would also upload that whatever I'm going to be adjusting to but I wanted to share with you guys the ultimate settings I'm going to be going into season two with I've been testing your guys' settings and the feedback I've been making uh different adjustments going between linear Dynamic um adjusting my ads my horizontal my vertical um I've tried all the different settings and I feel these are the settings are most appropriate um and I also did change the Dual sense as far as the stick um I was using the the lower uh thumb grip and now I'm using the higher one and I do feel feel a little bit more control a little bit more accurate while using this one so I'm going to stick to that one um this one is also getting worn out so this was a little bit more newer and uh these are the settings I don't want to be jumping back and forth back and forth so I'm going to stick with these settings unless Call of Duty CH really changed stuff up and hopefully they didn't mess things up but we'll we'll find out so yeah let's jump into the video and break it down all right guys so we're going to break down the controller settings within Modern Warfare 3 no drastic change is here um I only changed the left stick Max from 65 to 66 uh I might have did that ing game but you can still Rock 65 if you want to um but I'm at 66 uh 9 and9 on the vertical and horizontal those are the biggest changes in the ads sensitivity 80 and linear yes I went back to linear dynamics's good going me wrong but it's just too sticky for me um I feel more accurate with linear so I'm sticking to linear I'm not going back to Dynamic um unless Call of Duty makes a huge change to linear and it feels off but if even then I may just stick to linear and just um get used to it 100% um gameplay wise uh everything's the same um I'm anticipating that Call of Duty will not make any changes here within game play uh but then again you never know there's a possibility that they may add something to help us out or they may add something to mess up their settings and we have to go back and do that and if it do I'll drop a video on Cut covering those um within Graphics I don't have any changes here I just wanted to share what I'm doing 120 HZ field of view I go down to 115 for multiplayer um sometimes 114 but that's the lowest and then I go back up this is for more um frames on on the PS5 uh for default um on wide on multiplayer my gun looks like this sometimes let me know if that's how issue for you on PS5 within war zone it doesn't do that when I have it on wide but within multiplayer it does like every other game it zooms out it zooms out like that um I don't know why um make sure to do your safe area real small so that way you're not looking across your screen for the UAV and looking for players and stuff like that um audio horrible in this game audio is trash I'm hoping season 2 they do a revamp on the audio and um that's on everyone's wish list I'm sure uh but after this clip uh plays a couple Clips be sure to stick through that way um stick by or stay in the video so that way you can catch uh the sense Ed settings all right guys I apologize I got my words mixed up in that last area but here are my dual sense Edge um settings I didn't change much here the only thing I really changed is on my right stick I am using a higher um Extended grip I was using this one before which is a little bit smaller and I switched to to this and I feel this is more accurate at least it's for me may not be for you but this definitely is and if you just seen on the uh right stick I went to -4 I tried five I've tried -2 I've tried zero I tried 1 I went all the way up to positive when you go up to positive it slows it down makes it more stiff so keep that in mind when you go up it makes it more stiff if you go down the negatives it makes it way more loose and just more smooth um so um I'm at then see me doing um I'm at four right now and I feel that feels more accurate for me and I'm using a purple Precision ring if you're using black you may have to go to Five um and if you are green hey you might be able to go up three or two you w't need to um make it as loose cuz green is like the lightest Precision ring there is but yeah so I want these are the settings I'm going with within season 2 um I feel very comfortable sticking with linear sticking with 99 and my ads at80 and um yeah if Call of Duty makes any changes within season 2 I hope it's within the audio and not within anything else um and uh skill based matchmaking we all know that right that's another thing but we'll see we don't know um I'm excited for season 2 um be ready to catch some more clips of uh just you know short clips of maybe just some montages maybe some clips of some um classes that I'm using um speaking of classes to the end of the video I'll drop the classes that I'm using within this uh gameplay you guys can try it out um by then though season two you're going to have some new guns I'm sure's going to want to be grinding those out as I know I will be grinding those out and yeah uh appreciate you guys clicking on this video and just um uh being here with me you're still here um thank thank you thank you very much for um hearing me out and um and uh being here with me uh really means a lot try to share this video with someone that has a Edge or they're just getting into Call of Duty um this is a good starting point for them to get some settings done that way they can be somewhat competitive and uh the more you play the more you get better just like anything and uh yeah I'll catch you on the next one [Music] peace oh wow [Music] out [Music] now [Music] [Music] n
Channel: GOOZIE
Views: 8,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5Share, ShareFactoryStudio, battleroyale, playstation, videogames, season2, settingsforseason2, controllersettings, dualsenseedge, warzonesettings
Id: n68Ufdp9JH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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