Star Citizen: Should you buy the RSI Zeus Mark II?

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hey guys young blood with you for your should you buy video on the newly released concept ship the RSI Zeus Mark I this is the Mark I because the ship is designed after and inspired by the legendary Zeus which in lore was a space shuttle esque design that was created and sold as the anyman spaceship now in lore the ship required a Quantum Drive that RSI also provided but the drive was so expensive that basically only billionaires could sponsor space flight and it wasn't really until Tarsus created a much cheaper alternative um that really opened the doors for long range flight that kind of forced rsi's hand into lowering the pricing of their drives so when you see the sales pagee praising RSI for this new Mark I following the tradition of accessibility um just remember that tarsis should really be included in that story um but none of that really matters that's lore um and sales tax tactics in a brochure or an ad what really matters is what the hell is the Zeus and is it worth your money well the Mark I is actually three different variants of the same ship with the es or the essential version claiming a robust radar package and enhanced weaponry and shielding which is for sale at $150 normal price or war bond at$ 135 which means all new money being spent the Mr or the Marquee or the mark depending on how you would like to say it um is also what I like to call the Zeus Mark 2 Mark which I now have to feel like I have to call it the Mark Mark um being more of a bounty hunting or a security version of the ship coming with an EMP and Quantum dampener priced at $190 credits or 170 war bond with the final version being the CL or the Clipper which is the Commerce or cargo focused hauler um priced at the same point is the es now while the versions are all different in their purpose and their intended role there's a lot of similar ities in the ships the size of the ships is 45 M long 34 M wide and 8 m tall which makes it long narrow kind of delta-shaped um really more reminiscent of the RSI Polaris than the original Zeus to my eye but it does share the same sweeping upward wings of the original Zeus all three variants have a crew size of three with a pilot seat and two support seats on the bridge that is almost a combination of the Polaris and the Andromeda immediately behind the cockpit area you have an air lock on the port side of the ship and in that area you have a storage suit for lockers if you need to go Eva now it isn't clear at this point if there's a weapons Rack in this area or not um but regardless just after of that area there appears to be a ladder or a lift to be able to get yourself on and off this ship and what looks to maybe be an engineering station a little bit further back is where we start running into our first difference in the interior layout of the ships um where you end up having uh um you know more that habitation area for your crew uh the es being essential has the most quote unquote wasted space um on board if you consider living areas with extra space to be unnecessary um the es has the largest space dedicated to the crew habitation area um this space seems to include bunks bathroom and kitchen area if I can make sense of the diagram of the internals of the ship the CL version has a smaller space dedicated to the crew um as that final wall is kind of pushed further towards the front of the ship to make for a much larger cargo area behind it while the Mr that combat version has a hallway behind the crew area um with a dedicated Armory position behind that space um along with a little hallway there so you're not getting as much crew living areas or as much cargo area um the mr's cargo area is is um is smaller overall and there's a couple different dedicated prisoner transport areas to help support bount hunting um while the es has a fairly open space in the cargo area just to you know carry I guess cargo it's essential there's not a whole lot going on there now I'm not actually sure what changes between the CL from the es to allow for about four times the cargo carrying ability since the size of the cargo hold that you gain on the ship doesn't even seem to be twice what the es starts with so it'll be interesting to see how that evolves over time with either stats changes or ship design or arbitrary limitations the last note on the layout and design is that they all have a large ramp that drops from the rear for loading um and it looks like the ship could easily support transporting a ground vehicle but what size we just don't know yet if we want to look at all the components the story is Muddy because the stats page is often wrong um sometimes the brochures that get released are wrong as well uh and more normal than I would like they are conflicting um or at odds with each other um we also just have sizes we we don't have any specific components yet so where we think we have shared components between all of these ships would be all three having two size two power plants two size two coolers two size two fuel tanks and allegedly having single size two computers Quantum tanks and Quantum drives there are a few areas that there are differentiations um the first being with shields where the es brings four size two Shields which is a very robust Shield package especially considering it's not that much larger than a Vanguard which is a dedicated combat ship but this has double The Shield pool of the Vanguard so I kind of expect that to get tuned down to some degree um but that's a little bit complicated because the other two variants have three size two Shields which is still a lot so you know do you shift