DTOS GNU/Linux - The Distro I Was Forced To Make - DT LIVE!

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welcome to another edition of DT live hope everyone is doing all right this morning for those of you hanging out in the YouTube chat give me a yay or nay on the audio all right I'm gonna have to wait about 20 seconds because of the delay to get a response I'm assuming the audio is working usually these solo streams the audio typically just works yeah you guys can hear me it's usually the desktop audio that's a problem it's me recording my desktop or you know me recording videos or me recording jitsi or Zoom call or Discord things like that that's usually the issue yeah yay on the audio all right so obviously the title of this this stream is yet another pointless distro or if you want the actual title dtos gnu slash Linux I created of course dtos is a post installation script for Arch Linux based distributions I've been doing that for two or three years maintaining a repository of software and basically the idea of the post installation script was me having a distribution essentially that wasn't really a distribution it's not an ISO therefore you can put it pretty much on any existing archbase distribution which I thought was kind of neat kind of innovative comes with a ton of headaches right I doing it the way I was doing it you know I think it could work it's a nice model I think more people should maybe make distributions like that um but it in reality in practice it causes a lot more headaches than just building ISO just facing off of one distribution because when I build an ISO of course I build it off of Mainline Arch and then I get less variances among you know this person did the dtos post installation history I've done Manjaro this person did it on Gerudo this person did it on Arco and you know all these different you know there's a dozen different arch-based distributions out there that are rather popular there's actually probably a hundred out there but you know at least a dozen that are very popular and I'm trying to support support requests for people that install dtos on a wide variety of distributions that each came shipped with various packages installed naming conflicts of my packages versus their packages and it just got to the point where you know even though I kind of resisted doing the whole ISO thing I decided just to make an ISO so let me open my browser here so I went ahead and I built isos of dtos before uh not necessarily in a serious sort of way and I never put them out on the uh on sourceforge or anywhere public for you guys to download but I actually built an ISO and it's available on sourceforge link is in the show description uh what this is this is dtos with q-top just the cutel window manager that's another thing I wanted to do I didn't want to ship with a million different window managers um the dtos script the post installation script I gave you guys uh five different window managers to choose from although I really recommended you guys just using exponent because that was what I was living in most of the time so that's the only window manager that I really lived in and I like if bugs cropped up I knew about it I don't use dwm or awesome or bspwm that often like I don't log into those window managers very often so if things are broken I'm not going to notice them and then so what I decided to do again just to make things easier on my life I use Q tile every day at least right now and probably for the foreseeable future I'm going to live in qtop for a while so I'm just going to make dtos for keto I've still got X-Men ad configs so don't worry and if you've already installed dtos with the post installation script you've already got um you've already got the X moonad configs they're not going away right so you're fine and just know that you know when I'm building these isos I'm not actually going to put X mode adding all of that on these isos let me go back to the chat and then we'll get into I'll spin up a virtual machine and we'll actually fire up that ISO maybe run through a quick installation please show more Fork bomb viruses uh the fork Bomb Video yeah I'm surprised people were that interested in the fork bomb I think I showed the fork bomb of course I showed it obviously with bash because that's what most people know about right and I explain why that bash Fork bomb Works what the all the the characters mean but you can actually do a fork bomb and practically every programming language and scripting language you can do a fork bomb with C or with Haskell or with python so if you're interested yeah I mean you you can Fork bomb a thousand different ways I've been playing with dtos for a few hours now pretty cool huh good to hear and did you install it via the iso I noticed about two dozen of you guys have downloaded it here this morning so some of you guys are gonna try it out which is cool I I told people when I first created the post installation script you know a couple of years ago the dtos install script told you guys it's essentially beta software I don't want to support it necessarily I really don't have time so I basically said hey I created this slang please don't use it so I'm going to do that with the iso too the isos there use it it works but just know if you need support you know I there's no 24 7 support right if you ask a support question you may be waiting a while for a response sometimes essentially though it's Arch Linux right at the end of the day um there's a obviously I have my own repository of software with some specific dtos only packages so you know some of that stuff I'll definitely support because that's my stuff if it's broken you know but like if you have weird questions like I don't know setting up some service or Damon that doesn't ship with dtos out of the box you know I'm just going to tell you rtfm right go read the arch Wiki most of the time like if it's something I can answer really quickly you know like in one or two sentences but if I gotta type out a couple of paragraphs to describe something that's already been written in the arch Wiki you know that's typically what I'm gonna do yeah some guy did a fork bomb in assembly yeah I think you can even do a fort bomb in alt right if you steal script and Hulk so yeah zero Linux he's in the chat so it's big pot how you doing big pod yeah host Grady some guy did a fork by yeah Yu-Gi-Oh Master is also in the house lots of familiar faces well let me switch over to my virtual machine desktop here I've already got this virtual machine created here invert manager and I've got the iso downloaded so let's fire it up so we got our boot menu just the Arch Linux boot screen if you've seen Arch Linux the boot menu you've seen only thing different is the theming obviously and let's go ahead and boot up now booting the live ISO let's take a little little time here I'm not sure why um this I don't think this was a issue the last time I built an ISO and uh you know did something on camera but there is for some reason once it gets to the part where it's going to start sddm it hangs for a bit you might have to wait 15 20 seconds for sddm to start here it is sddm starting we're gonna sit here at this black screen for probably about I don't know what seems like 10 maybe 20 seconds now that black screen hanging there if you're trying it off the ISO on a live USB stick or here it may be a virtual machine only problem I haven't tried it off a live USB stick just know this is just running it live after it's installed it doesn't hang like this I got my coffee this morning stopped by Whataburger for breakfast not McDonald's Whataburger does a really good breakfast um I wonder if it's an entropy problem like there needs to be some mouse movement or some keyboard Strokes not sure what's going on I suspect though it has probably something to do with the like the network um Services starting I don't know not exactly sure how sddm Works under the hood as far as what it waits on as far as things to start there isn't I mean I have a mouse cursor so it's obviously we've already got xorg kind of loaded it's just sddm hasn't finished loading yet okay well there it goes all right and the session the default session of course is qtal there's only two sessions on the iso uh Q tile and if I click on cutel hmm oh that's really slow now that's probably just a virtual machine problem the animation there uh cutal Wayland is the other option obviously there's no Waylon stuff on the iso of my Q tile config is not built with weightlant in mind so if you want to try Wayland obviously make sure you install all the Wayland stuff um and you're gonna have to change some of the configs though the live user and dtos already defaults to that uh password details yeah zero Linux is the uh Pac-Man and it takes a while yeah it could be the pack and yet service I suspect it's either the Pac-Man and net service or some of the networking Services a network manager which I don't use I'm using network D but you know some of those init Services one of them is taking a minute it would make sense for Pac-Man to be the problem Pac-Man if you guys have ever had your terminal window open and just have h-top open watch what happens when your package manager decides it's going to check for an update like if you have pamac or octopi or whatever you know it doesn't even have to be an arch-based District whatever your whenever your app package manager Pac-Man dnf decides to check for an update your CPU spikes to like 100 it takes a lot of CPU right when it runs that update so a lot of times those kinds of things do slow things down um okay so the calamari's installer opens automatically full screen it is a tiling window manager so it's going to be full screen and then if I hide my head it's just your standard calamaris installer click next a few times obviously you can change location and keyboard I don't need to uh erase disk now I've already got an operating system installed because this was an existing virtual machine but I'm just going to override it extend for swap to file uh the options extend for butterfs xfs I never use xfs these days uh I haven't tried to install uh then I have installed butterfs off this ISO the way it installed just fine I