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hello and welcome to Vancouver carpenter drywaller today for sure so today I'm gonna show you guys how I like to do my corners because a while back you guys asked me about the corner tools I use so in my kit here I have a bunch of tool and let's start with the flushers so this is a flusher knob careful they've got sharp edges right here I just accidentally cut myself putting my hand on one but this is a two and a half inch one and then we have a three inch one and then we have a three and a half inch one so the reason there's a hole in these ones is these ones are actually intended to have mud pushed out of them while you're finishing so you don't have to apply the mud first you can do it in one pass they don't work though so I actually just removed it and this one I left it on but these function as this one does which is just a plain normal flusher and it's kind of like a corner tool one of those winged tools you guys are talking about on a pole so we've got it on this pole here now in order to get the mud into the angle first I like to use a compound tube so it's just a giant my syringe water cannon in the summer I like squirting my kids with this thing it's hilarious but what we're going to use to that is this better than ever corner tool so it just looks like a little toy train but it actually rolls in the corner and applies mud both from this hole those holes and that holes so I use the two and a half or three inch for taping and I use the three and a half for finished coating and when you're taping you also use this to apply mud into the corner and then comes the corner roller so this is what makes the nice square corner and embeds the tape so I have a room with enough corners to justify using these so let's get in there and use them so forgive the crinkly noise there's plastic all over the floor but I've got my four inch nine and ten I've got a tape school tucked into my pocket got the tube roller and we are going to start with the three-inch blusher today so some days how I like to do this in fact most of the time I use my super taper and I just apply that wet sloppy tape into the corner and I go over it with a two and a half inch and it comes out adequate and it's very fast but this video we're going to be doing the best practices so let me show you the best results that this system can give so you need some really runny taping mud like it's got to be quite runny we get this like the giant mud syringe I don't have much in here so I'm going to tip my bucket it makes great sounds really flattering and I just applied them up in the corner and we'll take some close-ups of it in a minute and you just got to do the right pressure gonna be quick if you get the wrong amount of mud in it makes a huge mess or your tape doesn't stick a little light down there that should be good so I creased my tape like so so I also have any gaps in the corners pre-built there yeah I just put the tape in the corner let's take a look at that and see how it looks before we get to it you can see it just kind of lays the mud in there like so not too pretty so you can see the tape is now nicely creased and it's got that mud along the outside that's gonna cover the tape so when doing it this way I like the three-inch because I need a wider head to actually make sure I do a good job with all that mud there so in the bottom that wasn't actually that bad for a first pass then go one more down and we'll take a look so it actually leaves a really nicely feathered edge as you can see there's like virtually no edge there and it even puts a little bit of mud over top of the tape which is what you want you don't want to just wipe the mud out and just have a cleanly feathered edge you actually want mud over top of the tape cuz it's like a first coat and it leaves a mess in the corners we'll get to those in a minute so I'm now gonna go across the whole room [Music] I'd like to do the whole room at once yeah take the pin to get in touch of this when I heard somebody describe it as is it's like an accordion so you have to pull with this arm as you push with this one or it won't move so I usually do this part on stilts because it makes it a lot easier but I don't have them today when you get to the corner you take your four inch knife or whatever tear it makes a nice corner a in the middle because it's crap the roller is essential without the roller you just don't get crisp corners in my experience because the roller places that month right at the outside of the tape ready to just flush it so nicely and then a quick run around the room with this thing yes did we clean up the tops and bottoms it's just a quick wait so what we're going for is to have it all look like this nicely coated so when you have the right amount of mud that's what it looks like sometimes you don't have enough mud and it will look like this with a hard edge so that's just not enough mud but I'm okay with that today this is just a closet okay then we have a mesh like this what do we do with that so we do my 3-way corner wipe so I'm just really quickly I'm not going to spend much time in here I'm just gonna go wipe right hand side white right hand side white right hand side and I'm gonna walk away from that don't care about any of those lines at this point and on some of those really bad ones at this stage I might just take my knife and go like that just to make the next coat coat better look at that rusty knife brutal so these corners are mostly dry overnight they're actually a little bit wet but I find it super super important to actually sand my corners even though they look for that good they just need to be sanded really quickly so you're not picking up trash on your next pass so and it's a really quick sand [Music] for the final coat it needs to be super thin like ridiculously thin to get it to work nicely plug-in drills work super awesome too so that's then that's soupy and I'm even gonna give it just a little bit more watch when I mix you'll see this big sploosh come up there you go when you see those you know it's thin enough so look how runny this stuff is I mean like I'm work ibly ready but that's how you need it otherwise the edges don't feather well and it doesn't move nicely okay let's get the parting bud so yeah a little faster than by hand it's not as fast as some of those fancy tools like a mud runner but for the size jobs I do it's fantastic and I don't bother doing all these short little runs filmers tripping over stuff ok let's take a closer look so I'm a little out of practice with this thing but I've probably put the mud in just a tiny bit heavy in some spots right there is kind of perfect we'll see if it makes a giant mess then it's too heavy so I now have my three and a half inch flusher I used the 3 inch for betting the tape sometimes these long runs need a couple passes coming back yeah you're in the way this one's gonna be a mess so much in that corner so that is why capers are so messy you heard those drips all over the place well let's get a good close look so as you can see for the most part it really feathers that edge actually quite well it leaves a nice crisp corner in there it was pretty fast and easy okay so what do we do at that horrible mess so on the last one I used a four inch knife this time I'm using a five inch knife the last time I did all the right hand sides so this time I'm going to do all the left-hand sides and yeah one two three and I couldn't do the fine stuff while I was holding the camera but then you might just you know get in there and just go to not stuff like that but I'm gonna leave that because it's gonna scrape out and cope nicely for my last coat the last thing I do to complete my angles is I quickly run this sander which is a great sander into the corners and then after that it's a couple of quick passes on the edge with a regular pole sander just to feather down the edge and they're done in the only spot I really need to look over is where joints intersect in the corners it usually takes just a little bit of sponging to get out of little niblet so I may have left but corner tools I would say if you're doing any reasonable amount of drywall Corner tools are a fantastic investment they cut my time down so much they're the one tool I wouldn't do drywall without so as you can see the finished product looks really nice I've always been happy with it even though it's only about three inches I mean sure you can do it by hand and it can be like five inches out by knife but you know what I find this is adequate under almost every circumstance and the tool that really makes it is this corner roller without the corner roller it's not gonna be as square and is straight this is essential in the kit anyways that's how I like to do my corners and if you're looking for any of these tools I'll put the link in the description below thanks for watching Vancouver carpenter you want to support the channel do all those like subscribe things I hope this sheds a little light into how these tools get used if you use them differently let me know in the comments anyways thanks for watching you guys until the next video
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 178,698
Rating: 4.9148688 out of 5
Keywords: drywall, taping, mudding, inside, corner, tools, flusher, mud, tube, corner tools, angle head, corner roller, applicator, plaster, trowel, big, repair, hole, damage, fix, patch, spackle, tape, outside, skim, float, skimming, level 5, paint, painting, texture, knockdown, orange peel, skip trowel, spray, match
Id: 5rmnWPgczg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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