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g'day I'm BG from drifter just a little demo video today on one of our dual cab systems that we do so this is more of a sort of Touring package so if you're on the move everyday what we've got in the back this vehicle here is we've got a slide-out kitchen here and a storage draw and the drifter table so I'll start with the kitchen because that's the main feature of this system that I sort of want to show you so the kitchens built into the back of the system here and we've got the the kitchen sliding out on some stainless steel runners so with our drawers we always use like a Teflon slide system but for a polite kitchen like this we're using like a stainless steel runner because it just makes a kitchen much easier to setup so you just release the one tab and then the kitchen pulls out as easy as that okay so there's no legs on the kitchen it's fully self-supporting and then it's got this bench here so the bench folds out and then there's just the one leg which are unclips from the back of the unit and then clips in here to support this bench okay so it's just the one leg there as you can see which is nice and easy and that just supports the fold-out bench here so the fold-out bench is a nice laminated area so it's just a bit of extra work top space here you can see how we've how we've done the hinge here to basically keep the height of this bench down we've sort of like dogleg the hinge so that as you open it up this bench drops down to here so it makes them all sort of usable height which is really handy next to that this is just a little windbreak there's the area where your stove lives so whatever stove you've got we can make the space to suit a really a popular stove that we use at the moment are the the Methow two burner stove so the stoves were on methylated spirits so the advantages of that are you don't need to carry a gas bowl because a gas bottle is always one thing which is a bit tricky - tricky to carry and also as soon as you pull the kitchen out the map method stoves are ready to go so you don't need to connect up the hose like you would do with a gas stove so they're quick and they're easy and they just work really well with their kitchens that we offer so next to the stove we normally have a couple of drawers so the top drawers only a good draw for cutlery we normally divide it up just to help you keep things organized there's a another drawer down here which is you know good draw for cups and plates and bits and pieces and then on the end we have a little storage cupboard so the actual size of the kitchen does depend on what vehicle you've got because you know some dual cabs are different sizes and we build all of our units the size to suit every vehicle so if you've got a longer dual cab then the kitchens a bit longer we can make the unit a bit higher you know if you've got like a high top canopy then we might be able to afford a little bit more height here which gives you more height in the kitchen and yeah it's just the beauty about how we build things in we've build everything to order and to suit what you've got so we've basically maximize the use of the space so when you finish with the kitchen it slides away as easy as it come out and this little board here just slots in the front and then with the bench here the legs simply pulls off lid hinge is over and then the leg here just clips on the back so it's all contained there's little bungee cords on the lid and everything just to keep everything nice and tight when you're driving around and then you release the tab and it just flies away like that and it's locked in immediately so yeah so like I say the kitchen is the main feature I wanted to show of this unit but yeah we'll go through the rest of it as well so nice big drift of storage drawer here all our drawers a fully carpet lined on the inside they come with a divider if you wanted to separate the space up you know so with your kitchen you might have a few bigger pots and pans you'll want to store in the frontier so you can do that and you can screw your divider in and then at the back you can put all your other gear whatever you got in there slide-out table so the table can be used as like just slid out partway like this so it's a bit of an add-on extension for your work top area with your kitchen so you can use it like that or it also comes out and you got the full set of legs under the base as you can see all the legs just individually as well so if you're on a bit of uneven ground you can you know if your table rocks a bit you can just adjust the one leg to get it nice and level and stable there's a full laminated worktop on the on the table as well which matches the kitchen so it all looks nice and neat yep and the table just slides away nice and easily like that so the beauty about the table that we offer - is you know if you've got the back of your vehicle loaded up with all your gear often the first thing you want to get out is your table because you know when you're setting up your camp it's just handy to have a table to put all your gear on as you're unloading it out of your truck so that's the beauty about the table that we offer is it's just easy to get out we have these lift off covers over the wheel arches so these are the five rings as we call them so the side wings lift off and they open up to all the storage space you've got down the sides there and these gray brackets do slide out okay so you know if you want to put something long in there you can pull the brackets I'd say you can get unobstructed ox access down the side there's there's lots of other options too you can add we can blank off these ends here which a lot of people do we call these n panels that in fills so by blanking these ends off it means that anything you put in the space by the side rings is for one it's like hidden so it's out of sight and it looks nice and neat and - it stops it for them at the end we have an alanine edge strip which we can put along with edge here to protect this corner and and then there's also we have a full range of fridge slides we've got all the drop-down fridge slides they're all the different brands and the different sizes so you can have your drop-down fridge slide on top or we've got like normal fridge slides as well yeah this probably heaps more there's there's heaps more options - if you look on the website so yeah I just wanted to sort of run you through this one today so if you've got any questions at all you can just email me my email address is Mark a drifter kaamdar you and then we can we can work it out from there so all right thanks for watching
Channel: Drifta Camping & 4WD
Views: 315,626
Rating: 4.8826404 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, 4x4, landcruiser toyota, land cruiser toyota, 4x4 toyota, offroading, mud driving, beach driving, australia 4wding, australia nsw, nsw 4wding, snowpeak, drifta, snowpeak australia, drifta australia, drifta 4wd, luke sutton, offroading australia, 4x4 australia, 4wd action
Id: yOWWQ6e6bQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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