don't have Riser FS as an option it's really kind of deprecated nobody uses it anymore I also don't have ZFS as an option you can add ZFS as like an experimental option for uh the calamaris installer I don't know much about ZFS because I've never really been a BSD user whereas EFS of course is very popular on the BSD side of things so I'm just going with the tried and true extend 4 butterfs but we'll go extend forward here click next name and password strong and complicated password you know my settings right and then install install now and away we go and this will probably take 10 to 15 minutes to win snowball just like any other Linux distribution right oh yeah Pac-Man is essentially half a package manager made by at least this big bud oh be careful there big bud and I say be careful because the guys that work on Pac-Man I mean they're they take their work seriously I wouldn't call their package manager half a package manager and I was I definitely wouldn't tell them not to their face that they made it badly don't go to the arch forms big bud or they are some Reddit and say such things yeah it shouldn't take all that resources to check for updates yeah that's the only thing yeah and if if you have like automatic updates or you check automatically for updates one of the things you want to do is make sure that it doesn't check that often like if it checks every hour okay maybe have it only check once a day I mean do you really need to check if there's updates available more than once a day that way you know only once a couple times a day whatever you have it set to that's when it checks for updates and that's for you know those 30 seconds or whatever your CPU spikes to 100 that way if you're doing something that is already CPU intensive like streaming to YouTube that's not a problem or installing this virtual machine now this this takes a lot of CPU right you can only have so many things going on at the same time sucking up some of your CPU before one has to suffer and in my case if one's going to suffer it's probably going to be this live stream so compiling software that's another thing if you're compiling software takes a ton of CPU that's why it's a really bad idea to do a source-based distribution on camera as far as installing a source-based distribution that has to build packages from source on the machine you're also streaming on never a good idea usually the stream buffers a lot and it's just really bad you're gonna do that like if you're going to do it like a live Gen 2 installation on a live stream SSH into a different machine and do the installation on a remote machine and stream obviously on the local machine here right I have two different machines essentially one for streaming one for actually building gen 2. or do it in a virtual machine if you do it in a virtual machine just make sure the virtual machine you know you give it just enough sync to you and RAM that it can do its job but not enough that it's going to hurt the Stream and right now it's unpacking the image you guys have seen this before just taking everything that's on that ISO It's gotta unpack it all as far as the amount of packages on the iso I want to say the package count was about a thousand packages maybe 1100 packages which is it's actually quite a lot of packages considering I I don't have many programs installed out of the box now probably 150 to 200 of those packages are Haskell libraries an exponent is not on here hand Doc is on here pandok is a hard requirement for I believe the DM scripts some of the stuff I do with DM Scripts now I could get rid of some of those Haskell dependencies by installing pan doc Dash bin from the Aur there's a binary package of pandok it's currently flagged out of date I I didn't want to use it pandok's pretty stable just just the standard pan duck package that's in the arch repositories it just pulls down all those Haskell dependencies they're not really very big dependencies at all it has again probably 150 Haskell libraries that it pulls down it looks like oh my God it's going to install a ton of stuff those Haskell libraries install literally in a couple seconds like you'll just see 100 packages just fly by and Pac-Man they're installed that quickly they're really small you know just little libraries just a little bit of Haskell code in each of those files right so it's not like they're really they're not big programs but you know a lot of people see that and think oh my God my system's bloated no no more than you having you know a couple hundred files sitting in your downloads folder right now right when you have a messy downloads folder do you ever say man my system's bloated probably not and it's going to take a few minutes I'd say it's about halfway there back to the chat here is extend four better than butter FSI better subjective I don't know I would say extend four is the older one it's no more proven one as far as stability um but butterfs seems to be stable these days stable enough that a lot of distributions are starting to Now default to butterfs open Susa has been defaulting to butterfs um for three or four years now they were really the one that was out there pushing butter FS really before anybody else really moved to it Fedor I think now also defaults to butter FS I think not positive on that you'll eventually see more distributions pushing butter FS mainly because it has that the ability to take those snapshots right it's nixos a banned word well you just said it on a YouTube stream why would it be a banned word yeah I don't know currently downloading we'll try it soon yeah well I can verify it works because I also I uploaded it last night I built the iso uploaded late you know scheduled this stream I didn't have time to test it I got a little early this morning so I could have time to get here to the office I got here a couple hours before the screen started I downloaded the ISO I I didn't know how long the download from Source Forge would take just a couple minutes actually kind of surprise The Source Ford speeds were pretty quick and then I ran through an installation already in a virtual machine and it installed just fine so I I know the iso works so luckily I have a pretty good idea what's going to happen once this is done oh which is not something that always happens on my streams a lot of times I'll start something on a stream and we just wing it and see what happens this this I'm pretty sure this is going to work and then once it gets installed obviously we're gonna have to cover some stuff some of the programs that are installed obviously the distribution built around q-tile I'm going to take a look at the qtol config um and show you exactly how cute all works especially if you've never used keto and of course you've probably never used my config of cutel because I do some things maybe a little differently than what the default configuration is going to be so we'll take a look at that obviously the distribution is heavily focused around emacs have a lot of emacs related keybindings built into qtol that opens various various emacs programs for example if you want to use emacs as a file manager eqs can do that and there's a key binding just to open emacs dirid as your file manager things like that you need to use emacs as your terminal it's got key Bindings that just opens the Emax e-shelf for example because if you're going to have emacs installed pre-installed on a distribution have it pre-configured right have everything set up and actually peop let people use it the right way one of the things I really hate on some distributions that do you know if occasionally you'll find one that already has emacs installed but it's just straight vanilla gnu emacs you know but the white screen that blinding white background black text it's not configured in any way it looks horrible um you know you know just standard gnu emacs before you configure it is actually pretty bad it's a really bad user experience all right we're all done here and obviously calamari's restart now is what you need to click now I'm not going to do that because I have to detach the ISO from the virtual machine but if you were doing that on physical equipment you tick the box to restart now click done and the Machine would reboot automatically but for me I need to go detach that and now let's boot directly off of the drive the virtual hard drive and you can see it installed just fine there's grub once you see grub you you know it worked so my coffee's getting cold I may have to run to the kitchen here in the office you gotta microwave throw it in the microwave for about 30 seconds all right there's sddm and you can say sddm launched a lot quicker now that it's actually installed secure password and yep there's Quito right like you tell desktop and matter of fact let me get out of the virtual machine this is my real machine right that's that's this machine here let me go back to the virtual machine on workspace five that's the virtual machine not a lot of difference right so dtos really is DT so this is really what I run all right so uh when you log in obviously it detected we were in a virtual machine um since it knew that this was a virtual machine it automatically changed the screen resolution using the X Ranger Command right X Ranger dashes 1920x1080 you know so that way you because I'm gonna obviously be in a virtual machine with this ISO a lot I don't want to have to constantly change that so also you got your cocky here for common key bindings super enter opens a terminal super enter standard key binding for most tiling window managers especially super enter super shift C to close the window with Focus that's a standard keybinding with dwm and xmonad and kind of the older crowd of the tiling window managers and because I've been using those window managers for a long time especially xmodan I've just always stuck with that keybinding and it's pretty easy to hit on the keyboard super shift C so super enter to open a terminal super shift C closes a window super shift enter open Steam menu so I'm using D menu for a run launcher um super B opens a browser and the browser here used to be cute browser I've decided to swap it over to Brave mainly because some people don't know how to use cute browser and