3 Apps For Logic Pro You Should Try Right Now

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hey friend chris vandiver here from wylogicprorules.com the website that helps you get the most you can out of apple's logic pro today i want to share with you three third-party applications that are not super expensive but can dramatically improve your workflow within logic pro and we're not talking plugins we're not talking eq or compressors or anything else these are apps that live in the background but greatly enhance your experience in logic and not only that there's actually an exclusive offer by one of these companies specifically to whitelogic per rules subscribers and readers so stick around for that at the end of this video cool let's dig right into this number one let me ask you have you ever wished that you could just type in the name of a plugin you're thinking of a plugin you want to load and instead of doing all the menu diving that we're accustomed to in logic you just type in the name of that plug-in it automatically loads up and you're off to the races you know the menu diving that we're all accustomed to where you have to click on the audio effects or instrument or midi effects section and then go diving through menus if any of us have a lot of waves plugins or universal audio or anything like that that's a lot of stuff to have to sift through just for that one plugin that you're already thinking about well now you can thanks to the application plug search by the developer speaker food instead of doing all this menu diving all you have to do is hover your mouse over the audio effects section or the midi effects or even the instrument effects and then press ctrl and just like that a menu pops up with all of our plugins so you just type in the name of a plugin you're thinking of so i'm going to go with amp designer and just like that there it is hit return or enter and an automation occurs that automatically loads that plugin into the audio effects for this channel strip and now we're just going no having to dive through menus anymore for the plug-in you're already thinking about the same can be applied to midi effects so control just like that we can pick the arpeggiator or if we get rid of the electric piano ctrl and let me search for something like the es2 this is so amazing i know this is a function that many of us have been waiting for in logic but in the meantime until it's natively implemented speaker food has the very cheap plug search to get us going even better let's say that we have a track that's in mono and we would like to instantiate a plug-in in stereo on that mono track well just press command while hovering your mouse over the audio effects and just like that we'll pick the stereo delay plugin and now stereo delay has been loaded as a mono to stereo instance and the same can occur as well for dual mono plug-ins so if i just hover my mouse again press command and let's go with stereo delay again it loads right up and it's in a dual mono format so we can just double check right here and lastly we can even remove a plug-in just by hovering our mouse over that plug-in or instrument or midi effect and just press ctrl and it's removed i mean how freaking amazing is that and you can see that plug search is living right up here in my taskbar it runs in the background so when you have logic open that's when it's functioning and the setup for this is so easy you just go to logic pro go to preferences go down to plugin manager and you can see right here that i have a folder called plug search we'll just remove this folder now all you have to do is go up here in the category section create a new folder and name it plug search and then we go to show all plugins and right in this section here command a to select everything every plugin that you have on your system and you drag it right into the plug search menu and this is how plug search finds all the different plugins on your system through this one folder so now that we're set up it's super easy once again just control and we'll look up something like decapitator from sound toys and beautiful there it is number two on our list let me ask you have you ever wished that logic offered more of a clip gain style of region gain adjustment so if we go to this audio track here go to the region section and we just turn these off you know the gain parameter right here that allows us to adjust the gain of different regions so if we split these two up maybe i want to adjust this region relative to this region because you have a violin performance or a vocalist or a bassist or whatever and they get very loud they get very quiet at other times and you want to stabilize the volume across the performance but unfortunately logic doesn't offer us any sort of clip gain style of adjusting level we always have to select a region go to the region inspector well once again developer speaker food provides us another application that runs in the background called gain control and what it does is is that you can assign specific key commands or even external controller assignments to adjust the gain of a region either plus one or minus one or plus three or minus three if we take a look at the application right up here we can go to preferences and we can see here that i've assigned key commands for plus one minus one plus three minus three and even setting our region back to its default state without any gain adjustments so i'm using key commands command shift up or down to adjust by plus one or minus one option shift command up or down for plus three or minus three and command shift zero to reset the gain adjustments for a region and again you can set some mini controls as well so let's see this in action let's take a listen to this violin performance here [Music] okay so we get a sense obviously these are a little quieter so let's split this up i'm going to use shift command up and just start bumping this up or down relative to the other regions so now we can take a listen to that [Music] so let's try bumping this down right there shift command down this is my key command that i've set i'm using increments of plus or minus one [Music] pretty cool or we can jump in three so shift option command oh yeah and if we want to reset all these regions check it out i'm just going to hold shift command 0 which is the one that i specified and sets it right back to gain of zero no longer do you have to jump between selecting a region going to the region inspector adjusting and then you know listening and then clicking on the next region then adjusting instead you can just assign key commands or midi controllers to make these adjustments so now you can just quickly and successfully adjust the gain across an entire performance much like clip gain in other daws major workflow enhancement in logic i love this now the last application that i want to share with you is called cherry live lite let me ask you have you ever wished that you could easily and automatically let others know in your vicinity that you're in the middle of a recording have you ever had a situation where you're recording and then somebody walks in or makes a loud noise or you know they're just not aware that you are getting some creative work done and they interrupt that work well now you can thanks to cherry live light connecting with philips hue light bulbs and other devices if we take a look right in the taskbar here we have another application running in the background cherry live light and what it does is it connects to your hue light bulbs via a hue bridge and you can specify which light bulbs which lamps which devices are going to be connected to cherry live light and then we set the color for each of the lights what's going to happen is is we're going to set a control surface within logic for a recording light and once you hit record all of your philips hue light bulbs and devices will change to the color that you specify in this case it's going to be red so my light bulbs are going to turn red to let folks know in my vicinity hey i'm recording right now it's an easy automatic clear indication of what you're up to in your studio cool so in the app itself you know i've set light one and two i have a color of red and now if we go up to logic pro go to control surfaces setup right here i have a recording light but let's just delete it for now so we're just going to delete it and now we're going to go to new install recording light we're going to add that and then under output port we're going to set this to cherry and i just want to specify if we go to safari here you need the bridge this is required regardless if your light bulbs are able to connect to your phone or anything else you need the bridge for cherry live light to work and then i recommend obviously that you get some of the light bulbs that change colors and then you're off to the races so what we're going to do is is i'm going to mute this track i'm going to record enable this track right here so i need to set an input for it and in fact let's just get rid of that let's just do a midi track because it's easy and when i hit record my philip hue lights in my studio are going to turn red and i'll bring up a camera feed right now of some of the lights in my studio so you can see what's going to happen when i hit record remember cherry live light just runs in the background we've set it up as a control surface so it's good to go i'm going to hit record we're gonna see the lights change check it out i'm gonna hit stop and my lights return to the color that was specified within the philips hue app this is so awesome because you can set up lights all over your house or your studio so if anybody's entering the studio or walking by the room that you're working in or if they're just walking into the house you can let those passerbys know that you're in the middle of a recording session so easy this is a once and done type of thing and in fact the developers of cherry live light have been so cool to offer the first 20 why logic pro rules subscribers or readers who buy cherry live light to use the coupon code logic rules 15 to get 15 off of cherry live light when they purchase now i just want to bring to your attention if we go back to safari it is kind of difficult in the app to identify where you add the coupon it's right here your total is 50 bucks add coupon right here and then move on to paying with your card or paypal these three apps are just so fantastic being able to deep dive into plug-in menus just type in the name that you're thinking and boom it's there the ability to make gain adjustments more so like clip gain features of other daws and also the awesome implementation of using philip hue lights as a recording light without having to dig into midi switches and getting really technical about it so i hope that was helpful for you if it was as always i highly recommend subscribing to the youtube channel why logic pro rules for subscribing on the website itself ylogicprorules.com every week i'm posting new videos new emails and posts to help you get the most you can out of apple's logic pro thanks so much
Channel: Why Logic Pro Rules
Views: 37,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logic pro x, logic pro, audio, audio production, apple, mixing, audio mixing, recording, audio recording, 3 Apps For Logic Pro You Should Try Right Now, speakerfood, cherry live light, plug search, gain control, why logic pro rules
Id: fu4EUNwmRws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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