Dry pour concrete pad. Stamped concrete.

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all right what's up YouTube so I live in a rant house we had some issues with the back of the house the previous owner had a dog and it dug out a bunch of holes right next to the house so it's always holding water so my landlord's like hey if you want to put something in there to fix it I'll take it off the rent so cool guy anyway so I said Hey what if we put in a patio you know I'll do all the labor on it you can just pay for the materials he said cool take it off the rent so I've been watching this uh Cajun Country Living on YouTube here I was looking for cheap patio ideas and and ran across their page but they're doing what's called dry pour concrete so I've dealt with concrete in the past but I've never done a dry pour I've never heard of such a thing I mean I've put dry Concrete in in the hole in the ground to set a post but you know I never really thought about doing a slab that way but anyway so I spent all day yesterday working on this thing but uh by myself because I have no friends but anyways um I rented a tiller tilled up the ground scraped it all out you know flattened it leveled it with a little bit of a slope set my forms and then I you know I've seen what they've been doing you know with the they they set the concrete in there screed it off and then hit it with a paint roller to smooth it out looks like a great finish so I thought but you know I kind of want something different I like the look of stone so I I bought one of those uh those Stone forms that looks like flagstone kind of I don't know they're like 27 bucks at Lowe's or whatever over with the SAT Creek but anyway so I ended up this pad took 75 bags of concrete 80 pound bags and then I had it delivered so with buying that many bags you get a discount so all in all I've got like 450 dollars in concrete and delivery the stamp thing or the form was like 27 bucks I've got a little bit of money and some Lumber but I'm like under 500 bucks I think on this pad but I really like how it turned out I should have done some more videos while I was working on it but anyways I finished it last night I got it misted down I was up till about 1 30 in the morning putting shower coats on once an hour but uh and then today it started to rain so they say that rain on concrete once it's set up is good for it but anyway here's the finished product though it's still in the forms but I did this yesterday and it's been raining on it today but I absolutely love the look of it I mean that's that's freaking awesome I mean I really like it it's I don't know but for 500 bucks I mean that's that's an awesome patio I'm totally excited but check out Cajun Country Living they're the only ones that I've seen on on YouTube that are doing it the right way that it actually looks good you see a lot of trolls and haters or whatever doing dry pores and down talking them or whatever but the finish on this is great like I said it's that's an awesome patio extension here for this house I'm gonna end up at the back over here I'm gonna put a a dry snack fireplace but that's gonna be another like I don't I've got the materials in my carpet Lowe's and it's like 350 bucks for the concrete block to do a fireplace at the end of it and then on the corners I'm gonna do a one about here another one here another one here I'm gonna get some whiskey barrel flower pots set some posts in there do some of these LED lights I'm gonna string those between the posts and then have a nice little outdoor space I do have a spot you know between those two windows over here I've got a uh a projector screen and we throw it up there but I figured that'd be cool with a fireplace on the end we got the projector screen up we can sit out watch movies by the fire and just make an awesome entertaining space but for 500 bucks come on man that's awesome y'all have a good day don't be afraid to try that yourself it's easy
Channel: Rustybeard
Views: 25,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mNFm16W_xls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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