they want a browser that's just a browser like a normal browser right and brave serves that purpose and you get to choose whether you want light or dark mode whether you want to share anything or not yeah I don't care not in this virtual machine anyway and then you get your browser and it's just like any other browser chromium base so everything everything just works where cute browser cute browser was cool but if you're not used to cute browser not used to how the Vim bindings work even if you are used to the Vim bindings the Vim bindings in cute browser you still don't know what they necessarily do in cute browser so having cute browser as a default uh you know Cube browser still in the repository you can always download browser right it's still in the standard arcs repositories anyway and the browser is one of those things anybody that wants a specific browser is just going to go get their browser anyway so it really doesn't matter necessarily what you ship as default I just wanted to make sure that at least I shipped one default that actually worked for everybody right Grandma can use Brave grandma might not be that familiar with cute browser uh yeah Debian is great for a server but I wouldn't use something with packages anywhere close to that old on a desktop that being stable Works behind as a desktop a lot of people use Debian stable or well let me put it this way a lot of people a lot of desktop computer users a lot of desktop Linux users use Ubuntu LTS probably the most popular distribution the people are running Ubuntu LDS on the desktop and that gets support for well now it gets support up to five years but most people are gonna run it at least two years about the length between Debian stable releases Debian stable typically releases every two years although they're not on a fixed schedule like a hard and fast schedule sometimes it'll release every two and a half years or three years or whatever it happens to be you know but that's it's the same so I wouldn't say that yeah it depends if you're buying new hardware the latest and greatest Hardware you need drivers for something brand new like you bought the latest graphics card that just came out yesterday you know running older art problems older a more stable distribution and somebody sometimes be a problem but Debian stable is a fine distribution nothing wrong with it on the desktop I've ran it for years I've ran I've been to LTS for years on the server I still use Debian stable a lot and uh Ubuntu LTS on web servers I mean why wouldn't you on a server I put friends and family on Debian and Ubuntu based destroys all the time that's typically what I default to I never put them on an arc space District and I put them on things like oh MX and mint and things like that Ubuntu things like that I've been looking for a pre-configured tiling Window Manager for uh for my computer I used for my Dev work yeah well you can always get a pre-configured uh tiling Window Manager because you just go to somebody's git lab and they've already got a config file you just pull down their config file then restart the window manager for the most part now you got to be careful sometimes the configs are out of date especially on you know things like GitHub gitlab sometimes that's their awesome Window Manager config from 10 years ago that thing probably not going to work now right make sure it's something they're still using and updating all the time all right back to uh gutile so uh super enter terminal right super shift C to close uh super shift enter for D menu super B for brave uh other than that how do you typically use a tiling Window Manager as far as the workspaces you could click on the workspaces it does have Mouse functionality but super shift 2 will send that window to workspace too if I want to move to workspace 2 super 2 takes me there super one takes me back to workspace one super two back to workspace two super shift one sends that window back to one super one takes me back to workspace one super shift C closes that window let's open a few terminals open four Terminals and get the uh random Show color scripts that appear in the terminal the default Shield your user Shield is fish bash and zsh all three Shields are installed out of the box so you can quickly change shells if you want and you can quickly change the default shell if you want if you're unsure how to do that uh let me clear the screen in that terminal uh oh LOL cat I need to add LOL cat to the ISO well let's go ahead and do a Pac-Man Dash Sy LOL cat I have a fish function that actually requires LOL cat now I probably either need to install lllcat or just get rid of that function that's the clear function that gives me only works in the fish shill now do I really need LOL cat and all its dependencies just for that probably not probably should just remove that function now next time I build the ISO but I should write that down lolcat as far as an error but where was I going here uh the random shell color scripts uh change chill now if you just do chain chill Dash L you'll get a list of all the shells see there's all the shells that are installed on the system if you want to actually change the shield then you could do uh it's a change Shield dash s let's man c s c h s h yes specify your login Shield dash s so CH s h well dash s and then for example if you wanted to switch over to bash it should be slash bin slash Bash if you wanted to use fish it should be slash bin slash fish yeah you got the user Ben Fish uh binary here but use U slash men slash fish for zsh slash men slash zsh so if I do um Bash gonna ask for the sudo password close all those and now am I in bash or might end fish I might have to reboot I think you do have to reboot on that because that is definitely fish this bash does not have the syntax highlighting yeah I think it would require a reboot on that but swapping your users default Shield is fine now the default system Shield is always mesh don't ever mess with that it's why that's the root user's default show no never mess with it on any system just leave bash is the Fault shell on any gnu slash cynics Linux system because a lot of times there's bash specific scripting involved to make your distribution work like they actually used The Bash sabang and in the scripting they used fascisms you know actual legit bash syntax so don't switch your default Shield the system show you can switch your user user shell fine you know it's not going to affect anything that's why having fish is the default shell not a big deal the default layout here in kutel is monad tall that's the master and Stat layout they call it moned tall right you get a master window on one side of the screen and then you get a stack of Windows that appear on your on the other side of the screen they just get stacked on top of each other that's the standard Dynamic tiling layout that most tiling window managers default to the one that dwm and X mode and all the X-Men ad clones like left WM Spectrum all of them default to that Master and stack lay yeah it's kind of the standard so that's what I'm going to use even though Q2 being an ex mode clone their default config does not even have this layout enabled they're using a column layout or a stack layout or something which is kind of weird because I think most qtol users probably would find the monad tall layout the one that they're going to be in most of the time this is typically your tiling window uh layout and it makes sense rarely when you're tiling Windows a lot of people think tiling Windows well you're going to have like a million windows open all the time not on one workspace typically I have a maximum of three windows open on one workspace and you can see the monad tall layout works just fine I have one big window and two slightly smaller windows but still big enough I can do something with now if I want to open a fourth window I'll open it but typically I'll send that sucker to a different workspace super shift two I just sent it to workspace two you can see the colors I'm using for the Q tile workspaces the two is blue that means there's something on it right so super two to go to workspace two and see there's something on it kill that window now you can see workspace uh it's now the white color so it's empty workspace the underline that is uh the window that has Focus to this monitor if you had three monitors like I do but this virtual machine is not using three monitors just using one but I would currently have two and three also with a line under them that line would be green that is the two monitors that don't have Focus but still you know have a desktop on them back to the chat here yeah fish is my favorite shell yeah once you start using fish it's hard to to not use it it's one of those things you kind of get addicted to it especially the the history aspect of it it remembers every single command you have ever entered and you'll just start typing stuff and it knows what you want to type before you know it right sometimes you can get a single letter and it already knows what you want to do especially if you have a long terminal session where you've had a terminal open and a specific directory for a while and you've repeatedly done a lot of the same commands it gets to the point where you only have to type one or two letters it already knows the command you want in that session it's just great yeah do you mean the interactive shell but bash is still on the system not sure who you are asking that to but yeah change shell Dash yes that's going to change the euro your users Shelly right what you log into if you switch over to the root user the root user is going to be using a bash shell host Grady yeah he helps uh with the development of the DM scripts which we should talk about he says uh he should download and install dtos to run the speed test of comp edit yep well you probably would have to use the brave browser for a little while in it actually build up a large database like a history or something but yeah you could definitely do that me and uh host Grady we've been working on some of the DM scripts and one of them has a really nasty bug it makes it unusable for me on my systems uh because it just times out um it just takes forever and a day for the script