them all down by one and then how is that different from some of the other competition that's out there um it's just kind of a sticky spot for the ship um all three versions are listed on the stats page as having large Radars but I'm pretty confident based on the brochure that only the es has the size three radar um as it sold as being enhanced where the other two will likely have you know a size two radar um that size three component would be um a size above the ship which would make it noteworthy this is really more of a size 2 ship with a size three component uh additionally to support the exploration role of the es it also comes with a single size three hydrogen fuel um Range as compared to the two medium hydrogen fuel tanks that we on the Mr and the CL and what that means in actuality it's hard to know but if we're comparing something like the caterpillar which has a single large fuel tank and what seems to be a small ancillary tank as well that may be for the Breakaway cockpit um overall its hydrogen capacity is about 2 1.2 million if we look at the Aila which comes with two medium tanks it's just over 1 million on hydrogen capacity so the difference is very meaningful by moving to a single large tank for your overall range capabilities on the Es as compared to two mediums that the other models offer the last component difference I want to call out would be in the world of jump modules um which doesn't really matter yet but as we have other systems coming in it will be important at some point and Pyro is coming soon but the Mr is shown in the stats Pages having a medium module as compared to a small one on the es and the CL what that means and if it's accurate or not I have no idea but did want to point it out because that may be something in the future from a weapons perspective the pilot controlled Weaponry on all of them is the same placing it all at two size four fixed hardpoints um the turret which is remote controlled from the cockpit seat not pilot controlled either has two size three weapons or two size two hard points um I don't think that I've seen it clarified but the information is a little bit muddy at best um what we do know though is that the Mr variant has an additional um remote turret added in in giving you better coverage and doubling the either size two or size three weapons that you have on the turrets now can both turrets be used at the same time um I think that's an easy assumption assuming you have your cockpit filled with three people um but without that I'm guessing you would have to swap between the remote turrets if you only have somebody flying and somebody using the turrets but you never know uh DMR also has an em and a Quantum dampener to help facilitate capturing bounties with the sizing capabilities and range of these two devices not being known at this point um it is known though that this ship does not bring a Quantum snare to pull people out of quantum so you're still relying on something like the Mantis for that but if you're trying to bounty hunt and if you can get close you can prevent them from making the jump away from you the last piece of special Hardware um and difference to discuss is that the cl comes with a tractor beam that can help you to increase the speed and efficiency of cargo loading and unloading so as we start start the decisioning process let's talk a little bit more about each variant and what ships I personally think it might be competing against to try and assess value of the offering um starting off with the es version it has an eye for exploration with a little flare for combat it has a crew of three so you're probably in the freelancer to Constellation range for comparison and for that we should probably look at the dur and the Aila but considering the price of the Aila it's a lot more ship that also comes with a snub so I think the dur is really the best comparison Point both of those ships um being the es and the dur um and honestly the Aila they all have enhanced radar Suites to allow for better exploration abilities um I think the pilot controlled Weaponry is in favor of the dur um for better damage output while the shields on the Es are double that of the dur which is a tremendous asset uh cargo ability for the es is 32 which turns out to be about four more than the dur um I also think that the ramp on the back of the es will probably probably be an improvement over the non-max freelancer variant ramps um and I also think that the prices are close enough that if I'm picking the es should have more range more Shields more cargo larger radar and a better design if I'm being frank to where if you were already sold on the dur for your ship then I think the es is definitely worth considering an upgrade to now if we look at the Mr variant we're now talking about an almost $200 combat ship that leans more towards bounty hunting um which is good because it doesn't really sell me tremendously well um on being equipped for just fighting um the real specialty that it brings is that combination of the EMP and the dampener and a really compared to that combo you're primarily bumping up against the $210 Scorpius anares now if you look at just combat ability um in more of a dog fighting perspective the anaras is going to far surpass this ship in being more agile and having better pilot controlled weapons um but with those capacitor changes the turret Gunners that you bring along make a significant difference and if you can manage manage to equip both of them it will make things interesting from a damage output model now I have to assume that the speed of the Mr will be less than that of the anies and the anies is pretty quick um and will mean that it's going to