to run I waited on the script to finish executing the other day uh and it took well I I killed it the process after like 10 minutes I waited 10 minutes and then killed the process if you're executing a script and it hasn't finished in 10 minutes yeah it's probably never going to to finish executing a problem I have with fish is that nothing else works with it I'm not sure what that means indoor vaping what doesn't work with it um and I've been using fish for a long time the only problems I have ever encountered with fish there was one tiling Window Manager that I was using that didn't like fish being the default user shell for some reason that's kind of weird because most scripts uh the system is going to execute whatever script is in the shebang so if all your scripts have the bash shebang they're going to execute with the bash shell but for some reason I there was one tiling Window Manager it might have been Herb's Luft that really didn't like it when my user Shield was fish for some reason that was an oddball um but other than that um I want to say vifm my terminal file manager that I used to use years ago and I haven't really played with vif him in a long time but I did some videos on it like six years ago in the early days of the channel vifm also did not play well with fish when you started configuring it but you could always Alias I I think what I ended up doing was had an alias just make sure that anytime I type VI FM for example in the Shell it was really executing bash vif you know switching over to the bash shield and then executing that command yeah couldn't you just Alias virtual in yep um so yeah so it was a problem with one particular thing yeah and that's what I had you know and it was just you know in all my years of using fish as my default user Shield it was like one or two programs seriously that I've ever encountered an issue with and yeah setting up an alias is usually the solution just to make sure that those things when you're if you launch them in the fish shill it actually switches over to the bash shell yeah host Grady uh might be wise to disable the dynamic entries on dtos yeah that's probably what I'm going to end up doing or I may just remove the script entirely from d2s I know I don't know how I'm going to accomplish that um probably yeah just disable the dynamic ones probably and zero links please share the iso build scripts using Arco ones to build or vanilla Arch ISO I'm just using the arch ISO to build the uh ISO fine get out of this virtual machine let me switch over to my actual desktop which looks exactly the same um let me open PC man FM up yeah this repository here this was actually I did not build the ISO on this machine so these are not necessarily the build files I built the ISO on my home machine so some of this will be slightly different I also haven't pushed any of this latest build to my gitlab but basically it's the arch ISO this is the relaying folder there's the AI root file system and just go in here put all your stuff skill obviously it's your skeleton home directory so when your user gets created he gets all the configs all these configs placed in his home directory that's that's the main thing I had to do was make sure all the configs are there for a lot of programs one of the things I did in the scale directory slash Etsy scale dot config emacs I have all my emacs configs I didn't want the user to have to wait five ten minutes for emacs to build I've already got emacs built on my computer right the alpaca folder the package manager I'm using in my configure Vmax already got the builds right where I built the packages and they're stored here locally on my machine why don't I just put them in slash Etsy skill and that's what I did if I go back to uh the virtual machine here watch what happens this is the first time I'm running emex super ee super e e did you see how quick that launched that's because the emacs naming was already running all the packages that it expects to be there are already there because they're they were in skill so when the calamari's installer created my user it just this is and this is actually Mike and big my key bindings remember the uh configuring emac series we've done like six videos this is that config that existed at the end of video number six space FC or find the config.org this is the emacs config file as it exists right now all right with all the key bindings you go scroll down uh to General key bindings here it's all the key bindings I have a lot of key bindings I still got a lot more to add whether this is probably still halfway done does PC man FM use gdk3 it does there is a cute version of PC man FM there's a gtk2 version of PC man FM and there's this gtk3 version of PC man FM which is the one I have been using Forever on my desktop computers that's the one I stuck with um the cute version is okay it's it's not bad the gtk2 version uh looks a little old as far as the theming and everything um the PC man FM package that you get just straight from the arch repo so if you just pseudo Pac-Man PC man FM that's going to be the old gtk2 version I believe you have to specifically get PC man FM gtk3 from the Aur I believe I don't know I may have actually been building that myself it may be in the dtos core repo I have to go look uh do you theme cute apps I really didn't spend much time on the theming of gtk and qdap she saw gtk now I installed uh the sweet theme and the candy icons and I did include a gtk3 config file so that all your gtk3 apps have that theming for cute theming there is cave Anthem cave Anthem manager uh oh I did ship a config file for it I wasn't I wasn't 100 I had to think about it because I didn't spend a lot of time on theming the actual uh apps but yeah sweet and it's modified so I changed some of the uh settings in here I think I turned off a lot of the transparency um so what is a cute app well actually convandum is a cute app I mean so that's that's the theming right there oh well I can't use the mouse functions I can't uh resize with the mouse in the virtual machine because super and then drag with the mouse actually drags the entire virtual machine because the super key is also the mod key on cutel on my actual computer right not just the VM the real way to test these things so that doesn't happen is to actually change the mod key in the virtual machine so that it's not the same mod key maybe use alt for the mod key instead of super that way you don't have that conflict but yeah um the theming what else I don't think have any other cute applications I don't have a lot installed uh when I build the iso I have a browser I have a file manager PC man FM um have emacs uh change your gtk themes LX appearance is here oh and it's a gtk2 application so I guess well clicking on it I guess I just haven't uh I guess I need to set it the first time so it creates that config file where does it put that config file I'm assuming in dot config uh why am I not spelling correctly oh not config gtk3 yeah I'm not sure what it uses where it sits that would you have a cave Anthem you also have cute five CT installed and LX appearance so you can do whatever you want with your gtk and uh cute theming I didn't spend it like I said I didn't spend a lot of time focusing on that stuff because I just don't have a lot of those kinds of GUI apps installed mainly the focus of this was cutel which is not gtk or cute and emacs which technically emacs is gtk but it doesn't really use any of the gtk widgets or anything uh it's just plain text for the most part what you're seeing because I have all the toolbars and everything turned off obviously most people turn all that stuff off in emacs cocky it's also not gtk you're cute um by the way let's talk about the DM scripts super p h is the DM Hub it lists all the various DM scripts there's 28 of them currently although some of them are broken well one of them I know for sure is badly broken and then um some of the important ones had a set of wallpaper super P followed by B for background set of wallpaper if you hit set opens S6 IV which is our image viewer it's going to take a minute to load the very first time because it has to cache all this it's 300 and something wallpapers just my wallpapers for repo that I got for my DOT files um and once it's oh there you know just navigate with your arrow keys find a wallpaper you want maybe this is the one I want hit M on the keyboard M for Mark you always have to mark something in XXIV with you know on the keyboard then Super shift C to close and when you close the window it sets the background or you could do a random one super p b to run that same DM script and then this time instead of set just do random and it'll just pick a random wallpaper out of that repository or out of that directory super p b random do you like this wallpaper yes or no no let's get another one you like that one no let's get another one no yeah you know you just cycle through them that way so a lot of the workflow for this was designed around Q2 being the window manager you have all these DM scripts these D menu scripts which you could also change them to run with rophie if you wanted to you'd have to go in and change a lot of key bindings in your config.pi Q Dallas config now of course and then emacs is a big part of this I mentioned we have some emacs related key bindings let me hide my head uh Super E E launches Emax that just gets us to the dashboard Super E B launches the eye buffer so super e b that's our eye buffer frame all the buffers that are currently open everywhere I've been since I opened emacs because remember that Daemon is running in the background right the Damon it's always running in the background so emacs never really closes and then uh Super Ed is one I use all the time because that is deer head right this is the deer head oh manager closed that what else did I have set super e s or the e shill this is the Emax e-shell now it works a little bit differently than things like bash and fish right it's its own shell it's its own thing completely written for the most part in uh emacs lisp neat little project but you if you want a real terminal that runs a real shell super EV launches V term and actually launches the dashboard and V term in a split I