have a harder time keeping targets dampened to prevent them from getting out of range and jumping I think the primary reason that you would need to consider the Mr though is that it's more of a Do-it all itself type of ship um the anies has those two devices but the Mr has storage which supports The Spoils of War as well as just outright piracy um the Mr has holding cells for prisoners um which both of those tend to indicate that the antaris is more of a support ship or more of a fighter than an actual Bounty Hunter other ships that are worth considering here um would be like the cutless blue which has better Firepower than the Mr um at least for the pilot but no EMP um but it does bring the holding cells as well as another ship like the hawk which has a single holding cell and an EMP but it lacks size um cargo and the dampener overall in this role the Mr is probably the most well-rounded of the bounty hunting group right um even if it's not the most effective at any of those particular aspects if I'm personally picking a bounty hunting ship my favorite is still going to be the cutless blue as I see the EMP being probably the most disposable item on this list especially knowing that you can reach a lot of the same results by opting for Distortion weapons um and it is very effectively used as a solo ship um but the ER or the Mr is absolutely worth some consideration the last one to talk through is the CL which might be the one that's making me think about the hardest U because I currently have a freelancer Max and the max is easily one of my favorite midsize haulers in the game the max at some point was hinted at being the largest ship that can utilize the smallest jump points and at 38 M long 34 wide and 9 and 1/2 tall the Max and the CL are kind of within the margin of error to where the CL may be able to fit into the same category as the max the max carries 122 Su of cargo compared to 128 on the CL so there's a slight advantage to the new ship um I prefer the Weaponry on the max but again the CL gets the advantage and durability with the extra shield um I also think that based on two size two fuel tanks that the cl probably almost doubles the hydrogen range of the max while it does share the same size Quantum tanks um so that range probably doesn't change much the CL gets the tractor beam that the max doesn't have by default and overall just appearance and design I personally think the Zeus is a lot more appealing to look at um and may be more agile and controllable in an atmospheric environment I think the big wild card when I look at these is going to be the vehicle carrying ability on the CL we know the max is one of the better vehicle haulers in the game and can bring everything from urses and below and multiple of them um in depending on the ceiling height which the max is a taller ship than the Zeus you may have less flexibility in hauling vehicles around we won't know that for a while but depending on what vehicles you bring along usually the max may end up being a better bet for you so with all of that information out of the way and some early comparisons of what I think are likely Challengers should you buy Aus Mark I I actually like the pricing on these ships for the most part and I think they offer good capabilities in return um so that return on your investment is pretty strong uh I would say if the cargo is your game and you prefer running over fighting then I think the CL is a really easy yes and offers a lot of ship for the money especially if you're less concerned about fitting vehicles on board from a combat perspective if bounty hunting is the focus I still prefer the blue um but the Mr is a solid performer that offers the ability to do a lot of aspects um if you just want to use it for fighting and not capturing I think there's far better options than the Mr finally the es with the fourth Shield which which if it stays is a tremendous benefit from a smaller Explorer category honestly I think the es offers a lot of function at a competitive price and probably outperforms the dur which I would have previously considered to be best in class so yeah I do I think there's a place for each variant as long as you know what you're looking for and how you want to do it and what these ships do well and the pricing is you know competitive enough so another final note before we wrap this up was that we've been talking about three variants being the esmr and cl um there is a possibility of a fourth variant coming out that's not just speculation but some of the examples shown during citizen con had a branded stus U that could have been art that could be a Hint it could just be a name that one of these other versions started out as having um but long story short it doesn't really mean anything for sure and it's not available now so it doesn't really matter at this point it's just worth calling out so with that out of the way that's it for now if you have questions please get them into the comments share impressions of your own otherwise have yourselves a wonderful day take [Music] care
Channel: STLYoungblood
Views: 61,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen news, star citizen review, star citizen how to, star citizen guide, star citizen ships, universe, star citizen evocati, patch, space game, STLYoungblood, star citizen beta, star citizen tips, star citizen tricks, best ships, star citizen 4.0, star citizen 3.20, star citizen 3.19, star wars, best space game 2023, star citizen leaks, which ship, how to, tutorial, guide, help, star citizen 2023, starfield, ES, MR, CL, cargo, bounty
Id: Yx6r_kAqCO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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