need to fix that so that V term is in its own window uh let me get hit I on the keyboard to get into insert mode because it uses the evil key bindings the film key bindings LS that's LS as it exists in the fish shell because I have it set V term also defaults to the official escape to get out of normal mode right if I do super WC closes a window in emex super shift C we just close all of this it has a running process kill it yeah sure just letting me know the term is still running in the background do I want to kill it all right a lot of that obviously it's just a workflows a different kind of workflow if you've never used tallying window manager or if you've never used emacs I will say for you to be comfortable with emacs you need to be comfortable with Vim it's my version of emacs uses evil which is a a VM emulation basically it's emulates me I'm everywhere where it's possible any max and it's really good emulation like it's just like them pretty much every command you could enter in them you can do an emacs evil mode unless you also have all the emacs commands available for you inside Emax so it's like you get The Best of Both Worlds you get everything you want that you loved about them plus you can do all the really neat stuff that he Max can do that you know VM obviously can't do uh if you're running you know just your standard you know or neovium in a terminal because they're terminal programs emacs is actually a GUI program even though it just looks it looks like a terminal program it's just plain Texas it's really not right emacs is a GUI all right so I have an image here right you can't do that in a terminal right I have neat icons that's why if I do space FC to get my config file we get different font sizes different header levels have different font sizes you can do that in a GUI application you can't do that in a terminal terminal a font size is the same for every character you can't have it's just not the way a terminal Works definitely not the way a TTY works hello why I can have a proper web browser inside emacs if you want um the Emax uh browser is not great eww but it's there and it does display images quite nicely okay acid bong hey he's got a great question here when you have a key chord in Q2 does the Super Key remain pressed with the second key or only with the first one uh just the first one and that that's any key chord not just Q tile but any program emacs uh X mode head any thing that accepts a key chord what they're talking about is you do a combination of keys and then release and then another combination of keys then release maybe another come you know again it uses stringing it's not you have got a million Keys you got to hit all at once so launching emacs here that's a key chord Super E and then I have The Comma just to make sure you know break super plus e e Super E release then hit e right so or let me get back into emacs when I said space FC that's not space FC altogether that's space FC just type them in sequence right space period on the keyboard uh here in Emax is the find file command where I could search for something like my cutel config.pi let's zoom into that this is the config.pi as it exists right now on my system and obviously on this ISO because I uploaded my latest config file to this and you guys can go in and check it out probably a lot more is going to change with this one thing I will say I should talk about this in more detail on a q-tile specific video soon if I do space period here uh go to dot config cutel colors.pi I created this uh extra file that gets sourced from the config because I wanted you guys know in the post installation scripted dtos I was I always had 10 color schemes that you could choose from or xmo net and xmo bar and Conkey and the alacrity terminal where you just pick a a color scheme and everything changes the con key changes I wanted to make sure that that functionality worked in qto so I've got these color schemes to find the 10 color schemes that we were already using in dtos previously and what it does is now when I do super p c super p c for color scheme right super p is the uh the prefix for all the DM scripts for prompts right so super b c for color scheme if I go and choose grub box Conkey changed to Grub box due to all change to Grub box if I do super enter alacrity change to grow up box everything changed to Grub Bots except Emax and the reason I don't bother changing emacs to gruff box with that script is because emacs runs as a Daemon even if I change the config until you kill the game and restart emacs it wouldn't change what you would have to do to complete it don't kill the Daemon and restart it that's clunky just open your existing emacs do space HT HT for help theme is really what it is it looks like some of the icons are not installed but uh search for grub box and now we've completed the look I wonder why some of the icons are not installed Maybe kill all emacs and then user bin Emax dash dash Damon let's restart it and see if it has something to install didn't install anything new now the icons look like they work space HT uh it's just the theme ones that don't okay it's just that particular program when I restarted the emac statement it defaults back to doom1 because that's in the config you go to the config and go to theme this line right here load theme Doom one if you wanted growth box to permanently be your theme you would change that to growth box all right you can do space HT to make sure you get the name right it is Doom Dash Gruff box okay so that would be the thing Doom Dash script box I'm just gonna leave it and it's Doom one matter of fact I'm going to set everything back to Doom one super p c Doom 1 is the first thing in the menu let's change it now I'm back to Doom 1 colors with Q2 with Conkey with alacrity now that uh color scheme script that is a dtos specific when I build the dtos isos I make sure that that's already on your system and user local bin back to the chat here now that uh if you guys got any questions no I neglected the chat for some of this because demonstrating things you know some of the tiling Window Manager stuff some of the Emax stuff get sidetracked where I talk for a few minutes let's see how's it DT that's alexandros I'm just lovely this morning a Sunday morning got my second cup of coffee let's see hey DT should I am new to neovium should I learn it from scratch or use nvchat or lunar them pre-configured any of them distributions I I can't tell you on that I haven't used those uh distributions of neovoom or or I haven't used them extensively or anything um but you know vim and neovilm they they just kind of work out of the box they're a little different than emacs where emacs you have to configure or to be usable no there's so much stuff you gotta to do in Emax where I don't have to have a neovium config file like I could just use neovium straight out of the box and just install it you know and just run it oh do you need a distribution of neovium not necessarily it's probably one of those things I've you probably shouldn't use one of them until you've used just plain neovium for a while just learn all the standard stuff and the standard way of doing things because they're going to install a ton of plugins that heck you may not even need or want or have a use for couldn't you use an emacs client command from a script to change the emacs theme without killing the Daemon I could I could do an emacs client uh what is it dash dash a vowel and then pass along some string of emacs lisp code that it could yeah I could do something like that hmm now I'll have to think on that that's a good idea though because what I'm doing now it actually I don't know if it actually changes that line in my config file I could have it change the load theme like I can just do a set substitution for that and then I could pass along emacs client dash dash avail and then give it the Lambda function to restart yeah that's how I could do that yep that way it restarts with the new theme also the new theme is already set in the config file that way you know when you kill the Daemon and then restart the Daemon or reboot the computer whatever it is you do it still is already set in the config file yeah good idea I should write all of this down there were a couple things I needed to fix here need to make some notes here I'm going to open up notes Here I need to I need to add lolcat either add lolcat or remove the fish function that needs it and then um a color scheme script see have it restart the max client I don't know what that meant no reason to type anything very lengthy all right hey DT have you ever tried the DK Window Manager it's pretty good is that one of those Whalen window managers if it is no I can't really use Wayland right on my home computer got an Nvidia card I know people are keep asking me about various Wayland only window managers q-tile has the ability to use well I can't use Q2 on my home computer with Waylon either so until until everything works with Wayland uh as far as Whelan and Nvidia I just can't do it so it's probably still I don't know we've still got some time before all that stuff's gonna work right I say that because I mean we've been waiting for 14 years now on Wayland that's come a long way here in just the last couple years especially like gnome is practically there I don't want to run get home though we'll probably still probably a couple years away before Waylon and Nvidia get their act together and actually make those drivers and everything work now that's really what's what's holding everything back until Wayland and video work you know it's just not it's just not ready right because you're going to have a huge section of the Linux desktop community that just can't use Waylon it's like and they got in video chords yeah the command is uh yeah the emacs client load thing now that's what I was thinking uh and then I'd have to have a separate part of the script I'd have to do a said substitution to make sure I actually changed the line and the config but that is the idea I had there I'll go ahead and paste your load theme yeah I'm just gonna Avail that write that down in my notes fall yeah so already I mean we we've got a couple of things worked out on this this ISO I mean the iso is pretty good as it is but you know next time I rebuild it it may be days or weeks away oh cause I got a lot of I'm gonna find a lot of stuff little things I need to fix that emacs thing to make it work with the color scheme selector here you know but everything for the most part seems to work here I do super p s for search let's search a search Brave search uh what are we gonna search for how about search for Linux and that opens cute browser that's interesting that's another thing I'm gonna have to fix and that is because the DM scripts config defaults to using cute browser for everything but I thought I had changed that when I built yes I guess I did not it is there but it's commented out that's an easy fix so for you guys I wasn't on the scene here but I did uh super PS this is uh searching web searching super PS one of the DM scripts I'm going to search Brave search for Linux by default the DM scripts is set to use uh cute browser which is still installed on the system I didn't know I actually so cute browser and braver both there so it's not a problem you'll get the search results but if you actually want to fix that where it actually just defaults to Brave what you would do open the DM scripts config the DM scripts config file lives in dot config dmscripts slash config is the name of the file I've got these two lines in it already DM browser equals Brave is commented out uncommon DM browser equals cute browser comment that out right let's change them save the config now super p s to search and once again we'll do the brave search and search for Linux and now it actually opens in the brave browser which is really ish everything should default to Brave again that's not a critical bug that it opens in Cube browser cute browser is installed so it's not a big deal I'll probably remove cute browser though the next time I release an ISO yeah dtos is based on Arch that was the question is it based on rhs it's basically just straight arch for the most part um DM screw up something write a note DM browser set that sucker to Brave all right of course I can't uh rebuild the iso um got all the files at home uh to actually build it properly I didn't build it on this machine even if I did have everything I could actually build an ISO and stream because building the iso would take 100 of the CPU or it would try to the stream would be very bad all right have you used emacs Dash NW yeah so that's emacs no no window that's the terminal version of emacs uh yeah sometimes when you're in a TTY you get no choice uh if I send a key Control Alt F3 you know to drop to a TTY in this virtual machine let's go back to full screen and obviously launching emacs as a GUI is not going to work right so you would have to launch Emax Dash NW now I have emacs a list Emax on my system dtos emacs is always the Emax client so I have this Alias em this is for the regular emacs not the client Dash NW uh throws some kind of error but for the most part I mean there is the dashboard right here right and this is a TTY this is not even a proper terminal emulator right this is the actual TTY I mean you can use it get out of that split as well it's definitely usable when you need it uh but the only time you would ever use it is in a TTY I mean why would you you would never use it if you had a graphical environment available because it's so much more limiting than the real Emax the real Emax the e-max everybody uses is the GUI that's right that's what everything gets designed for the terminal version the TTY version of emacs is more of there for emergency purposes right and honestly typically when I'm in a TTY I don't even use the terminal version Vmax VI or VM are usually installed in every system there's Vim or neopim is installed on dtos by the way Vim is aliased to neovium so why would I use that uh horrible kind of now emacs in the terminal emags and a TT wise it's okay you can use it but again I've already got uh neovim installed so if I Vim Dash bash RC this is really neopin um and it actually looks better runs better all right back to oh what's the dtos iso build repo can you share yeah got it it's not exactly what you're saying I've still got to push the latest configs I built it last night and I didn't do a push let me get back to my real machine here and go to my get lab man you can go check it out but again it's not going to have there's going to be some minor differences uh go to get lab and then dtos the dqs group and then we got a subgroup here of other repos dtos Dash ISO um since I pushed the last update 10 hours ago I might have pushed it I don't know I think last night I uploaded ISO and realized I missed a few things this might be everything you can check it out though again there might be some minor differences but for the most part that's this repo is probably what I did to build the ISO oh yep uh I will link to this in the YouTube chat just so you've got a link that you can click on there zero Linux and for those wondering about some of the source for dtos obviously that's just building the iso building the packages dtos Dash package build is where all the package builds lives for dtos all the packages I maintain at least right now some of them may be going away at some point because I've now that I've decided you know I'm not going to have a million different window managers on an ISO I may get rid of some of the dtos specific packages for window managers that I don't plan on shipping with out of the box but we'll see dtos Dash core Dash repo is the repository of the binaries that's all the binary packages and I want to talk very briefly about this I'm no longer signing packages uh for those of you that have already had dtos installed for a while I was signing all of my packages so I build the binary and then you'd also have an accompanying Sig file for them because they were gpg encrypted yeah um and that would that that was causing a lot more headaches than it was worth for the last two or three years however long I've been maintaining this repo of software and the repo actually goes back before I even did the script in the dtos installation script and one of the most common issues are key related issues or signature file issues things like this with Pac-Man uh get tired of it I'm just I'm just done with the signatures they don't really they're not necessary for a long time Arch Linux did not sign packages it's only been just in the last few years Arch Linux has been signing packages for a long time they resisted and people hey everybody else signs their packages every other distro was wrong with Arch I guess to kind of you know squash some of that criticism like maybe Arch is insecure because it doesn't sign package they started signing their packages but how many of you guys running Arch Linux have had problems where sometimes things are broken the key ring needs to be reinstalled or re-initialized repopulated they can't find signature files for this guy that guy and you get into you got to go and do a Google search for the commands to fix all that now I've had these issues enough I know the commands but these are issues that happen all the time on Arch and by me no longer signing my packages at least I've eliminated that issue with my packages you're never going to get an issue with any of my packages anymore where it's a signature complaint or I can't find the key ring for dtos or whatever it happens to be you're still going to have that with the arch packages but at least I eliminated that with mine oh let's see is there a way to increase the swap size without reinstalling just in the partition manager I have never done that on physical equipment where I tried to re-partition something that's our you do run risk or a real risk of things going wrong trying to re-partition a drive um if it's the installation of something that you haven't had running very long it's not like you're out a lot of work like you've already configured things you're gonna have to backup data or anything like that if it's something you just installed and realized oops I screwed that up it's probably a lot better to reinstall uh let's see Zero Lance oh you open yourself up to a world of hurt remember what I said I hate it on because of not signing packages yeah I mean honestly uh there's uh there's there's a ton of arch distros out there Art Space distros not all of them sign packages and I understand why some of them don't I could always go back to signing packages it's not like I haven't hadn't been doing it it's just man it's it's you get so many issues so many support issues related to that stuff it's just when you don't sign the packages you get rid of all that that support headache um security is not necessary yeah right hey big bud if you want to sign your packages go ahead um I mean I could still sign the package I could make it optional I guess yeah I guess not to because then there'll be some people that still have signatures being required in their pacman.com but then they'd have key issues and then they clearly still ask about it and it's best just to disable it and it's just bad design yeah actually the problem with signing everything these gpg signatures and the fact that uh like using a key server to get my key for example which is what I was having to do with the post installation script didn't ship like a key ring package or anything just download my key ring from a key server problem is there's no good pgp key servers anymore there's only there's only really one that actually works these days I think and that's the Ubuntu key server and then you run the issue sometimes people would be trying to install dtos and for whatever reason the Ubuntu key server was down at the time they were trying to pull my key down which means they can't install dtos yeah I had issues with that the key servers are sometimes kind of flaky having your own key ring Works um you got to keep it up to date though and even that I mean the arch guys I mean they they should have this down pat right but sometimes yeah I get issues with the arch key ring where I have to fix it it really comes down to keeping your system up to date two on an arch-based system if you go a month without updating March and then tried to do a Pac-Man that's why you don't be surprised if you get like some key ring issue or some something weird oh hey DT how do you feel about dual booting I'm not a fan uh if you're gonna dual boot make sure you have each OS on its own separate Drive what when I say I'm not a fan what I'm not a fan of is I you've got one big hard drive and you partition it for each operating system you're installing to that that's a headache and that tends to break a lot of times you're going to have issues where like your dual booting windows and Linux right grub you're gonna have bootloader issues but hos on its own Drive typically works a lot better big bud you're really on the Pac-Man guys well it's a Half Baked package manager of course uh uh tweak says he's repartitioned many times if your power supply is stable you should be okay especially if a debating reinstall I'm guessing is what he meant to say if a mistake happens you were reinstalling anyway I mean if if you've got nothing already on it like you just did an installation yeah go ahead and re-partition see what happens again yeah if it's a fresh and so I mean if it breaks it breaks then you can always go back and reinstall the re-partitioning doesn't work yeah just fire up g-parted and uh yeah see what happens oh you see her Atlantic says might find DTS and building my own system oh well again I'm not positive that that ISO repo is completely everything I think so though and the reason I say that is because I've only Built these isos on my home computer so I haven't actually tried to do a get clone and pull everything down on another computer and build the iso so until I do that I I'm not for sure how that's going to work but let me know if it works or let me know if it doesn't work either way what is the dtos iso password dtos it automatically populates the username as dtos the password's dtos and after installation of course it removes that dtos live user and the only user on your system it's the one you create during the the calamaris install uh Marco says sometimes you lose the kernel when Arco does a kernel update yeah Eric has videos on how to root and fix it yeah I've had that um I haven't had it where I've removed the kernel for some reason um some people do that because you know remove a package or for whatever reason it thanks to the Linux kernel is a dependency and removes that too that can happen sometimes uh I think what probably Eric's talked about is sometimes you have an update of the kernel go bad or you have a Interruption of the update because I had that I did a video about that three or four months back where I had a kernel update go wrong and I had to do the arch true method of yeah get back into the machine using a live USB stick shrewd into the machine sudo Pac-Man Dash s Linux to reinstall the Linux kernel unplug the USB stick reboot you're back again that does happen that's not a that's not an Arco Linux problem that's not an Arch Linux problem that's just a you know you can have an update go go horribly wrong on any system if for whatever reason your computer crashes there's a power outage whatever it happens to be during the update process especially involving the kernel the most recent kernel broke keyboard support on newer Lenovo laptops had to downgrade oh wow was that uh an LTS kernel I typically boot into the LTS kernels I have both kernels installed on my system just so I have two different kernels because sometimes one will be acting funny or you know maybe I want to switch over to the other one but if you look top of my screen you can see LTS kernel what I'm running now if I go back to the VM we're just running running the standard non-lts kernel that's the uh the dtus VM let's open a couple of terminals here talk about key bindings here in qtol at least Mike and fig let's talk about shrinking and expanding windows so the window with Focus if you do super plus or actually it's super equals but you know plus and equals are on the same key but super equals expands it again you can think of it as super plus super minus right super Dash right that's the window with Focus so if I switch over to the other window and super plus or super equals and super Dash you know but you can resize those however you want that's in the monad tall layout there are other layouts let me open up four Windows the layouts I have enabled out of the box monad tells the default on all the workspaces but super tab will cycle through the layout so if I do super tab that's the max layout all four windows are still open but they're all on top of each other in the max layout uh super J and K cycle through the stack right now uh super tab again next layout is the stack layout where we have two different stacks of Windows we have this window that that's the only window in the stack this window over here by super J to go down in the stack Super K to go back up through the stack you know all those three windows are on that stack there super tab for the next layout The Columns layout which looks like more like a master and stack layout I'm not really sure what the columns layout that's one of the default layouts that's available in Q tile I never use this layout and I'm not really sure how that differs from the monad tall layout now that I'm looking at the tree tab layout which is a really funny looking layout that I may do a video on it at some point because it's kind of weird kind of neat uh I I've done some configuration to it the zoomy layout is really weird because you've got one big window and then hard to tell because of the cocky but got three these three Windows super small right and you see when I hover over them the one I hover over gets replaced into the big window right and it's just gonna have a stack of windows so if you had 20 windows open there'd just be the stack of 20 small Windows over here kind of a neat layout I don't know how useful it would be to most people but I thought it was so neat I had to have zoomy enabled out of the box well guys we've been going about an hour and a half I like to keep these streams to about 90 minutes to ensure the sink over to Odyssey goes properly so uh we'll go a few extra minutes here let's give it about five more minutes I'll go another five minutes and you guys in the chat you got any more questions or comments let's get them all in before we're done here that way they can forever be recorded in YouTube history so uh let's see hey DT if you use the dtos installation would you be a distro tuber if you want to call yourself that uh let's see etos becomes an OS oh well there's an ISO out there for you let's see if we use the dtos installation yeah time to Rebrand to distro Tech tips okay oh uh you did not mention it had payment yeah I included pamac for a GUI package manager just in case some people wanted one there could be people trying this out that have no idea how to use Pac-Man at the terminal so it's there does it actually work it's telling me I have updates let's click on it I never use pamac just check for updates and it found four of them let's apply enter our uh sudo password it's refreshing the dtus core Repository and system is up to date well it works but yeah now the reason I didn't mention Pam egg is not something I would use that was a question from zero Linux and the reason he's asking about that is pamac uh it's kind of funny sometimes it's broken or trying to build it on Arch based distributions which of course it maintains zero Linux Sometimes some of the dependencies for pamac or or wonky at a date broken you can't get everything to build properly because I've tried to well I think I've been maintaining package builds up pamac and octopi and things like that for dtos for a while they just haven't been something I installed out of the box they've been in the repos though are there any DTS guides for Linux beginners no I need to there's some dtos guides for the old post installation script but I'm probably going to quit doing the post installation script at some point that's another thing we're just going to get rid of the post installation script because again this people are trying it on so many different arch-based distributions and that is it was a neat idea and I wish I could make it work but it calls us more support requests than then I have time for having an ISO that's just built on one distribution built on Arch just go grab the iso I know the iso kind of works right where the post installations group I don't know depending on what other distributions are doing could have some conflict so but yeah eventually we need to get some proper documentation somewhere on a website create a dqs specific website or even just use gitlab which right now uh I don't have anything on gitlab referring to this I just built this ISO and uploaded it yesterday we got to get some documentation visually I'll probably create an actual application using gtk or probably cute where you have an application that you could launch for dtos related documentation like a help application give you all the key bindings help you figure out how cute all works and Emax works and everything like that that way you can have it right there on the distro itself but I that's that'd be a project that'd take a little while it's not something I could get done tomorrow right really it's going to be hard to write documentation until I get a lot of a lot of bugs worked out because I'd be writing documentation on how to fix things that are broken now that won't be broken probably the next time I I built the ISO Pac-Man dashes McDonald's no we didn't do McDonald's I'm telling you Whataburger it's a better breakfast I think I like McDonald's coffee better than Whataburger but it's not bad install didn't work for me gave me a grub error that's quad feed uh what were you installing dtos um and what were you installing it on a physical Hardware virtual machine oh if it's virtual machine what virtual machine virtualbox hurt manager gave you a grub error that is interesting proximox huh can't test it on proximox so yeah I don't know I don't know what that error would be but maybe somebody else can and help me out with that Yeah Eddie says I'm stuck on Linux for about eight years now as my primary OS it's amazing that my HDD and network does nothing as long as I don't do anything as opposed to Windows latest releases yeah but you got a lot of extra background services on windows that are constantly running so yeah you're going to have a lot less issues going as far as you know system resource usage on Linux any Linux no matter the desktop even some of the heavy desktops like gnome way lighter than Windows right yeah proximal locks is KVM based invert manager is as well yeah I mean I've done plenty of vert manager installed and they just work so I don't know I haven't tried it in virtualbox but I would assume it worked if it installs properly invert manager I can't imagine why it wouldn't in virtualbox and it'd just be weird because I mean why would grub be an issue specifically on proximox like that's that's a weird issue I could understand if it was like a video driver issue between different kinds of virtual machines that makes sense why would grub be broken that could be a bad download Maybe but it no but he was able to install I mean he's talking about grub and he's talking about he already installed it and rebooted and then it gets a grub menu or doesn't get a grub menu I don't know that's a weird one I don't know do you AMU yeah that's what convert manager is using yeah ADT is that true that Linus and France will rewrite the Linux kernel using rust then I don't know if they're rewriting anything in Rust but rust yeah you going forward some things can or will be written in Rust which makes sense Russ popular language these days a lot of people learning rust a lot more people probably can help with kernel development if they can submit catches using rust rather than C how many people know C you know obviously a lot of serious programmers no see but how many people know Russ probably a lot more right these days yeah I'll never understand how grub is as popular as it is refined is better yeah I mean refund I don't know if it's better it's another option because calamaris is very messy oh yeah and so he's saying you can consider using Jade from Crystal Linux I mean I don't know Crystal Linux I guess they have another installer Jade instead of calamari's I don't know and a lot of it would I don't would are they basing off of Crystal Linux because they're not basing off of Arch distro then it'd be a lot of work to make that thing they were basing off a Debian or something you know Debian and Arch under the hood are very different so be a lot of work involved something like that but I don't know I I don't know what Crystal Linux is should write that down since I don't know what it is might be something worth taking a look at some some point let's see get my uh my notes up here I'll make a note Crystal 1X hmm all right that's dtos use Wayland well there's nothing Wayland installed Q tile as weyland's support not Mike Utah no not the config that we're looking at um partly because I can't really test it if I wrote it to be used for Wayland again I have an Nvidia card at home on my home computer where I do all of this work where I actually play you know I just use this computer here at the office which has an AMD card I just use this mainly for coming up here and recording and you know actually doing stuff playing with stuff you know I do at home usually in the evenings on my home computer I can't use Wayland on that computer but if you go to the session here click on it it's really slow in this VM this animation that should pop up I don't know why it takes this long that's probably a issue with the driver the video driver here in the VM but uh q-tile Weyland is an option but with Mike and fig if you clicked on it tried to log in nothing's gonna happen there's nothing nothing gets installed with Wayland oh I didn't install Weyland anything any kind of Wayland packages in this video so it's just gonna be a black screen oh let's drop to a TTY if it'll let me well the vm's really Frozen up it's not even going to let me switch to the TTY I may just have to force it off which is fine we were here at the end of the stream anyway so uh Waylon what you'd have to do is you would have to install Wayland obviously you would also have to hopefully have your own q-tile config that you have already configured and you know works with Wayland before you install DDOS basically you could you couldn't use my config right and now at some point I may actually make it so it does or at least it's halfway usable with Wayland because qtol does have Waylon support so at least it's kind of future proof in that way like when Wayland is ready Qatar will work on Wayland um and people do run qtol in Wayland you'll find people online when I'm searching for Stuff futile related issues and things people are using Q2 on Weyland I'm not not on Nvidia though so yeah Crystal Linux is archbase in the back end of Jade is rust front end is Python and gtk okay well if it's Python and gtk that that's very easy to work with uh zero links DT don't touch Wayland I'm I didn't install Weyland on this eye so like it's one of those things if somebody knows their computer will work with Waylon their Hardware will work with Weyland and they're okay configuring can you tell to work with Weyland and they can go do that but just putting it on the iso knowing it's going to be broken knowing people are going to complain about it that's another thing by default Wayland would be the default session that appears in sddm I changed that so qutaw Waylon there's an option for it it's not the default you would have to go looking for it and again if you choose it you'll know it's not going to work not right now uh unless you make it work yeah host Grady I have someone simulated your situation by creating a bunch of files and wow it's slow as if yeah he's talking about the DM scripts the comp edit um I hate to run it on this stream because it may suck up a lot of CPU it would run forever though on this computer I'm not even gonna do it I was gonna demonstrate it I was going to launch that specific script it's just gonna run forever yeah I'm talking about forever it'll way longer than 10 minutes which is when I killed it the last time I tried to run it but you can see like CPU and RAM uses like it's trying to to collect all this data it's like two and a half gigs of data in a folder that that particular DM script is trying to cycle through so you can search through it that's a lot that's a lot for a demon you script uh all right a couple more minutes guys then I gotta get out of here DT have you ever tried g-ported live I have it's really weird and wacky Debian based distribution I don't know if it's weirdest it's for a live uh uh ISO it's it's a risk you distro it's not it's not meant to be used like a desktop distribution I don't know about it being weird it's just a a rescue Linux distribution there's a lot of them there's the g-parted live one there was a the system rescue CD was that Gen 2 based I don't know honestly I just use Ubuntu LTS as a live USB stick when I need a rescue State I always have a USB stick of Ubuntu LTS anyway because people want to try out Linux people want me to install Linux It's usually the one I'll put on a computer because it's just it just works and it's easy to use not Arch based right but the Ubuntu LTS USB stick works fine in rescue situations just like any Linux distribution let's see Ed have you tried out vertical vertigo as an alternative to Ivy I haven't he said it's more lightweight and works better maybe um maybe I'll try it at some point but yeah I've been using IV Ivy was kind of a default on do me Max when I started on doomi Max like four years ago and I think do me Max now has the ability to swap between some of those completion Frameworks but I'm just used to the some of the IV tools so I just stick with them [Music] as far as being lightweight I've never had a problem with anything I'm running with IV you know like being heavy or anything but I don't know see the comparison is like over a minute versus a few seconds that's host Grady still talking about the DM screws it's really really slow if it was over a minute then that's still a really small folder once you have a real history of stuff going on in dot config that particular script it's just not going to run anymore it's just it's going to be way too long for anybody to to wait and actually time all right guys well let me go ahead and get out of here I appreciate you guys uh before I go though one brief thing for those of you that wanted that ISO over on Source Force now this link is in the show description right go to files click on the iso download it I hover over it 52 of you guys have downloaded it well it was only like 20 of you guys that downloaded it before the stream started so a lot of you guys are downloading that ISO yeah try it in a virtual machine you know see if you like it no if you got test equipment install it you know whatever essentially at the end of the day it's mainly arch with just a few programs installed I mean it's got a the iso is three gigs but it's really not a lot of stuff installed you get kutel you get emacs some of my programs become script shell color scripts which aren't big packages at all um the bright browser I mean that's that's about all you get all right guys well thank you guys for hanging out in the chat as always you guys your comments your questions were always great before I go of course I need to thank the patrons I want to thank Daniel Gabe James Matt Paul Road West Armor Dragon commandering George Lee Mythos Nate area on Paul peace entrepreneur realities for Less real profit rolling Soul Saturday tools never working doing Ubuntu and Willie man some of these guys these names origin to in Ubuntu please tell me that's not your Christian name your mama did not name you or Gentoo in Ubuntu if she did oh uh I also want to thank each and every one of these fine ladies and gentlemen uh all these names you're saying on the screen yeah These Guys these guys are awesome and other than that these guys origin 2 and
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 17,604
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Id: mgqWBFHFdAc
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Length: 107min 15sec (6435 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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